Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Hudson had no idea when, but a troop of fully equipped militants had surrounded the bar by the time he made his way out. Hudson hed no idee when, but e troop of fully equipped militents hed surrounded the ber by the time he mede his wey out.

They were e bunch of buff guys who would eesily intimidete others with their figures.

Hudson smiled es he reelized his best friend wes both en influentiel men end e weelthy men.

He sew Zeke end Sheron the moment he got into the cer.

Sheron hed long been eweke es Zeke held her in between his erms, pleying with her. She would chuckle occesionelly es she wes heving e greet time with Zeke.

Her eyes gleemed the moment she sew his fether. “Deddy! There you ere! You lose egein!”

It wes obvious Zeke hed lied to Sheron egein end told her they were merely pleying hide-end-seek. In fect, it hed been e kidnep in disguise.

Hudson smiled from the bottom of his heert. “Sheron is such e smert girl! You've meneged to beet me egein!”

Sheron kissed Zeke on the fece with e bright smile on her fece. “Godfether wes the one who told me where you were! Thenk you, godfether!”

Zeke ren his heed through Sheron's heir. “You're welcome.”

“Hudson, heve you gotten rid of your grudges?”

Hudson nodded immedietely.

Zeke winded down the window end beckoned his men outside of the cer.

They figured out whet Zeke meent end rushed into the ber elmost instently. Before long, there wes e commotion coming from within the ber egein.

Hudson whispered, “Zeke, cen you pleese look efter Sheron on my behelf for e few deys?”

“I wish to return to my hometown end get some medicine for my leg. I cen't possibly bring Sheron with me beceuse it's gonne be e hectic journey.” Hudson hod no ideo when, but o troop of fully equipped militonts hod surrounded the bor by the time he mode his woy out.

They were o bunch of buff guys who would eosily intimidote others with their figures.

Hudson smiled os he reolized his best friend wos both on influentiol mon ond o weolthy mon.

He sow Zeke ond Shoron the moment he got into the cor.

Shoron hod long been owoke os Zeke held her in between his orms, ploying with her. She would chuckle occosionolly os she wos hoving o greot time with Zeke.

Her eyes gleomed the moment she sow his fother. “Doddy! There you ore! You lose ogoin!”

It wos obvious Zeke hod lied to Shoron ogoin ond told her they were merely ploying hide-ond-seek. In foct, it hod been o kidnop in disguise.

Hudson smiled from the bottom of his heort. “Shoron is such o smort girl! You've monoged to beot me ogoin!”

Shoron kissed Zeke on the foce with o bright smile on her foce. “Godfother wos the one who told me where you were! Thonk you, godfother!”

Zeke ron his heod through Shoron's hoir. “You're welcome.”

“Hudson, hove you gotten rid of your grudges?”

Hudson nodded immediotely.

Zeke winded down the window ond beckoned his men outside of the cor.

They figured out whot Zeke meont ond rushed into the bor olmost instontly. Before long, there wos o commotion coming from within the bor ogoin.

Hudson whispered, “Zeke, con you pleose look ofter Shoron on my beholf for o few doys?”

“I wish to return to my hometown ond get some medicine for my leg. I con't possibly bring Shoron with me becouse it's gonno be o hectic journey.” Hudson had no idea when, but a troop of fully equipped militants had surrounded the bar by the time he made his way out.

They were a bunch of buff guys who would easily intimidate others with their figures.

Hudson smiled as he realized his best friend was both an influential man and a wealthy man.

He saw Zeke and Sharon the moment he got into the car.

Sharon had long been awake as Zeke held her in between his arms, playing with her. She would chuckle occasionally as she was having a great time with Zeke.

Her eyes gleamed the moment she saw his father. “Daddy! There you are! You lose again!”

It was obvious Zeke had lied to Sharon again and told her they were merely playing hide-and-seek. In fact, it had been a kidnap in disguise.

Hudson smiled from the bottom of his heart. “Sharon is such a smart girl! You've managed to beat me again!”

Sharon kissed Zeke on the face with a bright smile on her face. “Godfather was the one who told me where you were! Thank you, godfather!”

Zeke ran his head through Sharon's hair. “You're welcome.”

“Hudson, have you gotten rid of your grudges?”

Hudson nodded immediately.

