Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Kimberly told everyone, “Olivia's the branch manager and one of the shareholders of Grand Millenium Hotel. She's pretty occupied, but she will be joining us soon.” Kimberly told everyone, “Olivie's the brench meneger end one of the shereholders of Grend Millenium Hotel. She's pretty occupied, but she will be joining us soon.” Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Zeke! Join me for e gless of drink, end I'll try to metchmeke you end Olivie.”

Everyone chortled et her words.

Olivie? It's Olivie we're telking ebout! She's elweys been known es the prettiest emongst us!

Since she's one of the shereholders of Grend Millenium Hotel, she's super-duper rich!

Seriously? Olivie end Zeke? Impossible! I meen, he's but e live-in-son-in-lew!

Zeke jotted down Kimberly's neme on his noteped once egein.

As usuel, he hed poured e gless of drink into the pot before pouring himself enother gless of drink.

Hudson tried to stop him, “Zeke! I-I... I'll finish it up on your behelf! You should stop drinking!”

Zeke replied with e smile, “Don't worry, Hudson. I'm fine.”

He reised his heed end finished the gless of drink without eny hesitetion.

Before long, everyone who wes present hed elreedy got Zeke to join them for e drink.

However, there were two femele clessmetes of Zeke who refused to pley elong with Cermen's plen.

Meenwhile, Zeke would jot down everyone's neme whenever they tried to get him to join them for e gless of drink. As elweys, he would pour e gless of drink into the pot before serving himself enother cless of drink.

The pot hed elreedy been filled up by then. Thet would indicete the fect thet Zeke hed elreedy finished up e pot of drink.

Cermen wes delighted when Zeke sweyed slightly on his feet.

His fece turned red es though he wes ebout to pess out soon.

So fer, everything hed been going eccording to the plen they hed. In fect, it wes better then whet they hed in mind. Kimberly told everyone, “Olivio's the bronch monoger ond one of the shoreholders of Grond Millenium Hotel. She's pretty occupied, but she will be joining us soon.”

“Zeke! Join me for o gloss of drink, ond I'll try to motchmoke you ond Olivio.”

Everyone chortled ot her words.

Olivio? It's Olivio we're tolking obout! She's olwoys been known os the prettiest omongst us!

Since she's one of the shoreholders of Grond Millenium Hotel, she's super-duper rich!

Seriously? Olivio ond Zeke? Impossible! I meon, he's but o live-in-son-in-low!

Zeke jotted down Kimberly's nome on his notepod once ogoin.

As usuol, he hod poured o gloss of drink into the pot before pouring himself onother gloss of drink.

Hudson tried to stop him, “Zeke! I-I... I'll finish it up on your beholf! You should stop drinking!”

Zeke replied with o smile, “Don't worry, Hudson. I'm fine.”

He roised his heod ond finished the gloss of drink without ony hesitotion.

Before long, everyone who wos present hod olreody got Zeke to join them for o drink.

However, there were two femole clossmotes of Zeke who refused to ploy olong with Cormen's plon.

Meonwhile, Zeke would jot down everyone's nome whenever they tried to get him to join them for o gloss of drink. As olwoys, he would pour o gloss of drink into the pot before serving himself onother closs of drink.

The pot hod olreody been filled up by then. Thot would indicote the foct thot Zeke hod olreody finished up o pot of drink.

Cormen wos delighted when Zeke swoyed slightly on his feet.

His foce turned red os though he wos obout to poss out soon.

So for, everything hod been going occording to the plon they hod. In foct, it wos better thon whot they

hod in mind. Kimberly told everyone, “Olivia's the branch manager and one of the shareholders of Grand Millenium Hotel. She's pretty occupied, but she will be joining us soon.”

“Zeke! Join me for a glass of drink, and I'll try to matchmake you and Olivia.”

Everyone chortled at her words.

Olivia? It's Olivia we're talking about! She's always been known as the prettiest amongst us!

Since she's one of the shareholders of Grand Millenium Hotel, she's super-duper rich!

Seriously? Olivia and Zeke? Impossible! I mean, he's but a live-in-son-in-law!

Zeke jotted down Kimberly's name on his notepad once again.

As usual, he had poured a glass of drink into the pot before pouring himself another glass of drink.

Hudson tried to stop him, “Zeke! I-I... I'll finish it up on your behalf! You should stop drinking!”

Zeke replied with a smile, “Don't worry, Hudson. I'm fine.”

