Inevitably Yours

Chapter 56

“You guys are going to have so much fun,” I told Christy as she finally set aside her packed bag. I could tell she was about to boil over with excitement.

“I can’t believe he talked my parents into this. I know it’s only a couple of days, but it’s going to be amazing. Stuart was never so thoughtful,” she gushed.

I smiled at her through the camera. “You two are adorable together. He’s good for you.”

“Goddess, he’s such a dreamboat,” she said, her eyes glazing slightly. She snapped her attention back to me quickly. “Did Jaxx give you a present yet? I know Christmas is still two days away, but he told Aubree he was spending all his free time with you over the break.”

“He’s coming over tomorrow,” I told her. “He was kinda irritated that I spent the night at my grandma’s but chilled out when I called him.”

“Well, he barely gets to see you because you keep yourself so busy,” she pointed out. “He probably just feels lonely. Who knows? He is getting close to 17, maybe you are his mate, and he can already feel it.”

I frowned but then remembered we were on video and quickly stopped myself. “I don’t think we’re mates.”

Christy looked at me puzzled. “You like him, right?” she asked.

“Yea,” I told her. “I do. It’s just different than before. And like you said, we don’t get to see each other all too much.”

“Don’t hate me for this,” she started hesitantly.

“Oh no,” I g*****d. “Is this an ugly truth moment?”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Christy laughed shallowly. “Jaxx really likes you. Aubree said he could tell because he doesn’t usually put much effort into the people he dates. But I can see it in your eyes; you’re comparing them. Michael is gone, babe. I know how special it felt, how he was your Michael. But that guy jetted and left you with a whole mess to clean up. You gotta let go. It isn’t fair to Jaxx, now is it?”

I looked down at my desk, avoiding her gaze. “I know. I’m sorry, it’s really hard. I just….” The words escaped me. She was right; Sapphire had even said similar things. Michael hadn’t talked to me in days. I had to close the chapter all the way, or I would never finish the book.

“Maybe tell Jaxx sorry and not me?” Christy suggested gently. I nodded, bringing my eyes back up to the screen.

“I do like him,” I told her.

“I know you think I am over the top and a tad obsessed, and maybe I am. But you can let go of that rope a little and let yourself be boy crazy too. Isn’t this the time when we are supposed to be dumb and make all the best mistakes? Do you think all the books you read are the brainchildren of people who didn’t let themselves live?”

“Okay, I need you to stop. I thought I was supposed to be the brainy one,” I laughed at her. She just smiled back.

“I’m going to go. Bree is picking me up super early. We should hang out when I get back, maybe all of us,” she said.

“Have fun. Tell Aubree I said hi and Merry Christmas.” I waved at the computer; Christy blew me a k**s and ended the video call. I sat back in my chair and pursed my lips. The sting of Christy’s honesty was still lingering. I wasn’t being a very good girlfriend. Jaxx was finding opportunities to see me or spend time together, and I was just going about my life.

I pushed away from my desk and went to the door, peeking out to listen for anyone still awake. The whole house was quiet, even my brother’s room. I snuck downstairs, staying as silent as I could. I never did anything halfway; I was the definition of overachieving. I wouldn’t be a halfway girlfriend either.

Jaxx was late. I sat in the kitchen, fiddling nervously with my cup. Everything was all set up in the basement. I got together everything we needed for a movie day, including the best snacks I could make. I rechecked my phone for the millionth time. I chewed on the sleeve of my sweater; he was usually early, not late.

“Maybe you should call him,” my mom suggested. She was putting something together in the crockpot for dinner. The doorbell rang and my nervousness only amplified. “Or maybe not.”

I hopped up from the table, depositing my cup in the sink before hurrying to the door. My dad looked up over the back of the couch as I went past. I stopped at the door, taking a quick breath to calm myself. I put on my biggest smile and opened the door. “Hey,” I greeted him.

“I’m sorry. My sister took my car. I had to wait until my cousin could drop me off,” he said. I looked behind him to see a familiar car pulling out of the driveway.

“Is that Ricky?” I asked.

“Yea, his mom and mine are sisters,” he said. I stepped back so he could come inside.

“I didn’t know you were related,” I told him. “He’s on the wrestling team.”

