Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“You’re really going to buy Joanne’s home too?” she asked.

“Yes! It’s a good investment and when I sell it I’ll definitely make a profit.”

She looked at him with a worried expression.

“We will make a written contract indicating that we’ve agreed that you and Mason will live in the house for a specified number of years at a specified rent. Will this ease your fears about me selling the house out from under you? Would that make you feel more comfortable?” he asked.

She smiled timidly. “Yes.”

“Let’s go see my place so you can get an impression of what the final state of the home could look like.” Ben suggested. “We need to get Christopher’s bassinette and Tina’s suitcases anyway.”

Tina walked back into the living room with Christopher in her arms and a happy, satisfied look on her face.

Ben and Trish smiled at her.

They made their way to Ben’s and Ben told Trish to have a look around while he spoke with Tina.

They heard her exclamations down the hall as she saw the master bath and walk in closet.

Ben sat down in the living room with the young woman. “Tina, starting tonight you are going to live with Trish. You know she needs help keeping her place organized. There may also be another tenant if Joanne’s daughter Lily decides to take a room there. She is a sweet young woman and I think you two would get along.”

Tina was looking down again. Ben reached over and lifted her chin with his finger. Her eyes were brimming with tears.

“What are these tears for?” he asked calmly, though inside he was dying.

“I- I was hoping I could live… with you.” Tina said in a whisper.

“You know that isn’t part of the life plan I am setting out for you. I’ve explained that already. I’m not cutting you out of my life but you will follow my directions if you want to remain in it. Is this understood?” he said firmly and calmly. Inside, he squirmed in torture.

“Yes.” she said sadly.

Ben listened and looked over towards the stairs to the lower level. That’s where he’d seen Trish heading. He turned back to Tina. “We’ll plan another visit this week, alright?”

Her eyes brightened. “Overnight?”

He realized that she had to feel like she was earning it. “If you follow my instructions, yes.”

The young woman was back to vibrating with excitement. “May I kiss you?”

One more glance to see Trish was nowhere to be seen. “Yes.”

Then she was pressed hard against his body, her lips crushed against his, and her tongue exploring his mouth aggressively. He’d been expecting a kiss on the cheek so this caught him completely by surprise and he wasn’t sure where this was coming from.

Then he remembered her standing in the hall outside Trish’s bedroom. Watching?

He put his hands on her body and she instantly began to moan and tremble. He slid his hands down and squeezed her cute little ass. She squealed into his mouth loudly and the noise startled him so he reached up and gently pushed her back. She clung to him until he growled. She instantly let go and sat back quietly with a smile on her face. The smile froze and her eyes darted up behind Ben.

He closed his eyes and sighed as he realized she was probably looking at Trish. He heard footsteps as she walked from the dining room entrance into the living room and sat in a chair opposite him.

“Do you want to explain what I just witnessed?” Trish said.

Ben opened his eyes and looked directly into hers. “No.” he said.

“No?” she asked.


She looked flustered. “Ben, she’s half your age!”

Ben looked at the young woman. “Tina, am I your boyfriend?”


“Did I tell you I was going to marry you?”

“No.” she said wistfully.

“Did I directly tell you or imply in any way that I wanted sexual favours from you?” he asked firmly.

“No.” Again with the wistfulness.

“Will I keep my promise to pay your way through University?” he asked.


“Did I tell you that you will meet someone your own age who will make a new wonderful life with you?”

“Yes.” she said sadly.

Ben looked Trish right in the eye. “While it’s none of your business I’m being polite. Keep in mind that I don’t tolerate gossip or small mindedness. Tina has tremendous potential. I’m going to make sure she doesn’t waste it.” He looked back at Tina. “Now, why did you kiss me like that?”

Tina’s eyes got big and she looked nervously between Ben and Trish.

“Brutal honesty.” Ben reminded her.

“I saw you and Trish on her bed. The way she rode you. So hard and fast. It was so hot! I wished it was me riding you!” Tina blurted.

Ben was watching Trish’s face so he saw her embarrassment bloom across her face. He was glad he was able to remind the woman that she wasn’t faultless in the chaos his life was becoming.

Trish looked at Tina. “Then you two haven’t…”

“No.” Tina said sadly. “He’s so big and I’m so small! One day I would like to try though. What he can do with his mouth and hands is incredible!”

