My Bad Boy's Gang

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

"Now if she does it like this. Will you do it like that? Now if she touches like this. Will you touch her right

back? Now of she moves like this. Will you move like that? Come on, Shake, Shake, Shake it" I heard

a voice singing as I came put behind the corner of the wall.

I looked to see Marley and Eve washing dancing and singing around the kitchen as they washed the

dishes. Eve jumped up and down and her blond hair bounced around her.

"2007?" I asked as I walked into the room, and Marley and Eve stopped then looking at me. Marley

cleared her throat and tucked a piece of hair behind her hair.

"Yeah..we were the wannabe scene girls but mom's wouldn't let us cut our hair to a fringe" Eve

chuckled "What about you?"

"Eh..I was 9 and in modeling so I was never allowed" I said as I thought back to being tormented by

flashing cameras and directors for hair and makeup.

They both chuckled and the door opened. I looked to see James walk in, and I immediately turned

around and started walk out once our eyes met.

"Rain-" He started and I didn't hear the rest once I walked out of the kitchen and slammed the door

shut behind me.

"Rain. Stop. We need to talk" James voice approached again and he walked behind me.

"I don't want to talk to you, asshole" I said stern, without looking back at him. I walked down the halls

and down a staircase to go to the room I was assigned.

James then grabbed my wrist and whirled me around then pinning me back up against the wall. My

breath faltered and his chest pressed up against mine.

His green Hazel eyes met mine and I swallowed a lump in my my throat. James blinked repeatedly a

few times and he stared down at me as he kept a hand by my head so I couldn't go anywhere.

"You really don't remember me..." He whispered audible for me to hear. I gave him a confused look


"You don't remember me.." He trailed off, looking down at the ground for a moment. "Remember you

from what?" I asked completely confused "I've never met you in my life."

"Rain.." He sighed, looking up a me, pressing his lips in a thin tight line "Group Therapy."

"How'd you know I went to group Therapy?" I asked still confused out of my mind as to what he was

talking about. "Because we were in the same group" James stated.

"What? No we weren't" I shook my head at him. "Does Porter ring a bell?" He asked and my eyes

snapped up to his.

My eyes widened and I froze "What?!" "My my names James Porter Landlock....I went by Porter at the

time because I didn't want anyone to recognize me."

"No, no, no..You can't be Porter. Porter and I were friends, I know Porter. He moved to Italy when

he-...." I started to trail off then looking up at James.

"You once snuck out a midnight with your friends and went to Walmart just to dance in the parking lot to

30H!3 hits while dressed in a banana costume" He said to prove it was him.

I chuckled at the memory of that and then looked at James "It really is you.."


"Jax, I don't need to go to this" I argued for the 88th time today "I'm perfectly fine. I don't need to talk to

some strangers about my life."

"Sis, you need this. You have to let it out somehow, and if you talk to people in your same kind of

situation, they'll understand" Jax stated as he pulled into the parking lot.

"I have friends you know. I can talk to them" I huffed as I slumped in my seat. "Marilyn and Kayla don't

understand what's going on. They have perfectly happy family's" Jax narrowed his eyes at me.

"That's not true" I protested "Kayla's mom is always on business trips." "But she comes home" Jax cut


"Now go. You're going to be late" Jax nodded towards the building. I rolled my eyes then opening the

passenger door and getting out as I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

I fixed my stupid ugly uniform and walked inside the building where there were people sitting in the

waiting area. I went up to the main desk and signed my name in then taking a seat somewhere.

I sighed then staring up at the ceiling and waiting as I was already bored out of my mind.


" about you tell us something about yourself" The councilor; Lisa said. I threw my head

back and stared up at the ceiling bored, and crossed my legs.

"Uh.." A voice said and I looked to see who it was "I'm Porter, I'm 16...and I hate my parents." I put a

hand over my mouth and looked away as a tried not to laugh but it escaped my mouth anyways.

Everyone looked at me and Lisa sent me a look " there a problem here?" I shook my head as I

pressed my lips together "No, not a problem at all."

I felt eyes on me and I looked to see Porter staring at me intensely. He had green Hazel eyes and

blond hair, was built and he was in a black t-shirt with jeans.

He had a busted lip and bruises that were fading in different places. "Porter you may continue" Lisa

said as she looked back at him.

