Inevitably Yours

Chapter 50


The next couple of weeks were much less eventful. Christy was sad that I was now busier on the weekends with the wrestling team, but she seemed to be spending more and more time with Aubree, which was good for both of us. Jaxx texted me regularly, but it was pretty generic. I sat in bed on Tuesday night, scribbling in my notebook, hoping to hear from Michael soon. My phone rang from my nightstand.

“Hello,” I answered.

“Quinn, it’s Aubree,” he said.

“I know. I have caller ID,” I told him. “What’s up?”

“Oh, uh, I need your help,” he said.

“Okay? With what?” I sat up, closing my notebook.

“Her birthday is coming up, and we both know what will happen. I want to plan something special,” Aubree explained.

“Special as in how?” I asked.

“I want to make her feel like a princess,” he said, and I could hear the giant smile that was surely on his face.

After I got off the phone with Aubree planning Christy’s birthday, Jaxx called.

“Hey. Have you talked to Aubs already?” he asked.

“Yea, I know what I am supposed to do,” I told him.

“Great. What color is your dress?” Jaxx asked.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“Your dress,” he said. “What are you wearing? Shouldn’t I match as your date?”

“Who said you were my date? I thought I was getting her to this party, and that was it,” I said.

“Once she realizes what Aubree is and they take care of things in the back, she will want to celebrate with her best friend,” he explained. “Why would you leave?”

“Assuming they can take their hands off each other?” I mused. “Because her whole family will be there. And her mate. She isn’t going to care that I am there anymore.”

“Well, the man planning the party wants us there for her so you better pick something to wear,” he said cheekily.

“You know, I lived a pretty uneventful life before meeting Christy,” I complained.

“As soon as our parts are over, I’ll rescue you,” he assured me.

“I’m so happy you don’t have any dumb wrestling stuff this weekend!” Christy gushed as we walked out of school Friday afternoon.

“Yep, just the match last night. It’s your birthday weekend, so I am all yours,” I smiled at her. “I do have plans, though.”

“I love plans!” she exclaimed. She linked arms with me as we headed outside. My mom was waiting to pick us up.

“No mate bond feelings at school today, right?” I asked her.

“No,” she said with no sign of disappointment. “Can I tell you something?”

“You’re hoping it’s Aubree?” I guessed.

She stopped walking. “How did you know?”

I laughed. “You are head over heels for him. You like him way more than you liked Stuart, and he actually makes you happy. I haven’t seen forced happy Christy since he dumped you.”

Her cheeks turned pink at my words. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to keep walking. We got to the car, where my mom was happily waiting. “Happy birthday Christy!” she said as we climbed in. “17 is an important one.”

“Thanks!” she said. “I’m just excited to be spending the weekend with Q!”

“She is always busy these days. You kids see her more than we do,” my mom said.

“Mom!” I complained.

“If they bothered to come to anything school-related, they would see you more,” Sapphire huffed.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“Stop. They have work and Kent to deal with,” I retorted.

Christy and my mom chatted happily on the car ride home. Tonight we were having a sleepover and tomorrow we would go shopping then get ready for her party. Aubree even booked an appointment at a salon to get her hair and make-up done. I just had to deliver her to the surprise party on time, where everyone would jump out and scream ‘Happy Birthday,’ then the crowd would part, and Aubree would be right there waiting for her. It was super cute if I was being honest. I wouldn’t want that kind of attention focused on me, but it was perfect for her.

When we got back to my house, we both ran upstairs to my room. Christy tossed her bag down and flopped on my bed. “We should go out for a run. I could really stretch my paws.”

“Uh, sure,” I said nervously. I hadn’t shifted with her, so Christy didn’t know my wolf was blue too.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing. I just don’t shift all too often,” I told her. She looked at me carefully for a second.

“She’s blue, isn’t she? Your wolf?” she asked.

“Yea,” I told her. “I usually go late at night. My parents didn’t think it was best if others saw it. It is pretty weird.”

“Who cares? I bet it’s cool! Let’s go! I want to see your wolf. What’s her name?” she asked excitedly.

“Don’t laugh,” I warned.

“What? Is it Bluebell or something?” she giggled. I gave her a warning look. Christy pretended to zip her mouth closed.

I sighed. “Sapphire. My wolf is Sapphire.”

Her eyes lit up. “Okay, that’s pretty and perfect!”

“Fine, let’s go. But let’s go away from my house. I don’t want my parents to get mad. We can head toward the river; I doubt we’ll see anyone out there,” I said.

Christy hopped up excitedly. “Let’s go!”

Christy came out of the dressing room with a jubilant glow. Her light pink dress skimmed the floor, shimmering even in the salon lights. Her hair and make-up were perfect; she looked like a princess, and I hoped she felt like one too.

“Q!” she almost cried.

“Christy,” I smiled. “You look perfect!”

“I feel perfect! Oh my gosh, what did you plan tonight?” she asked.

“No spoilers,” I smiled. I pulled my dress on already. It was silver, and the material was shiny, landing at my knees. One of the other stylists was nice enough to help me with my hair while Christy got hers done. Apparently, they all knew about Aubree’s plans and giggled about it all day.

Christy came over and pulled me into a tight hug. “I’m so glad I met you,” she said.

