Living With The Player

Chapter 41 Soccer Week[II]



I retracted as many steps as I could, maybe five or six. It still didn’t feel enough, his presence still crowded my senses and this wasn’t in a good way. The goal was to create as much space between us as I could.

His goal was to make me cower in fear. That has always been his motive. I keep letting him though. Stupid. Dumb. Scared. Camilla.

The more steps I retraced, the more steps he took to close the gap, plummeting all my efforts at getting away from him.

Meanwhile, that mini attack was building up quickly, creating this huge lump in my chest. I didn’t mean that figuratively, maybe it’s just in my head but I still found it difficult to draw any breath. I’m sucking in as much as I can, but it’s hard. It’s hard.

Still, I kept moving backwards. He did the opposite and a hand flew to my chest.

One more step behind and my back hit something strong. A human wall if you may.

The next thing was to spin around and apologise, I hit a student.

Before I could do that, the person behind me grabbed both arms, keeping me still.

That’s when the cologne hit my nostrils. It’s Dylan.

I jerked my head over my shoulder, stealing a glance at his face having to lift mine a little higher since he was taller.

His brows were lowered through his lashes, his lips tugged in a tight frown, he did not seem happy.

His grip on my arms tightened which I assume were the result of his hands clenching in anger. Do they know each other?

He barely paid attention to me, not the kind he was given to Brandon. Glaring but still the same thing.


He spat, disgust and annoyance laced in his tone. He referred to Brandon by the name of his school, maybe he didn’t recall Afterall.

I wasn’t the subject of his anger but I shivered still.

Returning to my gaze to the idiot himself, he had stopped in his tracks, cocking his head while smacking his lips repeatedly.

“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for practice?”

That was a translation forget out instead of messing with me.

“I am.”

Brandon smiled. He then shoved his hands into his pocket and strode confidently to where we stood.

Dylan was behind me like a bodyguard, so I wasn’t as scared as I’d normally be.

“I’m Brandon.”

He stretched his arm, gently brushing against mine. I swallowed painfully.


Dylan responded, taking it in a firm handshake.

They both have each other fierce looks, just a spark before this whole thing blows up.

“May the best team win.”

Brandon added grinning.

He then turned swiftly and walked away.

“Have we met before?”

Dylan asked in the middle of his march.

“Shit! fuck!”

I cursed internally. Brandon spun around, his gaze falling on me first, he licked his bottom lip. Brandon is going to bury me. He’s going to tell Dylan everything now.

“Oh God please.”

I prayed silently.

“Yes, we have.”

Brandon responded. My heart had jumped out of its tiny cage now.

“We met on Friday at the party. I’m not sure you noticed me though.”

I heaved a large sigh in relief which didn’t go unnoticed by Dylan, he didn’t comment.

“See you around Kingston.”

Brandon turned around and walked away and just like that, I could finally breathe properly.

“Was he bothering you?”

Dylan asked softly noticing my breathing and facial expressions.


I stuttered, he passed me a suspicious look still not commenting on my behaviour.

“I should get to class before school activities are over…”

I hurriedly said. He still hadn’t let go of my arm.

“Umm could you attend the practice game later today. I’m not sure if you’ve heard about it.”

He ran his hands through his hair nervously.

I bit my lips thinking of how to answer. Brandon will be playing, so will Dylan. I can manage that. I’ll have to.

“Of course, I’ll be there.”

I half smiled and walked away.


As I suspected, there weren’t many classes as everyone remained in anticipation for the friendly practice game as they called it. I

I kept my books and hung my bag since it might go on up until the closing bell. I might just keep some in my locker at the end of the day or manage the rest of the home. Not sure if dad will pick me up again if he hadn’t flown out of the country that is.

I opened up a snack walking towards the yard where the match would be held.


Miranda chirped, nudging my elbow.

I smiled between my teeth, munching on the biscuit.

I’m terrible at this friend stuff. I hadn’t even checked on her all day, well in my defence I’m not sure how I can.

She began walking beside me.


I greeted with a smile.

“I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye after your text, I was in a bit of a hurry. I did want to call before you texted and all. I am still sorry.”Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

I apologized, she grinned like it was nothing.

“It’s cool, you’re watching the game right?”

I nodded in response.

“That’s cool, we should watch together.”

“Are you not scared of Paula?”

I reminded her of the tiny wicked witch In our lives. She is is more than mine but still.

“Nope, she’s a cheerleader remember, too focus on Dylan Emerton to bother about dear old me.”

She faked a pout causing a surge of laughter between us. That’s right. Finally. Home Scott free.

“Let’s go then.”

We increased our pace so we wouldn’t miss a thing. As we inched closer, the cheers got even Louder.

I haven’t been much of a soccer fan, but I am curious to see Dylan play. I haven’t watched him before.


The whistle was blown minutes ago when the game began.

For a friendly match, they didn’t play so sweetly.

Each team tried to get to the ball and win, if this was just practised I wonder how the competition would play out.

I gulped as I watched Dylan play so well, I understand why girls swoon, he’s a quarterback that even makes it cuter. He earned it.

He kicks and passes so well.

Everything makes sense.

I sighted Brandon on the field, his face was squeezed tightly.

No surprise there. Richmond High was losing badly, Our team were one point ahead of them with just five minutes left in the match.

If they score one more goal, they would get an equalizer which still isn’t enough to win.

Then again it’s just practice, he should not be getting all worked up.

I watched keenly as Dylan held the ball, switching it between his legs to avoid the player behind him.

He was aiming for the goal post and if he does win it, there’s no hope for the other team.

We’ll be two points ahead, the final whistle will get blown regardless.

The goal post was a few metres away, Dylan speed cannot be compared, the cheers were an indication, this is where the adrenaline rushes in during the match, I can feel it even and I’m not the one running with the ball.

I laced my fingers with Miranda’s shutting my eyes and mumbling a few words.

Usually, I wasn’t interested in soccer at all but right now, the match was so intense, I wanted Dylan to win.

Not only would it flip off Brandon, but Dylan would win.

Okay, it’s time to not be a coward.

I opened my eyes halfway as I heard cheering.

Dylan was about to score, the audience chants were off the roof at this point.

My smile grew wider.

My lips moved on their own accord to call his name.

As we expected, he took a shot and the ball went straight inside the net securing our win.

The final whistle was blown moments later and at that point, Everyone got up cheering his name

I smiled unable to contain my happiness for his win.

In your face Bradon.

Just then, he sighted me amid well almost the entire school.

Staring a few seconds, he brought both hands in the air and did something strange.

Joining his hands, he bent a few fingers and they ended up forming a heart shape.

A gasp escaped the back of my throat, he motioned that to me, arching his brows

I could not help but turn my head back trying to see if it was for some other girl, but it wasn’t.

It was for me. He did that for me.

With that realisation, a blush crept to my cheeks as students continued chanting around us.

Meanwhile, no one noticed, they were all too busy chanting, but I did and I think Miranda did as well with her non-stop squirming beside me afterwards.


*Author’s Note:*

*Thoughts? Well, let’s just say the next chapter will blow your minds away!! Cannot wait!!!*

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