Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Daphne missed this as she was digging through the paperwork for the application forms for Ben.

“You’ll need to fill these out and get them back to us. We need to have a file for each child we sign up,” Daphne said, handing a set of forms to Ben.

He folded them, and with a final nervous glance at the twins, he stood up. “I guess I’ll be going. I told Tina I would take her shopping this afternoon at the mall. She barely has any clothes since the ass- sorry, her husband wouldn’t buy her any.”

The twins suddenly looked at him in shock. “The mall?” Lisa gasped. “You can’t buy her good clothes at the mall!” Lori exclaimed.

Daphne and Ben looked at the two young women in surprise.

“You wait right here. We’ll be right back!” Lisa said and took her sister’s hand as they rushed from the room.

“I swear they get stranger every day!” Daphne said, shaking her head with a smile. “I seriously don’t know where they got it into their heads to dress up in school uniforms.”

“I suppose it was a lot simpler when they were just kids in school,” Ben agreed. Daphne stood up to put away the printed brochures. He pictured the twins so many years ago, walking hand in hand down the sidewalk on their way to school. The smile slipped from his face as he realized his mind was picturing them as they looked today. He struggled to bring back that original memory, but his mind wanted nothing to do with that. Finally, in frustration, he just gave his head a shake trying to drive the corrupting images from his head.

“What’s wrong?” Daphne asked as she returned.

“What? Oh, it’s nothing. I really should get goi-” he started, then froze as the twins returned.

They were wearing matching outfits again, but now it was skin-tight white leggings with equally tight black turtleneck sweaters. Each was carrying a leopard pattern clutch purse. Their luxurious red hair was free of the ponytails and hung loosely around their shoulders. They collected Ben on their way to the front door.

“Ben, you can’t take Tina to the mall. We’ll show you where you can dress her as she deserves to be seen,” Lisa insisted.

“The woman is petite perfection. You won’t find anything to flatter that in a mall,” Lori stated emphatically.

“Were you bringing Christopher along?” Lisa asked.

“Of course,” Ben replied.

“Mom, could you watch over Christopher while we take them to the proper places to get clothes?” Lori asked.

“If it’s okay with Tina, I’d love to,” Daphne said. She’d played with the sweet-natured little boy when they stayed with Trish, and he was a joy to take care of.

Ben couldn’t argue as he knew next to nothing about fashion. The twins pulled on their coats, and Ben grabbed his on the way out the door. They hopped into the back seat of his truck, and he drove to his place. They followed him in and waited in the foyer as he kicked off his boots and went looking for Tina.

“Hi, Ben!” Tina smiled as she pushed the roasting pan into the oven. She’d prepared another wonderful meal for him. “Dinner is at 6.”

Ben glanced at the clock. “That gives us just a little over five hours to take you on a shopping trip. I have two fashion experts with me who informed me I was taking you to the wrong place for clothes,” he said with a grin as he took in her puzzled smile.

She pulled off the oversized apron she’d borrowed from him (something else he was going to have to buy for her) and followed him out to the foyer after bundling up Christopher and grabbing his diaper bag. Ben explained that Daphne would be watching over her son that afternoon.

“You remember Lisa and Lori McKellan?” Ben introduced them.

“Hello!” Tina beamed at the twins.

“Hi!” they replied. “Ready for a shopping extravaganza?” Lisa gushed. “This is going to be SO much fun!” Lori enthused.

Tina was all smiles as Ben helped her on with her jacket. They all piled into his SUV, dropped off the boy with a delighted Daphne, and headed off. Lori directed them downtown, away from the land of malls. As Ben drove, the twins grilled Tina on what kinds of clothes she thought she needed and where she would be wearing them.

Soon Lori had guided them to a parking lot just outside of one of the city’s older sections. It was a densely packed neighborhood of coffee shops, trendy restaurants, and, most importantly, clothing boutiques. Lisa and Lori immediately guided Tina into a shop specializing in petite sizes. Ben followed them in. Lisa took Ben’s arm, led him to a chair near the back, hung up his jacket on a hook, and sat him down to wait. The twins hung up their coats and Tina’s as well, as the shop was quite warm.