"My mom's a alcoholic, dad's a drug addict. Both of them have relapsed and are abusive. I was taken

away and put in foster care with fucking horrible foster parents. One night my mom hit me with a

baseball bat, my dad pushed me down the steps and told me to get out; so I did. I lived on the streets

and honestly that was better then the shithole I live in now" He scoffed as he clenched his jaws "You

know I wish I was a rich kid...They have it all."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that Porter..Does anyone have something to say? Some advice?" Lisa asked as

she looked around the circle of kids with messed up lives.

I raised my hand and she looked at me and nodded "Yes. Rain." I turned to Porter and said bluntly

"Fuck you."

"RAIN!" Lisa exclaimed "You're 14, that language is not necessary." I rolled my eyes then looking at

Porter "Just because someone has money doesn't mean they have it all. My mom's a fashion designer,

my dad was a lawyer and now a Sheriff. My dad's abusive and a alcoholic and tried to shoot my mom

right in front of me. One day I woke up with a note taped on the kitchen counter from my mom saying

that she left for California and breakfast was in the fridge. Does it seem like I have it all to you?"

Porter clenched his jaw and stared at me before a smirk appeared on his lips.

After that we clicked and did everything together, we were inseparable at times. "Porter" lived in the

Bronx and I wasn't allowed to go down there by myself considering I was only 14.

One day Porter declined all my calls and messages. Days went by and I didn't hear from him then on

the news I saw that they found a dead body at the crime scene and said it was Porter.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked in a whisper as I was still in a state of shock "I thought you died.."

"I just thought you knew....The minute I saw you, I knew it was you because you had the same beautiful

piercing blue eyes" James stated as he stared down at me.

Not gonna lie, I did have a crush on "Porter" when we were friends, but the age difference seemed

weird at the time since he was 16 and a junior, I was only 14 and a freshman.

I shook my head "No..No it can't be you, Porter died. The police found his body from the shooting."

James denied "No Rain. They found some guy and thought it was me because I ran away from a foster

home and there was search warrants for me. They just jumped to conclusions and said it was me."

"And what about Italy?" I asked confused. "I did move to Italy, I met Zeke and took me in."

"Then that means I thought you were moving to Italy and that's why you ignored my calls, then you

were shot dead" I whispered to myself as I tried to remember what I thought a couple years ago "Oh

my God."

I looked up at James and he blinked at me slowly a few times. I wrapped my arms around me as I

stood up straight and he slipped his arms around me to return the hug.

I buried my face into his shoulder and closed my eyes shut as tight as possible. "I missed you so much"

James whispered into my ear.

* * * * * * * *

I was grabbed and slammed down against a flat surface that was wooden by Cato and Gunner.

Gunner strapped me down and I swallowed a lump in my throat as they strapped my arms above my

head so I couldn't move and Archer smirked as he walked in.

We were in a room that had cement walls and floors, a huge glass window that overlooked the city, and

it easy pretty empty.

"This is something I like to do to all my victims" Archer smirked "It's fun for entertainment."

Everyone was in the room standing to the sides, and I blinked slowly as I stared up at the ceiling,

knowing this wasn't going to be good.

"See my father was a army sergeant, and he had to come over all weaknesses. So they put him

through this technique called waterboarding" Archer explained as he approached closer to me.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I internally screamed because I knew what waterboarding was. I started

pulling on the rope that had me tied down to the wooden board and squirming in my spot.

"You'll feel the sensation of drowning and suffocation. We have a few questions we'd like to ask you,

but you wouldn't answer them without force. Now, we're going to ask you a question and if you don't

answer will put the cloth over you until you answer it. It's quite simple, understand?" Archer smirked

evily as he clasped his hands together.

"Gunner" Archer snapped his fingers. The lights then turned off and a huge one appeared on me; one

that was almost blinding.

Cato got a soaked cloth ready and Gunner got buckets of water. "1st question" Archer started "Where

is all weapons for Crusades hidden?"

I pressed my lips in a thin line and I swallowed a lump in my throat, because I was never suppose to

tell where all our weapons were hidden.

"No answer?" Archer asked, then sighing "Guess will do this the hard way."

Cato then put the soaked cloth over my face and Gunner started pouring water on me. I squeezed my

eyes shut under the cloth and gripped the rope that was tied around my wrist.

Water poured and poured for what seemed forever and my lungs started fill up to point where I couldn't


Torture was an understatement. It wasn't so much painful but it was a kind of pain that you only can

come over by trying not think about it.