“Me too,” I said, hugging her back. She held me at arm’s length, appraising my look now too.

“You know, whether it’s Michael or Jaxx, you deserve someone to make you happy too. And not just your overbearing best friend,” she smiled.

“Thanks,” I said. “But no more teary emotional moments, okay? You’ll ruin your make-up, and we have somewhere to be!”

“Okay,” she said. “But your mom dropped us off. How are we getting there?”

I led her outside to the car waiting on the curb. Jaxx stepped out. He had a black suit on with a silver tie to match my dress. I had given in and told him what I was wearing, but I hadn’t expected him to have something to match. Christy smiled at me.

“What is this?” she asked.

“Ladies,” he smiled, opening the back door.

“If being a princess tonight is my birthday present, you win forever!” she said excitedly as she got in the back of the car.

“Quinn, you look amazing,” Jaxx said before I climbed in after her.

“Thanks,” I said, feeling my cheeks warm. “Who’s car is this?”

“My dad’s. It’s brand new, and Aubree has never been in it, so she won’t smell him. We have it all covered,” he smiled. “Our escape plan is in place too.”

I gave him a questioning look, but Christy called from inside, “Come on! You got me all excited!” We both laughed, and I slid into the backseat next to her. Jaxx closed the door and went around to get in the driver’s seat.

“Alright ladies, where to?” he asked in mock formality.

“Take us to the ball, sir,” I laughed.

Christy was bouncing up and down in the seat all the way there. We headed away from the pack and over to the neighboring human town between Stary and Wild Paws. Aubree and Christy’s parents had booked a wedding venue here for the party. When we pulled up outside the building, Christy was ready to burst. Jaxx got out of the car to open the door. I got out first and held out my hand to help Christy.

“You ready?” I asked her as we walked up to the doors.

“What is going on?” she asked, looking at Jaxx and me. I just smiled and shook my head. I pointed to the door and stepped back so she could open them on her own. Somehow, we were perfectly on time. Christy went up to the doors and cautiously stepped inside.

“SURPRISE!” everyone roared as the lights went up.

“AH!” Christy screamed in shock. She covered her mouth as she realized what was happening.

A song started playing over the speakers as Jaxx, and I stepped up behind her. Just as planned, the group parted in the middle, and Aubree stepped forward.

“Oh, my… mate…” Christy gasped. Aubree nodded, a giant smile on his face. Christy ran at him, and he caught her in his arms, swinging her around happily.

“I’m glad it’s finally over,” Jaxx said next to me. “He was dying this whole time.”

“He’s a good fit for her. Way better than Stuart,” I commented.

Jaxx wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me with him. “Let’s get out of the way and let them have their moment.”

“Yea,” I said. “She deserves her princess moment. She looks so beautiful tonight.”

“She isn’t the only one,” Jaxx said softly. I looked up at him to see him smiling back. I looked away quickly. We moved to the corner of the room while Aubree gave Christy the promise ring he got her. He wanted them both to graduate and get settled in life before getting married. They might be mates, but he was earnest about everything with her.

“Not many people would have kept the secret so long,” Jaxx commented as we watched the group.

I shrugged. “It wasn’t my secret to tell. After that first group date, I knew that she was falling for him, and I hope it had nothing to do with the bond.”

“It didn’t,” Jaxx confirmed. “He’s always liked her. I never met her until recently, but he’s talked about her before. He, however, never mentioned her best friend.”

“That’s because I didn’t meet her until this summer. Ironically enough, I think she wanted to be friends with me to keep me from getting Stuart’s attention at first.”

“Can I ask you something?” he asked.

“Isn’t that a question?” I countered. He frowned at my comeback, so I just nodded.

“Is there someone else? Is there some other wolf in the picture? Because I am not sure what else I can do to tell you that I like you and convince you to give me a shot. Christy said there was something complicated for you. Can’t say I’m not curious about this other wolf that has you so closed off,” he said.

I frowned, looking away. How did I answer Jaxx’s question? Michael left and told me to do what I wanted. He pushed me away even after promising to come back. He gave me so many mixed signals I had no idea what to think about it. My hand came up to the necklace I never went a day without wearing, holding onto the tiny charm that hung from it.

Jaxx moved, putting his hands on my arms to turn me to face him. “Quinn, I really like you. I am trying to be patient about this, but it’s so hard. I just want the chance to get to know you more. All I am asking for is a chance to take you out and make you smile. I think I would like to be the one you’re smiling at for once.”

“Jaxx…” I said softly.

“If there is someone else in the picture, just say so. If not, what do you have to lose? We have fun together, at least I do. Please, Quinn. Give a guy a fighting chance,” he pleaded.

“Sapphire… what do I do?” I asked her.

“I don’t know,” she said.

“Now, you aren’t going to help me?”

Jaxx had a soft, pleading look on his face. He was nice every time we hung out or talked. He always tried to find reasons to be around me. He helped Aubree with this whole thing to make sure his best friend was happy. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and a simple one at that. Maybe I needed someone with a little less drama floating around.

“Okay,” I finally said. Jaxx’s face broke out into a smile.

“Really? You’ll go out with me?” he clarified. I nodded my head, and he smiled even larger. He grabbed my hand and started to guide me to the back door.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“We’re already dressed; we might as well go on a date, right?”

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