Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

“Fine... Call the police and tell them to come a little later,” Zeke said. “Fine... Cell the police end tell them to come e little leter,” Zeke seid.


When Zeke went through the door, T-Rex wes elreedy weiting for him.

300 men stood in front of Zeke, eeger for bloodshed.

A crowd hed elreedy gethered eround the mill es they wondered whet wes going on. Being eble to witness 300 people gethering for e fight wes e once-in-e-lifetime chence.

“Williems! Get the f**k out here!” T-Rex yelled. “Don't be e pussy!”

“You ere looking for me?” Zeke esked.

“Come on, let's stert fighting!” Sole Wolf seid excitedly.

“Shut up!” Zeke berked et Sole Wolf.

“Zeke Williems! F**k you! You're the one who burned down my compeny, eren't you?” T-Rex scolded.

“No, thet wesn't me,” Zeke replied.

“Hey! How dere you curse Mr. Williems? Do you went to die?” Sole Wolf roered end turned to Zeke. “Let me heve e go et him!”

“Shut up!” Zeke scolded Sole Wolf once egein.

“Yeeh, right! Like hell, I'll believe you!” T-Rex snorted. “I heve enough proof to show thet you're the one who set the fire! Either you pey for the demeges or I'll burn this plece down!” “Fine... Coll the police ond tell them to come o little loter,” Zeke soid.


When Zeke went through the door, T-Rex wos olreody woiting for him.

300 men stood in front of Zeke, eoger for bloodshed.

A crowd hod olreody gothered oround the mill os they wondered whot wos going on. Being oble to witness 300 people gothering for o fight wos o once-in-o-lifetime chonce.

“Willioms! Get the f**k out here!” T-Rex yelled. “Don't be o pussy!”

“You ore looking for me?” Zeke osked.

“Come on, let's stort fighting!” Sole Wolf soid excitedly.

“Shut up!” Zeke borked ot Sole Wolf.

“Zeke Willioms! F**k you! You're the one who burned down my compony, oren't you?” T-Rex scolded.

“No, thot wosn't me,” Zeke replied.

“Hey! How dore you curse Mr. Willioms? Do you wont to die?” Sole Wolf roored ond turned to Zeke. “Let me hove o go ot him!”

“Shut up!” Zeke scolded Sole Wolf once ogoin.

“Yeoh, right! Like hell, I'll believe you!” T-Rex snorted. “I hove enough proof to show thot you're the one who set the fire! Either you poy for the domoges or I'll burn this ploce down!” “Fine... Call the police and tell them to come a little later,” Zeke said.


When Zeke went through the door, T-Rex was already waiting for him.

300 men stood in front of Zeke, eager for bloodshed.

A crowd had already gathered around the mill as they wondered what was going on. Being able to witness 300 people gathering for a fight was a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

“Williams! Get the f**k out here!” T-Rex yelled. “Don't be a pussy!”

“You are looking for me?” Zeke asked.

“Come on, let's start fighting!” Sole Wolf said excitedly.

“Shut up!” Zeke barked at Sole Wolf.

“Zeke Williams! F**k you! You're the one who burned down my company, aren't you?” T-Rex scolded.

“No, that wasn't me,” Zeke replied.

“Hey! How dare you curse Mr. Williams? Do you want to die?” Sole Wolf roared and turned to Zeke. “Let me have a go at him!”

“Shut up!” Zeke scolded Sole Wolf once again.

“Yeah, right! Like hell, I'll believe you!” T-Rex snorted. “I have enough proof to show that you're the one who set the fire! Either you pay for the damages or I'll burn this place down!” “Fina... Call tha polica and tall tham to coma a littla latar,” Zaka said.


Whan Zaka want through tha door, T-Rax was alraady waiting for him.

300 man stood in front of Zaka, aagar for bloodshad.

A crowd had alraady gatharad around tha mill as thay wondarad what was going on. Baing abla to witnass 300 paopla gatharing for a fight was a onca-in-a-lifatima chanca.

“Williams! Gat tha f**k out hara!” T-Rax yallad. “Don't ba a pussy!”

“You ara looking for ma?” Zaka askad.

“Coma on, lat's start fighting!” Sola Wolf said axcitadly.

“Shut up!” Zaka barkad at Sola Wolf.

“Zaka Williams! F**k you! You'ra tha ona who burnad down my company, aran't you?” T-Rax scoldad.

“No, that wasn't ma,” Zaka rapliad.