I started to choke on water and couldn't swallow the water down so it stayed in my lungs as more water

poured and poured on top.

"Off" I heard a voice say and it belonged to asshole #2 aka Archer. Cato took the cloth off my face and

my eyes opened as I gasped for air.

"We're going to ask you another question..something a bit more personal. I mean you are the one that

knows Ryker Anderson the best" Archer smirked widely, and I swallowed a lump in my throat.

I glanced over as much as a I could and James was standing up against a wall with his jaw clenched

and fist clutched as Taylor was restraining him back because she knew that if he tried to stop this;

they'd shoot him in a heartbeat.

"How are these girls related to Ryker?" Archer asked as he showed me a picture of Faith and Melanie.

"I've never seen them in my life" I lied, because if they found Melanie and Faith they would kidnap them

to get to Ryker.

Archer's eyebrows shot up in amusement and he started "Alright. Next question: Where are Ryker's


"Dead.." I trailed off, and Archer's head snapped towards me "She's lying. Cato, Gunner; you know

what to do."

Cato put a cloth over my face and Gunner started to pour the water again. I struggled under the grip of

the rope and tried to scream but if I did water would fill my lungs.

Words couldn't describe how I felt. I was becoming dizzy and lost feeling in my arms, and almost if I

was about to collapse.

Panic started to come over me. I couldn't see anything, couldn't hear because everything was an echo,

and couldn't breath.

"ENOUGH!" A voice shouted with anger and the water stopped then the cloth was pulled away from All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

me. I gasped for air again and James untied my wrist from the board so I could sit up.

Coughing up water, Taylor and Clara came up to me and handed me a towel. "James" Troian spoke as

she walked up and grabbed his hand "She deserves it. Don't try and stop it."

I pressed my lips in as thin line together and stayed silent and kept the towel wrapped around me.

"Troian" Felicity spoke up "No one deserves this kind of punishments, for something her boyfriend did;

not her."

"Oh Shut up Felicity. Stop being so sappy, we've done this a million times; what's the big deal" Regal

cut in as she had her arms crossed and examined her black painted polished nails.

"That's a bit harsh" Nevada said "She's only 18." "So what" Axel scoffed "James is 20 and he got

kidnapped when he was 16."

I looked over at James and he clenched his jaws then shifting his eyes to Archer and Zeke. "That last

question was a test to see if she had been lying. I already knew the answer, and she said they were

dead which is a lie" Archer stated.

"W-What?" I asked confused. Everyone looked at me and Archer said "Oh..did your ever-so-loving-

boyfriend lie to you again?"

I blinked slowly a few times "What do you mean?" "Ryker Anderson's parents aren't dead. His parents

got rid of him and his siblings when he was 8; because they were so poor. They all grew up in foster

homes" Archer explained as he played with a pocket knife in his hands as he stared down at and


He looked up from the knife and and at me "They all grew up abused by strangers, moving one place

to another....His parents live in North Carolina now, you know. They're divorced but I've tracked them to

see if I could get anything out of them. His father's name is Callum, his mother's name is Arena.

Parents both are still poor, Callums an alcoholic as well."

A pang hit me in the chest, making my heart sink. Guilt came over me, and I realized why Melanie

wasn't always with Ryker or Leah, why Ryker was so concerned when he first found out I was abused,

why I saw him at that foster care a couple months back when we still hated each other.

Ryker was only shaped into the person he is today because of his past. He never had anyone to fend

for him, never had a place to call home, or even know if he was going to be in the same place within a


Our relationship is based off lies...

He didn't tell me he was medically Bipolar and lied about the medication.

He said his parents died in a car accident when he was younger.

He never told me he was selling drugs for extra money and that he was most wanted for worldwide


Those were the only lies I did know about him, there's probably still some left that he just doesn't tell

me or makes up an excuse.

I was mad, guilty, and upset all at the same time. A bunch of emotions came over me and I wanted to

scream and cry at the same time.

"Now. Rain, we want you to do something" Archer said and snapped his fingers, making Joe and Ty

come up. Ty pulled something out and it was a black glock 19 with a loaded magazine in it.

Taylor and Clara were pulled back and Ty came next to me. Joe handed slid a mac laptop in front of

me, and I swallowed a lump in my throat "I'm more of a PC type of girl.."

