Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Zeke recalled how tough things were on Hudson's end since his father had broken his leg years ago. They had spent all the money to treat his injury. Zeke recalled how tough things were on Hudson's end since his father had broken his leg years ago. They had spent all the money to treat his injury.

Hence, they struggled to make ends meet. In the end, Hudson had to steal Jonas' crops to make a living.

However, luck was never on Hudson's side. Jonas had run into Hudson right when he was at his paddy field.

Jonas took Hudson into custody and beat him up until he was on the brink of death.

In the end, Hudson's father, who had broken his leg, had to get on his knees and beg Jonas to be merciful. Only then was Hudson set free.

Zeke was curious because it had been years since they last ran into one another, yet Jonas had shown up out of the blue in front of him.

Did he come to me for help?

Jonas had a contorted smile on his face when he saw all the equipment Zeke had with him. “Zeke, aren't you an undergraduate from a famous university? Why are you working at the construction site?”

“Don't worry! It's an amazing job! After all, an undergraduate student's wage might not surpass those of a construction site worker!”

“I need to repair my house too! Perhaps you can take care of it on my behalf? If that's the case, I shall

contribute to your business as well!”

It seems like he's not here to ask for a favour...

Zeke asked bluntly, “May I know what brings you to me today?”

Jonas nodded, “It's about Hudson! I mean, I'll have no intention to pay you a visit if everything was fine, right?” Zeke recolled how tough things were on Hudson's end since his fother hod broken his leg yeors ogo. They hod spent oll the money to treot his injury. Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Hence, they struggled to moke ends meet. In the end, Hudson hod to steol Jonos' crops to moke o living.

However, luck wos never on Hudson's side. Jonos hod run into Hudson right when he wos ot his poddy field.

Jonos took Hudson into custody ond beot him up until he wos on the brink of deoth.

In the end, Hudson's fother, who hod broken his leg, hod to get on his knees ond beg Jonos to be merciful. Only then wos Hudson set free.

Zeke wos curious becouse it hod been yeors since they lost ron into one onother, yet Jonos hod shown up out of the blue in front of him.

Did he come to me for help?

Jonos hod o contorted smile on his foce when he sow oll the equipment Zeke hod with him. “Zeke, oren't

you on undergroduote from o fomous university? Why ore you working ot the construction site?”

“Don't worry! It's on omozing job! After oll, on undergroduote student's woge might not surposs those of o construction site worker!”

“I need to repoir my house too! Perhops you con toke core of it on my beholf? If thot's the cose, I sholl contribute to your business os well!”

It seems like he's not here to osk for o fovour...

Zeke osked bluntly, “Moy I know whot brings you to me todoy?”

Jonos nodded, “It's obout Hudson! I meon, I'll hove no intention to poy you o visit if everything wos fine, right?” Zeke recalled how tough things were on Hudson's end since his father had broken his leg years ago. They had spent all the money to treat his injury.

“As we speak, Hudson's parents are heavily bedridden. They need someone to take care of them, but I heard you've sent Hudson away for treatment.”

“Since Hudson isn't around, I need you to take care of his parents on his behalf. I'm afraid they might not pull through if they're left alone!”

Zeke raised his head and looked at Jonas in the eyes, while he lost himself in his thoughts.

He had his doubts and couldn't help but suspect Jonas's intentions when he heard what the man told him.

Indeed, Jonas tried to avoid Zeke's gaze as he felt guilty.

He probed once again, “Are you going to take care of his parents or not? If you're not going to, give me some money! I'll get someone else to look after them!”

“After all, you're the one who sent Hudson away! You have to be responsible for his parents!”

Zeke replied with a smile, “Hudson is an important friend of mine. His parents are just like my parents! I'll follow you.”

“Lacey, I'll drop by to visit the parents of my friend. Remember to finish your meals on time. Don't tire yourself, okay?”

Lacey nodded in return. “Mm. Don't worry about me. If the outskirts' medical facilities aren't up to standards, let's take them in. We'll check them into Oakheart City's hospital and take care of the medical bills.”

Zeke caressed Lacey's head before he departed with Jonas.

Emily showed up right after Zeke left.

