Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Ben’s look went bleak when she mentioned the prenup. “But the baby.”

“Yes, by US Law he would have to pay for Christopher’s care. But not if he snuck out of the country and went back to his mother in Korea. I believe he saw Las Vegas as his going away party.” She looked down at her lap.

“He skipped the last mortgage payment intentionally.” Ben said in realization.

Tina didn’t look up but she nodded.

“Dirty son of a bitch!” he growled savagely and she looked at him with a small pleased smile.

“We’re going to have to scramble to see if we can’t salvage something financially from your marriage. I have a lawyer I’ll call tomorrow to get the ball rolling.” Ben said in a determined tone.

Tina gave him a little bow. “I cannot repay the kindness you continue to show me. Please know that I am your willing servant for as long as I live.” She moved to the floor and knelt at his feet.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Ben’s eyebrows went all the way up and he nervously pulled back from the table. “Tina, please! I’m not expecting you to do that. I don’t need a servant!”

He saw the light go out of her eyes and her shoulders slumped. “It is all I have.” she whispered despondently.

He wracked his mind trying to think of something to do to salvage this situation. He thought of the plan he’d suggested to her earlier. She needed a direction for her life. He wouldn’t allow her to throw her potential away. He caught himself. He wouldn’t allow her? He was already thinking of her in the way she wanted him to but that wasn’t him, was it? He couldn’t do that, could he?

He took another look at the young girl. Maybe he could just help get her back on track if she thought he was taking the role seriously. He squashed his visible nervousness and sat up straight.

“Tina, stand up.” he said firmly.

Her eyes snapped to his when she heard his tone. She scrambled to her feet and looked down.

“Are you telling me… your life is mine to direct?” he asked calmly.

Again her eyes flicked to his and a spark of hope was there. She looked down and nodded quickly.

“You will follow my directions? You won’t question my decisions? You will be mine to command?” his voice rumbled playfully.

She nodded energetically while keeping her eyes downwards.

“Then I will NOT allow you to waste your potential. I will define a life plan for you and you will follow it. I will take care of your expenses and you will do as I say. Is this understood?” he continued to rumble.

While she still hadn’t looked at him the girl was practically vibrating with excitement. Ben started to have serious doubts about what he was getting into but it was the happiest he’d seen her and he was too far in now. He thought he’d better distract her so she didn’t see his shaking hands.

“There is a can of soup on the counter. The pots are under the counter by the fridge. Get one and warm up the soup. You’ll find a stirring spoon in the second drawer by the stove. The bread is in the wooden box on the counter. Get a knife from the top drawer next to the stove and cut off some thick slices of bread to accompany the soup.” he instructed.

She looked up at him and her eyes were bright with joy. He raised his brows. “Go.” he said quietly and she rushed off to get dinner started. He allowed himself a smile at her happiness then he turned back to the bank papers. He was no lawyer but even he could see there was no reference to Tina in any of the documents. James was a real piece of work.

Tina made herself familiar with the kitchen by opening each of the drawers and cabinets one at a time for a quick glance. Then she inspected the appliances. She got the soup warming and the bread sliced and onto plates. She set the plates on the table away from the papers.

Ben enjoyed hearing the domestic noises she was making as he worked. It made him recall happier days with Wendy. His smile became a little sad. Then Tina surprised him with a kiss on the cheek.

He looked at her and she froze. Suddenly she looked nervous, like she was expecting to be punished. “Why did you kiss me?” he asked.

“You looked sad. Did I do wrong?” she said and she was back to looking down and trembling while clenching her hands together before her lap.

“Come here.” he said. She quickly got closer. He reached out and took her chin in his left hand. He could see her nostrils flare as she breathed deep and quick. He turned her face away from him and she tensed up, her eye lids fluttering slightly. He leaned in and kissed her cheek in return. She squeaked in surprise.

“Thank you from rescuing me from my sadness. However, next time you will ask before you kiss me. I wouldn’t want you to start making a habit of that. It could become difficult around others. Don’t burn the soup.” he said and she scooted back to the stove with a smile on her flushed face.

He casually thought about the idea of watching a movie after supper and wondered if she’d be interested too. He had no idea what kind of movies she was into. The vast gap of his knowledge about the young woman and what he was taking on loomed before him.

