Mated to the Alpha triplets

Chapter 2 The mating convention

Chapter 2 The mating convention


I descended the stairs that led into my dining.

There my parents stood, as they waited for me to get to them. Asides Josh, they were the only people who cared about me. I was all dressed up and ready for school, the Mating Convention which was a ceremony where wolves who had come of age found their mates— was not going to start until tonight.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart. We're so proud of you," Mother began as she placed her hands on my cheeks and gave me a big smile. There were tears in her eyes and it made me want to cry too.

"Mom? Why are you. . ." I trailed.

"It's just that you've grown up so fast. Wasn't it just yesterday that you were in my arms and so small? We're so lucky to have you as our child," Father said the words that my mother was finding hard to say.

It warmed my heart and I felt tears about to exit my eyes too. "I think I'm the lucky one for having you two as my family," I muttered in a squeaky voice.

Mother squeezed my cheeks gently. "Let's just say that we're all lucky to have each other. I can't wait for you to get back and get dressed for the Mating Convention," She stated.

I smiled. "I'll be back in one piece and then I'll go for it," I promised them and began to run out the door.

"But you didn't eat, Olivia," I heard Dad call.

"I already took a bite out of the pancakes. I'm running late," I answered and I raced out the door.

I was in a good mood and I could not stop myself from smiling. I was finally going to get my ticket out. I was not going to let anyone bother me in school today. They were all just jerks who wanted to make me their object of fun.

As I walked into the school, murmurs about me filled the place. I might be an Omega with a dormant wolf but that did not stop my other werewolf abilities from coming up. I still had a good sense of smell and hearing too.

So I could hear all the mockery that they were sending at me and they also knew that I could hear them. They just did not care.

I soon found my locker. The moment I unlocked it, photos flowed out of it and scattered to the floor. I caught one before it fell and when I checked it, I gasped.

It was a picture of me after they had poured paint on me. It was a very sorry sight and I gritted my teeth. I felt anger beginning to rise from the pit of my stomach.

I tore it to shreds immediately but it was pointless. I was sure that everyone in the school already had it. I forced myself to exhale heavily. Anger would not solve my problem. I told myself that I would not let anything get to me. So I had to stay true to myself and keep anger away.

It was my birthday. I would not let it get ruined.

I finished calming myself and turned abruptly only to be met with the Lycan brothers. I flinched and backed up against my locker. When I regained my composure, I glared at them defiantly. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"What do you want from me? Apparently, I'm nothing but a pest," I spat.

All three brothers chuckled darkly at my words. "When did you start talking back?" Logan demanded.

I remained silent and decided to ignore him but the brothers only got more interested in probably mocking me.

"I hear you plan on going to the Mating Convention, how true is that?" Lucien asked and I could hear the mockery in his voice.

I glared at him with my piercing brown stare. "Yes I am, do you have a problem?" I questioned.

It was as if they had planned it. They all exchanged glances before breaking into serious laughter.

"Men, she actually thinks that the goddess will give her a mate," Lucas teased.

I furrowed my brows at them. "Of course, she would. I'm a member of this pack, remember?" I pointed out.

Logan leaned down to my level. "Let me tell you something about the goddess that you don't know," he whispered. "The goddess won't give you a mate if she sees that you're nothing but a liability!" he spat in my face.

His brothers began to chuckle. "Run along now, Olivia. I hate to break whatever fairytale that you had going in your head but you'll never find a mate!" Lucas stated in a venomous tone.

I felt my heart get attacked by his words but I could not bring myself to speak. So I only stormed out of the place in anger. It was a mistake coming to school today. I should have just stayed in the comfort of my room. At least in there, I was safe from all the bullied.

I went out and found my way home. I cleaned myself up and found my dress which my mom had purchased for me. It was a dark dress that hugged my chest and flowed freely down my legs. I tied my hair up into a bun and told myself that I was ready.

I was determined to prove the Lycans wrong. Today was the day that I would get my mate and my salvation. A soft knock resonated on the door. I knew that it was my mother without checking.

"Come in," I answered.

The door came open and she walked into the room. She gasped as she took in my appearance. "You look so beautiful, Olivia," she said in a breathless voice.

I smiled at her. "Thank you, Mom," I answered.

"I can drive you there once you're ready though," Mother offered.

I walked over to her and hugged her. I held on tightly to her as if she was my life force. She felt so warm and kind. I wondered what would have become of me without my parents.

"Come on, Olivia. You might miss your ceremony," Mother announced.

I giggled and she led me out of the house. "You don't need to drive me, Mom. I can find my way on my own," I assured her.

"Fine, take my keys and drive there. At least you get to arrive in style," Mother suggested and wiggled her brows at me.

I smiled and accepted her car keys. "Thank you, Mom, for everything," I muttered before getting into the car.

It took me one trial to bring the car to life. I had taken my driver's lessons seriously even if I did not have a car yet. My parents promised me one when I turned eighteen.

It was not long before I reached the grand hall where the convention would take place. I parked the car safely and walked into the grand hall.

The place was crawling with werewolves of different ages. Not all of them were from our pack. Some had come from far away, hoping to find their mates.

Most of the people ignored me or pretended I was invincible. None of that bothered me. They had been doing it to me my entire life. All I cared about was finding my prince charming.

I wondered how I would know that this was my mate. After all, my wolf was dormant. Would it give me a kind of sign?

I sighed heavily and I decided to grab a drink. I turned abruptly and bumped into someone. "Oh, my goddess! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there," I cried.

The man turned to me and I realized that it was just Josh. I heaved a sigh of relief immediately and punched his shoulder gently.

"You scared me. I thought I had just succeeded in causing a battle between packs," I revealed amidst laughter.

Josh joined in. "It would take more than a bump to start a war, Olivia. Don't be ridiculous," he said in an amused tone.

"I did not think that you were coming," I said. He corked his brows at me in surprise.

"And miss this for the world? No way. I have to be here when you finally meet your Prince Charming. You've been blabbing about him too much and I have been your victim all those times," Josh whined.

I broke into laughter. "Stop being so dramatic. You're exaggerating," I muttered.

A waiter passed by us and Josh took a drink from him before offering it to me. "I don't think you've had anything to drink since you came," he told me softly.

I hesitantly took the glass from him. "I guess I'm just too nervous to drink anything. I'm so excited and at the same time, I'm scared," I revealed.

What if the Lycans were right? What if I was not given any mate by the goddess?

"Is it because of what the Lycans said?" Josh asked. I sent him a questioning glare. "I overheard."

I nodded slowly at him. "What will I do if it's true?" I asked him as I felt my fear begin to rise.

Josh suddenly hugged me. It was warm and very consoling. It was just what I wanted. When he broke away, he looked me in the eyes and spoke.

"If there's anyone out there who deserves a mate the most, then it will be you. I've been with you my entire life. I know you more than anyone here and you have the kindest heart. It's a pity none of these people ever stopped to get to know you," he explained and I saw the sincerity of his words in her eyes. "So relax, you'll get a mate," he concluded.

I exhaled sharply and nodded in agreement. As if on cue. I felt my wolf come alive within me. It moved, it stirred, and it began to dance.

I suddenly felt overwhelmed and I could hardly stand properly. Josh noticed my sudden change in attitude and he immediately understood what was happing.

"It's your mate. Follow it, Olivia. Don't fight it," he urged.

I did as Josh said and began to navigate my way through the many people in the room while he followed closely behind me.

The feeling got stronger and I could no longer resist. I was close. Suddenly, the Lycan triplets appeared out of the blue looking as exhausted as me.

At that moment, my wolf urged me to speak just as they too began to talk.

"Mate!" We called in unison.

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