Inevitably Yours

Endlessly Yours to Chapter 19


A particularly bad snow storm forced us to cancel the joining ceremony. The roads became practically impassable, and parts of both sides of the pack had issues with the electricity going in and out. We thought it was safe for everyone to postpone until the spring when the weather would be better.

We spent three days in the packhouse, welcoming anyone who needed a warm place for a few hours. I dug up some board games and playing cards from a closet to help entertain any visitors. Some of the little warriors came by with their parents just to see if their Alpha would play their training games with them.

When there weren’t pack members coming through for warmth and entertainment, Michael, Nic, and I wrote notes to all the former Wild Paws pack members, personally welcoming them. We also wrote letters to our original pack members, thanking them for their patience with us and their support thus far. It took a very long time, but we managed to have one for each family on both sides of the pack. Nic excitedly volunteered to make the deliveries, stating she couldn’t get enough of the weather. I waved her off and kept some cocoa warm for her in the kitchen.

After the storm cleared, our refrigerator was desperately bare, so I headed to the store while Michael attended to his Alpha duties. Money was still tight while we figured out everything with the former Wild Paws members, but it was a little less tight for now.

I turned down the bread aisle in the grocery store, where I saw a familiar face. “Well, if it isn’t our prized stat girl turned Luna!” Mr. Ganbar called.

“Hi! How are you?” I asked, pushing my basket toward him.

“Definitely not the same without my best stat girl running the team anymore. How is Luna life treating you?” he asked.

“Michael is the love of my life. I wouldn’t change a thing,” I smiled.

“I hope we’re holding off on the pups? I know Alphas can be a little more gung-ho than normal wolves,” he laughed.

“No pups,” I said. “We got a lot going on.”

“The team has asked about you. They would love a visit. They actually have a match tomorrow night,” he said. I knew they did; I had secretly checked their match schedule at the beginning of the season. Winter just felt odd without the thrill of a wrestling tournament in my future.

“Maybe I can convince the Alpha to stop by,” I said.

“Oh, I think they would be much more interested in seeing their Luna. The youngsters are probably happier about seeing their Alpha. I hear his little warriors class is growing,” Mr. Ganbar commented.

“It is. I think there are about 40 of them now. He really loves that class, and they admire him so much,” I praised my wonderful mate. Michael was always happy during and after his classes with the pups.

“Well, I have my own pups waiting for dinner tonight. Please do think about stopping by. The Seniors especially would love a visit,” he smiled.

“I will try,” I promised. “It’s really good to see you, Mr. Ganbar.”

“You too, Miss Samuels,” he replied.

“Oh, it’s Galbraith now. Mrs. Galbraith,” I told him. He just smiled.

“Of course it is. Be safe, Luna. Oh, and if you could tell your mate I expect my singlet back when he drops by,” he laughed.

Michael held my hand as we walked through the halls of the school. Somehow the place felt smaller. I spent four years running in and out of this building every day, but it was almost like a foreign place now.

I had my coat slung over my other arm, my Stary Wrestling shirt clinging to me. Michael opted for a Stary High hoodie; how he managed to fit into one of his old ones, I wasn’t sure. We both thought this fit in better for the event. I stopped outside the gym doors, the familiar buzz of the crowd reaching my ears. The match wouldn’t start for another 20 minutes, but we wanted to be a little early.

“Why are you nervous?” Michael said, pulling my hand up to k**s my knuckles. He did that all the time, and it always calmed me a fraction.

“I don’t know. It just feels different. I was one of them last year, and now I’m their Luna,” I whispered.

“Then just be Quinn tonight,” he whispered, leaning down to my ear and planting a soft k**s right behind it.

I rolled my eyes. “As soon as we walk through that door, everyone will stop. We can’t just go places without being recognized now. Plus, you’re basically a giant.”

Michael laughed. “Okay, then let’s go through the back,” he said. He turned, pulling me with him as he headed toward the halls behind the gym. There were doors leading to the locker rooms and one to the storage room behind the gym. The storage room connected to the wrestling room on the opposite side.

Michael pushed open the door to the storage room. Just as we thought, there were Stary High wrestlers back there. I saw Riley right away.

“Q?” he almost shouted when he saw me. I nodded as he jogged over. “Oh, um, good evening, Alpha,” he said, bowing his head.

“Formalities aren’t necessary,” Michael said.

“Hey, Riley,” I greeted him. “How have you guys been?” A few more wrestlers came over with excited looks on their faces.

“Did you guys come to cheer us on?” Riley asked.

“Yea,” I told him. “I just didn’t want to make a scene going right in.”

“Well, look what the wolf dragged in,” the coach came over with a smile. “I didn’t think you’d stay away forever.” He nodded to Michael.

“I ran into Mr. Ganbar at the store. He thought it would be good if we came out,” I told him.

“We’re certainly glad to see you. I don’t think these brats will dare lose in front of their Alpha and Luna,” he laughed. “Trying to avoid the crowd?”

“A little,” I admitted.

“It would mean a lot if you would do our coin toss tonight,” the coach floated out.

“Yea, you guys should do it!” the wrestlers agreed. Michael looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Sure,” I smiled.

“While the crowd was happy to see me, the team was happy to see you,” Michael said as he cuddled into my back. “I wish you would have gotten to be my stat girl.”

“I can’t even imagine,” I laughed. “You would have gotten me in so much trouble.”

“And it would have been fun too,” he growled lightly, nipping at my ear from behind. I twisted in his arms and looked into his eyes. They were so blue now.

“Thanks for going with me. I would have chickened out and listened from the hallway,” I whispered. Michael ran his nose along mine.

“Of course, sweetheart,” he said. “I’d go anywhere with you.” He rested his forehead on mine, and I closed my eyes.