The woman who owned the shop came forward to speak with them. Lori introduced Tina and explained they needed clothes for her for the spring and summer when attending some courses at the university. Also some outfits for casual wear and evening wear. The shop owner cast a critical eye over Tina and directed her to the changing area where Ben was already sitting. He smiled at her excited expression. She was practically trembling!

With several outfits dangling from her fingers, the woman put them into a change room and indicated to Tina, which should be worn together.

Lisa and Lori sat in chairs on either side of Ben. Each placed a hand on his arm. A few minutes later, Tina stepped slowly out of the change room wearing a soft yet classic white blouse and black skirt. Ben’s eyes widened, and he smiled in appreciation. This was a new look for Tina. It was simple and subtle but gave her such a sophisticated look. He was sure that when she wore this outfit, she would be taken seriously. He knew he had to buy it for her.

“Sold!” he said with a grin.

Tina’s smile was a little shaky, and he gestured her over to his side. “What’s wrong?”

She turned her wrist over, and he saw the intricate detail that was just in the sleeve alone- $300 for a blouse!?! The tag on the skirt said $500! He had a momentary attack of sticker shock, but then he took a more critical look at the workmanship. Both items were exquisitely made and of the highest quality. He noticed that the owner was observing him carefully. Turning to face her, he nodded, and she nodded back, pleased.

“Sold,” he said firmly, looking Tina directly in the eye.

“Ben, it is too-” she began.

“Are you questioning me?” he said in a quiet rumble. “Do you think I would dress you in less than the best?”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Tina was back to trembling, but this time it was her emotions overflowing.

“No tears. Go try the next outfit. Go,” he commanded. Tina spun and dashed for the change room with a thrilled smile on her face. The shopkeeper gave him an approving look as she moved back to the cashier’s desk.

Lisa and Lori watched the exchange and looked at Ben with new eyes. From their own observations, they knew he was gorgeous, and his body was incredible. From what Trish had told them, they understood he was a tiger in bed. But seeing him show his dominant side put him over the top. The twins were so used to controlling the eager suitors, they’d never been exposed to this before. They liked it. They wanted it.

Ben noticed the girls were beginning to dig their red-lacquered claws into his arms. He wasn’t going to sit still if they started pawing him again. His brain was still in Tina mode, and he was not pleased with how they were acting.

“Stop that. Put your hands in your laps and sit quietly,” he growled.

Immediately, they pulled back and watched him.

Tina stepped out of the change room in a beautiful sundress. She saw Ben’s eyes light up in delight and felt a zing of pleasure shoot through her body. Then she saw the two sisters sitting on either side of him squeezing their thighs together with a strange look on their faces as they watched her man. She immediately recognized the look and understood its source. She wasn’t sure what Ben said to them, but she trusted Ben implicitly and knew they deserved it. She smiled at him and walked closer.

Ben was dazzled by how beautiful Tina looked in the flowing dress. It clung to her in the right places yet flowed around her. God, he was starting to react to her. His look smoldered as a deep rumble began in his chest.

Tina saw the fire in his eyes as she heard his approval. She felt a tingling warmth spreading through her loins. A blush rushed across her face.

The twins also heard it and moaned quietly as they squirmed to appease their own tingling.

“Sold. Next,” Ben smiled up at Tina with promise in his eyes. She scurried back to the change room, her smile beginning to ache from being so wide.

She came out three more times, two more outfits for university and one more casual dress. All of them looked amazing on Tina, and Ben decided to get them all.

The shopkeeper arrived with one final item. A simple black party dress. More of a sleeveless shimmering skin. Ben was struggling to discreetly adjust his erection when he saw the new dress. Tina came out of the dressing room, carrying all of the clothes. Her mind was reeling with the cost of the clothes she was carrying, but Ben had spoken. The woman took the clothes from Tina and looked at Ben.

“We’ll take them all. I’d like to see the black dress on her,” he said, and the woman smiled and nodded to him. She handed the party dress to Tina, whose eyes went wide. She looked at Ben, and he gestured to the change room. She fast stepped back into the room as the woman took their purchases to the cash.

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