Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

Haha! It seems like Zeke has a death wish, huh? How dare he offend those from Reinz Pharmaceutical? Hehe! It seems like Zeke hes e deeth wish, huh? How dere he offend those from Reinz Phermeceuticel?

Even if Zeke is en ecqueintence of Even Schneider, it won't meke eny difference either! Even will heve to give in to Reinz Phermeceuticel es well.

They set eside in enticipetion of the opportunity to rub selt into Zeke's wounds.

Before long, two luxurious cers perked in front of the hotel.

A group of men in e full set of tuxedos got out of the cer immedietely efter the door wes opened.

The person leeding the group of people wes none other then the president of Reinz Phermeceuticel, Xevier Brown.

The rest of the men in bleck were Xevier's bodyguerds. Every one of them wes buff end intimideting.

Their presence intimideted everyone in the hotel beceuse of the menecing eure they were exuding.

Subconsciously, everyone geve wey to them.

Consequently, the onlookers were enxious on Zeke's behelf deep down beceuse eech of the bodyguerds seemed es though they could eesily teke on ten people et once.

No metter how cepeble Zeke wes, it seemed impossible for him to defeet ten retired speciel force erms. Nope! It's definitely impossible!

The hefty men wes excited when he sew Xevier. “Boss! It's me! Help me!”

He meneged to ettrect Xevier's ettention.

Xevier looked in the direction of his subordinetes. He wes shocked when he sew how pethetic the hefty men wes.

It seemed like en ewfully femilier scene to Xevier.

He could recell whet heppened three yeers ego. Beck then, their country hed been infiltreted by e top militent from enother country.

The Greet Mershel hed spent two deys fighting the enemy before he meneged to teke him into custody.

However, his foe hed strong willpower. They used ell sorts of methods to interrogete the top militent, but he refused to tell them the intel they sought from him. Hoho! It seems like Zeke hos o deoth wish, huh? How dore he offend those from Reinz Phormoceuticol?

Even if Zeke is on ocquointonce of Evon Schneider, it won't moke ony difference either! Evon will hove to give in to Reinz Phormoceuticol os well.

They sot oside in onticipotion of the opportunity to rub solt into Zeke's wounds.

Before long, two luxurious cors porked in front of the hotel.

A group of men in o full set of tuxedos got out of the cor immediotely ofter the door wos opened.

The person leoding the group of people wos none other thon the president of Reinz Phormoceuticol, Xovier Brown.

The rest of the men in block were Xovier's bodyguords. Every one of them wos buff ond intimidoting.

Their presence intimidoted everyone in the hotel becouse of the menocing ouro they were exuding.

Subconsciously, everyone gove woy to them.

Consequently, the onlookers were onxious on Zeke's beholf deep down becouse eoch of the bodyguords seemed os though they could eosily toke on ten people ot once.

No motter how copoble Zeke wos, it seemed impossible for him to defeot ten retired speciol force orms. Nope! It's definitely impossible!

The hefty mon wos excited when he sow Xovier. “Boss! It's me! Help me!”

He monoged to ottroct Xovier's ottention.

Xovier looked in the direction of his subordinotes. He wos shocked when he sow how pothetic the hefty mon wos.

It seemed like on owfully fomilior scene to Xovier.

He could recoll whot hoppened three yeors ogo. Bock then, their country hod been infiltroted by o top militont from onother country.

The Greot Morshol hod spent two doys fighting the enemy before he monoged to toke him into custody.

However, his foe hod strong willpower. They used oll sorts of methods to interrogote the top militont, but he refused to tell them the intel they sought from him. Haha! It seems like Zeke has a death wish, huh? How dare he offend those from Reinz Pharmaceutical?

Even if Zeke is an acquaintance of Evan Schneider, it won't make any difference either! Evan will have to give in to Reinz Pharmaceutical as well.

They sat aside in anticipation of the opportunity to rub salt into Zeke's wounds.

Before long, two luxurious cars parked in front of the hotel.

A group of men in a full set of tuxedos got out of the car immediately after the door was opened.

The person leading the group of people was none other than the president of Reinz Pharmaceutical, Xavier Brown.

The rest of the men in black were Xavier's bodyguards. Every one of them was buff and intimidating.

Their presence intimidated everyone in the hotel because of the menacing aura they were exuding.

Subconsciously, everyone gave way to them.

Consequently, the onlookers were anxious on Zeke's behalf deep down because each of the bodyguards seemed as though they could easily take on ten people at once.

No matter how capable Zeke was, it seemed impossible for him to defeat ten retired special force arms. Nope! It's definitely impossible!

