Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Ben was pushing a stack of big plates on the bench press. He was trying to clear his mind of the embarrassing mess he’d made of the viewing last night. He should have known better than to attend. Then to get a freaking erection in front of the grieving widows?!? What kind of a low life does that? Why did his body have to be so fucking reactive to women?!? What was he, a teenager?

Hitting Catherine in the face with it was so beyond reprehensible he didn’t know what to do with himself. He obviously couldn’t show his face to them again. He was seriously considering selling the house and moving so they wouldn’t have to share the neighborhood with such a deviant.

He threw his self-disgust into the weights and pushed until he could barely get the weights back into the rack. He was breathing hard after his set and his arms and chest were pumped and maybe a little wobbly from overdoing it. He was punishing himself which was a damn stupid thing to do when working with such heavy weights.

He sat up and wiped the sweat from his face with his towel then froze when he heard the doorbell ring.

He jogged up the stairs and looked out the front door.

Megan Khaleel was standing on his porch with a cross look on her face. Crap! He’d messed up so badly with Catherine now her kids hated him. He couldn’t really blame them. Better to take his deserved punishment. He opened the door.

“You missed your hair-” Megan barked until she saw he was only wearing short black shorts and runners. Then her jaw dropped as she took in his sweaty muscles. She tried to start again but the words weren’t there.

Ben was getting a chill by the door. “It’s cold out. Please come in.”

She stepped into the foyer and stared at his chest. “God, you’ve got bigger boobs than Mrs. King!” she blurted then slapped her hands over her mouth in embarrassment.

He grimaced. He raised his index finger and went down the hall to his bedroom. He quickly kicked off his shoes and sweaty shorts and pulled on his long terry dressing robe. Now he was covered up so Megan wouldn’t be embarrassed. He walked back towards the foyer.

Megan saw him approaching and was a little disappointed he’d thrown the robe over his rockin’ body. Sure, he was an older guy but damn he looked GOOD for an older guy! A lot better than any of her past boyfriends ever did.

She heard a knock on the door behind her and saw Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. King huddled from the cold. She opened the door and they were a little surprised to see her there. They stepped inside just as Ben got back.

He saw the three women standing there and his heart fell. Catherine had obviously sent Megan as her representative and the three were going to tell him to his face what a dirtbag he was. Well, he deserved it. He steeled himself and looked at the gathered women.

Rochelle was first to speak. “Mr. Shepherd, did we wake you?”

Megan wanted the two women to share what she’d just seen. He’d obviously been body building but he seemed to be tongue tied. She answered for him.

“No, he was just working out. Have you seen these muscles?” she said stepping forward and yanked his robe open.

Ben was completely caught off guard and was so surprised he didn’t react for a few seconds.

Megan looked down and discovered his shorts were no longer there.

Rochelle looked like a deer caught in headlights. The image of his naked, sweaty body was burning into her mind for all time.

Gabriella soaked it all in and smiled like that cat who got the cream. Catherine may have briefly felt him through the fabric of his pants but she’d seen it fully exposed not four feet away. Even at rest it was magnificent.

Ben finally snatched the robe closed and more securely tightened the belt. His mouth was working but nothing was coming out.

Megan was also trying to speak but couldn’t tear her eyes away from his now covered groin. He snapped his fingers in her line of sight and she jumped. “I’m so sorry Mr. Shepherd! I thought you had your shorts on underneath!”

“Yes well… even if I had you don’t go yanking people’s robes open. What if I did that to you?” he said then closed his eyes tightly, shook his head and blushed at the image in his mind. He WAS a dirty pervert!

The three women caught the blush and smiled as images passed through their minds as well.

Ben seemed to get a hold of himself. “Look before you say anything I want to apologize for my behavior last night. It was totally inappropriate and I’m more than a little disgusted with myself. I fully deserve your contempt. I wish I could have told Catherine to her face-” Gabriella snorted then quickly suppressed it. “… how sorry I am for disturbing the viewing for all of you.”

Rochelle glanced questioningly at Gabriella and they shared a look. While there was opportunity here for a little naughty blackmail neither of them felt Ben deserved it. He was a decent man who shouldn’t be made to feel this way.

“What happened?” Megan asked. Ben’s face went crimson and he tucked his robe a little tighter.

Gabriella spoke up to let Ben off the hook. “Ben, no one aside from you is upset by what happened last night. We came here today to make sure you were ok. Well, that’s what Rochelle and I were here for. Why did you come over Megan?”

“Oh! Right! Mr. Shepherd was supposed to come to our place thirty minutes ago for a haircut. Mom made us all lunch too. I was sent to collect him.” she said.

“Oh really?” Gabriella said.

Megan looked at her a little nervously. “She made a large pot of stew so I’m sure there would be enough for two more guests.”

“That would be lovely. Ben, why don’t you get dressed and we will accompany you to Cat’s.” Gabriella said.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Ben looked a little confused but didn’t argue. “Please have a seat in the living room. Just give me five minutes.” Once they were seated he moved back down the hall. He closed his bedroom door and leaned his forehead against it for a few seconds then he stripped and jumped into the shower.

Back in the living room, Megan was looking at Gabriella. “Mrs. Wallace, what happened last night? Mom won’t tell us what she was laughing about when we found her in your viewing room.”

“Ben did something that embarrassed him and amused your mother. Let’s leave it at that so we can spare Ben any additional hurt feelings, alright?” she suggested.

The three ladies waited and imagined what might be happening in Ben’s shower.

True to his word he returned five minutes later freshly washed, dried (except his hair), and dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, a black knit sweater and white socks. He slipped his boots and jacket on and followed the women outside. He locked up and followed them over to Catherine’s. He looked a few doors down the block on the north side and noticed a black limo idling on the street at the base of the driveway outside of the Lee residence.

James Lee, a 38 year old foreign market investor and recent member of Ashburn Court’s Gentleman’s Club, had been one of the fatalities from the plane crash, leaving his 24 year old wife Tina and their six month old baby Christopher alone. Ben saw a well-dressed older Asian woman standing in the driveway yelling at the young woman who was holding her baby and crying. The old woman gestured for her driver to get out of the car and continued to yell at the crying woman. Ben immediately turned towards the Lee home and ran over to see what was upsetting Tina.

He took off his jacket and placed it around the young woman’s shoulders since she wasn’t dressed for the weather and pulled it around the baby as well who was only wrapped in a blanket.

“Mrs. Lee, what’s wrong? What’s she saying?” he asked. He’d spoken to her before so he knew she spoke English.

“She wants to take Christopher away from me and take him back to Korea.” she cried. “She says I was a bad wife for her son and an unfit mother for her grandchild.” The young woman burst into tears.

Ben saw the driver walking up the drive towards them. He had something in his hand and when he flicked his wrist it snapped out into a baton. Fuck! Ben wasn’t a fighter though he’d been in a few minor scraps during his University days on pub crawls. Now he was facing a guy with a club who looked like he knew how to use it. Ben whipped off his sweater and balled it around his left hand just as the man rushed at him swinging the club. He blocked the first few swings but the next three got through and Ben went down on his right knee in pain. Seeing victory the driver stepped in close to bash Ben’s skull but got a solid punch to the groin from Ben’s right fist instead. The hit lifted the man right off his feet.

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