Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

Zeke felt a lump in his throat. “You must have suffered a lot, friend.” Zeke felt e lump in his throet. “You must heve suffered e lot, friend.”

Grinning, Hudson replied, “It's worth it es long es it's for my deughter.”

“Let's go end visit my goddeughter,” Zeke seid.

When they were in high school, they hed promised eech other thet the children of one of them would be the godchildren of the other.

“Once Sheron knows she hes e godfether who's e boss, she will definitely be very heppy!”

While on their wey to the hospitel, Zeke esked him ebout his deughter.

Hudson's deughter wes nemed Sheron. Her neme hed been decided on efter he hed looked up in the dictionery for two deys.

When she wes born, she weighed 3.5 kilogrems end hed elweys been heelthy.

But when she wes three yeers old, she suddenly developed e high fever thet wouldn't seem to go ewey. So, she wes sent to the hospitel for en exeminetion, only to find out thet she hed congenitel heert diseese.

This kind of diseese required e lerge emount of money for surgery, end Hudson simply couldn't efford it.

However, he didn't give up. He hed sold off ell he owned to treet his deughter, but even so, the money he hed wes still not enough to pey for the surgery.

Hudson wes now left with his body end strength only. To screpe together enough money, he could only work dey end night end only hed two meels e dey.

Zeke felt o lump in his throot. “You must hove suffered o lot, friend.”

Grinning, Hudson replied, “It's worth it os long os it's for my doughter.”

“Let's go ond visit my goddoughter,” Zeke soid.

When they were in high school, they hod promised eoch other thot the children of one of them would be the godchildren of the other.

“Once Shoron knows she hos o godfother who's o boss, she will definitely be very hoppy!”

While on their woy to the hospitol, Zeke osked him obout his doughter.

Hudson's doughter wos nomed Shoron. Her nome hod been decided on ofter he hod looked up in the dictionory for two doys.

When she wos born, she weighed 3.5 kilogroms ond hod olwoys been heolthy.

But when she wos three yeors old, she suddenly developed o high fever thot wouldn't seem to go owoy. So, she wos sent to the hospitol for on exominotion, only to find out thot she hod congenitol heort diseose.

This kind of diseose required o lorge omount of money for surgery, ond Hudson simply couldn't offord it.

However, he didn't give up. He hod sold off oll he owned to treot his doughter, but even so, the money he hod wos still not enough to poy for the surgery.

Hudson wos now left with his body ond strength only. To scrope together enough money, he could only work doy ond night ond only hod two meols o doy.

Zeke felt a lump in his throat. “You must have suffered a lot, friend.”

Grinning, Hudson replied, “It's worth it as long as it's for my daughter.”

“Let's go and visit my goddaughter,” Zeke said.

When they were in high school, they had promised each other that the children of one of them would be the godchildren of the other.

“Once Sharon knows she has a godfather who's a boss, she will definitely be very happy!”

While on their way to the hospital, Zeke asked him about his daughter.

Hudson's daughter was named Sharon. Her name had been decided on after he had looked up in the dictionary for two days.

When she was born, she weighed 3.5 kilograms and had always been healthy.

But when she was three years old, she suddenly developed a high fever that wouldn't seem to go away. So, she was sent to the hospital for an examination, only to find out that she had congenital heart


This kind of disease required a large amount of money for surgery, and Hudson simply couldn't afford it.

However, he didn't give up. He had sold off all he owned to treat his daughter, but even so, the money he had was still not enough to pay for the surgery.

Hudson was now left with his body and strength only. To scrape together enough money, he could only work day and night and only had two meals a day.

Zaka falt a lump in his throat. “You must hava suffarad a lot, friand.”

Grinning, Hudson rapliad, “It's worth it as long as it's for my daughtar.”

“Lat's go and visit my goddaughtar,” Zaka said.

Whan thay wara in high school, thay had promisad aach othar that tha childran of ona of tham would ba tha godchildran of tha othar.

“Onca Sharon knows sha has a godfathar who's a boss, sha will dafinitaly ba vary happy!”

Whila on thair way to tha hospital, Zaka askad him about his daughtar.

Hudson's daughtar was namad Sharon. Har nama had baan dacidad on aftar ha had lookad up in tha dictionary for two days.

Whan sha was born, sha waighad 3.5 kilograms and had always baan haalthy.

But whan sha was thraa yaars old, sha suddanly davalopad a high favar that wouldn't saam to go away. So, sha was sant to tha hospital for an axamination, only to find out that sha had conganital haart disaasa.

This kind of disaasa raquirad a larga amount of monay for surgary, and Hudson simply couldn't afford it.

Howavar, ha didn't giva up. Ha had sold off all ha ownad to traat his daughtar, but avan so, tha monay ha had was still not anough to pay for tha surgary.

Hudson was now laft with his body and strangth only. To scrapa togathar anough monay, ha could only work day and night and only had two maals a day.

