Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“Oh poo.” she pouted.

Hannah chuckled. She described to Beth, who was enjoying the chewy cookie, how the sessions usually went. Beth nodded and Hannah picked up where she’d left off with Ben.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

They talked for a couple of hours and Beth listened to Ben and Hannah expressing themselves. They never pressured her to participate but left her openings where she might have joined if she felt like contributing. Finally Beth felt comfortable sharing and they listened without judgement. Soon Beth was the leading the conversation and Ben and Hannah were listening attentively. Tears were shed and hugs were given. The two friends could see the pressure slowly draining from Beth and shared a smile at the difference they’d seen already.

Hannah looked at her watch and realized it was past 11PM.

“Wow! That was a great session!” she said. “We’d better bring it to a close as it’s getting late.” Beth looked surprised and then disappointed. “Come on Beth, Ben has to get to sleep tonight on that aircraft carrier he calls a bed. I have a board meeting first thing in the morning too.”

They went upstairs and Ben got them their coats.

“When can we meet again?” Beth asked.

Hannah pulled out her phone and checked her calendar. “Damn. I’m tied up all week. They’re training us on some new systems at work and that will mean some late nights. Maybe Thursday?”

Ben casually massaged Beth’s shoulders while he watched Hannah poking around on her phone. Beth’s face was contorting with pleasure and Hannah glanced up to see the look Ben couldn’t see. She grinned at the woman. “Careful Ben, you’re going to make an addict out of her.” she said playfully.

When Ben dropped his hands Beth spun around and clung to his shirt. “Noooo, just a little more! Please!” she begged.

“See! Told ya! I’m out of here! I’ll call you later in the week! Bye!” Hannah said and was out the door.

“Please, please, pleeeease!” Beth begged.

“Fine, just a little more.” Ben said and led her into the living room. He cleared the surface of the coffee table and put the sofa cushions on it. “Lie down on your stomach and I’ll massage your back for you.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice!” she grinned. Ben smiled. She was so much more comfortable around him now and was almost back to her usual bubbly personality. He knew that much energy couldn’t be contained for long.

She looked at him, suddenly a little timid. “Should- should I take my sweater off?”

“If you’re comfortable, sure. The more skin I can get to the better the massage. Wait- I mean it will be easier to massage you without your clothes in the way. That still didn’t sound right.” he said, flustered.

Beth smiled at him and turned away. She tugged off the sweater and camisole leaving only her bra in place. She held her sweater to her chest as she stretched out on the cushions.

Ben rubbed his hands together briskly to warm them. He started at the top of her neck and slowly moved his way down her neck vertebrae. He slid his fingers across the top of her shoulders and Beth sighed. He worked his fingertips deeply into her shoulder muscles and used his palms and heels of his hands to smooth out the knots in her back.

She was moaning constantly by this point as her muscles turned to jelly under his powerful hands. When he ran them down the sides of her torso and accidentally brushed the sides of her bra, Beth felt an immediate shock through her nipples directly down to the warm glow beginning between her legs.

She squeezed her thighs together and shivered.

Ben’s hands stopped when he felt her tremble. “Are you cold? Do you want to put your sweater back on?”

“NO! I mean no, I’m fine.” Beth said a little frantically.

“OK. Let me know if I’m pressing too hard or if you get cold.” Ben said.

“Mmm hmm.” was all she was capable of saying as Ben’s hands went back to work.

When he finally got to the base of her spine he ran his hands back up to her shoulders and didn’t feel any knots left in her relaxed muscles.

“All done.” he said.

Beth groaned. She wanted it to go on forever. His hands on her body felt so incredible! But she didn’t want to be ungrateful. She was having trouble pushing herself upright so he put his hands on the sides of her torso and lifted. His fingers were under her breasts when she was finally upright and she looked up at him over her shoulder. She pinned his hands to her sides with her elbows. “Thank you Ben, your hands are magic! Can I take them home with me?” she smiled.

“Alas I need them here. Sorry.” He slipped his hands out from her entrapment and she sighed.

“Do you think it would be ok with Hannah if you and I had a session without her? I don’t think I can wait until ‘maybe Thursday’. Tomorrow?” Beth asked.

“How about Tuesday? Tomorrow could be a busy day. I’m going to be working on buying Trish’s house and I have to see what I can do with Tina’s.” he explained.

“OK.” She looked down at her bra encased chest as she dropped her hands and sweater to her lap. “With all the weight I lost you’d think these damn things would have gotten smaller too but they don’t look it.”

“Nope they still look at fun as they did last year.” Ben said and gave her breasts a playful squeeze.

Beth squeaked and looked up at Ben’s big grin. She returned the grin and shook a finger at him. “Don’t you start something you’re not going to finish!”

