Man With Super Medical Skill (Matthew)

Chapter 2062

Chapter 2062

Micah Wikaedal was a famous painter in the late Kingdom of Wridia. His painting skills were so superb

that even the king at that time period frequently visited him personally and invited him to paint his


At the same time, the king even bestowed him the title of Sir Micah Wikaedal. His reputation as a

painter was second to none.

His representative artworks would be his four paintings of the spectacular scenery of the four seasons.

He was even dubbed the Master of Landscape Painting by later generations.

'Ethereal' and 'Realistic' were the most common comments on Micah's pieces.

The only pity was that his paintings of the four seasons seemed to have vanished after the long

passage of time.

One could barely get any clues about the locations of these four original artworks in today's market, let

alone see them with their very own eyes.

Though the counterfeits were countless.

Matthew never expected that he would actually get to catch a glimpse of the original artwork by Sir

Micah in The Whimsical Antiquities Emporium. By the looks of things, it's obvious that Mr. Wadley is

unaware of the history of this painting. Otherwise, how would he casually hang such priceless artwork From NôvelDrama.Org.

on the lobby wall?

With that thought in mind, Matthew no longer hesitated as he nodded nonchalantly and said, "Mr.

Wadley, thank you for your willingness to give up this piece of painting. Please, name your price!"

As he spoke, Matthew turned to scrutinize the painting once more. Although I'm not knowledgeable in

art, I could still rely on my ability to pick up the faint quaint aura exuded by this painting. Or rather, it's

the Bloodreaper trembling slightly in my hand that caught on.

This young man seems to be highly interested in this painting, but most importantly, he is clearly an

inexperienced youngling in antiquing. Ah, a young and innocent lamb just waiting to be scammed.

Mr. Wadley made an exorbitant offer after that devious thought. "40 thousand!"

Mr. Wadley instantly felt rather displeased when he saw Matthew frown at his offer. Tch! I can't believe

this young man is a stingy person despite looking extraordinarily charming from the outside. He isn't

even willing to spend 40 thousand. How indecisive! Not the slightest ounce of decisive and resolute

verve of the rich can be seen in him! But of course, I can only criticize him secretly in my mind. After all,

my purpose is to make off with his money.

So, Mr. Wadley calmed down as he wracked his brain for a viable plan before he feigned a mysterious

aura and approached Matthew.

"Sir, I'm making such an offer because I think you're a trustworthy young man, and I want to befriend

you. You should know that this painting has yet to undergo artifact appraisal at the moment. If it's

appraised and confirmed that it's the original artwork by Sir Micah, then this piece will be a priceless

treasure. Take it as placing a bet worth 40 thousand. You will have a 50% chance of winning this bet. I

would have bought this painting myself if I had the money."

Although Mr. Wadley wasted none of his eloquence in trying to persuade this naive little lamb to invest

in the counterfeit piece, he was actually secretly criticizing Matthew, Appraisal my foot. It's just a piece

of painting from a roadside stand that only cost me 80 dollars. Why would anyone be willing to send it

for artifact appraisal for hundreds or thousands of dollars? Not even a fool will do that.

As soon as those words escaped Mr. Wadley's lips, Matthew looked at him in surprise. No one can top

this manager's salesmanship and exchange perception techniques. Of course, I know how

extraordinary this piece of painting is. In any case, even if this isn't the original artwork by Sir Micah,

the time-worn aura concealed within it is definitely not something that one can buy with merely 40


Of course, Matthew deliberately showed signs of reluctance just to make sure Mr. Wadley wouldn't

sense something was amiss, faking that he was truly hesitant to part with his money.

"Mr. Wadley, don't you think the offer is a bit too high? How about this? I will counter-offer 30 thousand

for this piece of painting. I'm willing to bet on its authenticity."

Across from him, Mr. Wadley's facial expression changed before he went on to say, "Uh… That's not

how you bargain. I can't sell it to you for that price."

"Hey! Wait! Wait! Okay, sir. I'll take it as doing business with a friend. It's a deal!"

It was until this moment that both buyer and seller shared knowing smiles.

Still, there was no doubt that both disdainfully regarded each other as idiots in their minds. Reąd at


And just like that, a pleasant deal was about to be closed.

Except, none of them noticed a figure standing by the stairs at this moment.

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