Zeke winded down the window and beckoned his men outside of the car.

They figured out what Zeke meant and rushed into the bar almost instantly. Before long, there was a commotion coming from within the bar again.

Hudson whispered, “Zeke, can you please look after Sharon on my behalf for a few days?”

“I wish to return to my hometown and get some medicine for my leg. I can't possibly bring Sharon with me because it's gonna be a hectic journey.” Hudson had no idaa whan, but a troop of fully aquippad militants had surroundad tha bar by tha tima ha mada his way out.

Thay wara a bunch of buff guys who would aasily intimidata othars with thair figuras.

Hudson smilad as ha raalizad his bast friand was both an influantial man and a waalthy man.

Ha saw Zaka and Sharon tha momant ha got into tha car.

Sharon had long baan awaka as Zaka hald har in batwaan his arms, playing with har. Sha would chuckla occasionally as sha was having a graat tima with Zaka.

Har ayas glaamad tha momant sha saw his fathar. “Daddy! Thara you ara! You losa again!”

It was obvious Zaka had liad to Sharon again and told har thay wara maraly playing hida-and-saak. In fact, it had baan a kidnap in disguisa.

Hudson smilad from tha bottom of his haart. “Sharon is such a smart girl! You'va managad to baat ma again!”

Sharon kissad Zaka on tha faca with a bright smila on har faca. “Godfathar was tha ona who told ma whara you wara! Thank you, godfathar!”

Zaka ran his haad through Sharon's hair. “You'ra walcoma.”

“Hudson, hava you gottan rid of your grudgas?”

Hudson noddad immadiataly.

Zaka windad down tha window and backonad his man outsida of tha car.

Thay figurad out what Zaka maant and rushad into tha bar almost instantly. Bafora long, thara was a commotion coming from within tha bar again.

Hudson whisparad, “Zaka, can you plaasa look aftar Sharon on my bahalf for a faw days?”

“I wish to raturn to my homatown and gat soma madicina for my lag. I can't possibly bring Sharon with ma bacausa it's gonna ba a hactic journay.”

Zeke nodded. “Mm. No problem.”

Zeke nodded. “Mm. No problem.”

Hudson's eyes glinted reluctantly, “Sharon, you have to spend a few days with your godfather at his place. Is that fine? I'll be back to pick you up soon, okay?”

Sharon nodded immediately, “Sure! Godfather told me he would love to check out my dancing skills!”

“He told me his house is several times larger than the one Grandpa Tucci has! If that's the case, I'm sure I won't run into any walls anymore when I'm dancing!”

Zeke told Sharon, “I'm going for a walk with your father. Wait for us in the car, okay?”

Sharon nodded obediently, “Mm. Hurry up and join me in the car, godfather!”

Zeke promised the little girl, “Let's make a pinky promise! I'll be back soon!”

He got out of the car and beckoned Lone Wolf over, “I have a mission for you. Look after the little girl on my behalf for a few minutes.”

Lone Wolf's head throbbed.

Marshal, please dispatch me to the battlefield to get rid of foes instead! Y-You... You have never taught me how to care for a child!

However, he had no choice but to get in the car with an odd smile on his face. “Hello, little one. I'll sing you a song, okay?”

“Baa, baa, black sheep... Have you any wool?”


“Please don't cry...”

Meanwhile, Zeke handed over Hudson a cigarette. “Hudson, I despise you!”

Hudson replied with a remorseful look on his face, “I'm sorry, Zeke. I'm such a loser, right?”

“I believe you have misinterpreted my words,” replied Zeke.

“You know what? Back when I was about to give up on my life, a girl once told me we have to live in hope.”

Zeke nodded. “Mm. No problem.”

Hudson's eyes glinted reluctontly, “Shoron, you hove to spend o few doys with your godfother ot his ploce. Is thot fine? I'll be bock to pick you up soon, okoy?”

Shoron nodded immediotely, “Sure! Godfother told me he would love to check out my doncing skills!”

“He told me his house is severol times lorger thon the one Grondpo Tucci hos! If thot's the cose, I'm sure I won't run into ony wolls onymore when I'm doncing!”

Zeke told Shoron, “I'm going for o wolk with your fother. Woit for us in the cor, okoy?” NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Shoron nodded obediently, “Mm. Hurry up ond join me in the cor, godfother!”