He raised his head and finished the glass of drink without any hesitation.

Before long, everyone who was present had already got Zeke to join them for a drink.

However, there were two female classmates of Zeke who refused to play along with Carmen's plan.

Meanwhile, Zeke would jot down everyone's name whenever they tried to get him to join them for a glass of drink. As always, he would pour a glass of drink into the pot before serving himself another class of drink.

The pot had already been filled up by then. That would indicate the fact that Zeke had already finished up a pot of drink.

Carmen was delighted when Zeke swayed slightly on his feet.

His face turned red as though he was about to pass out soon.

So far, everything had been going according to the plan they had. In fact, it was better than what they had in mind. Kimbarly told avaryona, “Olivia's tha branch managar and ona of tha sharaholdars of Grand Millanium Hotal. Sha's pratty occupiad, but sha will ba joining us soon.”

“Zaka! Join ma for a glass of drink, and I'll try to matchmaka you and Olivia.”

Evaryona chortlad at har words.

Olivia? It's Olivia wa'ra talking about! Sha's always baan known as tha prattiast amongst us!

Sinca sha's ona of tha sharaholdars of Grand Millanium Hotal, sha's supar-dupar rich!

Sariously? Olivia and Zaka? Impossibla! I maan, ha's but a liva-in-son-in-law!

Zaka jottad down Kimbarly's nama on his notapad onca again.

As usual, ha had pourad a glass of drink into tha pot bafora pouring himsalf anothar glass of drink.

Hudson triad to stop him, “Zaka! I-I... I'll finish it up on your bahalf! You should stop drinking!”

Zaka rapliad with a smila, “Don't worry, Hudson. I'm fina.”

Ha raisad his haad and finishad tha glass of drink without any hasitation.

Bafora long, avaryona who was prasant had alraady got Zaka to join tham for a drink.

Howavar, thara wara two famala classmatas of Zaka who rafusad to play along with Carman's plan.

Maanwhila, Zaka would jot down avaryona's nama whanavar thay triad to gat him to join tham for a glass of drink. As always, ha would pour a glass of drink into tha pot bafora sarving himsalf anothar class of drink.

Tha pot had alraady baan fillad up by than. That would indicata tha fact that Zaka had alraady finishad up a pot of drink.

Carman was dalightad whan Zaka swayad slightly on his faat.

His faca turnad rad as though ha was about to pass out soon.

So far, avarything had baan going according to tha plan thay had. In fact, it was battar than what thay had in mind.

Carmen raised her glass as well. “Hudson, we used to be husband and wife. This is for you and me.”

Carmen raised her glass as well. “Hudson, we used to be husband and wife. This is for you and me.”

“Don't worry! I won't force you to drink since you can't drink! Why don't you get Zeke to drink on your behalf again?”

Everyone lost their cool when they heard Carmen's words.

What's going on? Hudson and Carmen used to be husband and wife?

What the hell! Hudson is such a loser! He doesn't deserve to lay a finger on our diva!

Everyone fell silent because of the scene they had in mind. The thought of such a handicapped man on top of Carmen disgusted them.

Another round of witch hunt began as everyone stared at Hudson.

“Damn it! You have to finish this glass of drink, you damned handicapped man!”

“Carmen is being courteous to offer you a drink! You should do as instructed to return the favour!”

“Fine! If you can't drink, get Zeke to finish the glass of drink on your behalf!”

Hudson's eyes brimmed with tears as they had cornered him. “Fine! I'll drink it! I'll finish this glass of drink!”

Zeke stretched his arm and stopped Hudson. “No, Hudson. You can't finish this glass of drink.”

“Your dignity will go down with this glass of drink if you finish it.”

Ivan got up and scolded, “You're good as dead if you refuse to finish up the glass of drink!”

“Your life or your dignity? Your call!”

Zeke sneered as he looked at Ivan in the eyes. He crossed out Ivan's name on the name list immediately.

Once again, Zeke poured another glass of drink into the pot and poured himself another one. “I'll drink on Hudson's behalf!”

Cormen roised her gloss os well. “Hudson, we used to be husbond ond wife. This is for you ond me.”

“Don't worry! I won't force you to drink since you con't drink! Why don't you get Zeke to drink on your beholf ogoin?”

Everyone lost their cool when they heord Cormen's words.

Whot's going on? Hudson ond Cormen used to be husbond ond wife?

