Mafia Desire (Erotica)


When Phoebe returned from work she parked and made her way to the front door. She grinned as she saw the light fixture next to the door was properly mounted on the wall. The screen door opened without the usual squeal and the front door lock didn’t stick and require a key wiggle to open.

She stepped inside and her eyes widened in surprise. The room was neat and tidy, the pictures on the wall had been rehung to eliminate the gaps left behind during her purge.

And that scent teasing her nostrils! Cookies? How did he make cookies? The oven wasn’t working! She rushed into the kitchen and there was a tray of fresh baked cookies cooling on the countertop next to the stove. The cracked knob was gone and a newer one was in its place.

She heard a noise at the front door and walked back out to see Kyle entering with a laundry bag over his shoulder. “Hey! You’re back!” he said.

“You did my laundry?” she gasped.

“Sorry, I hope you don’t mind. I promise I was a complete gentleman when I handled your underthings. I had a few items of my own to wash after last night and noticed you had a full bag waiting to go. I spotted the laundromat around the corner when I rode to the appliance repair shop to get the parts for your oven. I installed it when I got back and tested it by baking cookies.”

Phoebe picked up the list and saw Kyle had scratched off almost all of the items.

“Yeah, sorry I couldn’t fix the toilet. They don’t make those parts for the tank anymore. It’s too old. If you’d like I can replace the toilet but I’ll need your car to pick up the replacement from the store.”

“Oh my god Kyle!” I thought you’d get to two or three things!” she exclaimed then made her way around the house with her to do list in hand to see the fixes he’d made.Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

She returned to the living room with a huge smile on her face. “Thank you so much!”

“Least I could do after you rescued me last night. I- I have no memory of how I got home,” he said awkwardly.

Phoebe gestured to the couch so he sat next to her. “We were in the restaurant for a couple of hours then Fiona had to leave to catch her flight. It was a teary farewell.”

Kyle nodded with a sad look on his face. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for her.”

She held up her hands. “No, we get it. Monique was so snotty and bitter after you left. Miserable bitch. Once Fiona left, Charlize, Chloe and I went looking for you with Gloria. Roger was sitting across from you in a booth. He was watching the game but he kept an eye on you as you were passed out face down on the table. We thought he might have hit you but then we smelled the booze on you.” Kyle looked embarrassed for his lapse in judgement and she gave him a stern look. “Roger wouldn’t help carry you so he and Gloria just left.”

Kyle nodded. He wasn’t going to hold it against the man. He’d done more than Kyle expected.

“Charlize and I got you on your feet and walked you back to my car. You were mumbling something but we couldn’t make out the words. We put you in the back seat and they followed me home to help me get you inside. We made it as far as the couch. Chloe undressed you in case you were wondering.” He smiled guiltily.

“Why were you drinking so heavily?” Phoebe asked gently.

Kyle looked away from her compassionate gaze. “I wanted… I wanted to stop hearing that voice in my head. The one telling me I somehow knew she was lying but did it anyway.”

“Did you?” Phoebe asked.

He looked back at her then dropped his eyes. “No. I didn’t. I believed her. The problem is, I wanted to believe her. We got along so well. We clicked… or at least I thought we did, but that was probably fake too. Now I can’t trust anything she did or said but at the time I didn’t question what she said, the timing, or her behavior. I just… let it happen.”

Kyle surged to his feet. “Enough!” He smiled at her. “Working on your list was a really great idea. It really kept my mind occupied. If you’re up to it why don’t we head over to the home improvements store to check out toilets.”

Phoebe giggled at his excited smile. She knew he was just distracting himself but if that eased his mind it was certainly a healthier approach than drinking himself into a stupor. She nodded to him and he helped pull her to her feet. She made a beeline to the kitchen and picked up one of the warm cookies. She bit into the chewy, sweet cookie and sighed happily. She grabbed another then followed him out of the house and locked up.

She drove him across town to the big box store and they made their way inside. She mooched a little on their way back to the plumbing section. Phoebe set her budget and Kyle found her a nice one piece that met her requirements. Kyle went for a flatbed cart and when he got back Phoebe was standing there with some lighting kits for replacing the old style ceiling lights with dimmable LED track lighting.

“They were on sale!” she said with a hopeful smile. He just smiled and nodded.

“You’re going to need a dimmer switch or two for those. Do they come in the kit?” She looked and shook her head. “No? We’ll swing by the electrical department on the way out,” he said.

He loaded the toilet onto the cart, a wax toilet gasket, and a new feed line. The lighting kits went on the cart and they made a brief stop to get the dimmers.

Phoebe paid for the supplies and Kyle loaded it all into her hatchback after he dropped the rear seats.

On the way home they stopped for a quick bite at a casual little restaurant she knew. Then she drove them home and Kyle moved the items into the house. Phoebe was tingling with anticipation for Kyle to start the installation but it was getting late.

“Am I still in the dog house for my behavior last night or may I sleep in your bed tonight?” Kyle asked with a slight smile.

Grinning widely Phoebe bounced over to him and pulled him into a tight hug. “Of course, you’re forgiven for your over indulgence last night!”

Kyle held her tight as well and enjoyed the closeness. This was real! This was honest. He felt so much better.


Phoebe pulled back to look down at Aisha. “Oh! I forgot to feed you when I got home earlier, didn’t I. Silly mommy.” She looked back at Kyle with a happy smile and gave him a quick kiss before prancing off to the kitchen to feed the cat.

Kyle’s lips were tingling as he smiled after her.

He picked up the laundry bag and carried it to the bedroom and dumped it out. He sorted and folded the items until he had all of his clothes rolled and stowed back in his saddlebags.

“Are you playing with my underwear again?”

He grinned over his shoulder and threw his hands up in surrender.

She giggled and walked over to the bed to begin putting her own stuff away.

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