Ben’s grin got wider and he bent quickly and put Beth over his shoulder. Her squeals got louder as he hustled down his hallway and tossed Beth onto his big bed.

Her eyes were wide as he crawled up her body with a mischievous grin on his face. He slid his hand under her back and flicked her bra clasp open. Beth squeaked again as her bra popped free from the pressure it was under. He slipped the satiny material up to expose her heavy breasts. Her nipples were pointing skyward so he positioned his mouth over one and ran his tongue over it and gently blew on the moistened skin. She gasped and the nipple became stiff with need. He took it into his mouth and gently sucked and tugged on it with his lips. Beth’s breathing was coming out in gasps and her body was jolting with the sensations. She seemed very sensitive so he kept his teeth out of the game.

He moved to her other nipple and repeated the treatment making her squirm and moan. Once her eyes were rolling up he slid down and tugged her sweatpants and panties down her legs. He tugged them free then pushed her legs up exposing her wet labia.

He kissed and nibbled his way down her thighs alternating side to side randomly so she couldn’t prepare until he sucked her nether lips into his mouth. She cried out and her body spasmed. He didn’t allow her to relax as his tongue switched between deep probing penetrations and strokes across her surface with gentle sucking on the hood of her clit. Beth’s body was rocking uncontrollably and she clung to his head forcing his mouth onto her engorged lips. His tongue reached spots she didn’t know she had.

Her orgasm caught her unprepared and ripped through her as her cries rose up into silence and her body vibrated. Then it was over and she lay gasping for breath with her eyes closed. After shocks rolled through her body and she made little mewling sounds. Ben got a warm damp facecloth from the bathroom and wiped her clean. She grabbed his wrist as the sensation was almost too much and more aftershocks rushed through her. He pulled back and slipped her panties on then her sweatpants. She flaked out and he thought it might be a good idea to let her rest a little. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, so he’d be ready for bed once Beth went home.

He stepped out of the bathroom and saw her looking up at him.

“Ben, ohmygod, Ben. What did you do to me?”

“Just proving your body is as fun as it should be.” he smiled.

“How am I supposed to get home now? My legs are shaking! They’re jelly!” she moaned.

“I’ll get you home. Don’t worry.”

He carried her to the front door and sat her on the bench. She gasped as her tender flesh pressed against the seat. Ben put her boots on her then his own on. He slipped his jacket on and pulled Beth’s over her. Then Ben hoisted her over his shoulder, stepped outside and locked the door, and swung her down into his arms. He carried the gently protesting woman over to her place in his arms. She was embarrassed at being carried but secretly she was loving every second in his strong arms. When she realized her kids would see her she buried her face against his jacket. He bumped his foot against the door and a face looked out the small window next to the door. It was Jane and her face registered surprise to see Ben carrying her mother. The door flew open.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine. She ate a lot of my peanut butter cookies. She’s a little wobbly. She’ll be fine in the morning.” Ben said, being truthful but skirting the actual reason. Jane’s face went from worry to a relieved smile. He stepped inside and kicked off his boots while Jane pulled off her mother’s.

“I’ll just set her on her bed so she can sleep off the rush she got from all the yumminess.” Ben teased and Beth swatted him weakly. He grinned and Jane picked up the grin. She led him to her mother’s room and he laid her down gently.

While he was leaning over her Beth whispered in his ear. “You are a very naughty man!”

“And you love it!” he said and gave her a quick but deep kiss.

Jane’s eyes bugged out a little at the intensity of the kiss her mother was receiving. Ben smiled and left the house. He heard the deadbolt snapping closed directly behind him and chuckled. He walked back towards his house.

As he passed Gabriella’s house he glanced up the driveway and saw her standing in the window. He waved and she moved to the front door. He sighed as he really was tired and just wanted to go home and go to bed. He turned and walked up her drive until he was in front of her door. She opened it and invited him in.

“Sure but just for a minute as I have a rather busy day tomorrow and I was on my way to bed.” he said.

“I was just watching the news. The Celestial burnt down. No one died in the fire but the two owners were badly beaten and are in the hospital. The building is a write off. At the lunch party Trish told me her husband owed the guys who ran the restaurant a lot of money and you were going to take care of it.” Her eyes were full of worry.

There was a thumping on the door behind Ben. He turned and opened it. Catherine lunged in and grabbed him in a big hug. “Please tell me you didn’t do it!”

Ben looked down at her in surprise then over to Gabriella. “Wait! You think I’m an arsonist? Wow! Thanks.” He saw the worry and doubt in their eyes and his heart lurched painfully. He couldn’t deal with it. He pushed Cat back from him and left the house. He didn’t stop moving until he’d locked his door behind himself. He kicked off his boots, hung up his coat and went to bed.

Sleep was allusive but exhaustion pulled him under.

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