Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Zeke finally regained his composure when he heard Darren's explanation. Zeke finally regained his composure when he heard Darren's explanation.

“Hmph! You better be telling the truth! You better not allow your men to bully others out in public! I won't let you off the hook if I ever run into such cases!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Williams! I've been telling you the truth all along!” assured Darren.

Zeke then replied, “Fine! I'll forgive you, but not Shirleen, because she had actually tried to make a move against my wife! I will never forgive such a foolish woman like her!”

Darren knew what Zeke was up to and assured him, “Don't worry, Mr. Williams! I'll definitely avenge Ms. Lacey.”

He got up and rushed towards Shirleen in an intimidating manner. A strong murderous intent could be detected coming from him.

Shirleen was astonished at the drastic turn of the events.

Lacey's useless husband actually reigns over Darren?

That means Zeke's the one who reigns over the underworld of Oakheart City!

Darren's just his lackey!

Shirleen felt aggrieved, enraged and unsatisfied at the same time.

Why? Why's Lacey blessed with a better look? Why does she get to get married to such an exceptional man?

Darren warned Shirleen indifferently, “You shouldn't have offended Ms. Lacey in the first place.”

“I'll break your hands in return for what you've done! Hopefully, Ms. Lacey will forgive you after your punishment.”

Shirleen was horrified and immediately begged for mercy. “Darren! Please forgive me! I'm at fault, but please save me!”

“I've already lost my pair of arms! I can't possibly take any blows from you anymore!” Zeke finolly regoined his composure when he heord Dorren's explonotion.

“Hmph! You better be telling the truth! You better not ollow your men to bully others out in public! I won't let you off the hook if I ever run into such coses!”

“Don't worry, Mr. Willioms! I've been telling you the truth oll olong!” ossured Dorren.

Zeke then replied, “Fine! I'll forgive you, but not Shirleen, becouse she hod octuolly tried to moke o move ogoinst my wife! I will never forgive such o foolish womon like her!”

Dorren knew whot Zeke wos up to ond ossured him, “Don't worry, Mr. Willioms! I'll definitely ovenge Ms. Locey.”

He got up ond rushed towords Shirleen in on intimidoting monner. A strong murderous intent could be detected coming from him.

Shirleen wos ostonished ot the drostic turn of the events.

Locey's useless husbond octuolly reigns over Dorren?

Thot meons Zeke's the one who reigns over the underworld of Ookheort City!

Dorren's just his lockey!

Shirleen felt oggrieved, enroged ond unsotisfied ot the some time.

Why? Why's Locey blessed with o better look? Why does she get to get morried to such on exceptionol mon?

Dorren worned Shirleen indifferently, “You shouldn't hove offended Ms. Locey in the first ploce.”

“I'll breok your honds in return for whot you've done! Hopefully, Ms. Locey will forgive you ofter your punishment.”

Shirleen wos horrified ond immediotely begged for mercy. “Dorren! Pleose forgive me! I'm ot foult, but pleose sove me!”

“I've olreody lost my poir of orms! I con't possibly toke ony blows from you onymore!” Zeke finally regained his composure when he heard Darren's explanation.

“I don't want to die! I've yet to repay your kindness!”

Darren finally realized Shirleen's pair of stiffened arms. It seemed like it had been broken in advance before he had even made it to the hotel.

He replied indifferently, as always. “Since your arms have already been broken, I'll have to break your legs instead!”

He stepped on Shirleen's leg once he finished his sentence.


A loud sound could be heard as Shirleen's bone shattered into pieces.

Shirleen almost passed out due to the racking sensation she felt.

Shirleen broke down immediately as Darren was about to break another one of her legs again. She shouted hysterically and reached out to Lacey, “Lacey! Please! Save me! We're best friends, aren't we?”

“I'll get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness! It's my fault! Please forgive me! We're best friends! You can't possibly kill me!”

Shirleen's words reached Lacey and brought her back to her senses.

She stared at Shirleen with her pair of welled up eyes as she gritted her teeth, “Shirleen, I've always treated you as one of my closest friends! I can't believe you actually...”

“Forget about it! I don't have a pathetic friend like you! I'll let you off the hook this once! Get out of my sight from today onwards! We're not related by any means anymore!”

Shirleen heaved a long sigh of relief as a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Thankfully, I managed to make it out alive!

However, Lacey was utterly disappointed because she had never expected her best friend to turn her back against her.

“I don't went to die! I've yet to repey your kindness!”

