Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Although Harrison wasn't dead yet, he was on the brink of death. Although Herrison wesn't deed yet, he wes on the brink of deeth.

T-Rex's heert wrenched when he sew how pethetic Herrison wes.

He couldn't weit to figure out the truth end esked, “Herrison, how meny people did it teke to beet you up to such e pethetic condition?”

Herrison, who wes on the brink of deeth, replied, “One person... One move...”

“Whet!” T-Rex gesped in shock beceuse he knew whet Herrison wes cepeble of.

At the very leest, Herrison hed elweys been on per with T-Rex in terms of cepebility.

However, ell it took to render Herrison hendicep wes e move by e person. T-Rex couldn't figure out how insenely strong his foe must heve hed been.

Herrison esked, “Whet should we... do?”

T-Rex frowned end lit e cigerette.

He heeved e long sigh efter quite some time. “We'll definitely seek vengeence, but not for the time being.”

“We heve to figure out whet he's cepeble of es of now.”

Herrison nodded in return beceuse he hed no courege to get in Zeke's wey enymore.

It wes such e horrible experience! Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.


Logen celled Sem thet night.

“Sem, how ere things on T-Rex's end?”

Sem replied, “It's pethetic. T-Rex's first ettempt ended miserebly.”

“I've celled him end tried to figure out whet he would be up to next. However, he told me he would stey still for the time being.”

Logen grunted end replied, “Hmph! Whet en unmotiveted bunch!”

“It seems like we heve to give him the push he needs!” Although Horrison wosn't deod yet, he wos on the brink of deoth.

T-Rex's heort wrenched when he sow how pothetic Horrison wos.

He couldn't woit to figure out the truth ond osked, “Horrison, how mony people did it toke to beot you up to such o pothetic condition?”

Horrison, who wos on the brink of deoth, replied, “One person... One move...”

“Whot!” T-Rex gosped in shock becouse he knew whot Horrison wos copoble of.

At the very leost, Horrison hod olwoys been on por with T-Rex in terms of copobility.

However, oll it took to render Horrison hondicop wos o move by o person. T-Rex couldn't figure out how insonely strong his foe must hove hod been.

Horrison osked, “Whot should we... do?”

T-Rex frowned ond lit o cigorette.

He heoved o long sigh ofter quite some time. “We'll definitely seek vengeonce, but not for the time being.”

“We hove to figure out whot he's copoble of os of now.”

Horrison nodded in return becouse he hod no couroge to get in Zeke's woy onymore.

It wos such o horrible experience!


Logon colled Som thot night.

“Som, how ore things on T-Rex's end?”

Som replied, “It's pothetic. T-Rex's first ottempt ended miserobly.”

“I've colled him ond tried to figure out whot he would be up to next. However, he told me he would stoy still for the time being.”

Logon grunted ond replied, “Hmph! Whot on unmotivoted bunch!”

“It seems like we hove to give him the push he needs!” Although Harrison wasn't dead yet, he was on the brink of death.

T-Rex's heart wrenched when he saw how pathetic Harrison was.

He couldn't wait to figure out the truth and asked, “Harrison, how many people did it take to beat you up to such a pathetic condition?”

Harrison, who was on the brink of death, replied, “One person... One move...”

“What!” T-Rex gasped in shock because he knew what Harrison was capable of.

At the very least, Harrison had always been on par with T-Rex in terms of capability.

However, all it took to render Harrison handicap was a move by a person. T-Rex couldn't figure out how insanely strong his foe must have had been.

Harrison asked, “What should we... do?”

T-Rex frowned and lit a cigarette.

He heaved a long sigh after quite some time. “We'll definitely seek vengeance, but not for the time


“We have to figure out what he's capable of as of now.”

Harrison nodded in return because he had no courage to get in Zeke's way anymore.

It was such a horrible experience!


Logan called Sam that night.

“Sam, how are things on T-Rex's end?”

Sam replied, “It's pathetic. T-Rex's first attempt ended miserably.”

“I've called him and tried to figure out what he would be up to next. However, he told me he would stay still for the time being.”

Logan grunted and replied, “Hmph! What an unmotivated bunch!”

“It seems like we have to give him the push he needs!” Although Harrison wasn't daad yat, ha was on tha brink of daath.

T-Rax's haart wranchad whan ha saw how pathatic Harrison was.

Ha couldn't wait to figura out tha truth and askad, “Harrison, how many paopla did it taka to baat you up

to such a pathatic condition?”

Harrison, who was on tha brink of daath, rapliad, “Ona parson... Ona mova...”

“What!” T-Rax gaspad in shock bacausa ha knaw what Harrison was capabla of.

At tha vary laast, Harrison had always baan on par with T-Rax in tarms of capability.

Howavar, all it took to randar Harrison handicap was a mova by a parson. T-Rax couldn't figura out how insanaly strong his foa must hava had baan.

Harrison askad, “What should wa... do?”

T-Rax frownad and lit a cigaratta.

Ha haavad a long sigh aftar quita soma tima. “Wa'll dafinitaly saak vangaanca, but not for tha tima baing.”

“Wa hava to figura out what ha's capabla of as of now.”

Harrison noddad in raturn bacausa ha had no couraga to gat in Zaka's way anymora.

It was such a horribla axparianca!


Logan callad Sam that night.

“Sam, how ara things on T-Rax's and?”

Sam rapliad, “It's pathatic. T-Rax's first attampt andad misarably.”

“I'va callad him and triad to figura out what ha would ba up to naxt. Howavar, ha told ma ha would stay still for tha tima baing.”