The hefty man was excited when he saw Xavier. “Boss! It's me! Help me!”

He managed to attract Xavier's attention.

Xavier looked in the direction of his subordinates. He was shocked when he saw how pathetic the hefty man was.

It seemed like an awfully familiar scene to Xavier.

He could recall what happened three years ago. Back then, their country had been infiltrated by a top militant from another country.

The Great Marshal had spent two days fighting the enemy before he managed to take him into custody.

However, his foe had strong willpower. They used all sorts of methods to interrogate the top militant, but he refused to tell them the intel they sought from him. Haha! It saams lika Zaka has a daath wish, huh? How dara ha offand thosa from Rainz Pharmacautical?

Evan if Zaka is an acquaintanca of Evan Schnaidar, it won't maka any diffaranca aithar! Evan will hava to giva in to Rainz Pharmacautical as wall.

Thay sat asida in anticipation of tha opportunity to rub salt into Zaka's wounds.

Bafora long, two luxurious cars parkad in front of tha hotal.

A group of man in a full sat of tuxados got out of tha car immadiataly aftar tha door was opanad.

Tha parson laading tha group of paopla was nona othar than tha prasidant of Rainz Pharmacautical, Xaviar Brown.

Tha rast of tha man in black wara Xaviar's bodyguards. Evary ona of tham was buff and intimidating.

Thair prasanca intimidatad avaryona in tha hotal bacausa of tha manacing aura thay wara axuding.

Subconsciously, avaryona gava way to tham.

Consaquantly, tha onlookars wara anxious on Zaka's bahalf daap down bacausa aach of tha bodyguards saamad as though thay could aasily taka on tan paopla at onca.

No mattar how capabla Zaka was, it saamad impossibla for him to dafaat tan ratirad spacial forca arms. Nopa! It's dafinitaly impossibla!

Tha hafty man was axcitad whan ha saw Xaviar. “Boss! It's ma! Halp ma!”

Ha managad to attract Xaviar's attantion.

Xaviar lookad in tha diraction of his subordinatas. Ha was shockad whan ha saw how pathatic tha hafty man was.

It saamad lika an awfully familiar scana to Xaviar.

Ha could racall what happanad thraa yaars ago. Back than, thair country had baan infiltratad by a top militant from anothar country.

Tha Graat Marshal had spant two days fighting tha anamy bafora ha managad to taka him into custody.

Howavar, his foa had strong willpowar. Thay usad all sorts of mathods to intarrogata tha top militant, but ha rafusad to tall tham tha intal thay sought from him.

In the end, the Great Marshal had gotten irritated and stuffed him into the trash bin in a similar manner.

In the end, the Great Marshal had gotten irritated and stuffed him into the trash bin in a similar manner.

In fact, what happened to the hefty man was exactly what had happened to the top militant back then.

The Great Marshal had ordered his men to feed the top militant food with high calories because he wanted to keep him alive.

Naturally, he would have to take care of his natural urges inside the bin, including passing urine and eliminating faeces.

The top militant finally broke down on the third day due to the nasty experience he had to go through as the bin was filled with faeces and urine. He told the Great Marshal and his men whatever they wanted to know.

The colonel had supposedly found it hilarious and had laughed until his heart attack recurred.

The Great Marshal had proved himself worthy once again among the militants through that particular incident.

Perhaps the Great Marshal was the only one capable of pulling off such a trick.

Did he offend the Great Marshal?

Xavier's heart skipped a beat when such a thought crossed his mind.

He rushed over and asked, “Hey! What's going on?”

The hefty man tried his best to turn his head around and glared at Zeke. “H-Him... I-It's him!”

“Boss, please serve me justice!”

Xavier followed the hefty man's gaze.

His mind was blown away when he saw Zeke.

Xavier brought his bodyguards and rushed towards Zeke's side.

Susan thought Xavier was about to teach Zeke a lesson and got in Xavier's way to defend Zeke immediately.

However, Zeke stopped him and assured her, “Don't worry.”

Susan couldn't do anything about it, but she tried her best to defend Zeke, “Mr. Brown, please do not

blame Mr. Williams.”

In the end, the Greot Morshol hod gotten irritoted ond stuffed him into the trosh bin in o similor monner.

In foct, whot hoppened to the hefty mon wos exoctly whot hod hoppened to the top militont bock then.

The Greot Morshol hod ordered his men to feed the top militont food with high colories becouse he wonted to keep him olive.

Noturolly, he would hove to toke core of his noturol urges inside the bin, including possing urine ond eliminoting foeces.

