Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“Costs nothing to have good manners and yields many benefits,” he said hugging Charlize and Chloe to his sides. The ladies smiled at the hostess too.

The woman cackled gleefully then looked over her shoulder. “Ok, give me your name and I’ll come get ya when your table is ready. I can see one opening up but we’ll need time to clean it and set it. You can wait in the bar.”


“Got it. Go on ahead,” the woman said turning her attention to the next people entering the front door.

Kyle walked into the bar followed by the ladies. The tables were mostly full here as well but the bar was almost empty. He walked to the end closest to the entrance as he spotted the lip licker with his two buddies at the far end of the bar. Unfortunately, they were seen as well. He caught the frowns sent in his direction. He didn’t want to get into a fight and saw the bar had a bouncer to ensure civil behavior or consequences.

The bartender approached and he caught the ink covering almost every inch of her skin from her neck down. “Hi honey, what’ll it be?” she asked with a slightly raspy voice.

“Whatever beer you have on tap that’s cold and thirst quenching,” he replied with a smile. He looked to the two ladies who nodded. “Make it three.”

“Coming right up!”

Kyle took a seat at the bar while Charlize and Chloe took the last two stools to his left so he was between them and the men eyeing them. The noise and the crowding wasn’t as bad in the bar but it was still early.

“Here you go, hun’. Should I start a tab or are you here for dinner?” The bartender asked as she placed the beer before them.

“We’re just waiting on our table,” Kyle explained.

“Right, we’ll just add it to your bill then,” the woman said with a smile and Kyle nodded to her thankfully.

While not a big fan of beer, it was cold and had no bitter aftertaste. He grimaced just a little as he swallowed.

“Thought so. Punk’s a fake.”Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

Kyle turned his head to look at the speaker and wasn’t surprised to see the lip licker. He really needed a better name for this guy.

“Don, let’s go,” one of his friends smartly said as he kept an eye on the brute by the door.

Ah, there’s the name, Kyle thought. He felt no urgency in using it as the man hadn’t actually engaged him in conversation. He studied him to see what his next move might be.

The guy was about his height, maybe five years older, and solidly built. He was sporting three-day growth of beard and smelled three days ripe in his leathers. There was something in his eyes though that raised the hairs on the back of Kyle’s neck. The man was aching for a fight.

“It’s not happening,” Kyle said wearily.

“What isn’t?” Don growled.

“I’m not going to get into a fight with you. I don’t want it. Your friends don’t seem to want it. The bouncer doesn’t either but you know he’ll be the one finishing it. You won’t get the girl, either of them. There’s no ‘win’ in this for you or for anyone. I’m sorry. That’s just how it is.”

“He’s right, Donnie. Let’s just enjoy our beers, for fuck sake,” Don’s second friend piped in with an agitated tone. That seemed to break through the man’s directionless anger. With a snort, he turned away and walked back to the other end of the bar. Kyle nodded to his friends and went back to his own beer. Unfortunately, he had Don’s stink in his nostrils and that soured his taste buds.

“What’s the matter? Don’t like the beer?” the bartender asked as she stepped closer.

“No, it’s good! I just have this… scent in my nose. Where’s the restroom?” he asked.

She pointed him to the back corner.

“I’ll be right back,” he said to the ladies and they both smiled and nodded to him, impressed with how he’d defused the fight so calmly.

Kyle made his way into the men’s room and quickly washed his face and snorted the cold water a little to dull the scent. He was drying his face and hands when Don pushed his way into the men’s room with a murderous glint in his eye. Kyle stepped back and watched Don’s fists come up as the man smiled menacingly.

“Geezus, what’s broken in your head?” Kyle asked in frustration. This could get really ugly.

Don’s first punch was well telegraphed so Kyle leaned back. As it swished by, he launched himself forward and hammered his own fist against Don’s solar plexus. There was a deep thump as he transferred his weight through his arm into the man’s diaphragm.

Kyle skipped aside and watched as Don dropped to his knees and struggled to suck in a breath as his muscles locked up. Kyle moved to the sink as he looked back at the gasping man.

“Seriously Don, I don’t want to fight you but if you don’t promise to fuck off and be good I will finish this.” Kyle said as he washed his hands again.

“Ffff… sshh… fuuuk… you.”

Kyle kicked out his foot and caught Don on his ear launching him face first into a nearby sink. Cartilage snapped and blood gushed from the man’s broken nose as he crashed bonelessly to the bathroom floor.

He made sure Don was still breathing then left the washroom, keeping an eye out for the man’s friends. He made it all the way back to the bar but there was no sign of them. He looked to Charlize.

“What happened to the two guys Don was with?” he asked.

“They had an argument with him, got pissed off and left. Why?”

He waved down the bartender as Charlize and Chloe watched him curiously.

“What can I getcha?”

“Can you call for an ambulance? It seems that angry fellow fell and hit his face on the sink in the washroom.” Chloe gasped in surprise.

The woman rolled her eyes and bellowed for the bouncer. “Pete! Cleanup in the bathroom.”

The bartender walked away and Kyle took another sip of his beer. He frowned as it was warm.

“Table for MacDenny!”

Kyle turned and raised his hand. The ladies fell into step behind him as he followed the hostess to their booth.

When they were finally alone Charlize leaned forward. “What did you do to that guy?”

Kyle looked uncomfortable. “I took care of it.” When they just stared back at him in frustration he sighed.

“I tried to talk him out of getting physical but he wouldn’t listen. I was really lucky that he wasn’t very good. I’m not a fighter but I knew how to disable him. He still wanted to fight so I… kicked him face first against the sink. Busted his nose… knocked him out.” He looked a little ill.

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