Love after Betrayal (Casper and Natalie)

Love After Betrayal Chapter 13

Love After Betrayal Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Natalie’s eyes lit up. “Okay!” Even though what had happened the night before was a

misunderstanding, Casper was somewhat displeased by how she responded so quickly as though she

wanted to get a divorce immediately. Tyler happened to come in just then. “Mr. Langston, the car is

ready.” Casper wheeled himself away without saying another word. Natalie heaved a sigh of relief. She

had heard Tyler say just now that the car was ready. Therefore, she made a special effort to wait for a

while until she was sure that Casper had left before going out. The villa had been cleaned. Everything

inside and outside had been replaced as though nothing had happened here last night. It was as if

there were no dead people and no blood spilled. However, since Natalie was pregnant, her sense of

smell was more acute than that of average people. Therefore, she couldn’t help but feel queasy when

she came out. A black Maybach stopped outside the entrance at the front. Tyler asked, “Mr. Langston,

Madam seems to be unwell. It seems like she wants to go out, but there’s no taxi around here, so she’ll

have to walk to the neighborhood’s entrance. Should we give her a ride?” Sitting in the back seat,

Casper narrowed his eyes. “You care about her?” Tyler replied, “No, I don’t.” Casper looked at Natalie

through the rearview mirror. Then, recalling the misunderstanding last night, he said, “Reverse the car.”

“Yes, Mr. Langston.” The car soon reversed to Natalie’s side. Natalie was surprised. She had seen just

now that the car had reached the entrance. Why would he reverse the car? Could it be that he’s gotten

suspicious after seeing me throw up? The car window slowly rolled down, after which a slightly pale

right hand with bony fingers reached out and handed her a silvery white handkerchief. Natalie was

stunned. “Is this for me?” Casper replied, “Throw it away if you don’t want it.” This woman really doesn’t

know how to appreciate someone’s kindness! For a moment, Natalie was inwardly flustered for no

reason. Then, for some reason, she took the handkerchief from him. However, just as she wanted to

thank him, the car window rolled up, and the car drove off into the distance. At the sight of this, Natalie

was rendered speechless. He’s still as mean as usual! But did he go out of his way to reverse the car

and give me his handkerchief because he saw me throwing up? It seems that this guy isn’t so

annoying, after all. She unfolded the handkerchief to see a pink herbaceous peony embroidered with

golden silk threads in the lower right corner. To think that he’d use such a gaudy handkerchief! She

shook her head without giving it much thought. After wiping the corner of her mouth, she immediately

went out. … At the hospital, Natalie said, “Doctor, I’ve thought it over. I can’t give birth to the baby.

When can I make an appointment for an abortion?” She clenched her fists while feeling somewhat

unhappy. She and Casper would be getting divorced in a week. And besides, even if they didn’t get

divorced, he wouldn’t allow her to be pregnant with his child. Judging from his response, he really

meant what he said; he really didn’t want the baby. Moreover, she had to confront the stresses of life

after their divorce, and it would be inconvenient for her to be pregnant. Therefore, after thinking about it

all night, she decided to have an abortion. The doctor was puzzled. “Do you know how many people

can’t have babies even if they want to? Sigh, young people like you guys… Alright, let’s do the checkup

first before I schedule it for you.” “Thank you, doctor.” She did all kinds of tests before getting the test

results. After reading the test results, the doctor said to her in surprise, “You have three gestational

sacs in your uterine cavity! It means that you’re pregnant with triplets, which is very rare since such a

probability is very small. Miss Hartwell, do you really not want to keep them? What about the father of

the babies? He’ll definitely be very happy if he knows that you’re pregnant with triplets!” If Casper Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

learns about this, he probably won’t even give me the opportunity to make a choice. He’ll force me to

have an abortion, thought Natalie. She hesitated while holding the ultrasound report in her hand. The

doctor told her that she had trouble getting pregnant. If she were to have an abortion, she might no

longer be able to conceive in the future. The Langstons still didn’t know about her pregnancy at the

moment, so it was now entirely up to her whether to give birth to the triplets or not. Half an hour later,

she lay down on the operating table for an abortion. She clenched her fists tightly; even her breathing

was somewhat uneven. The doctor in charge of the surgery comforted her, saying, “Miss Hartwell, the

surgery will begin very soon. We’ll anesthetize you first, so don’t be afraid. Calm down and take a deep

breath. It’ll be quick, and it won’t be painful.” Upon thinking of how she would soon lose her babies,

Natalie felt an excruciating pain in her heart. Just when the doctor was about to start anesthetizing her,

she suddenly regretted her decision. “I’m sorry, doctor, but I’m not gonna go through the surgery!” The

doctor hadn’t encountered such a situation before, but Natalie got down from the operating table

nonetheless. The babies are mine. However tough the future might be, I’ll keep them, even if Casper

doesn’t want them! I’ll have nothing to do with him after our divorce. By then, I’ll give birth to the babies

and raise them alone. If the worst comes to worst, if the kids ask about their father in the future, I’ll tell

them that their father is dead.

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