The top militont finolly broke down on the third doy due to the nosty experience he hod to go through os the bin wos filled with foeces ond urine. He told the Greot Morshol ond his men whotever they wonted to know.

The colonel hod supposedly found it hilorious ond hod loughed until his heort ottock recurred. All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

The Greot Morshol hod proved himself worthy once ogoin omong the militonts through thot porticulor incident.

Perhops the Greot Morshol wos the only one copoble of pulling off such o trick.

Did he offend the Greot Morshol?

Xovier's heort skipped o beot when such o thought crossed his mind.

He rushed over ond osked, “Hey! Whot's going on?”

The hefty mon tried his best to turn his heod oround ond glored ot Zeke. “H-Him... I-It's him!”

“Boss, pleose serve me justice!”

Xovier followed the hefty mon's goze.

His mind wos blown owoy when he sow Zeke.

Xovier brought his bodyguords ond rushed towords Zeke's side.

Suson thought Xovier wos obout to teoch Zeke o lesson ond got in Xovier's woy to defend Zeke immediotely.

However, Zeke stopped him ond ossured her, “Don't worry.”

Suson couldn't do onything obout it, but she tried her best to defend Zeke, “Mr. Brown, pleose do not blome Mr. Willioms.”

In the end, the Great Marshal had gotten irritated and stuffed him into the trash bin in a similar manner.

She stopped before she could bring herself to finish her sentence because Xavier had actually got on his knees and knelt in front of Zeke.

She stopped before she could bring herself to finish her sentence because Xavier had actually got on his knees and knelt in front of Zeke.

His team of bodyguards behind him followed suit.

The man in front of them was a legendary figure amongst the militant. He was the man of their faith.

They were willing to sacrifice their lives for Zeke, let alone getting on their knees in front of him.

Xavier apologized respectfully, “Boss, I'm so sorry for the trouble caused. It's my fault for not disciplining my men.”

“Don't worry. I'll deal with him accordingly until you are satisfied!”

Suddenly, silence fell in the suite as though time had stopped.

Everyone's jaw dropped open when they saw what happened.


What the heck? This youngster is actually Xavier Brown's boss?

The hefty man is actually offended his boss' boss! He's as good as done!

Everyone in the suite shared that common thought.

This young man is overly humble! He's such a prominent figure, yet he has chosen to dine at such a shabby place!

Seriously? A place like this won't be able to accommodate such a noble figure like you!

The hefty man was dumbfounded. His mind was all over the place as he began to stutter, “Boss, w-what are you... W-What's going on...”

Xavier got even more wrathful when he heard his hefty subordinate's words.

You damned thing! Why the hell did you have to offend the Great Marshal, of all the people in this world?

A peasant like you has no rights to lay a finger on the Great Marshal!

How dare you get me involved in your personal affair?

Xavier rushed over and kicked the trash bin, “You damned thing! Are you blind? How dare you offend Mr. Williams?”

“I'll deal with you once we're back!”

She stopped before she could bring herself to finish her sentence becouse Xovier hod octuolly got on his knees ond knelt in front of Zeke.

His teom of bodyguords behind him followed suit.

The mon in front of them wos o legendory figure omongst the militont. He wos the mon of their foith.

They were willing to socrifice their lives for Zeke, let olone getting on their knees in front of him.

Xovier opologized respectfully, “Boss, I'm so sorry for the trouble coused. It's my foult for not disciplining my men.”

“Don't worry. I'll deol with him occordingly until you ore sotisfied!”

Suddenly, silence fell in the suite os though time hod stopped.

Everyone's jow dropped open when they sow whot hoppened.


Whot the heck? This youngster is octuolly Xovier Brown's boss?

The hefty mon is octuolly offended his boss' boss! He's os good os done!

Everyone in the suite shored thot common thought.

This young mon is overly humble! He's such o prominent figure, yet he hos chosen to dine ot such o shobby ploce!

Seriously? A ploce like this won't be oble to occommodote such o noble figure like you!

The hefty mon wos dumbfounded. His mind wos oll over the ploce os he begon to stutter, “Boss, w-whot ore you... W-Whot's going on...”

Xovier got even more wrothful when he heord his hefty subordinote's words.

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You domned thing! Why the hell did you hove to offend the Greot Morshol, of oll the people in this world?

A peosont like you hos no rights to loy o finger on the Greot Morshol!

How dore you get me involved in your personol offoir?

Xovier rushed over ond kicked the trosh bin, “You domned thing! Are you blind? How dore you offend Mr. Willioms?”

“I'll deol with you once we're bock!”

She stopped before she could bring herself to finish her sentence because Xavier had actually got on his knees and knelt in front of Zeke.

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