Love You Enough to Leave You

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 186

Love You Enough To Leave You Chapter 186

Love You Enough to Leave You Chapter 186

It was seven in the evening when Amelia woke up. She opened her eyes and found herself staring at a white ceiling, alone in the room. She looked confused. Her mind was in a blank. She could not recall where she was and why she was there.

She struggled to try to sit up. The moment she made one tiny move, her whole body was in pain. It was a throbbing pain that engulfed her, from her head to the tip of her toes.

She let out a yelp as the pain was excruciating.

The oxygen mask she was wearing muffled her, but her pain showed in her teary, red eyes.

She could only stare helplessly at the ceiling. She felt panicky as there was no one around.

However, she could not even call out loud for attention due to the oxygen mask.

Amelia could only whimper in pain. She tried to move her body but she washed over with immense pain.

At that vulnerable moment, the door opened, and a tall figure walked in.

When Amelia saw that, she calmed down a little. She kept her eyes wide open, hoping to make contact with that person.

The other party seemed to have noticed she was awake, scurried over to her bedside, bent down, and asked softly, “You are awake?”

Amelia could not take her eyes off the handsome face that appeared in front of her. Oscar Clinton, I am so glad to see you. She wanted to speak but was unable to make a sound.

Oscar lovingly caressed her head and broke into a warm, soft smile. “I’m so glad you are awake.”

Amelia wanted to smile back at him, but the oxygen mask was in the way.

Oscar planted a kiss on her forehead and tenderly said, “Be a good girl and stay still. I will go get the doctor.”

He dashed out of the ward and rushed back with three doctors and two nurses.

Dr. Kane did a thorough check on Amelia. “Mr. Clinton, Mrs. Clinton is recovering well,’ he reassured with a comforting smile.

“Can that be removed?” Oscar pointed at the oxygen mask and asked.

Dr. Kane nodded, “Yes, it can be removed. She is still weak so avoid talking too much as it can be overexerting. Mr. Clinton, please be mindful not to let her tired herself out.”

Dr. Kane instructed the nurse to remove the oxygen mask from Amelia and asked, “Mrs. Clinton, how do you feel?”

Amelia smiled feebly at him. Her mind was still in a complete blank. “What happened to me? How did I end up here?”

Dr. Kane spoke gently. “You were involved in a car accident. Don’t you remember?”

His words evoked a flashback and Amelia’s memories came flooding back. She instantly turned pale. She looked down at her flat tummy with despair and horror in her eyes. “Baby! Where’s my baby?” she cried.

“Mrs. Clinton, calm down. Your baby is fine. You gave birth to a healthy baby boy three days ago. He has been waiting for his mommy to wake up. He is a little fighter, so are you.” Dr. Kane was quick to

reassure Amelia.

Amelia still had a look of disbelief. “You are not lying to me, are you?”

“It is true. Your baby is doing very well. He is in the nursery. You will get to see him once you are well enough.” Dr. Kane gave her a very reassuring smile.

Amelia was finally convinced, and she broke into a tender smile.

“Thank you! Thanks for saving my child and me.” She fervently thanked Dr. Kane.

“Don’t mention it. I am only doing my job as a doctor. The most important thing is you are okay.”

Dr. Kane then turned to give Oscar some detailed instructions before heading out with his team.

Oscar carefully supported Amelia to sit up, lovingly fed her some water.

Amelia had never seen this loving, gentle side of Oscar. She was in a state of disbelief. She gazed at him, love-struck.

“Why? You have forgotten how I looked like in just a few days?” he softly teased her.

Amelia lightly shook her head. “Mr. Clinton, I find you exceptionally good-looking today. I have this blissful feeling as if you belong to me and only me.” A family with a loving husband and child was the simple joy a woman yearned for.

“You are too easy to please.” Oscar caressed her hair and jested.

Amelia leaned back on her pillow, her gaze never leaving Oscar. All of a sudden, she grinned and mocked him. “Mr. Clinton, you look haggard. Your eyes are bloodshot. How long have you not been sleeping?”

“Almost two days. You were unconscious for so long. If you continued to be so, I would want to turn into a prince so I can kiss my beautiful princess to wake her,” Oscar jokingly replied.

