Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Ben’s first sensation was scent. Spice, warm, rich, he felt himself floating through it.

Sound was next but it came in slowly and the tone was wrong at first, like it was coming through a tube that oscillated between short and long.

“… it’s silly… shouldn’t do… nurse… any minu… been over two mon… want- worth a try…”

The spice scent grew stronger and his sense of touch made a startling return. Warm, softness pressed against his lips. Instinct took over and he kissed back, weakly. He heard a squeal and the softness pulled away.

“It worked!… true… swear he moved… shit! Nurse is… let me…”

A new scent, melon, fresh, citrus and the feeling of soft hair brushing over his face. Then lips on his. So soft! He gently sucked the fuller lower one between his. He felt the purr and the pressure increased.

“What the HELL are you doing!” boomed a shrill voice.

His eyes opened a crack to see his face was within a cone of straight blond hair. Lips pulled back and a smile spread across them. “Welcome back sleepyhead!” they said. His eyes slipped up to smiling blue eyes.

Another face moved in close and his eyes tracked the movement. Raven hair pulled back in a ponytail. Full lips, also smiling, and beautiful green eyes full of joy and a few tears. “Welcome back Ben!”

“The two of you will leave right this minute or I will call security!” the shrill voice returned.

“Shut the hell up and go get his doctor! Ben is awake!” the blond said. Catherine. Her name was Catherine… or Cat. He looked over to the smiling and crying… Gabriella. He tried to say her name but his throat cracked and he coughed. She immediately held a cup of water near his chin and put a straw between his lips. He slowly sipped the water and felt it work its magic on his throat.

“Gabriella… Catherine… what happened?” his eyes rolled with fatigue. The effort to talk was hugely draining but he struggled to remain conscious.

“Shhh… rest Ben. You’re all better now.” Gabriella said. He looked closer and saw she was wearing his black knit sweater. His eyes rolled over to Catherine and she was wearing his white knit sweater. Blond in white and raven in black. He chuckled then coughed.

“What?” Cat asked.

“You two… look great… in my sweaters… will I… get them back?” he smiled as his eyes panned between them. Both women possessively crossed their arms over their chests and blushed. With a grin and a glance at each other they both shook their heads. He just smiled once more.

The doctor arrived and managed to shoo the two women out of the room. On their way out they told him they’d return. His last glance before the door closed saw the two women hugging each other.

The next day they arrived the moment visiting hours began. Between them they had Tina who at 5′ looked like a child comparatively. She looked so nervous and tears were in her eyes.

“Hi Mrs. Lee! Why the tears?” Ben said quietly.

“Mr. Shepherd, I am so sorry for everything you have suffered at my expense!” she gushed, tears dripping down her cheeks.

Ben motioned her closer so she moved right up against the bed. He reached up and brushed away her tears then dropped his arm to the bed. “Please don’t cry. I never could deal with a pretty woman’s tears.” He looked past Tina to Gabriella and Catherine whose eyes were looking a little glassy as well. “That goes for you two as well!” he said gruffly and got smiles in return.

“How is Christopher?” he asked.

Tina’s face burst into a broad smile. God! It was a dazzling transformation on the young woman.

“He is very well! Thanks to you! I’m glad I can finally thank you for saving us!” she reached out and held his left hand.

“It’s just what a good neighbor does.” he said shaking his head.

“No, you are wrong. Neighbors ignore the danger. Good neighbors call 911. Heroes put their lives on the line to protect the weak!” she insisted.

“No, don’t call me a hero. I don’t deserve that!” Ben said crossly.

“I may not say it again but I will always feel it in my heart for you Mr. Shepherd!” she gushed, then leaned over and kissed him square on the lips.

Ben froze as her pink tongue dipped playfully into his mouth.

She pulled back and rushed from the room with the two ladies watching her retreat with dismay.

Ben touched his mouth and looked at the two friends with suspicion. “There seems to be a lot of that going around in this hospital room.” They had the good grace to look a little embarrassed at first then both wore a naughty smile.

“The doctor told me I’ve been in a coma for a little over two months. Something about internal bleeding and dying four times.” he said.

Their faces went white. “Four times? I thought it was only once in the ambulance!” Catherine gasped.

They took up positions on either side of the bed as they had the previous day. Each took a hand. “We’re really glad you came back to us Ben.” Gabriella said.

“How’s Miriam and Daniel, Jr.?” he asked.

“We’ve agreed he’s just called Daniel now. Miriam is desperate to visit. I told her that if you were feeling up to it and wouldn’t mind she could come tomorrow.” she said.

“I’d like that.” He turned to Catherine. “And your girls?”

“Sophie and Rachel are furious with you!” she said.

“What? Why?” he asked, surprised.

“Megan has been lording over her jealous sisters the fact that she got to see ALL of you.” she said with a wicked grin. He groaned. “Truth be told Gabriella’s been doing the same to me.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“CAT!” Gabriella squeaked.

“Oh please! You and Rochelle described in excruciating yet exquisitely beautiful detail your vision of male perfection. All I have is that brief but wonderful moment of contact to recall.” she pouted.

“Please you’re embarrassing Ben!” Gabriella growled.

Catherine looked at the blushing man. “I’m sorry Ben. We’re just so grateful you pulled through. I guess we’re a bit giddy.”

“So giddy you’re back to molest patients in my hospital again?” said a sharp voice from the doorway.

Ben looked over to see Hannah Cooper standing there. The hospital administrator was dressed in a sharp, steel grey business suit that looked crisp and professional on her 5′ 6″ body. She was sturdily built but she carried herself with a lovely grace. Her sandy blond hair was pulled back in a tight bun exposing the pearl earrings and a single strand of pearls around her neck. Dressed for success, he thought. “I understand it was your immediate diagnosis and call to 911 that saved my life. Thank you.” he said with a sincere smile.

It was Hannah’s turn to blush. “Just my training kicking in.”

“All the same, I’m glad you were there.” he responded and she nodded.

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