“I figured he would tell you at some point,” he said. His eyes moved up and down, taking in my appearance. “Christmas pajamas and a cardigan?” he laughed.

“Isn’t that what we talked about?” I countered, worried. He was not wearing pajamas but jeans and a hoodie.

“No, we did,” he smiled. He reached over his head and grabbed the back of his sweatshirt. “I think this would be a little cozier, though.” Jaxx pulled his sweatshirt over his head and handed it out to me. Heat crept up the back of my neck.

“Thanks,” I said. “Do you want to go downstairs?”

“So this is Jaxx,” my mom said, coming out of the kitchen. Jaxx eyed me sideways as he turned to her.

“Yes, ma’am. You must be Mrs. Samuels,” he smiled charmingly at her. “Thank you for having me.”

“We’re happy to. We were interested in meeting the wolf taking so much of our daughter’s attention recently,” my mom said. Jaxx reached down and grabbed my hand.

“I’m just happy she has given me the time of day,” he smiled. My mom appraised him for a moment before nodding and turning.

“You two have fun,” my mom said as she headed back to the kitchen. I looked up at Jaxx, who shrugged in return. I tilted my head, and he nodded. We set off to the basement wordlessly.

“What’s this?” Jaxx said as we got downstairs. I set all the drinks and snacks on the table, his gift sitting on the very end. There were pillows and blankets waiting on the couch and a movie already ready on the TV.

I looked at the sweatshirt in my hands still. “I think it’s time for me to say sorry. I’m not trying hard enough. I realized that I haven’t been that good of a girlfriend, and I’m going to fix that,” I told him nervously.

Jaxx pulled me flush to him. His hand came under my chin, lifting my eyes to his. “Merry Christmas,” he said before kissing me gently. Sapphire actually purred in my head at the sweet k**s.

“Do you want your present?” I asked as we separated.

“If I can give you mine,” he smiled. I nodded and stepped around him to grab his gift. He pulled me over to the couch with him to open it.

First, he opened the turtle cookies I made the previous night, remembering an argument we had about the best kinds of dessert. His eyes lit up excitedly as he grabbed one and bit into it. “Wow, these are better than my mom’s,” he exclaimed. Next, he opened the book I got him about the history of classic cars and their makers. “This is cool,” he said. He sounded more excited about the sweets, and I realized books probably weren’t a good go-to present for everyone.

He set everything aside and pulled a small box out of his front pocket. “I hope you like it,” he said, handing it to me. I opened it carefully, trying not to tear the wrapping; I never liked to rip things open haphazardly. When I got the wrapping off, I held a jewelry box. I opened it to find a charm bracelet inside. “You wear that necklace all the time; I thought you might like something from me.” A wolf charm and a princess crown were hanging from it. “I think the wolf is self-explanatory, but the crown is for the night you agreed to go out with me, Christy’s princess party.”

“Thank you,” I said. “It’s beautiful.” Jaxx took the box from me and pulled out the bracelet. I held out my wrist, and he fastened it on me.

“Hopefully, we can add to it for a long time,” he smiled. I returned his happy look.

“I’d like that,” I told him. His warm hand cupped my cheek as he leaned in to k**s me again. My heart paced slightly in my chest. When he pulled away, his eyes were dark.

“Maybe we should watch the movie before all I can think about is that,” he laughed. We got settled onto the couch, sitting close. I slid my cardigan off and pulled on his hoodie; he seemed even happier when I did. It was a little big on me, but he was right; it was much cozier. I grabbed the popcorn while he grabbed his cookies, and we started the movie.

“What do you think about meeting my family?” he asked quietly as the opening credits began.

“Um, sure,” I said nervously.

“What about having dinner on New Year’s Eve with us?” he proposed.

“I would have to be back home at some point. My parents throw a big party and like to drink that night; they don’t like to worry about us not being home,” I told him.

“Okay, dinner with my family, then we’ll come here for the party,” he said. He kissed my cheek.

“You sure?” I asked. “I mean, we don’t know if we’re mates. I didn’t think you would want to introduce me to your parents.”

“So sure,” he nodded.

“Okay, then,” I smiled back. If this is what being a good girlfriend felt like, it didn’t totally suck.

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