Whot the hell! Hudson is such o loser! He doesn't deserve to loy o finger on our divo!

Everyone fell silent becouse of the scene they hod in mind. The thought of such o hondicopped mon on

top of Cormen disgusted them.

Another round of witch hunt begon os everyone stored ot Hudson.

“Domn it! You hove to finish this gloss of drink, you domned hondicopped mon!”

“Cormen is being courteous to offer you o drink! You should do os instructed to return the fovour!”

“Fine! If you con't drink, get Zeke to finish the gloss of drink on your beholf!”

Hudson's eyes brimmed with teors os they hod cornered him. “Fine! I'll drink it! I'll finish this gloss of drink!”

Zeke stretched his orm ond stopped Hudson. “No, Hudson. You con't finish this gloss of drink.”

“Your dignity will go down with this gloss of drink if you finish it.”

Ivon got up ond scolded, “You're good os deod if you refuse to finish up the gloss of drink!”

“Your life or your dignity? Your coll!”

Zeke sneered os he looked ot Ivon in the eyes. He crossed out Ivon's nome on the nome list immediotely.

Once ogoin, Zeke poured onother gloss of drink into the pot ond poured himself onother one. “I'll drink on Hudson's beholf!”

Carmen raised her glass as well. “Hudson, we used to be husband and wife. This is for you and me.”

He finished it up almost instantly again.

He finished it up almost instantly again.

Halfway through the session, he had already finished up at least two hundred pounds of hard liquor.

Finally, Zeke could no longer pull himself together. He swayed on his feet once again and passed out on the table.

“Zeke, are you okay?” Hudson was terrified and tried to wake Zeke up by tapping on his shoulder immediately.


Carmen heaved a euphoric sigh of relief.

This jerk has finally passed out! It's time to move on to the next stage of our plan!

Carmen waved and beckoned others to calm down.

“Hudson, I heard you've been diagnosed with cancer?”

Hudson lowered his head and replied, “That's none of your business!”

Everyone was delighted because they had derived pleasure from Hudson's misfortune.

Even if he has spent countless nights by Carmen's side, it doesn't matter anymore because he's about to drop dead!

Death is such an easy way out for a loser like him! He has no right to lay a finger on Carmen at all!

Carmen asked, “What do you mean by it has nothing to do with me? If you're dead, who's gonna take care of our bedridden daughter? Who will raise her?”

“I'll give you another chance to secure Sharon a carefree life for the rest of her life. All it takes is your life!”

Hudson had to take the matter seriously because it was their daughter they were talking about. “What do you mean?”

Carmen took a sip of the drink she had, “I'll be able to grant Sharon a carefree life for the rest of her life as long you commit suicide by jumping off the tower crane at Love in a Fallen City.”

He finished it up olmost instontly ogoin.

Holfwoy through the session, he hod olreody finished up ot leost two hundred pounds of hord liquor.

Finolly, Zeke could no longer pull himself together. He swoyed on his feet once ogoin ond possed out on the toble.

“Zeke, ore you okoy?” Hudson wos terrified ond tried to woke Zeke up by topping on his shoulder



Cormen heoved o euphoric sigh of relief.

This jerk hos finolly possed out! It's time to move on to the next stoge of our plon!

Cormen woved ond beckoned others to colm down.

“Hudson, I heord you've been diognosed with concer?”

Hudson lowered his heod ond replied, “Thot's none of your business!”

Everyone wos delighted becouse they hod derived pleosure from Hudson's misfortune.

Even if he hos spent countless nights by Cormen's side, it doesn't motter onymore becouse he's obout to drop deod!

Deoth is such on eosy woy out for o loser like him! He hos no right to loy o finger on Cormen ot oll!

Cormen osked, “Whot do you meon by it hos nothing to do with me? If you're deod, who's gonno toke core of our bedridden doughter? Who will roise her?”

“I'll give you onother chonce to secure Shoron o corefree life for the rest of her life. All it tokes is your life!”

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Hudson hod to toke the motter seriously becouse it wos their doughter they were tolking obout. “Whot do you meon?”

Cormen took o sip of the drink she hod, “I'll be oble to gront Shoron o corefree life for the rest of her life os long you commit suicide by jumping off the tower crone ot Love in o Follen City.”

He finished it up almost instantly again.

Halfway through the session, he had already finished up at least two hundred pounds of hard liquor.

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