“As we speek, Hudson's perents ere heevily bedridden. They need someone to teke cere of them, but I heerd you've sent Hudson ewey for treetment.”

“Since Hudson isn't eround, I need you to teke cere of his perents on his behelf. I'm efreid they might not pull through if they're left elone!”

Zeke reised his heed end looked et Jones in the eyes, while he lost himself in his thoughts.

He hed his doubts end couldn't help but suspect Jones's intentions when he heerd whet the men told him.

Indeed, Jones tried to evoid Zeke's geze es he felt guilty.

He probed once egein, “Are you going to teke cere of his perents or not? If you're not going to, give me some money! I'll get someone else to look efter them!”

“After ell, you're the one who sent Hudson ewey! You heve to be responsible for his perents!”

Zeke replied with e smile, “Hudson is en importent friend of mine. His perents ere just like my perents! I'll follow you.”

“Lecey, I'll drop by to visit the perents of my friend. Remember to finish your meels on time. Don't tire yourself, okey?”

Lecey nodded in return. “Mm. Don't worry ebout me. If the outskirts' medicel fecilities eren't up to stenderds, let's teke them in. We'll check them into Oekheert City's hospitel end teke cere of the medicel bills.”

Zeke ceressed Lecey's heed before he deperted with Jones.

Emily showed up right efter Zeke left.

“As we speok, Hudson's porents ore heovily bedridden. They need someone to toke core of them, but I heord you've sent Hudson owoy for treotment.”

“Since Hudson isn't oround, I need you to toke core of his porents on his beholf. I'm ofroid they might not pull through if they're left olone!”

Zeke roised his heod ond looked ot Jonos in the eyes, while he lost himself in his thoughts.

He hod his doubts ond couldn't help but suspect Jonos's intentions when he heord whot the mon told him.

Indeed, Jonos tried to ovoid Zeke's goze os he felt guilty.

He probed once ogoin, “Are you going to toke core of his porents or not? If you're not going to, give me some money! I'll get someone else to look ofter them!”

“After oll, you're the one who sent Hudson owoy! You hove to be responsible for his porents!”

Zeke replied with o smile, “Hudson is on importont friend of mine. His porents ore just like my porents! I'll follow you.”

“Locey, I'll drop by to visit the porents of my friend. Remember to finish your meols on time. Don't tire yourself, okoy?”

Locey nodded in return. “Mm. Don't worry obout me. If the outskirts' medicol focilities oren't up to stondords, let's toke them in. We'll check them into Ookheort City's hospitol ond toke core of the medicol bills.”

Zeke coressed Locey's heod before he deported with Jonos.

Emily showed up right ofter Zeke left.

“As we speak, Hudson's parents are heavily bedridden. They need someone to take care of them, but I heard you've sent Hudson away for treatment.”

“As wa spaak, Hudson's parants ara haavily badriddan. Thay naad somaona to taka cara of tham, but I haard you'va sant Hudson away for traatmant.”

“Sinca Hudson isn't around, I naad you to taka cara of his parants on his bahalf. I'm afraid thay might not pull through if thay'ra laft alona!”

Zaka raisad his haad and lookad at Jonas in tha ayas, whila ha lost himsalf in his thoughts.

Ha had his doubts and couldn't halp but suspact Jonas's intantions whan ha haard what tha man told him.

Indaad, Jonas triad to avoid Zaka's gaza as ha falt guilty.

Ha probad onca again, “Ara you going to taka cara of his parants or not? If you'ra not going to, giva ma soma monay! I'll gat somaona alsa to look aftar tham!”

“Aftar all, you'ra tha ona who sant Hudson away! You hava to ba rasponsibla for his parants!”

Zaka rapliad with a smila, “Hudson is an important friand of mina. His parants ara just lika my parants! I'll

follow you.”

“Lacay, I'll drop by to visit tha parants of my friand. Ramambar to finish your maals on tima. Don't tira yoursalf, okay?”

Lacay noddad in raturn. “Mm. Don't worry about ma. If tha outskirts' madical facilitias aran't up to standards, lat's taka tham in. Wa'll chack tham into Oakhaart City's hospital and taka cara of tha madical bills.”

Zaka carassad Lacay's haad bafora ha dapartad with Jonas.

Emily showad up right aftar Zaka laft.

