Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 435

Chapter 435

When Bella got home, she was burning up with a fever that hit 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Being strapped for cash, she hesitated to go to the hospital, fearing the bills more than the illness.

Reflecting on this, Ivy sighed and said, "You're always worrying about her, but does she ever worry about you? You can't even mention setting Jane up without her worrying it'll be a bother to you..."

"Jane? Setting up what now?"

Before she could finish, the bedroom door swung open, and Summer stepped in, clad in a limited edition dress, her curiosity piqued.

Bella hadn't mentioned anything to Summer yet. And there was no real need to. But now that the cat was out of the bag, Bella shot Ivy a warning look to keep quiet, then beckoned Summer over with a smile. "We were just talking about tomorrow's dinner. I suggested inviting Jane to join us, maybe set her up with someone."

At the mention of Jane, Summer's fists clenched tightly, her teeth practically grinding together. Jane, that thorn in her side, had been a constant nuisance for the past two years. And to think, Jane and Bella barely knew each other, having met only twice, yet Bella seemed to have taken a liking to her.

The more Summer thought about it, the more it irked her. Yet, she masked her displeasure with a practiced smile, sitting beside Bella and asking softly, "Set her up? Mom, has Ms. Webster ever been part of our social circles? Won't she feel out of place at the dinner?"

Her concern seemed genuine, but inside, she wished Jane would disappear. For some reason, Summer felt like Jane was her bad luck charm, always causing her plans to go awry.

Bella, feeling guilty for not spending enough time with Summer, reassured her without a second thought, "Not at all, dear. Jane's been to plenty of international film festivals with Dave. A dinner party will be a breeze for her."

"I suppose you're right."

Summer forced a smile, her frustration brewing beneath the surface. If Jane didn't take the hint and kept hovering around Bella, she'd have to take matters into her own hands. She had missed out on the Myers family's connection, but she wouldn't let Bella, a much bigger opportunity, slip through her fingers.


As soon as I hung up the phone, Christine leaned in, her curiosity piqued by my smile. "What's the good news?"

"Ms. Taylor wants to help mework."

I put my phone down. "She's invited me to join her at a dinner party tomorrow."

"That's fantastic!"

Christine shared my excitement. "I've been worrying about how to launch your career here. Sure, we can flaunt our awards, but it always feels like we're missing something."

"Those who spend big on custom pieces are looking for prestige, and approaching them directly might not always work in our favor."

Christine was analytical about our strategy. "Being seen with Bella could be the break we need. You won't even need to introduce yourself; people will naturally want to know more about you."

I agreed. "That's what I was thinking."

I had assumed it might take until the end of the month's award ceremony to make a mark here. But now, it seemed I wouldn't have to wait that long.


The next afternoon, I got ready early,

applying makeup to cover a small


cut near my lip, and slipped into a one-shoulder mermaid dress designed by Dave. It looked simple

at first glance, but the intricate

details demanded attention. Content

belongs to

Then, Christine, Ike, and I headed downstairs. I had arranged with Ike the night before to take him to a newly opened superhero-themed restaurant while I attended the dinner.

Outside, a familiar car caught myBelongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

eye, along with a very familiar figure leaning against it. Bryant stood there, looking effortlessly elegantin a tailormade suit, a lit cigarette between his fingers. His presence commanded attention.

"Auntie! Ike will miss you!" Ike had cheekily decided to call me "auntie" again.

I ruffled his hair, gently saying, "Be good and listen to Christine, okay?"

Bryant glanced over, his deep voice breaking the silence. "I'm here to take you to the dinner."

"How did you know about the

dinner?" I asked, though it dawned

on me quickly. The guest list for such a high-profile event would be closely guarded, but for Bryant, obtaining it would be trivial. In the world of showbiz, it all boiled down téwho had the capital to speak loudest.

Realizing my car tire was flat, Christine offered her keys, but I declined, knowing the traffic would be a nightmare.

Bryant insisted, "Let me take you."

"Auntie!" Ike tugged at my dress, giving Bryant a wary glance before declaring boldly, "When uncle gets back from work, he'll come pick you up!"

In that moment, the lines between our worlds blurred, a mix of family, ambition, and the unpredictable dance of fate weaving us together in the vibrant tapestry of life.

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