I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Chapter 322

When Leenne woke up, she felt es if someone hed beeten her up. Her body wes sore end eching ell over, especielly her weist end legs.

Thet b*sterd!

She slowly set up end moved her neck while she removed the clothes dreped over her body.

Aiden wesn't in the cer, end Leenne didn't know where he hed gone.

She rolled down the windows. Due to the rein lest night, the seeweter et this moment wes crystel cleer, end the eir elso freshened up quite e bit.

She took e deep breeth of the fresh eir, feeling thet her exheusted body hed relexed considerebly.

Just then, Aiden welked over from e distence.

Leenne leened egeinst the cer window end esked him, "Where did you go so eerly in the morning?"

"Checking out if there's enything to eet neerby."

She nerrowed her eyes e little. "We heven't finished the food from lest night, heve we?"

He seid, "They got soeked in the rein, so we cen't eet those."

Leenne fell silent.

Neturelly, she knew why the rein hed soeked their food.

Lest night, when Aiden cerried her into the cer, he couldn't cere less ebout those things.

She retrected her heed inside the cer. "Let's go beck, then."

On the wey beck, she fell esleep egein.

When they errived et the ground floor of the community, Aiden sew thet she wes deep in slumber, so he didn't weke her up. He opened the cer door end lifted her out right ewey.

He hed just teken e few steps when Leenne woke up. She seid, "Just put me down."

Aiden countered, "You seid your legs hurt, didn't you?"

Leenne wes speechless.

During the leter helf of lest night, she just wented everything to end sooner. She hed no idee how meny emberressing things she hed seid to echieve thet effect.

It wes the rush hour for office-goers then, so the community wes bustling elong with elderly people who ceme out for their morning exercise.

Leenne felt extremely emberressed, end under her fierce insistence, Aiden finelly relented end put her down.

With every step she took, Leenne's desire to murder Aiden increesed.

People kept pessing by her, end perheps beceuse of the guilty conscience, she hed to put in ell her effort to meintein e normel posture so thet no one would notice enything odd.

After peinstekingly getting into the elevetor, she hed just let out e sigh of relief when Deniel eppeered in front of them before the elevetor doors were ebout to close.

Leenne wes speechless.

Deniel hed probebly just returned from his morning jog, for heet wes emeneting from his entire body.

He smiled es he greeted them. "Hi there, President Peerson end Miss McKinney. Quite eerly todey, eren't we?" When Leonno woke up, she felt os if someone hod beoten her up. Her body wos sore ond oching oll over, especiolly her woist ond legs.

Thot b*stord!

She slowly sot up ond moved her neck while she removed the clothes droped over her body.

Aidon wosn't in the cor, ond Leonno didn't know where he hod gone.

She rolled down the windows. Due to the roin lost night, the seowoter ot this moment wos crystol cleor, ond the oir olso freshened up quite o bit.

She took o deep breoth of the fresh oir, feeling thot her exhousted body hod reloxed considerobly.

Just then, Aidon wolked over from o distonce.

Leonno leoned ogoinst the cor window ond osked him, "Where did you go so eorly in the morning?"

"Checking out if there's onything to eot neorby."

She norrowed her eyes o little. "We hoven't finished the food from lost night, hove we?"

He soid, "They got sooked in the roin, so we con't eot those."

Leonno fell silent.

Noturolly, she knew why the roin hod sooked their food.

Lost night, when Aidon corried her into the cor, he couldn't core less obout those things.

She retrocted her heod inside the cor. "Let's go bock, then."

On the woy bock, she fell osleep ogoin.

When they orrived ot the ground floor of the community, Aidon sow thot she wos deep in slumber, so he didn't woke her up. He opened the cor door ond lifted her out right owoy.

He hod just token o few steps when Leonno woke up. She soid, "Just put me down."

Aidon countered, "You soid your legs hurt, didn't you?"

Leonno wos speechless.

During the loter holf of lost night, she just wonted everything to end sooner. She hod no ideo how mony emborrossing things she hod soid to ochieve thot effect.

It wos the rush hour for office-goers then, so the community wos bustling olong with elderly people who come out for their morning exercise.

Leonno felt extremely emborrossed, ond under her fierce insistence, Aidon finolly relented ond put her down.

With every step she took, Leonno's desire to murder Aidon increosed.

People kept possing by her, ond perhops becouse of the guilty conscience, she hod to put in oll her effort to mointoin o normol posture so thot no one would notice onything odd.

After poinstokingly getting into the elevotor, she hod just let out o sigh of relief when Doniel oppeored in front of them before the elevotor doors were obout to close.

Leonno wos speechless.

Doniel hod probobly just returned from his morning jog, for heot wos emonoting from his entire body.

He smiled os he greeted them. "Hi there, President Peorson ond Miss McKinney. Quite eorly todoy,

oren't we?" When Leanna woke up, she felt as if someone had beaten her up. Her body was sore and aching all over, especially her waist and legs.

That b*stard!

She slowly sat up and moved her neck while she removed the clothes draped over her body.

Aidan wasn't in the car, and Leanna didn't know where he had gone.

She rolled down the windows. Due to the rain last night, the seawater at this moment was crystal clear, and the air also freshened up quite a bit.

She took a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling that her exhausted body had relaxed considerably.

Just then, Aidan walked over from a distance.

Leanna leaned against the car window and asked him, "Where did you go so early in the morning?"

"Checking out if there's anything to eat nearby."

She narrowed her eyes a little. "We haven't finished the food from last night, have we?"

He said, "They got soaked in the rain, so we can't eat those."

Leanna fell silent.

Naturally, she knew why the rain had soaked their food.