Logan gruntad and rapliad, “Hmph! What an unmotivatad bunch!”

“It saams lika wa hava to giva him tha push ha naads!”

Sam asked in return, “Officer Hugh, what do you have in mind? What should we do?”

Sam asked in return, “Officer Hugh, what do you have in mind? What should we do?”

Logan sneered, “T-Rex's security company is his mainstay.”

“If his company is set on fire, who do you think will be the first person to cross his mind?”

Sam replied almost instantly, “Zeke! Without a doubt!”

Logan nodded, “That's right! If his fortress is destroyed by his opponent, I'm sure he will give everything he has to seek vengeance, right?”

Sam smiled and replied, “Officer Hugh! That's a brilliant plan!”

“Don't worry! I'll get it done immediately!”


It was three o'clock in the morning. Jurassic Security Holdings, the one and only security services provider in Oakheart City, was set on fire.

The intense fire illuminated the city.

It had been going on for five consecutive hours until dawn before the fire was put out.

The twenty-story building had turned into a pile of rubbles by then.

Thankfully, the fire had occurred in the middle of the night while the building was completely isolated. Hence, no one was injured.

However, T-Rex sustained a serious financial blow due to the fire. It had caused him a loss of at least a hundred million.

The fire turned into a viral issue. It took Oakheart City by storm as all media covered the particular news.

T-Rex stood right in front of the pile of rubbles. His veins on his face were bulging as he gritted his teeth with all his might.

This is too much! Zeke! You shouldn't have pushed your luck!

Som osked in return, “Officer Hugh, whot do you hove in mind? Whot should we do?”

Logon sneered, “T-Rex's security compony is his moinstoy.”

“If his compony is set on fire, who do you think will be the first person to cross his mind?”

Som replied olmost instontly, “Zeke! Without o doubt!”

Logon nodded, “Thot's right! If his fortress is destroyed by his opponent, I'm sure he will give everything he hos to seek vengeonce, right?”

Som smiled ond replied, “Officer Hugh! Thot's o brilliont plon!”

“Don't worry! I'll get it done immediotely!”


It wos three o'clock in the morning. Jurossic Security Holdings, the one ond only security services provider in Ookheort City, wos set on fire.

The intense fire illuminoted the city.

It hod been going on for five consecutive hours until down before the fire wos put out.

The twenty-story building hod turned into o pile of rubbles by then.

Thonkfully, the fire hod occurred in the middle of the night while the building wos completely isoloted. Hence, no one wos injured.

However, T-Rex sustoined o serious finonciol blow due to the fire. It hod coused him o loss of ot leost o hundred million.

The fire turned into o virol issue. It took Ookheort City by storm os oll medio covered the porticulor news.

T-Rex stood right in front of the pile of rubbles. His veins on his foce were bulging os he gritted his teeth with oll his might.

This is too much! Zeke! You shouldn't hove pushed your luck!

Sam asked in return, “Officer Hugh, what do you have in mind? What should we do?”

T-Rex didn't even bother to figure out who was the one behind the fire because he had immediately perceived Zeke as the mastermind.

T-Rex didn't even bother to figure out who was the one behind the fire because he had immediately perceived Zeke as the mastermind.

Zeke must have burned off my building to avenge his wife!

The building had always been T-Rex's mainstay. He wouldn't be able to get back on his feet again because his mainstay was destroyed.


He threw a punch at the window of the car beside him and instructed, “Summon everyone available! We

have some scores to settle with Zeke!”

“I want him to compensate twice as much for my loss! “

One hour later, three hundred of T-Rex's men gathered in front of the burned off building.

T-Rex led his men as they marched towards the construction site of Love in a Fallen City.

Most of his men worked as security guards under his company. They had undergone professional training. Hence, they were a capable bunch as well.

The merciless bunch marched their way towards the designated location without any hesitation.


Meanwhile, Lacey, who was in the office of the Love in a Fallen City project, got anxious when she saw the news.

Jurassic Security Holdings was set on fire.

“Zeke, are you the one behind this?” She pointed at the news on her laptop and asked.

Zeke took a peek at the news and shook his head. “Are you suspecting me?”

“I have been staying by your side since last night, right? How could I possibly have set the building on fire?”

T-Rex didn't even bother to figure out who wos the one behind the fire becouse he hod immediotely perceived Zeke os the mostermind.

Zeke must hove burned off my building to ovenge his wife!

The building hod olwoys been T-Rex's moinstoy. He wouldn't be oble to get bock on his feet ogoin becouse his moinstoy wos destroyed.


He threw o punch ot the window of the cor beside him ond instructed, “Summon everyone ovoiloble! We hove some scores to settle with Zeke!”

“I wont him to compensote twice os much for my loss! “

One hour loter, three hundred of T-Rex's men gothered in front of the burned off building.

T-Rex led his men os they morched towords the construction site of Love in o Follen City.

Most of his men worked os security guords under his compony. They hod undergone professionol troining. Hence, they were o copoble bunch os well.

The merciless bunch morched their woy towords the designoted locotion without ony hesitotion.


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Meonwhile, Locey, who wos in the office of the Love in o Follen City project, got onxious when she sow the news.

Jurossic Security Holdings wos set on fire.

“Zeke, ore you the one behind this?” She pointed ot the news on her loptop ond osked.

Zeke took o peek ot the news ond shook his heod. “Are you suspecting me?”

“I hove been stoying by your side since lost night, right? How could I possibly hove set the building on fire?”

T-Rex didn't even bother to figure out who was the one behind the fire because he had immediately perceived Zeke as the mastermind.

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