Man With Super Medical Skill (Matthew)

Chapter 2119 The Death of Baltazar Dupont

Chapter 2119 The Death of Baltazar Dupont

"I apologize for the misunderstanding, Mr. Blanc," Kosma said before returning to his seat.

Of course, he would naturally not say a word about why the Emsgate Warrior squad leader was injured.

The rule of One Bird Clan was to keep all of their missions a secret. Their warriors could die, but the

clan's reputation couldn’t be tarnished.

No one knew exactly what was being spoken of. However, since the person who had a stake in the

investigation did not care any longer, it would not be good for them to continue pushing for more

answers. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

"My apologies for ruining your evening, everyone."

"I will have to take my leave early."

After saying that, Kosma had his men bring the corpse with them as they left.

"Hahaha! My apologies for that," Aurelius exclaimed.

"I didn't expect that to happen."

"Come, let's head to a different room."

He then led the group to another living room in the villa. It would be weird for them to continue the

meeting in a room that had previously been occupied by a corpse.

Currently, there were only three representatives left in the room.

They were Aurelius of the Damron Family, the elites from the Harmonious Fields Society who were

representing the executive committee of the Herbal Association, and Fabien, the master of the Isle of


Orlaith had returned to Emsgate as she saw that failure was inevitable.

As for the miracle doctors, they were involved in the incident that just happened. Hence, they had no

choice but to awkwardly follow Kosma's group as they left.

The main goal of their meeting was for them to get to know each other anyway. It could be postponed

to another day.

After a short session of exchanging small talk, the group left the villa.

The instant Fabien stepped into his car, Gregg, who was the driver, immediately handed him a bag.

"It's all ready, sir," he said.

"His hotel address is also included."

After accepting the bag, Fabien closed his eyes and did not say a single word.

The car continued to drive until they reached a stretch where there was no other car or human around.

Suddenly, the sunroof was opened. Someone leaped out from within the car and dashed over to a tree

planted by the side of the road.

As for the car, it continued to drive through the night and away from the individual.

Meanwhile, Baltazar arrived back at his hotel.

Dissatisfaction was painted all across his face. He thought of helping Kosma, but who knew that

Kosma would just give in?

It made things so awkward for the miracle doctors.

He walked into his room and closed the door behind him, but when he was about to take off his jacket,

he heard the door's lock click shut behind him.

It made his hair stand on end.

"Who's there?!"

After shouting, he silently pulled out a few silver needles from behind him.

His wary gaze soon found a dark shadow standing behind the door.

"Mr. Dupont, you're back late," the shadow said.

"I've waited so long for you."

With a wooden sword in hand, the shadow slowly walked into the light.

Baltazar instantly knew what the newcomer's goal was when he saw who it was.

"How dare you, Fabien!"

"I am a miracle doctor from Emsgate. Would you really dare kill me?"

His words were barked out in fury. Fabien shook his head with a smile on his lips.

"I suggest you give up on such futilities, Mr. Dupont."

"Did you know? This hotel is inferior in every way except for one."

"There is no other hotel in Bainbridge that has better sound insulation."

Baltazar's face went pale when he heard that.

It seemed his plan was foiled. He would drop the act then.

"You do know that you will not be leaving Bainbridge alive if anything happens to me."

"Oh, don't trouble yourself with that minute detail," Fabien said with a chuckle.

"Since I'm here, I naturally have a plan to free myself of blame."

"Well? Will you quietly die now?"

Fabien had shown his hand. Seeing that, Baltazar hurriedly held his hands up.

"Wait. I just want to know how the squad leader died," he said.

"Don't tell me it's because of internal bleeding. If anything was wrong with him, he would have come to


The instant those words were spoken, Fabien looked astonished. He did not expect the old coot to be

capable of logic. It was no wonder Baltazar insisted on going after Fabien. Reаd at Draмanо

"East Asan sage."

Baltazar's pupils shrank when he heard that.

"I see," he mused. "The East Asan sage is a tonic to the average person."

"To a person suffering from internal bleeding though, it is poison."

"Well done, Fabien Blanc," he exclaimed. "You are certainly superior when it comes to poisons."

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