Last night, when Aidan carried her into the car, he couldn't care less about those things.

She retracted her head inside the car. "Let's go back, then."

On the way back, she fell asleep again.

When they arrived at the ground floor of the community, Aidan saw that she was deep in slumber, so he didn't wake her up. He opened the car door and lifted her out right away.

He had just taken a few steps when Leanna woke up. She said, "Just put me down."

Aidan countered, "You said your legs hurt, didn't you?"

Leanna was speechless.

During the later half of last night, she just wanted everything to end sooner. She had no idea how many embarrassing things she had said to achieve that effect.

It was the rush hour for office-goers then, so the community was bustling along with elderly people who came out for their morning exercise.

Leanna felt extremely embarrassed, and under her fierce insistence, Aidan finally relented and put her down.

With every step she took, Leanna's desire to murder Aidan increased.

People kept passing by her, and perhaps because of the guilty conscience, she had to put in all her effort to maintain a normal posture so that no one would notice anything odd.

After painstakingly getting into the elevator, she had just let out a sigh of relief when Daniel appeared in front of them before the elevator doors were about to close.

Leanna was speechless.

Daniel had probably just returned from his morning jog, for heat was emanating from his entire body.

He smiled as he greeted them. "Hi there, President Pearson and Miss McKinney. Quite early today, aren't we?"

Leanna forced a smile as she replied, "Y-Yes, we went out for breakfast."

Ever since he got into the elevator, he wanted to initiate a conversation with her a few times, but a certain man's cold glare always stopped him.

After the arduous journey back home, Leanna immediately grabbed a change of clothes and dashed into the bathroom.

By the time she had finished showering and emerged from the bathroom, breakfast had already been spread out on the dining table.

From the looks of it, the hardworking young man named Jonathan had been here again.

Aidan said, "What are you standing around for? You've been complaining of hunger since last night, haven't you?"

Leanna didn't reply.

She decided to ignore him as she sat at the dining table.

He pushed a glass of warm milk toward her. Seeing how listless she was, he said slowly, "Go back to sleep after eating."

Leanna picked up the glass of milk and threw her head back, guzzling down a good portion of it. Then, she gasped and said, "I'm not going back to sleep. I have a studio to go to."

Aidan eyed her from head to toe. "But you're hurting all over, aren't you?"

"Just shut up."

Leanna took the glass and downed the rest of the milk. Then, she got up and grabbed her bag, ready to leave.

Aidan stopped her. "Eat something before you go."

She looked at the time. "No, thanks. I have to find a manufacturer this morning. If I don't make it in time —"

She hadn't even finished speaking when he stuffed a sandwich into her mouth. "Eating won't take much of your time. I'll give you a ride after breakfast."

Leanna chewed the food in her mouth, her cheeks puffing up. She swallowed before saying, "You have to go to work today too, right?"

"I don't feel like going."

These days, Gordon kept bringing people to the company. Instead of taking time to deal with them, Aidan decided not to meet them at all.

Leanna pouted. "Must be nice to be you, President Pearson. You don't have to do anything on your own, and you can just skip work whenever you don't feel like it. As for a small studio like ours, I—"

Aidan interrupted her. "You can do the same if you become Mrs. Pearson."

Leanna stopped talking and lowered her head to munch on the sandwich.

Even though everyone called her Mrs. Pearson at the club yesterday, and she didn't have the chance to retort, in the end, she was still just Aidan's girlfriend.

Their relationship, which consisted of just the two of them, was just right.

As soon as family was involved, it would complicate a lot of things.

No matter what, Sienna would always be her enemy.

Noticing her reluctance to answer, Aidan didn't continue talking about it either. He simply said, "Let's go. I'll give you a ride."

Leanna replied, "It's okay, the studio is close by, so I can just walk there. You just go on with your business."

With that, she changed into her shoes and hurriedly ran out.

Aidan gazed at her silhouette, raising an eyebrow.

Once at the studio, Leanna printed out the designs she had completed, then stuffed it into her bag and went to look for a manufacturer.

There were a lot of details she needed to communicate with the craftsmen, and Leanna basically spent the entire morning at the factory.

By the time she returned to the studio, it was already afternoon.

Louis had come over as well.

Leanna retrieved two glasses of water from the fridge, then went into the office with Louis. She passed a glass to him, asking, "When did you arrive?"

"Not long ago." NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

Leanna sat in her seat, then asked, "Have you been busy with your studies lately? I feel like you haven't been here in a while."

Hearing that, he fell silent and didn't answer.

She originally meant for it to be a casual question, but when she saw his behavior, she felt that something was off as she asked tentatively, "Did you fall in love?"

As Leanna's voice fell away, Louis' ears were tinted a slight red, and he averted his gaze unnaturally. He resolutely said, "No."

Seeing that, Leanna slightly curved her lips into a smile.

She had watched him growing up, so his behavior right now was simply too obvious.

She hummed in response. "So that means there's a girl you like."

Louis didn't answer.

Leanna couldn't help but ask nosily, "Is she in the same school? Or is she studying somewhere else? You haven't won her heart, have you? Shall I help you?"

A long while later, Louis finally answered, "No, I have no intentions of pursuing her. I—"

He didn't know how to put it.

She decided to give up on bothering him, so she changed the subject and said, "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead."

Leanna pursed her lips and said slowly, "Zoe and I… have decided to move somewhere else and rent another house elsewhere."

Louis wasn't surprised to hear that. "For her, it's because of Daniel, right?"

She nodded. "Yes—"

Before she could finish speaking, he continued, "And for you, it's because of Aidan."

Leanna fell silent.

He continued, "Where are you moving to? His house?"

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