Amelia’s cheeks flushed and there was a warm, fuzzy feeling in her heart. “Come lie down with me and rest for a while. The bed is big enough for the two of us,” she invited.

Oscar bent forward to kiss her on the lips. “Are you feeling sorry for me?”

Amelia looked away to avoid his passionate gaze and murmured, “I am just worried you will be tired out.”

Oscar chuckled. The joy of seeing her wake up from the coma was priceless, way more satisfying than winning projects worth billions. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

He gently nibbled her ears and softly lectured her. “Woman, you gave me a big scare this time. Promise me that in the future, even if you are mad with me, you will not behave so recklessly. Okay? I do not want to go through this horrible fear of losing my loved ones ever again.”

A wide blissful smile appeared on Amelia’s face. However, she was soon feeling exhausted, as she had not fully recovered.

Oscar tucked her in and urged her to rest. “Sleep if you are tired. I will be here by your side.”

Amelia nodded and fell asleep shortly.

Olivia and Owen came in through the door. Olivia sighed with disappointment after checking on Amelia. “Amelia is still in a coma?” she asked Oscar.

Oscar gave her a big smile. “She woke up a while ago. Dr. Kane had examined her. He said she is still weak but recovering well,” he announced joyfully.

“Really?” Olivia let out a sigh of relief and beamed as Oscar nodded to reassure her.

Olivia pushed a bag of food into Oscar’s hands and urged him to eat. “Oscar, you go take a bite. Your dad and I will watch over Amelia.”

Oscar took the food and sat down on the couch. The aroma of the food was heavenly. He started wolfing it down. He was famished.

When he went for supper with James the night before, he ate close to nothing but drank heavily. He suffered from a hangover when he came back to the ward.

It has been three days since Amelia was warded after her accident. He has not been sleeping nor eating much. It was only adrenaline that kept him going during this period.

He finished the food in no time and let out a satisfied burp after the good meal, very unbecoming for the usual suave Oscar Clinton. “Mind your manners,” Olivia chuckled and chided him half-heartedly. Deep inside, it pained her to see how exhausted he was in the past few days.

Oscar had always been polished and charming. Never had anyone seen him looking so disheveled. In the past few days, all his attention was on Amelia. He did not even bother to shave. Only fools would believe he had no feelings for Amelia.

They had been married for many years, after all. He would have to be a cold-blooded beast to be not affected when Amelia got so badly injured in the accident.

Olivia could clearly see the love and concern Oscar had for Amelia. She was heartened.

Her simple wish was for the two to enjoy a loving, blissful life together, and for her grandson to grow up in a happy and warm family.

“Oscar, it was a close call for Amelia. Please be nice to her from now on. I do not know if Dr. Kane had told you about the blood clot in her brain. She may lose her sight in the future, so you have to be mentally prepared for that. Do give in to her a little,” Olivia earnestly pleaded with Oscar.

Oscar’s mood darkened. “Mom, Amelia will be okay.” He was resolute in his belief.

Olivia looked at the frail-looking Amelia and sighed. “Of course, my hope is for her to make a full recovery too. She is my daughter-in-law, but she is also a daughter to me. Most people had experienced conflicts in their in-law relationships, but I was very comfortable with her. I could confide in her the things I could not share with your dad, you, and Steph. She is a good listener and always gives me good feedback. Honestly, I really like her.”

Olivia paused for a moment, then added, “If she really goes blind someday, promise me, Oscar, you will take good care of her.” Olivia was really one of a kind as a mother-in-law.

Oscar side-stepped by replying, “Mom, I will sort out my personal affairs.”

Olivia did not pursue further. She sat down by Amelia’s bedside and stroked her hair. “She has lost so much weight.”

“She is lucky to be alive. You can prepare nutritious meals for her after she is discharged. Don’t worry. She will regain the weight lost.” Owen consoled her, easing her worry.

“Oscar, after Amelia is discharged, the two of you move back to the Clinton residence. We have more helpers so they can take better care of Amelia. I will also be able to see my grandson every day and chat with Amelia whenever I am free,” Olivia appealed to Oscar.

