Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“No, it’s ok. I just didn’t have a great relationship with the man,” Kyle offered.

They made their way back to the taxi stand lost in their thoughts. Kyle hoped Phoebe would be ok. She had her friends there to support her so that was what she needed now.

They reached the hotel and Fiona managed to get spa treatments for Phoebe, Monique, Marion, and herself. Charlize and Chloe wanted to go to the pool so Kyle said he’d join them but Cam said he needed to touch base with home. They all agreed to meet at the restaurant for dinner at 7:30PM again.

Plan made, they went their separate ways.

Cam was outside the restaurant when Kyle, Charlize, and Chloe walked up to the entrance. He was talking on his cell and he waved excitedly at Kyle. The ladies looked at him and he shrugged as they walked up.

“My Daddy is on the line and would like to speak with you.” Cameron said looking hopefully at Kyle.

“Oh! Uh, sure.” Kyle said, accepting the cell from the other man. “Hello?”

“Am I speaking with Kyle MacDenny?” The voice was definitely from an older man and was very forceful. Kyle glanced at Cam and saw he was looking just a little anxious.

“Yes, is this Mr. Timothy Dawson?” Kyle had done a little research of his own. Finding Cam’s father’s name wasn’t hard.

There was a slight grunt on the other end. “My grammy called me Timothy. Mr. Dawson is fine. I understand Cam thinks you can teach us a thing or two about investing.” There was definite challenge in his tone.

“He’s shown interest in the method I follow to invest,” Kyle responded.

“How you invest. This method, according to my boy, is superior to how we’re doing business now,” the gruff voice insisted.

Kyle gave Cam a frown. “I’m not going to compare my method to others or call it superior. There are many ways to invest and each has its own inherent strengths and weaknesses. I built my method while working under the rigid constraints of the investment house I worked at. I’ve only used it for my personal investments but it’s certainly applicable to corporate trading. My investments have an annual return of between 8% and 12% and this allows me a fair amount of personal freedom at the moment.”

“You’ll forgive me if I remain skeptical of that return rate,” the man scoffed.

“Of course. Mr. Dawson, I’m not trying to sell you on my method. I’m not even looking for work. I just left a very lucrative job because investing isn’t what makes me happy. As I said before, I only do it now for my personal use. Your son asked me if I could teach him how I do it as he believes it will bring value to your company. Is it different from how you currently invest? If you’re only generating annual return rates between 1. 8 and 2. 4 percent then yeah, it’s different and yeah, it will bring value. You’d have to be willing to let him try and that’s your decision. Now if you don’t mind, I have a number of lovely women waiting for me to join them for dinner. Have a lovely evening!” He handed the phone to Cam with a raised eyebrow and a frown.

Cam’s face showed surprise and worry as he returned the phone to his ear to listen to his father sputter.

Leaving the man to finish his call, Kyle continued on into the restaurant where he spotted Charlize and Chloe settling in at a table. The others hadn’t arrived yet.

Cam joined them a minute later looking a little red under the collar.

Kyle gave the man an annoyed look. “Wow, thanks for that.”

“What? What did he say? I mean I got the gist of it from your side but he wasn’t too happy when you handed the phone back to me.”

Kyle watched Cam’s face but the man seemed genuinely oblivious. “I don’t know what you said to him before I got on the phone but your father was defensive and not in a mood to be open minded.”

Cam’s face showed his unease. “Sorry. I spoke with him earlier and tried to explain what you told me about how you research companies to invest in and I- I got a little tongue tied as I couldn’t recall all of the details. I did a poor job of that and he made some derogatory remarks that I didn’t respond to very well. I told him you could explain it far better than I could. He said he wanted to speak with you directly.”

Kyle sighed and shook his head. “Sorry if I screwed up your chances of fixing this with your dad.”

Cam grinned at him. “Actually, you didn’t. He was impressed when you remained cool headed and is keen on meeting you in person.”

Kyle blinked at him then caught motion in the corner of his eye. He turned his face and saw Fiona approaching with a wide smile on her face. She looked radiant from her spa treatment and enjoyed his and Cam’s reaction. Monique was right behind her with an equally broad smile. Kyle thought her husband was a damn fool for spending so much time away from this beauty.

The next one in line stunned Kyle. Phoebe had undergone a huge transformation! She was wearing a very slinky party dress which showed off her trim body exquisitely. Most dramatic was what she’d had done to her hair. Her yellow blond hair that once reached the top of her ass was gone. In its place was a short, tousled pixie cut which she could no longer hide her face behind. The curtains of hair were gone and he saw her nervous smile as she looked at him.

“Wow! Phoebe, you look amazing!” he finally managed to gasp out.

