Love Diary

Chapter 17 Something On Amy's Mind (Part Two)

Chapter 17 Something On Amy's Mind (Part Two)

"It seems so. Yes? Can't you do this interview? " Cassie said with a smile.

"Don't try to goad me, though it works." Closing the documents in her hand, Clare raised the corners of

her mouth confidently and said to Cassie, "let's wait and see how Amie and I will win."

Cassie said, "well, I'll wait and see. ——By the way, it's not peaceful in the area where the ZZ High

School is located at night. Come back early after the interview. Be careful. "

Clare waved her hand and said, "it's okay. I'll take the secret weapons you and my brother make with

me every day."

"Anyway, you'd better be careful. Amie will wait for you at Happy Time later. You can go to see her after

the third class. "


"By the way, don't forget the party in the Cao family this evening. You can go there directly after the



"Happy Time" was a chain dessert shop across the country. It had branches near famous universities

all over the country, and it was a side business of Amy's family.

When Clare arrived at the Happy Time, Amy had already arrived. She sat in room 1 and drank a cup of

"honey girl". Seeing Clare come in under the guidance of a waiter, she greeted Clare with a smile, "Hi,

Clare. What would you like to drink? "

"Since it's Miss Amy's treat, I'll be happy." Clare sat down jokingly and said to a waiter, "please give me

a glass of clear water."

The waiter was stunned and asked uncertainly, "only clear water is enough?"

Clare nodded.

The waiter looked at Amy with hesitation, "Miss Amy..."

Amy nodded with a smile, "let's listen to her."

After the waiter left, Clare lay prone on the table. She propped her head with her chin, pouted and

looked at Amy. She said aggrievedly, "you really only give me water?"

Amy couldn't help but sigh, "if you don't want to drink water, you would have called someone else. Now

you are pretending to be aggrieved. I won't sympathize with you."

Clare narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Amie knows me well."

The waiter served the water quickly. Clare drank the water and chatted with Amy.

Squinting at Amy, Clare said seriously, "Amie, you were strange that day."

Amy stopped stirring the fruit with a spoon, looked up at her in confusion and asked, "that day? When?

" Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

"On the day of the opening ceremony, where did you go later?" Clare pretended to think like Holmes.

She had thought that Amie left in advance because she had to prepare for the opening ceremony, but

when she went to the main venue, she didn't see Amie. Amie didn't come until three minutes before the

opening ceremony. Then she thought about it carefully. Before she went to find John, Amie specially

told her to wait for her there. Amie had never been a person without any instructions. How could Amie

leave without saying goodbye or sending a message to her? There must be something wrong.

Amy looked down at the cup and said, "then, that day That day, I, I was not feeling well, so I went to the

bathroom. "

Clare sighed pitifully and said, "Amie."

Amy looked at her, "what?"

Clare: " You stuttered again. "

Amy was speechless

Leaning against the table with her elbow, Clare looked at Amy helplessly and asked, "is there any

secret that you can't tell me?"

Amy hesitated for a while, shook her head and said, " No. "

Clare's eyes lit up. She asked, "what happened to you that day?"

"I just..." Amy hesitated for a moment, and then took a careful look at Clare. She immediately lowered

her head and said, "Clary, I will tell you and you can't to be angry."

Clare nodded generously, "I won't be angry. You can say?"

"I... I'm just a little afraid to see that John likes you." After saying that, Amy lowered her head


Clare was confused, "John, he likes me? Where did this joke come from? " Did she fall in love with him

at that time? What was going on?

Amy raised her hand weakly, "I, I guessed it."

Embarrassed, Clare asked, "where did you get the wild guess?"

"It's not a wild guess," Amy objected in a weak voice. "You are excellent, and it's normal for him to fall

in love with you..." The rest of the sentence slowly disappeared under the gaze of Clare.

Clare touched her forehead helplessly and asked, "Amie, do you think I'm the heroine in the romantic


Everyone loves Clare? Please tell me this joke is very funny.

Amy felt more guilty, " Of course not. "

"John will never fall in love with me!" Clare stated seriously, "he almost put a label on my head,

indicating the two words' troublesome person '."

She sighed and said, "I knew you liked John so much. No wonder you ask me what I said to him that

day? It turned out that you were thinking about these messy things alone."

Amy gave a flattering smile and said I'm sorry. "

"You should tell yourself." Clare couldn't help but poke her head with her finger and said, "your good

friend and the person you like may be together. You must have been depressed for many days

because of this messy idea, right? "

Amy's face flushed as if she was going to burn.

Clare didn't want to make fun of her anymore. She looked at her watch, stood up and said, "it's almost

time. Let's go."

Amy nodded and stood up.

When pushing the cart outside the door, Amy stole a glance at Clare from time to time, as if she wanted

to say something but stopped on a second thought.

Clare locked the car, tilted her head to look at her and said helplessly, "if you want to know what John

said to me that day, just ask me directly. I won't laugh at you." Amie was just too shy.

Sure enough, Amy blushed again the next second.

Shaking her head, Clare got into the car neatly. She stepped on the ground and said to Amy, "well,

don't be shy. We have known each other for many years. We don't like this. Let's go. I'll tell you as we

walk. "

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