Married My Ex’s Alpha Uncle

Chapter 0071

Silver's POV

Charlotte's kind demeanor changed when she saw me and I had an uneasy feeling about that. The smile she once wore, which was vibrant and gorgeous, was not dimmed and slipping from her perfectly shaped lips.

I could tell she was trying to appear chipper still, but she was failing miserably, and it almost appeared awkward.

"Of course," she said, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me as well. "It's so good to finally meet you. Welcome to our little family."

I smiled in return.

"Thank you," I replied.

I wondered if Elliot had told her this was only a contract marriage. I made a mental note to ask him about it later. But for right now, I had a feeling this was not the time.

"Please, come into my home," Charlette said, motioning for us to enter her cottage.

I looked at Elliot who gave me a reassuring grin and squeezed the hand he was holding gently. We walked into the house, and I was met with such a calming and warm scent. I took in the scent and allowed my body to relax.

"I like to burn sage," Charlotte explained, noticing my expression.

"It smells wonderful in here," I told her truthfully. "It's quite nice."

"It keeps the bad spirits away," she said with a wink.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I blanched at her words.

"Do spirits come here often?" I asked.

I raised a brow.

"Not to my home they don't 'she replied. "They know better."

We walked into her little kitchen, and she motioned for us to sit at the table.

"So, Char, as I said on the phone, I was hoping you could help us with Silver's full moon condition. Or at least shed some light on it."

"Can you explain to me what exactly happens on the full moon?" Charlotte asked, looking back at me.

I nodded.

"I see scents," I told her. "At least that's what I think it is. I'm not sure how I know, but different scents have different colors, and they mean different things. Though, I'm not entirely sure what all the colors mean, I know red means powers and strength."

I glanced at Elliot when I said that part because his scent is red, as is Shirley's. He encouraged me to continue so I looked back at Charlotte.

"When it happens it's painful and chaotic. I get an insane headache and the lights flash in my eyes. I can see the person and their scents in my mind and it's agonizing. My hair turns white, and it's almost like my body tries to transform into a wolf, but it never fully gets there. My teeth elongate, which contributes to the headache, and I grow claws. I'm stuck like that for the rest of the night until the sun comes up. Then, I'm drained of all my energy."

She listened to me thoughtfully for a moment before she took a deep breath. She held out her hands from across the table.

"Take my hands, let me take a look."

I reached across the table and took hold of her hands. She closed her eyes and hummed a soft tune. I watched her with curiosity for a long while we remained like that. She started to rock back and forth in her seat as she continued humming and her grip on my hands grew stronger.

Her eyes slowly started to open, but I didn't see the normal blue eye color I had seen before, her eyes were completely white. Her eyes rolled back into her head and the sight of it startled me. I gasped loudly as she threw her head back and started to hum a bit louder.

Her body started to complete but she never took her hands from mine. Her grip was strong. My heart was pounding against my chest. I wanted to look at Elliot to see if he was seeing this, but I couldn't bring myself to look away from her.

After what felt like an eternity, she threw her head forehead, and she remained like that for a long while. Her breathing started to slow, and her humming ceased entry. But she kept her hands on mine.

After a deep and unsettled breath, she lifted her gaze, and I was relieved to see that her eyes were back to normal. She pulled her hands back and narrowed her eyes at me.

"You are quite different indeed," she finally said, pulling her hands away from mine.

"What did you see?" Elliot startled me by asking; I almost forgot he was in the room until he spoke.

She glanced up at him before looking at me.

"You can not only see scents, but

you can also alter them. Your

powers are deep within you and because you lack practice, they come out in spurts during the full." moon Even the strongest sorcerer can't keep their powers locked away during the night of the full moon. If you had practiced, you'd be able to control them better."

"How does she practice?" Elliot asked when it was clear I was too stunned to speak for myself.

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