Mated to the Alpha triplets

Chapter 10. Group project

Chapter 10. Group project

~ Olivia

The next teacher came in but all my attention was on the group presentation. I couldn’t focus during the entire class. I only snapped back to the present when the teacher gave us the instruction to bring out the assignment we were given in his last class.

Oh my gosh. I completely forgot about the assignment. It's all their fault, how can I focus on school with all the problems swirling around me? What am I gonna do? How do I escape from this?

I was lost in my deep thoughts when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Josh was whispering to me, “Olivia, Mr Patrick is here.”

Someone cleared his throat. I looked up to see him directly in front of me with an eyebrow raised.

“Care to share what's got you so occupied? Everyone has placed their assignment on their tables as I instructed, except you, Olivia. Bring out yours too.”

“Mr… Patrick… I…” I stammered, but I was unable to say anything. All eyes were on me. They were all snickering and muttering

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A girl behind me muttered loud enough for me to hear, “Is she the only one in this class? She is always in trouble. If I were her, I wouldn't bother coming to school anymore.”

Another one added. “And yet, she always has that proud expression on her face. I guess she doesn't really understand how shameful being an omega is.”

Everyone laughed at their words. Mr. Patrick shushed them, but I could still hear the snickers and mocking laughter. Just then, the bell rang for lunch. Mr Patrick went soft on me by asking me to do the assignment and ensure I submitted it before classes the following day.

I was walking dejectedly out of class with Josh behind me when I heard Lucien's voice bellowing at me from across the hall. “Olivia, to the rooftop now!” He strode off.

Why can’t I just have a peaceful day for once? I guess that’s too much to ask for.

I said goodbye to Josh and hurried after Lucien who seemed to have vanished.

I got to the rooftop panting and the triplets were nowhere to be found. I looked around, but I couldn't find Helen either. I waited and stewed in silence, but I didn't dare leave.

These people have to be kidding me. I ditched lunch and ran here kike I was being chased only to find no one here. How annoying.

Just when I decided to head back, the door to the rooftop opened. It was Helen and the triplets. They had just finished having their lunch according to their discussion.

“Were you here all along, Olivia? I was wondering why I didn't see you in the cafeteria. We didn't know you were here waiting. I'm sorry, I hope you aren't mad at us” Helen asked as she approached me.

“I told the triplets to take you with us to the cafeteria, but you were nowhere to be seen and I was starving. They couldn’t watch me go hungry, so they asked us to go without you. I’m sorry if I offended you.” She added.

I puffed at her devilish act. Such a pretentious liar, always hanging around my… Whoa! They're not my anything. Don't get any ideas, Liv.

Logan cuts in. “You don't have to apologize for anything, Helen. Olivia, you will be the one to do the fieldwork for our presentation but don’t worry, we will do the presentation. Just make sure you put the right samples together. Make sure you get the topic from the teacher today and get to work immediately.”

I already suspected that they would do something like that, but I still tried to protest against it. "That's not fair. It's called a group project for a reason, Prince Logan. We're to work on it together, not dump most of the work on one person."

Lucas stepped forward and growled. "You know, that arrogant and disrespectful tone of yours is really beginning to piss me off. Don't forget that you're nothing but a stupid omega. Keep this up and I'll have you whipped."

My throat clogged at the thought of the horrible punishment usually reserved for traitors and rogues. How can they hate me this much? No matter what, we're still mates. How can they bear to treat me this way even after feeling the mate pull? I didn't ask for this, moon goddess. It's absolutely not fair, why must you play with my life like this?

"Lucas! That's not nice, you'll frighten her!" Helen's shrill voice grated on my nerves.

Lucas didn't reply, he just growled and walked off, Lucien going after him. Logan turns to me and commands, "Work on the project and bring whatever you've done along with you to school tomorrow," before also stalking off.

Helen and I both watched them leave, shock in my eyes and a calculating gleam in hers.

"You should just leave, Olivia. Go somewhere far away and don't ever come back. It should have sunk in by now that you're not wanted here." Her smile was like that of a viper.

"Enough, Helen. How many times do you want me to tell you that I don't want them, you can have them. Just stay away from me."

With that, I turned to leave only to feel a sharp pain in my skull. Helen had grabbed me by my hair.

She moved closer to me with my hair still in her grasp and hissed, "Watch it. I'm the Beta's daughter and a far more dominant wolf. I can talk to and treat you however I want, omega bitch."

She released me and pushed me off before walking off.

I just stood there with pain and anger warring in my chest.

I couldn't even fight her…

I ran my fingers through my hair to massage my throbbing scalp and composed myself before heading back to the cafeteria. Lunch was almost over and I didn't want to miss it. I only had granola and fruit earlier that morning so I was starving by that time. As I headed back to the cafeteria, the thought of having to work in the palace after school depressed me further and I hated my life a little bit more at that moment.

I got to the cafeteria and found Josh at our usual seat with two lunch trays for me, one of which I knew was probably for me.

"Thanks Josh, you're a lifesaver." I said as I plopped down on my seat and dug into the food.

“You're welcome. How was the meeting with the triplets?” He asked.

I sighed, and swallowed the food in my mouth before replying. “It wasn't good. I’m to do all the fieldwork alone.”

“But, that’s just cruel. Aren’t they supposed to help?” Josh whisper-yelled as he glared at the table where they were usually seated..

“Enough of that Josh, I need to finish eating before the bell rings. Why haven’t you touched your meal?”

“I was waiting for you.”

I smiled toothily at him, "Well, I'm here now. Eat your food before we have to get to class."

We were able to fill up a bit before the bell rang. We hurriedly took back our trays and left the cafeteria. After changing our books at our lockers, we headed back to class.

As we settled in our seats, Josh brought out a paper from his bag and handed it to me. I glanced down at him and saw that it was my assignment, the one I couldn't submit earlier.

“What can I do without you, Josh. Thanks so much.” I said and gave him a hug.

“It’s okay, Olive. You know that I got your back anytime.”

The bell rang again and the teacher walked in.

School finally came to an end. Josh and I left the school together and parted ways because I needed to go to the palace.

“See you tomorrow, Josh.”

My mind was racing as I walked to the palace. I don’t know what the princes will have me do today. Then, my courageous act that morning replayed in my mind.

How can you do that, Olive? You need to make your job easier for yourself.

I got to the palace and my heart raced faster than before. I was scared. I scanned through the driveway to see if the triplets were also back from school. My heart skipped a beat when I heard Lucien’s voice behind me.

“Are you looking for us?”

I screamed in fright before moving back from him. I turned back and saw them with Helen. My heart sank at the sight of Helen, so I walked in without saying a word to any of them.

I went to my room, got changed and headed to the kitchen. I greeted Miss B and others but I couldn’t find Sadie.

I approached Miss B and asked about her whereabouts.

“Oh, Sadie called in sick this morning.”

I was so surprised. She seemed fine yesterday and was ready to pounce on me over the smallest thing .

“So, you have to fill in for her today. That means you won’t be able to return home today. You will have to sleep here.” Miss B added.

Oh dear.

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