“Tina!” Ben growled, embarrassed. “Remember what I said about being discrete.”

“Sorry Ben. I shouldn’t have pried into your personal life.” Trish said contritely.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Trish, I understand curiosity. That’s fine. What I have a problem with his being judged before the facts are known. And sometimes those facts aren’t for public knowledge.” He was looking at Tina when he said the last part and she had the good grace to look sorry. “I know it’s not easy but I’ve always tried to follow the policy of, if you don’t know, don’t judge.”

Trish nodded as did Tina.

“So we can put all that behind us and move forward?” he asked.

“Yes.” the women replied.

“What did you think of my house? Would you like to see some of these renovations in your place?” he asked Trish.

“I can have a master bath and walk-in like yours?” she asked incredulously.

“No.” Her face dropped. “It would be a little bigger than mine because your house’s floor plan is larger.” he said.

Trish giggled in glee and clapped her hands.

“I take it that’s a yes? You still want to sell your place to me?” Ben smiled.

“Yes!” she squealed.

Tina grinned and clapped her hands too. Christopher started to laugh at all the happy noises.

Trish made plans to join Ben Monday morning with her cousin to sell her house to him. Shelly had promised her cousin to only take half her usual commission. Ben had to go to the bank anyway to get the money out for the gambling debt. Before she left Trish went up on her toes and gave Ben a deep slow kiss and asked if that was more his speed. He could only nod as his head was spinning. Trish carried the bassinette and the small suitcase with her. Tina left with her and got a playful spank on her butt as she went out the door. She squealed and smiled back at Ben with real fire in her eyes.

Ben looked at the number on the realty sign on the lawn of the Miller’s home. He dialed it and spoke to the realtor. He asked what the house was going for but was told it had already sold for 1. 25 million to a young family from Texas. Ben had missed his chance with the house.

That thought made him a little anxious about Joanne’s home. He thought he might just pop in and see if she was ready to move on the sale. He yanked on his coat and made his way over to her place.

Joanne greeted him with a smile and invited him in. Lily was in the living room knitting… something large and deep blue and she greeted him as well. When they were all situated Joanne asked the reason for his visit.

“I was wondering if you’d care to continue our discussion about your house.” Ben said glancing at Lily.

Joanne caught the glance and smiled. “It’s OK Ben, Lily is quite aware of my plans. Yes, I am still interested. Are you going to purchase Trish’s place as well?”

“Yes, I was just over there a short while ago. She already had an assessment done. I did an inspection and told her what I’d be willing to spend and told her about the renovations I’m planning to do to the house. I showed her my home so she could see what the renovations will be and she’s in. We’ll do the sale tomorrow. Tina and Christopher are going to be moving in with her as Tina’s likely going to lose her home. James did some nasty stuff with their finances. I don’t think I’m going to be able to straighten that out. The bank will likely take the property back. If I can I’ll try to buy it too but just to renovate and resell.”

Joanne was staring at Ben. “Are you going to buy the Miller’s home too?”

“I called but it was already sold to a ‘young family from Texas’.” Ben replied.

“And you were worried I’d sell mine to someone else too?” she said with a raised eyebrow.

“I’d like to buy it but if you think you can get a better price putting it on the market that’s your call.” Ben said honestly.

“Well there was the caveat of having Lily live in the home for the next two years.” Joanne said.

Ben looked over at her daughter. “Would you consider renting a room from Trish? Then you wouldn’t have to live alone and could share food expenses. Tina and Christopher will also be living there and Tina keeps a home really neat and clean so that’s a big help.”

“That would be preferable to living alone!” Lily said.

“Ben… that just eliminated the primary reason I had for selling it exclusively to you! You aren’t much of a negotiator.” Joanne said.

“I’m not going to try to trick or blackmail you into selling it to me. I don’t work that way. I thought Lily would be better served by living with Trish so I let her know she had the option. This frees you from your constraint and lets you pursue other options. I’d be willing to do my own assessment and leave you with what I’m willing to pay for it. Then you can take that number with you when you speak with a realtor.” Ben said frankly.

“OK, yes, please do the assessment. Let me know what you’d pay.” Joanne said. Ben nodded and began his inspection.

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