He worried about her reaction to his kiss discipline. She’d obviously been abused by her husband to behave that way. He’d have to work on deprogramming that response.

Soon the soup was ready and Ben put away the paperwork. Tina served him then made herself a bowl. They ate together at the table in silent companionship. When they were done Tina jumped up and took the dishes to the sink and rinsed them, then put them in the dishwasher. She then washed and dried the pot and put it away. He was surprised how quick and efficient her movements were and she had a little smile on her face the whole time. The warmth of the soup and the events of the day suddenly caught up to Ben and he yawned hugely.

“Sorry, my eyelids are starting to droop. I think I’m going to take a quick shower then head off to bed.” he said. “Thank you for dinner.” Tina smiled and nodded deeply. “If you need anything please let me know. Also I’m typically up pretty early and do my work out downstairs. The house is pretty good at blocking noise so I shouldn’t disturb you or Christopher but let me know if I do.”

With a final good night he went back to his bedroom and shut the door. He picked out a pair of pajama bottoms and laid them out on the bed. He got undressed and dropped his dirty clothes in the hamper in the bathroom. He started the shower and stepped into his big custom designed stall. He lifted the lever and jets of hot water hit him from all sides. He felt his tension melting away so he closed his eyes.

They shot back open when he felt small hands rubbing soap against his back. “TINA!” he shouted.

He looked over his shoulder and saw her standing naked in his shower. The jets bounced off his body to hit her from all sides as well so she was quite drenched. She was looking at her feet with her hands clenched before her, silent.

“What the HELL do you think you are doing?” he barked.

Tina dropped to her knees and pressed her face to her hands on the floor of the shower. Ben turned the jets off and turned around. She couldn’t see him crouched as she was anyway. He looked down at her and saw she was trembling violently. He knelt down on one knee and reached for her shoulders to lift her up. She flinched away strongly when he touched her and made a mewling noise of fear. Ben felt a surge of rage for James and wished he could have had a few minutes alone with the man before he’d boarded that plane. He touched her gently and got a careful grip on her upper arms. He lifted her to her knees and saw her lip was bleeding a little where she’d bitten it. Maybe when she dropped to the floor so suddenly.

God he felt like jerk. How was he supposed to treat a submissive in a situation like this? He wasn’t going to hurt her though it seemed he’d already unintentionally done that. Firm but compassionate? Christ, he was out of his element.

He put a finger under her chin and lifted her face. “Look at me.” he said.

Her eyes flicked up to his. Her lips were trembling. “Did I give you permission to join me in the shower?”

She gave a quick shake of her head. He kept her face up so he could see her expression. “Then why did you come in?”

She suddenly got a confused look in her eye and started to cry. Ben turned and shut off the water. Then he stood and lifted Tina to her feet. He guided her out of the shower and pulled a big towel off a shelf. He wrapped the young woman in it and squeezed the water from her long black hair. Then he rubbed her body from the top down with the thick towel safety between his big hands and her tiny body. He wasn’t very gently as he was still pretty upset. Her eyes closed in pleasure at the feel of his powerful hands on her body. Her tears dried. The towel and his hands passed over her breasts and her nipples hardened with the sensation. She was breathing hard. He spun her around and rubbed down her back and reached her ass. He stopped for just a second to admire the smooth roundness of her bottom then brutally drove all thoughts out of his head except for getting her dry. He roughly rubbed the towel over her ass and the top of her legs. He reached in quickly to dry the crack of her ass before beginning to rub her legs down. He worked quickly and firmly to get all of the water droplets off her skin. He spun her around again to dry the fronts of her legs.

In his rush to complete her legs he saw he’d missed between her upper thighs so he rubbed up between her legs. The towel snagged under her foot as he was sliding his hand upwards and it dropped away. His fingers continued up to slapped up directly against her soft, wet opening. Her thighs clamped together in reaction, pinning his fingers in place as her breath rushed out. She squirmed forward and grabbed his shoulders, her head dipping down beside his. Her breath came out in gusts against his ear and Ben felt her opening spasm as if it was sucking at his fingertips. She was rocking through a strong orgasm. He tried to pull his fingers free but this just rubbed directly against her clit setting her off once more. She cried out as her pleasure crested powerfully. Her knees gave and she fell against him finally freeing his fingers. They were liberally coated with her wetness.

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