Love's Redemption

Redmption 168

Redmption 168

Chapter 168

Chris was standing at the door. He wasn’t smiling.

Ever since we broke up, every encounter seemed to leave us both furious.

At this moment, I was playfully bantering with Brandon, while Jewel stood beside him. He had claimed to have cut ties with Jewel, but there was some truth in what others said–a man’s word was as good as the


I recovered from my shock soon and averted my gaze. Some people were simply an eyesore, and the saying “Out of sight, out of mind” couldn’t be more apt in this situation.

Brandon also ignored Chris and held my hand, but he didn’t try to take my phone. Instead, he said, “If you’re set on taking pictures, I can promise you better ones another day.”

His words were suggestive, and he had said it in a casual yet affectionate tone that couples who spent a long time together used,

Chris took two menacing steps forward. “Madeline,” he shouted as if he was the king.

He didn’t seem to care about Jewel, who was standing beside him.

I didn’t even spare Chris a glance and just said, “I’m busy.”

I was indeed busy. I had to accompany Brandon to receive his infusion.

The next second, Chris reached out his hand to grab me. He tried to force me to listen to him.

But before he could make contact, Brandon grabbed his hand and stopped him. Tension rose in the air as the two men silently competed with each other.

Yet, things couldn’t go on like this, not with Brandon hooked up to an IV. Even if Brandon could easily overpower Chris, a fight would only disrupt Brandon’s treatment.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to intervene without escalating the situation further. After all, I was the reason they were fighting.

Looking at Jewel, whose expression was dark, I snapped, “Aren’t you going to do something?”

Jewel remained rooted to the spot, so I glared at her coldly. I wasn’t sure how intimidating my gaze was, but it was enough to make her shiver when she saw it.

I didn’t need to say another word. She scurried to Chris and said meekly, “Chris, I don’t feel well. We need to get my IV started.”

She was here for an IV drip? That was rare for a pregnant woman. After all, the medication could potentially harm the baby.

Just as I was puzzling over this, I heard a nearby nurse call out, “Prenatal care IV? This way, please.” The late hour meant that the infusion room was empty, so there was no mistaking it. The call was for Jewel. Prenatal care? Was her baby in danger?

I looked at her belly instinctively. Jewel clung to Chris even tighter as she said weakly, “Chris, the doctor’s calling me.”

Jewel dragged Chris away. He had no choice but to stop glaring at me and leave with her.

I could tell that Chris was simmering with rage. He looked like he wanted to settle scores with me and fight to the death with Brandon

Chapter 168 NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.


But in the end, he still suppressed all his rage because of Jewel and obediently followed her out.

Chris was the second heir to the Gildons. Everyone pampered him and let him do as he pleased ever since he was a child. He never yielded to anyone, but now, he yielded to Jewel.

He wouldn’t do it if he didn’t love her deeply. But if he loved her, he wouldn’t be jealous when he saw me and Brandon, especially when Jewel was there.

I was perplexed about Chris‘ relationship with Jewel, but I wasn’t about to waste more brainpower to untangle this mess. I looked at Brandon and said, “Focus on your IV drip.”

I didn’t want Brandon to get into any scuffles, even though he would win against Chris every time.

Brandon sat down, while I sat beside him like earlier. However, the atmosphere was no longer light and


From where I sat, I could hear the nurse talking to Jewel as she administered the IV drip. I couldn’t ignore their conversation even if I wanted to.

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