"This isn't time for jokes, Thompson" Zeke gritted. Archer ordered "I'm want you to call Ryker, and tell

him that you're breaking up with him."

"WHAT?! NO!" I yelled, and Ty quickly got the gun ready and put it up to the side of my head. James

immediately started to come but was grabbed by Blade and Logan.

"Rain" Archer tsked as he shook his head "There's a gun up to your head, I don't think this is time to be


I gulped and my eyes flickered to the laptop screen. I took a deep breath, and squeezed my eyes shut

for a second before reopening them.

I went to the facetime option and typed in Ryker's number since his number is the only one I know by


I sat up straight and shifted in my spot. I moved the mouse over to the call button and clicked on it.

It rang, rang, and ran for what seemed like eternity. Everyone moved so they weren't in the screen so

that it wouldn't look like I was being forced to do this.

It finally answered and Ryker's face appeared as well as Alessandra, Craig, Reece, and Vince.

He looked like an absolute mess, with bags under his eyes and exhaustion that was written all over his

face. They were in the skyline because I could tell by the interior.

"Rain.." Ryker said in an almost whisper and I took a deep breath and bit my lip. They all started

bombarding me with questions about where I was.

I stayed silent and waited for them to stop. Which they did when they saw I wasn't talking. "Rain..just

tell us where you are.." Ryker sighed as he stared at me through the screen.

"Ryk...I didn't call to tell you where I was" I managed to get out as I tucked a piece of hair behind my

ear. I looked over at James who was still being restrained and sympathy was in his eyes.

"" I stuttered, not wanting to say it. Ty wrapped his finger around the trigger, and I gulped as

I stared at Ryker through the screen.

His bright blue eyes were tired and weary and bored into me. "Ryk..this is really hard for me to do..." I

trailed off and wiped my eyes as tears began to prick them.

"We just don't work together. Our whole relationship is based off lies...with the medication, your

parents, foster care, selling drugs" I started and his widened as he realized I found out "It just all feels

like a lie. And I don't know if that's all there is but I can't live with secrets."

"Rain don't do this" He whispered as his voice saddened. I sighed and wiped my eyes again as there

were now tears and one escaped my eye and traveled down my cheek.

"I'm breaking up with you, Ryker."

My heart fell at those words escaping my mouth and I felt instant regret. He didn't know I was being

forced into this, he didn't know I didn't mean it.

I hung up the call and shut the laptop and put a hand over my mouth and tried to stop myself from

crying but it didn't last long.

Ryker Anderson

I got out of the car and slammed the door shut and flipped over a park bench. I clutched my hair and

stared up at the night sky.

This is all your fucking fault asshole!

"Ryker, everything is going to be alright" Alessandra tried to reassure as she stood by Craig, Reece,

and Vince by the car.

"No its not!" I gritted as I whirled around to face them "Rain just broke up with me because I lied to her

and she found out everything!"

We were in North Carolina because I knew Rain was here from the phone call, I just had no idea where

she was and all I wanted was to find her.

"Rain's out there somewhere, with a gang of assholes and being tortured for something I did!" I yelled

in anger and another car came up and parked.

Leah, Melanie, Faith, Neil, Tate, Liz and Will came out and they all had worried looks. "Ryk..I'm so

sorry" Leah whispered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and threw my head back as I gripped my hair and tried not to kill everything in

sight. "Rain..please" I whispered in hope.


I stared at the table and the waitress came down and set a beer down. I continued to stare down at the

table until she walked away.

Which she did, and I grabbed the beer and downed it like it was a shot. Felix, Dawson, and Craig said

we had to stop and figure out the route and plan.

It's 2 a.m. and we're at a 24/7 diner; it was mainly for truck drivers so they could stop and get

something to eat. It was a 50-60's themes with checkered floor, sky blue square tables, red booths, and

a jukebox.

I couldn't stop thinking about Rain..I couldn't get her out of my head..It seemed impossible. It is


I love her..

Seriously Ryker, get a grip! Stop being so sappy that she broke up with you.

I fought with my inner conscience internally and a voice interrupted "Hi. I was wondering is you have $5

dollars you could lend me?"

I knew that voice...

I looked up to see brown hair and blue eyes that I knew. She stood their and started to say something

but stopped.

"Mom" I said shocked with my eyes widening, she put a hand over her mouth to and tears pricked her

eyes "Ryker.."

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