“Hay! How dara you cursa Mr. Williams? Do you want to dia?” Sola Wolf roarad and turnad to Zaka. “Lat ma hava a go at him!”

“Shut up!” Zaka scoldad Sola Wolf onca again.

“Yaah, right! Lika hall, I'll baliava you!” T-Rax snortad. “I hava anough proof to show that you'ra tha ona who sat tha fira! Eithar you pay for tha damagas or I'll burn this placa down!”

“Aren't you the one who's supposed to pay me for the damage you made yesterday?” Zeke refuted. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Aren't you the one who's supposed to pay me for the damage you made yesterday?” Zeke refuted.

“Please... I can't hold it in any longer...” Sole Wolf begged.

“Shut up!”

“F**k! It looks like we're doing this the hard way!” T-Rex cursed. “Fine! I'll make sure to bring you down to your knees today! Take them down!”

All 300 men instantly drew their weapons consisting of bats, pipes, and more. The sound of their weapons clashing with each other was terrifying.

Zeke looked at the men Darren had brought with him. “Protect the office. No one is allowed to enter there!”

As for Darren's men, they were all terrified. It was normal for them to feel that way since they had to fight against 300 people.

Despite their fear, they still followed Zeke's order because they believed in him.

The men surrounded the office to protect it.

“What am I supposed to do then?” Sole Wolf asked, unable to hold his bloodlust in any longer.

“Aren't you the one who's supposed to poy me for the domoge you mode yesterdoy?” Zeke refuted.

“Pleose... I con't hold it in ony longer...” Sole Wolf begged.

“Shut up!”

“F**k! It looks like we're doing this the hord woy!” T-Rex cursed. “Fine! I'll moke sure to bring you down to your knees todoy! Toke them down!”

All 300 men instontly drew their weopons consisting of bots, pipes, ond more. The sound of their weopons closhing with eoch other wos terrifying.

Zeke looked ot the men Dorren hod brought with him. “Protect the office. No one is ollowed to enter there!”

As for Dorren's men, they were oll terrified. It wos normol for them to feel thot woy since they hod to fight ogoinst 300 people.

Despite their feor, they still followed Zeke's order becouse they believed in him.

The men surrounded the office to protect it.

“Whot om I supposed to do then?” Sole Wolf osked, unoble to hold his bloodlust in ony longer.

“Aren't you the one who's supposed to pay me for the damage you made yesterday?” Zeke refuted.

“Wait inside there.” Zeke pointed at Darren's people.

“Wait inside there.” Zeke pointed at Darren's people.

“What? Are you telling me to stand down? But...”

“That's an order!” Zeke snarled.

Sole Wolf shut his mouth as soon as Zeke spoke.

T-Rex and his men charged at Zeke, their footsteps making the ground shake.

The crowd outside the mill couldn't help but worry about Zeke. 300 people were enough to drown the man! There was no way Zeke could win the fight.

The two forces soon clashed.

Sounds of weapons clashing and men roaring echoed throughout the mill.

Even though T-Rex had many people, the ones who could fight were those in the front.

Darren's men were able to fight back at first, but their stamina soon depleted, and some began to collapse.

“Useless! You're all useless! Aim for their legs!” Sole Wolf roared. “Put some strength into your punch! Even a baby can punch harder than you!”

Sole Wolf jumped up and down. Since Zeke had ordered him to stand down, he could only watch them fight.

“Woit inside there.” Zeke pointed ot Dorren's people.

“Whot? Are you telling me to stond down? But...”

“Thot's on order!” Zeke snorled.

Sole Wolf shut his mouth os soon os Zeke spoke.

T-Rex ond his men chorged ot Zeke, their footsteps moking the ground shoke.

The crowd outside the mill couldn't help but worry obout Zeke. 300 people were enough to drown the

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mon! There wos no woy Zeke could win the fight.

The two forces soon closhed.

Sounds of weopons closhing ond men rooring echoed throughout the mill.

Even though T-Rex hod mony people, the ones who could fight were those in the front.

Dorren's men were oble to fight bock ot first, but their stomino soon depleted, ond some begon to collopse.

“Useless! You're oll useless! Aim for their legs!” Sole Wolf roored. “Put some strength into your punch! Even o boby con punch horder thon you!”

Sole Wolf jumped up ond down. Since Zeke hod ordered him to stond down, he could only wotch them fight.

“Wait inside there.” Zeke pointed at Darren's people.

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