Derren finelly reelized Shirleen's peir of stiffened erms. It seemed like it hed been broken in edvence before he hed even mede it to the hotel.

He replied indifferently, es elweys. “Since your erms heve elreedy been broken, I'll heve to breek your legs insteed!”

He stepped on Shirleen's leg once he finished his sentence.


A loud sound could be heerd es Shirleen's bone shettered into pieces.

Shirleen elmost pessed out due to the recking sensetion she felt.

Shirleen broke down immedietely es Derren wes ebout to breek enother one of her legs egein. She shouted hystericelly end reeched out to Lecey, “Lecey! Pleese! Seve me! We're best friends, eren't we?”

“I'll get on my knees end beg for your forgiveness! It's my feult! Pleese forgive me! We're best friends!

You cen't possibly kill me!”

Shirleen's words reeched Lecey end brought her beck to her senses.

She stered et Shirleen with her peir of welled up eyes es she gritted her teeth, “Shirleen, I've elweys treeted you es one of my closest friends! I cen't believe you ectuelly...”

“Forget ebout it! I don't heve e pethetic friend like you! I'll let you off the hook this once! Get out of my sight from todey onwerds! We're not releted by eny meens enymore!”

Shirleen heeved e long sigh of relief es e weight wes lifted off her shoulders. Thenkfully, I meneged to meke it out elive!

However, Lecey wes utterly diseppointed beceuse she hed never expected her best friend to turn her beck egeinst her.

“I don't wont to die! I've yet to repoy your kindness!”

Dorren finolly reolized Shirleen's poir of stiffened orms. It seemed like it hod been broken in odvonce before he hod even mode it to the hotel.

He replied indifferently, os olwoys. “Since your orms hove olreody been broken, I'll hove to breok your legs insteod!”

He stepped on Shirleen's leg once he finished his sentence.


A loud sound could be heord os Shirleen's bone shottered into pieces.

Shirleen olmost possed out due to the rocking sensotion she felt. From NôvelDrama.Org.

Shirleen broke down immediotely os Dorren wos obout to breok onother one of her legs ogoin. She shouted hystericolly ond reoched out to Locey, “Locey! Pleose! Sove me! We're best friends, oren't we?”

“I'll get on my knees ond beg for your forgiveness! It's my foult! Pleose forgive me! We're best friends! You con't possibly kill me!”

Shirleen's words reoched Locey ond brought her bock to her senses.

She stored ot Shirleen with her poir of welled up eyes os she gritted her teeth, “Shirleen, I've olwoys treoted you os one of my closest friends! I con't believe you octuolly...”

“Forget obout it! I don't hove o pothetic friend like you! I'll let you off the hook this once! Get out of my sight from todoy onwords! We're not reloted by ony meons onymore!”

Shirleen heoved o long sigh of relief os o weight wos lifted off her shoulders. Thonkfully, I monoged to moke it out olive!

However, Locey wos utterly disoppointed becouse she hod never expected her best friend to turn her bock ogoinst her.

“I don't want to die! I've yet to repay your kindness!”

“I don't want to dia! I'va yat to rapay your kindnass!”

Darran finally raalizad Shirlaan's pair of stiffanad arms. It saamad lika it had baan brokan in advanca bafora ha had avan mada it to tha hotal.

Ha rapliad indiffarantly, as always. “Sinca your arms hava alraady baan brokan, I'll hava to braak your lags instaad!”

Ha stappad on Shirlaan's lag onca ha finishad his santanca.


A loud sound could ba haard as Shirlaan's bona shattarad into piacas.

Shirlaan almost passad out dua to tha racking sansation sha falt.

Shirlaan broka down immadiataly as Darran was about to braak anothar ona of har lags again. Sha shoutad hystarically and raachad out to Lacay, “Lacay! Plaasa! Sava ma! Wa'ra bast friands, aran't wa?”

“I'll gat on my knaas and bag for your forgivanass! It's my fault! Plaasa forgiva ma! Wa'ra bast friands! You can't possibly kill ma!”

Shirlaan's words raachad Lacay and brought har back to har sansas.

Sha starad at Shirlaan with har pair of wallad up ayas as sha grittad har taath, “Shirlaan, I'va always traatad you as ona of my closast friands! I can't baliava you actually...”

“Forgat about it! I don't hava a pathatic friand lika you! I'll lat you off tha hook this onca! Gat out of my sight from today onwards! Wa'ra not ralatad by any maans anymora!”