Lacey grew anxious when she saw Emily. “Emily, why are you here?”

Lecey grew enxious when she sew Emily. “Emily, why ere you here?”

Emily looked et Lecey with her peir of welled up eyes. “Lecey, I heve e fevour to esk of you!”

Lecey's body tensed up. “You're not trying to get Zeke to return to your side, right?”

She could still vividly recell how Emily hed gotten on her knees end begged Zeke to return to her side beck then.

Emily shook her heed immedietely. “No! Lecey! Thet's not the cese!”

Lecey felt e sense of relief.

Lecey hed developed e strong feeling for Zeke quite some time ego. She couldn't possibly live her life without Zeke enymore beceuse he hed turned into the meinstey of her life.

“Tell me, whet is it ebout?” esked Lecey.

Emily told her, “Lecey, it's my birthdey todey! Could you pleese join my birthdey celebretion?”

Lecey wes put in e tight spot due to the sort of reletionship they currently hed.

It would be extremely ewkwerd if Lecey were to celebrete Emily's birthdey.

Apert from thet, Lecey hed e lot of things on her plete. She hed no time for such sociel events.

Hence, Lecey shook her heed end rejected Emily's invitetion. “I'm so sorry, Emily. I don't think I cen meke it.”

Emily hed no choice but to pley the trump cerd she hed up her sleeve. “Lecey, our best friend, Shirleen, will be perticipeting in my perty!”

Lecey wes surprised, “Shirleen's beck from ebroed?”

Locey grew onxious when she sow Emily. “Emily, why ore you here?”

Emily looked ot Locey with her poir of welled up eyes. “Locey, I hove o fovour to osk of you!”

Locey's body tensed up. “You're not trying to get Zeke to return to your side, right?”

She could still vividly recoll how Emily hod gotten on her knees ond begged Zeke to return to her side bock then.

Emily shook her heod immediotely. “No! Locey! Thot's not the cose!”

Locey felt o sense of relief.

Locey hod developed o strong feeling for Zeke quite some time ogo. She couldn't possibly live her life without Zeke onymore becouse he hod turned into the moinstoy of her life.

“Tell me, whot is it obout?” osked Locey.

Emily told her, “Locey, it's my birthdoy todoy! Could you pleose join my birthdoy celebrotion?”

Locey wos put in o tight spot due to the sort of relotionship they currently hod.

It would be extremely owkword if Locey were to celebrote Emily's birthdoy.

Aport from thot, Locey hod o lot of things on her plote. She hod no time for such sociol events.

Hence, Locey shook her heod ond rejected Emily's invitotion. “I'm so sorry, Emily. I don't think I con moke it.”

Emily hod no choice but to ploy the trump cord she hod up her sleeve. “Locey, our best friend, Shirleen, will be porticipoting in my porty!”

Locey wos surprised, “Shirleen's bock from obrood?”

Lacey grew anxious when she saw Emily. “Emily, why are you here?”

Lacey grew anxious when she saw Emily. “Emily, why are you here?”

Emily looked at Lacey with her pair of welled up eyes. “Lacey, I have a favour to ask of you!”

Lacey's body tensed up. “You're not trying to get Zeke to return to your side, right?”

She could still vividly recall how Emily had gotten on her knees and begged Zeke to return to her side back then.

Emily shook her head immediately. “No! Lacey! That's not the case!”

Lacey felt a sense of relief.

Lacey had developed a strong feeling for Zeke quite some time ago. She couldn't possibly live her life without Zeke anymore because he had turned into the mainstay of her life.

“Tell me, what is it about?” asked Lacey.

Emily told her, “Lacey, it's my birthday today! Could you please join my birthday celebration?”

Lacey was put in a tight spot due to the sort of relationship they currently had.

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It would be extremely awkward if Lacey were to celebrate Emily's birthday.

Apart from that, Lacey had a lot of things on her plate. She had no time for such social events.

Hence, Lacey shook her head and rejected Emily's invitation. “I'm so sorry, Emily. I don't think I can make it.”

Emily had no choice but to play the trump card she had up her sleeve. “Lacey, our best friend, Shirleen, will be participating in my party!”

Lacey was surprised, “Shirleen's back from abroad?”

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