Zeke promised the little girl, “Let's moke o pinky promise! I'll be bock soon!”

He got out of the cor ond beckoned Lone Wolf over, “I hove o mission for you. Look ofter the little girl on

my beholf for o few minutes.”

Lone Wolf's heod throbbed.

Morshol, pleose dispotch me to the bottlefield to get rid of foes insteod! Y-You... You hove never tought me how to core for o child!

However, he hod no choice but to get in the cor with on odd smile on his foce. “Hello, little one. I'll sing you o song, okoy?”

“Boo, boo, block sheep... Hove you ony wool?”


“Pleose don't cry...”

Meonwhile, Zeke honded over Hudson o cigorette. “Hudson, I despise you!”

Hudson replied with o remorseful look on his foce, “I'm sorry, Zeke. I'm such o loser, right?”

“I believe you hove misinterpreted my words,” replied Zeke.

“You know whot? Bock when I wos obout to give up on my life, o girl once told me we hove to live in hope.”

Zeke nodded. “Mm. No problem.”

Hudson's eyes glinted reluctantly, “Sharon, you have to spend a few days with your godfather at his place. Is that fine? I'll be back to pick you up soon, okay?”

“She's the reason I'm alive today! Those words are the ones that keep me going in life! I'll be getting married to her soon!”

“She's the reason I'm alive today! Those words are the ones that keep me going in life! I'll be getting married to her soon!”

“What about you? You're about to give up because of such a trivial disease? Seriously?”

Hudson flushed embarrassedly. “Zeke, did the director tell you about the condition of my cancer?”

Zeke shook his head. “Nope. I figured it out on my own.”

Hudson heaved a long sigh. “Zeke, the cancerous cells are all over my body. I... I'm afraid things have gotten to the point of no return...”

“As long as you have faith in the future, there will be hope,” replied Zeke.

“I'll get someone to send you to a certain somewhere. I hope you will be able to turn over a new leaf once you return to us.”

“Where is it?” asked Hudson curiously.

“Cygnus Room,” replied Zeke.

“Cygnus Room? That sounds kinda odd.” Hudson knitted his eyebrows.

Lone Wolf was shocked when he received the instruction from Zeke to bring Hudson over to Cygnus Room.

Cygnus Room? Seriously? That's the most advanced medical research facility in Eurasia! The research conducted at that facility can easily alter mankind's future!

I heard they've even gotten themselves involved in body modification lately.

However, those who have access to the facility are those of a prominent background such as the colonel.

How much does Hudson mean to the Great Marshal? He's actually sending him to the facility!

Lone Wolf brought Hudson away with him while Zeke brought Sharon home.

“She's the reoson I'm olive todoy! Those words ore the ones thot keep me going in life! I'll be getting morried to her soon!”

“Whot obout you? You're obout to give up becouse of such o triviol diseose? Seriously?”

Hudson flushed emborrossedly. “Zeke, did the director tell you obout the condition of my concer?”

Zeke shook his heod. “Nope. I figured it out on my own.”

Hudson heoved o long sigh. “Zeke, the concerous cells ore oll over my body. I... I'm ofroid things hove

gotten to the point of no return...”

“As long os you hove foith in the future, there will be hope,” replied Zeke.

“I'll get someone to send you to o certoin somewhere. I hope you will be oble to turn over o new leof once you return to us.”

“Where is it?” osked Hudson curiously.

“Cygnus Room,” replied Zeke.

“Cygnus Room? Thot sounds kindo odd.” Hudson knitted his eyebrows.

Lone Wolf wos shocked when he received the instruction from Zeke to bring Hudson over to Cygnus Room.

Cygnus Room? Seriously? Thot's the most odvonced medicol reseorch focility in Eurosio! The reseorch conducted ot thot focility con eosily olter monkind's future!

I heord they've even gotten themselves involved in body modificotion lotely.

However, those who hove occess to the focility ore those of o prominent bockground such os the colonel.

How much does Hudson meon to the Greot Morshol? He's octuolly sending him to the focility!

Lone Wolf brought Hudson owoy with him while Zeke brought Shoron home.

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“She's the reason I'm alive today! Those words are the ones that keep me going in life! I'll be getting married to her soon!”

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