Michael sighed, and I knew he was waiting to ask me about something. “What’s wrong?”

“Christmas is only a couple of weeks away,” he muttered. My mood dipped. I was well aware. It was one of my favorite holidays, but it wasn’t the same this year. I wasn’t sure how the rest of my family felt, and my parents hadn’t reached out. I had no idea if I was welcome for any holiday festivities. I had started putting up decorations in the packhouse, but it left this hole in me when I looked at them.

“I know. I thought we agreed to no presents. Just the three of us on Christmas morning together with pancakes and cocoa,” I said, deflecting.

“I just wanted to check on you,” he said. His hand came up and stroked my cheek softly. I kept my eyes closed, just focusing on his touch.

“And you?” I asked quietly. Michael leaned in and gave me a chaste k**s.

“It’s been years since I had a big Christmas. And honestly, I’m not sure I know what this holiday looks like in a functional family. I just want to make sure it’s everything you want it to be,” he answered.

“We can make our own traditions,” I said, opening my eyes. M was smiling back at me softly.

“I’m just happy to spend the day with my mate,” he said. “Whatever she wants is fine with me.”

“And your best friend?” I added.

“Sure, I love having Nic around. Other than you, she knows me the best. But I will always pick you over her. You’re my world, Q.”

I kissed him this time, wiggling closer to hug him tighter. I knew he picked me, but it was still nice to hear from time to time. One k**s turned into several until I finally pulled away.

“It’s okay that you like having Nic around. I’m not jealous,” I told him.

He smiled and pecked my nose. “You are my two best girls.”

“As long as I’m the bestest,” I joked.

“Yes, but you’re also the brattiest,” he shot back. I pulled back, looking at him in shock.

“I am not a brat!”

“Um, then what was ‘f**k chivalry’?” he chuckled.

“I-I…” I stammered for a moment. It’s hard to think when he scrambles my brain with s*x. “I seem to remember that working out well for both of us.”

Michael pulled me closer and nuzzled my face. “Bedtime,” he smiled.

“Still not a brat.”

I was busy in my office, trying to sort the bills and figure out if we could pay anything toward our debt to the other packs. I felt ridiculous sending these other Alphas $50 at a time, but it was the best we could manage. I knew it was a long time away, but I looked forward to the day when I wouldn’t have to write these embarrassing checks.

“Hey, Q,” Nic said from the doorway.

“Yea, what’s up?” I asked her.

“Michael isn’t here, so I think you should take this call,” she whispered, holding the phone out to me. I got up and came around the desk, giving her a questioning look.

“Who is it?” I mouthed.

“Family,” she mouthed back. Panic seized me. I rigidly took the phone and pressed it to my ear. Nic backed away.

“Um, this is L-Luna Quinn speaking,” I said.

“You must be his mate,” a warm female voice said. “I know this is a little out of the blue, but I just had to reach out. My name is Shelley, and I am Michael’s aunt, well, his former stepfather’s shunned sister, but that’s a story for another time.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. Dealing with Michael’s family was less stressful than my own. “I’m sorry, he hasn’t told me much about his family.”

“I suspect he wouldn’t. Not exactly an easy subject, now is it?” she said.

Michael’s mother was forced to mate with the man that defeated her Alpha mate in a challenge. He ended up killing that man to take the pack back over. Nothing about his family was normal. “No, not really,” I said.

“Anyway. I was hoping you could speak to him for me since I missed him,” she said.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Where you at, baby?” Michael linked. Convenient.

“Well, if you were hoping to talk to him, he just came home,” I told her.

“Quinn!” I heard him call out from down the hall.

“Office!” I called, covering the phone. “Give me just a second, and I’ll see if he wants to talk to you.”

M rounded the corner into my office and gave me a strange look. “Who’s that?” he whispered.

“Well, it’s your aunt Shelley,” I said gently. He looked like I slapped him in the face for a second. I couldn’t tell exactly what he was feeling; it was all over the place. “Do you want to…” I trailed off, holding out the phone. He took it from me, staring down at it.

Slowly, he brought it to his ear and cleared his throat. “Hello?” he answered. I couldn’t tell what she was saying, but Michael stayed quiet while she talked. Finally, he spoke. “Can you give me just a second?”

After she answered, he lowered the phone and looked at me. “Are you okay?” I asked softly.

“Yea, I just think I need a second. I’ll come find you when I’m done?” he said.

“Sure, anything,” I said. I stepped close and got up on my tiptoes to k**s his cheek. “I’ll be down the hall.” I slipped passed him and went down the hall to the living room. Nic came out of the kitchen with a sandwich hanging out of her mouth.

“So what happened?” she asked through a mouthful of food.

“I don’t know yet. I gave the phone to him,” I told her.

Nic and I waited a while, but Michael didn’t come looking for us. I couldn’t quite figure out what he was feeling, and I tried not to dwell on it. I knew he would talk to me when he was ready.

Nic eventually left, saying she wanted to go for a run. After checking on the dinner I had started in the crockpot that morning, I went to look for Michael. I found him sitting in my office still, playing with the phone idly while he stared off into space. He didn’t notice I came into the room until I was right in front of him. I pulled the phone from his hand and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck.

“Want to talk about it?” I asked softly.

“I’m conflicted,” he said.

“Well, does what you want feel like it’s a bad thing to do?” I asked him. His head came up, and he looked at me, puzzled.

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “No, it doesn’t.”

I pushed his long hair out of his face. He really needed a haircut. “Then maybe whatever you are worried about isn’t too big a deal. Maybe you don’t need to be conflicted.” He relaxed a little, hugging me tightly.

“Want to meet my aunt?”

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