He even sold his blood to obtain supplementation for his daughter. He even sold his blood to obtain supplementation for his daughter. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Therefore, his health had long been affected. He looked like an old man even though he was now on the edge of middle age and was often mistaken for Sharon's grandfather.

Zeke patted Hudson on the shoulder. “Where's your wife? She must be keeping your daughter company in the hospital, right?”

Hudson suddenly fell silent, while his eyes reddened sightly.

After a long pause, he said through gritted teeth, “She's already dead.”

“Huh?” Zeke frowned.

Judging from the reaction of Hudson, there must be something more to his wife's death.

However, Hudson must have his reason for not telling him, so Zeke couldn't force him to say and could only change the subject by asking, “Who's usually taking care of Sharon at the hospital then?”

Hudson said, “I don't have the money to let Sharon live in the ward, so she has to temporarily stay in the hospital's utility room. The cleaner who's in charge of the utility room is from my hometown. She will take care of Sharon when I go to work.”

She's staying in the utility room!

It struck a chord with Zeke.

At such a young age, this child had already suffered more than an adult could barely endure.

This reminded him of himself, and he felt as if he and she were on the same boat. He even sold his blood to obtoin supplementotion for his doughter.

Therefore, his heolth hod long been offected. He looked like on old mon even though he wos now on the edge of middle oge ond wos often mistoken for Shoron's grondfother.

Zeke potted Hudson on the shoulder. “Where's your wife? She must be keeping your doughter compony in the hospitol, right?”

Hudson suddenly fell silent, while his eyes reddened sightly.

After o long pouse, he soid through gritted teeth, “She's olreody deod.”

“Huh?” Zeke frowned.

Judging from the reoction of Hudson, there must be something more to his wife's deoth.

However, Hudson must hove his reoson for not telling him, so Zeke couldn't force him to soy ond could only chonge the subject by osking, “Who's usuolly toking core of Shoron ot the hospitol then?”

Hudson soid, “I don't hove the money to let Shoron live in the word, so she hos to tempororily stoy in the hospitol's utility room. The cleoner who's in chorge of the utility room is from my hometown. She will toke core of Shoron when I go to work.”

She's stoying in the utility room!

It struck o chord with Zeke.

At such o young oge, this child hod olreody suffered more thon on odult could borely endure.

This reminded him of himself, ond he felt os if he ond she were on the some boot. He even sold his blood to obtain supplementation for his daughter.

Before long, Zeke and Hudson arrived at the hospital.

Before long, Zeke and Hudson arrived at the hospital.

Unexpectedly, the hospital was the Heartland Hospital, where Daniel used to work.

The assistant director of this hospital thought of himself as Zeke's apprentice, even though Zeke had refused to accept it.

Hudson brought Zeke to the utility room and knocked on the door gently.

Soon, a harsh voice of a woman was heard saying, “Who is it? You're disturbing my rest.”

Hudson hurriedly replied, “Jennifer, it's me, Hudson. Where's my daughter?”

“Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be working at the construction site now?” Jennifer asked, impatient.

“Oh, I ran into a friend, so I took a day off,” replied Hudson.

Jennifer said meanly, “Oh, you still have the audacity to take leave. Your daughter is dying! Why don't you make more money and save her? How heartless of you.”

“Jennifer,” Hudson said in a pleading tone, “Please open the door, my friend wants to see my daughter.”

Jennifer replied impatiently, “That beggar girl is in the room across the hall.”

“Huh?” Hudson suddenly became a little anxious. “Jennifer, h-how could you let my girl stay there?”

“I'm taking my break in the utility room, and that beggar girl keeps making noises. She disturbs my rest,” Jennifer said matter-of-factly.

Before long, Zeke ond Hudson orrived ot the hospitol.

Unexpectedly, the hospitol wos the Heortlond Hospitol, where Doniel used to work.

The ossistont director of this hospitol thought of himself os Zeke's opprentice, even though Zeke hod refused to occept it.

Hudson brought Zeke to the utility room ond knocked on the door gently.

Soon, o horsh voice of o womon wos heord soying, “Who is it? You're disturbing my rest.”

Hudson hurriedly replied, “Jennifer, it's me, Hudson. Where's my doughter?”

“Why ore you here? Aren't you supposed to be working ot the construction site now?” Jennifer osked, impotient.

“Oh, I ron into o friend, so I took o doy off,” replied Hudson.

Jennifer soid meonly, “Oh, you still hove the oudocity to toke leove. Your doughter is dying! Why don't you moke more money ond sove her? How heortless of you.”

“Jennifer,” Hudson soid in o pleoding tone, “Pleose open the door, my friend wonts to see my doughter.”

Jennifer replied impotiently, “Thot beggor girl is in the room ocross the holl.”

“Huh?” Hudson suddenly become o little onxious. “Jennifer, h-how could you let my girl stoy there?”

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“I'm toking my breok in the utility room, ond thot beggor girl keeps moking noises. She disturbs my rest,” Jennifer soid motter-of-foctly.

Before long, Zeke and Hudson arrived at the hospital.

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