My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 336

Chapter 0336 Selena’s eyes widened, but it felt almost theatrical. “You don’t trust your mate?” she whimpered, pushing her lower lip out in a pout. “How could you say that? I’ve never done anything except love you!” But I knew that she was lying. That voice in the back of my mind, that part of me that was free from the fog... That part of me knew that she had done something horrible. I wished that I could remember all of it, but I could only remember the looming feeling of dread and panic. I knew I was her prisoner somehow, but I couldn’t quite remember why.

Selena sniffled and whimpered a little more, but I wouldn’t hear any of it. I

took another step back, my eyes shifting over to the woods, toward freedom. Somehow, I knew that I needed to get out, and that help was out there. I couldn’t explain why, or who, but I knew that I just needed to run and then everything would be okay.

But then, Selena’s face suddenly shifted and twisted into a deep, dark scowl. The candlelight flickered across her blood-stained face, making it appear as though she was wearing some sort of horrifying mask.

“Get him,” she snarled.

Before I even had time to react, the witch shot forward. She moved way too fast for an old woman, so fast her entire body was a blur. I felt her wrinkled, gnarled hands wrap around

my wrists and she yanked me back into the hut with too much force for an old woman.

“Put him in the circle.” Selena pointed to the circle of chalk, where the lamb and a bowl of its blood laid.

The witch threw me down. My body felt heavy, like it was full of bricks, and I almost felt as though some invisible force was pinning me down in the center of the circle. No matter how hard I struggled, the force only became heavier, and during those moments I felt like the lamb.

“If I can’t have you,” Selena said, picking the bloody knife that was used to kill the lamb up off the ground, “then no one can have you.” While the witch stood nearby with a grin on her face, Selena stood over me,

the knife glinting in the candlelight. I felt the lamb’s blood begin to trickle over to my hand as the pool around the poor little thing grew. Its blood was still warm, viscous, and within a few moments mine would be mixed with it.

“Fio... Please,” I begged, urging my wolf to wake up. “I need you.” “Aw, he looks so scared,” Selena said as she stared down at me. “It’s okay.

It'll only hurt for a few seconds. I'll make it quick.” How did it come to this? All along, I thought that Selena was my mate... But she was far from it. She was evil. She wasn’t just a werewolf; she was a witch. The most horrible combination... Too much power in one person's hands. That was why

supernaturals weren't allowed to become witches. It was too dangerous.

“Fio,” I begged again. “Wake up. Wake up now. Please.” Suddenly, I felt a flicker of hope. Fio heard me. As Selena lowered herself over me, straddling me on the floor as she brandished the knife, I felt my wolf beginning to wake up.

Selena leaned down, planting one final kiss on my lips before she would sacrifice me along with the lamb...

But Fio woke up.

I felt myself shift beneath her.

“Shit!” Selena yelled. “He's gonna shift! Stop him!” But it was too late for them to stop me.

My wolf's power was already surging through me. I used my wolf's strength to throw Selena off of me, sending her to the floor with a thud, and I bolted out the door and into the dark night. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

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