My Hockey Alpha

Chapter 329

Chapter 0329 Nina When Enzo disappeared with Selena, I felt my heart begin to shatter into a million pieces. For the second time in the past few weeks, I had lost him again and now I wasn’t sure if I could ever get him back. Selena’s claws had sunk deep into his mind, and it seemed that her spell had taken a strong enough hold on him that even looking at me and seeing my pain didn’t cause him to recognize me in the slightest.

Lori and Jessica held me tightly as I sobbed on the forest floor. I could hear Matt shouting, but I couldn’t make out what he said over my sobs; but he sounded just as angry as I felt, and

when I cracked my eyes open, I could see that tears were streaked down Lori and Jessica’s faces as well. = “Don’t worry,” Jessica said, sliding her hands under my back and helping me to sit up. “We'll find him. I promise.” I'shook my head as I sat up and pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs in an upright fetal position. “It’s too late,” I said, my chest heaving with silent sobs as tears continued to stream down my dirt- caked face. “I can’t open a portal. And Selena’s magic is too powerful... I won't stand a chance against her.” "Lori frowned. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, another familiar voice called to me from behind her, causing all of us to

jerk our heads up. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“You're giving up already?” Luke said.

He was standing at the edge of the clearing. His hands were balled up into tight fists at his sides, and as he stormed closer to me, I could see that his face was red and he was shaking slightly with what looked like anger.

“You can’t just give up like that.” I stared up at him with an open mouth, still clutching my knees to my chest.

“What the hell am I supposed to do, Luke?” I responded. “He’s gone.

Selena took him. And she'll just kill me anyway if I try to take him back again.” Luke silently stared at me for several long, palpable moments. The air between the five of us was so thick it could be cut with a knife, and I felt as

though my lungs couldn’t even take in any oxygen from the weight of it all.

“I can open a portal for you,” Luke said finally, his face softening and his hands uncurling. “I can get you there before it’s too late. You still have time.” I stood then, shaking my head vigorously. “Your disguise,” I said, gesturing to him. If he opened a portal, it would ruin his disguise, and I knew how important it was to him to feel human again. I never wanted to take that away from him.

Luke rolled his eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you?” he said. “This is more important. You're more important. I knew that there was something special about you from the

PEE a oo To moment I met you. You're not just an ordinary human, and you’re not even just an ordinary werewolf. You're the missing daughter of the Alpha King; the daughter that the Crescents were supposed to kill twenty years ago.” “What does my lineage have to do with anything?” I asked.

“You've seen Selena’s power,” Luke replied, sounding almost annoyed at my incompetence. “You have the same powers. You're possibly even stronger.

I didn’t want to tell you this until I was absolutely certain, but that witch who helped me... She told me about a prophecy. ‘The missing sister will save the kingdom and unite the races together.” Humans, werewolves, undead... All of us. If you give up now, the Crescents will have their way.”

My eyes widened. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “If my fate was to stop the Crescents, why didn’t they kill me when they had the chance twenty years ago?” Luke was silent for a moment. My friends shifted uncomfortably on their feet, staring at the two of us as tensions rose. Everything felt like it was moving too slowly and too quickly at the same time; with every moment wasted, Enzo was being taken further and further away from me.

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