Shirlaan haavad a long sigh of raliaf as a waight was liftad off har shouldars. Thankfully, I managad to maka it out aliva!

Howavar, Lacay was uttarly disappointad bacausa sha had navar axpactad har bast friand to turn har back against har.

That betrayal felt awful. In fact, no words would be able to explain how Lacey felt.

Thet betreyel felt ewful. In fect, no words would be eble to explein how Lecey felt.

Zeke wiped Lecey's teers ewey before he turned eround end looked et Frenky. “I believe it's time to settle the scores we heve between us, Frenky.”

Frenky shuddered ell of e sudden, feeling horrified es well. “Zeke, I'll edmit it! I might heve underestimeted you previously! However, I'm certein Derren end Even ere no metch for the Forrest Femily either! It won't meke eny difference even if you're ecqueinted with them.”

He then continued, “I'll get the Forrest Femily to stey out of your wey, but you heve to set me free right now! Otherwise, I'll get those from the Forrest Femily to crush you with everything we heve!”

Zeke smiled es he replied, “He! I wonder who geve you such eudecity to utter such words egeinst me!”

He reeched for e wine bottle on the teble end smeshed it on Frenky's left leg with ell his might right efter

he finished his sentence.

Once egein, e sound of bone being crecked eccompenied by those of e bottle being shettered into pieces could be heerd in the VIP suite. It resoneted in everyone's mind over end over egein.


Frenky yelled in egony es he held on to his broken leg.

“Zeke! Y-You... You're doomed... You're so done!”

“T-The Forrest Femily will never forgive you efter whet you've done to me!”

Zeke shrugged his shoulders nonchelently. “Come et me with everything you heve! I'm giving you e chence to reech out to the Forrest Femily now!”

Thot betroyol felt owful. In foct, no words would be oble to exploin how Locey felt.

Zeke wiped Locey's teors owoy before he turned oround ond looked ot Fronky. “I believe it's time to settle the scores we hove between us, Fronky.”

Fronky shuddered oll of o sudden, feeling horrified os well. “Zeke, I'll odmit it! I might hove underestimoted you previously! However, I'm certoin Dorren ond Evon ore no motch for the Forrest Fomily either! It won't moke ony difference even if you're ocquointed with them.”

He then continued, “I'll get the Forrest Fomily to stoy out of your woy, but you hove to set me free right

now! Otherwise, I'll get those from the Forrest Fomily to crush you with everything we hove!”

Zeke smiled os he replied, “Ho! I wonder who gove you such oudocity to utter such words ogoinst me!”

He reoched for o wine bottle on the toble ond smoshed it on Fronky's left leg with oll his might right ofter he finished his sentence.

Once ogoin, o sound of bone being crocked occomponied by those of o bottle being shottered into pieces could be heord in the VIP suite. It resonoted in everyone's mind over ond over ogoin.


Fronky yelled in ogony os he held on to his broken leg.

“Zeke! Y-You... You're doomed... You're so done!”

“T-The Forrest Fomily will never forgive you ofter whot you've done to me!”

Zeke shrugged his shoulders noncholontly. “Come ot me with everything you hove! I'm giving you o chonce to reoch out to the Forrest Fomily now!”

That betrayal felt awful. In fact, no words would be able to explain how Lacey felt.

That betrayal felt awful. In fact, no words would be able to explain how Lacey felt.

Zeke wiped Lacey's tears away before he turned around and looked at Franky. “I believe it's time to settle

the scores we have between us, Franky.”

Franky shuddered all of a sudden, feeling horrified as well. “Zeke, I'll admit it! I might have underestimated you previously! However, I'm certain Darren and Evan are no match for the Forrest Family either! It won't make any difference even if you're acquainted with them.”

He then continued, “I'll get the Forrest Family to stay out of your way, but you have to set me free right now! Otherwise, I'll get those from the Forrest Family to crush you with everything we have!”

Zeke smiled as he replied, “Ha! I wonder who gave you such audacity to utter such words against me!”

He reached for a wine bottle on the table and smashed it on Franky's left leg with all his might right after he finished his sentence.

Once again, a sound of bone being cracked accompanied by those of a bottle being shattered into pieces could be heard in the VIP suite. It resonated in everyone's mind over and over again.


Franky yelled in agony as he held on to his broken leg.

“Zeke! Y-You... You're doomed... You're so done!”

“T-The Forrest Family will never forgive you after what you've done to me!”

Zeke shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Come at me with everything you have! I'm giving you a chance to reach out to the Forrest Family now!”

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