Her smile was beautiful and her relief was evident.

“That hairstyle looks lovely on you!” Cam added.

She nodded her thanks to both of them then took the seat across from Kyle. Fiona on her right across from Cam and Monique on Phoebe’s left.

“Where’s Marion?” Kyle asked.

Fiona leaned forward to speak quietly but ended up resting her tits on the table in a very distracting way. In her excitement to dish she was oblivious of her effect on the men.

“Do you recall the two musicians she was with last night? They met her outside the spa and were trying to convince her to star in their next music video. Apparently, their night together inspired some musical creativity as well. She said not to wait for her tonight.”

Kyle grinned and nodded. His eyes tracked back to Phoebe’s hair and he had to let himself stare with a smile on his face.

“What?” she finally said as her cheeks burned.

“I’m sorry, this is such a departure from your previous look. It’s also very pretty!”

Monique snapped her fingers to catch his attention. “Hey! You can say it! She’s damn sexy!”

He grinned at them and nodded in surrender. “Yes, she is.”

Drinks were ordered and Fiona suggested they eat light meals as they planned on hitting the club to celebrate Phoebe’s new image and new start.

Kyle smiled with the others and thought it was awesome her friends were rallying around her. He couldn’t help feel a little concerned that this change was happening much too quickly for Phoebe to really come to terms with what happened just hours earlier. When did she have time to come to terms with the fact that her marriage was over and the man she’d loved and trusted had betrayed her so horribly? He kept an eye on her throughout dinner without her noticing and she seemed ok. She’d always been a little quiet so her behavior tonight hadn’t varied too much.

They made their way into the club and hit the dance floor. Now he began to notice some changes. She was out on the floor with the group for every song dancing hard. He could see her losing herself in the music except she wasn’t smiling as she usually did. On the few times they went to a table to get a drink she was downing twice as much as Fiona was though she didn’t have the body mass to absorb it. Kyle switched to water as he tried to suggest the same for Phoebe. He received annoyed looks from Fiona, Monique, and Charlize who were doing their best to keep their friend’s spirits up. Chloe was sticking close to Charlize, the two had been much more open with their physical relationship before the others. Cam followed Fiona’s lead which didn’t surprise Kyle. Phoebe left the table to head back out to the dance floor. The ladies followed her out and Kyle sighed as he saw he was the only one with the opinion it was too soon.

He made his way out and tried to just enjoy the music but he was getting the distinct impression from the intoxicated yoga master that he was not welcome. The others looked awkwardly at him so he went back to the table.

His mother’s voice was yelling at him that this was a bad situation for Phoebe but he’d just been reminded that he was an outsider in this group. He couldn’t do it alone and they wanted so badly for their friend to be happy, they weren’t going to allow anything to interfere with their efforts.

Finally, Kyle had to leave the club as the inner dialog was driving him nuts.

He walked out into the lobby and tried to think of something he could do to distract himself. He decided he would work out so he quickly went up to the room and put his workout clothes on. Then it was back down to the lobby and across to the entrance to the gym.

This time of night there was only one other guest and he was doing some serious lifting. The man scowled at him so Kyle turned to move to the machines at the far side of the room. He glanced back when he heard the door open behind him. Phoebe was standing there, not too steady on her feet and holding the door frame.

“Kyle! Why’d you leave!” she growled in a slur. “We were gonna have sex!”

Glancing uneasily at the bodybuilder who showed a sudden interest in Phoebe, Kyle made his way back to her. “Who said we were going to have sex?” he said quietly as he reached her side, hoping to guide her out but instead she stepped in.

Phoebe rocked back as she looked at him with bleary eyes. “You’ll fuck Fiona, that big fat whore Gloria, and even the lesbians but you draw the line at me? What? Am I- da- damaged goods?” she bellowed.

There was a slam of steel plates dropping behind him and Kyle turned to see a wall of muscles closing in on them. Before he could speak a massive hand covered his face and shoved him back. He crashed into a rack of weights and barely managed to keep the entire stack from toppling.

“If the shrimp is too busy sticking his dick into those sluts to show you a good time, I’d be glad to be of service,” he asserted.

Phoebe blinked up at him and shook her head. Even in her drunken state she’d obviously picked up a bad vibe from the guy.

“Dude, what the fuck?” Kyle said, limping back towards Phoebe. He’d scratched his shin pretty badly against the weight rack. Phoebe’s eyes narrowed as she saw he was hurt but she looked like she couldn’t recall how it happened.All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

“Fuck off, punk. The lady and I got business to discuss,” muscles growled at him.

“The lady is my friend and she obviously just indicated she’s not interested,” Kyle said with a scowl.

The bodybuilder glared at him. “She didn’t say it.”

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