Oscar did not readily agree to her request.

He thought about it for a while, then suggested, “Why don’t we let Amelia decide when she gets better? I have no objection to that. As you know, Steph has issues with Amelia. If she keeps giving Amelia an attitude, everyone will end up being unhappy at home. Amelia is still weak. I do not wish to put her through that.”

His words silenced Olivia. She knew if Steph and Amelia stayed under the same roof, their hostile relationship would be a problem. Whenever the family spoke about Amelia, Steph would lose her temper or accuse them of siding with Amelia. No one could persuade her to change her mind.

Olivia was caught between her daughter and daughter-in-law. If she were to defend any party, the other would be unhappy, and thus their conflict would worsen. Even a wise lady like her could not figure a way out of this.

“Oscar, maybe you can try to talk to your sister. Steph seemed to have some misunderstanding with Amelia.” Olivia was trying to pass on the hot potato to Oscar.

Oscar gave it a thought and declined, “Mom, leave Steph alone. She’s still young. Soon, she will be married and occupied with matters of her new family. She would not have the time and energy to bother us anymore.”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “She is too frivolous. I don’t think she will settle down anytime before she is thirty. She is not nasty in nature, just quick-tempered and easily swayed by others. We made the mistake of spoiling her rotten, giving in to her constantly since she was young. Now we are unable to reason with her anymore.”

“Okay, mom. I will find time to have a chat with Steph,” Oscar promised.

“You are her brother. She will likely open her heart to you. Your dad and I had over-indulged her. If we try to be firm with her now, she might rebel. You are the best person to talk some sense into her.” Olivia

explained and Oscar nodded in agreement.

As they were speaking, James came in through the door, interrupting their conversation.

James gave Olivia a big hug and started sweet-talking her. “Mrs. Clinton, you are beautiful as ever.”

Olivia was charmed by him. “James, many girls must have fallen for you because of your glib tongue.”

“Beauties like you are hard to come by. Those who fell for me are mainly innocent, gullible girls.” James continued his smooth-talking.

Olivia was tickled. “You are a good boy and you are old enough to settle down. Find yourself a good girl, get married, and have a few kids. Even if you are from a different culture, our goal in life should be the same, isn’t it?” Olivia chuckled and advised him.

James nodded his head vigorously. “You are so right, Mrs. Clinton. I feel the same way! If you have any suitable girls, please link us up. I will definitely do my best to win her heart.”

Olivia doubtfully eyed him.

James could sense her uncertainty, so he stood up straight and assured, “I am serious, Mrs. Clinton. I had enough of this footloose life and really wished to settle down. I planned to stay here in Chanaea permanently. If you have any suitable beautiful girls, please be my matchmaker and introduce them to me.”

That really delighted Olivia. She gave it a thought and figured, “My goddaughter is a wonderful lady.”

“Goddaughter?” James was clueless who that was.

“Yes. Tiffany. You met her yesterday.”

“Mrs. Clinton, Tiffany is your goddaughter?” James was stunned.

“Yes. We have not done a proper announcement to everyone yet. After Amelia gets well, we will throw a party to introduce Tiffany. Although you are a foreigner, you understand our culture and speak our language well. There should not be any communication barrier. I think the two of you will make a good match. However, I can only do the introduction. At the end of the day, it depends on how you feel about each other. If there is no chemistry between the two of you, then I can’t insist on pairing you up,” Olivia said.

James gave her a thumbs-up and exclaimed, “This is a great idea!”

Oscar was anxious and could not hold back anymore. He pulled James over. “James, come over and examine Amelia. How is she faring?”

James obliged and did an examination. He smilingly declared, “Amelia is recovering well. If she does not suffer from complications over the next two weeks, she should be able to discharge and continue her recuperation at home.”

Oscar breathed a sigh of relief.

“James, she is really doing well?” Olivia wanted to be sure.

“Mrs. Clinton, I am quite a skillful doctor. Don’t you trust me?” James jested.

“Of course, I do!”

James could not help asking, “Mrs. Clinton, do you really plan to introduce your goddaughter to me?”

Even before Olivia could answer, Oscar gave him a big boot on his back.

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