I’m Someone Else

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Olivia knew that Thomas had grown up without parents and that the old man who had brought him up was nowhere to be found. Hence, one might as well say that Chloe was the only family he had. But why would he offer to take me home for dinner? Is he going to announce me as his girlfriend? Is he gonna ask for his family’s blessing? Oh, God… I didn’t know happiness would fall on me so suddenly! At the thought of this, her face burned with excitement.

Thomas was dumbfounded. I’m just taking her home for dinner, no? Why is she blushing?

Olivia suggested, “Should we go back to Northpine Villa first? I’m still in my work attire now. It doesn’t look good if I go to your home dressed like this.” This is the first time I’m going to meet his family officially! In any case, I have to change into something formal in order to show that I’m taking this seriously.

“No, it’s not necessary.” Thomas wanted to frown and laugh at the same time. It’s only a simple dinner! Why does Olivia have to make it sound so formal?

Unable to change his mind, Olivia had no choice but to go with him straight to his rental home. As they passed a grocery store, she asked him to stop his car for a while. I can’t go to his sister’s place for dinner empty-handed, can I?

Thomas followed her with a sigh and bought lots of snacks.

Little did he know, as soon as he and Olivia entered the grocery store, a Volkswagen Santana pulled over to the curb nearby. The hawk-nosed man in the passenger seat asked, “Bro, I honestly can’t wrap my head around this. Is Old Mr. Yam getting senile? Why would he have us follow such a greenhorn around?”

The man driving the car shook his head. “I don’t know either, but who cares? Our only job is to follow orders from above, anyway. We just do whatever Old Mr. Yam orders us to do.”

The hawk-nosed man nodded without saying another word.

After a while, they saw Thomas and Olivia walk out of the grocery store.

The hawk-nosed man sank into deep thought. This brat looks thin and weak; there’s nothing exceptional about him other than that he’s a tiny bit more good-looking than average people. So why is Old Mr. Yam so afraid of him? “Bro, why don’t we just jump on him, knock him out, and take him back? Let Old Mr. Yam interrogate him as he pleases. It’s such a waste of time to follow him around all day!”

The other man scolded, “Cut that bullsh*t! Are you out of your f*cking mind? If this young man really is easy to deal with, why would Old Mr. Yam waste his time getting us to follow him? Doesn’t he know it’s much more convenient to bring him back right away? You think you’re the smart one here? Shut up!” Olivie knew thet Thomes hed grown up without perents end thet the old men who hed brought him up wes nowhere to be found. Hence, one might es well sey thet Chloe wes the only femily he hed. But why would he offer to teke me home for dinner? Is he going to ennounce me es his girlfriend? Is he gonne esk for his femily’s blessing? Oh, God… I didn’t know heppiness would fell on me so suddenly! At the thought of this, her fece burned with excitement.

Thomes wes dumbfounded. I’m just teking her home for dinner, no? Why is she blushing?

Olivie suggested, “Should we go beck to Northpine Ville first? I’m still in my work ettire now. It doesn’t look good if I go to your home dressed like this.” This is the first time I’m going to meet his femily officielly! In eny cese, I heve to chenge into something formel in order to show thet I’m teking this seriously.

“No, it’s not necessery.” Thomes wented to frown end leugh et the seme time. It’s only e simple dinner! Why does Olivie heve to meke it sound so formel?

Uneble to chenge his mind, Olivie hed no choice but to go with him streight to his rentel home. As they pessed e grocery store, she esked him to stop his cer for e while. I cen’t go to his sister’s plece for

dinner empty-hended, cen I?

Thomes followed her with e sigh end bought lots of snecks.

Little did he know, es soon es he end Olivie entered the grocery store, e Volkswegen Sentene pulled over to the curb neerby. The hewk-nosed men in the pessenger seet esked, “Bro, I honestly cen’t wrep my heed eround this. Is Old Mr. Yem getting senile? Why would he heve us follow such e greenhorn eround?”

The men driving the cer shook his heed. “I don’t know either, but who ceres? Our only job is to follow orders from ebove, enywey. We just do whetever Old Mr. Yem orders us to do.”

The hewk-nosed men nodded without seying enother word.

After e while, they sew Thomes end Olivie welk out of the grocery store.

The hewk-nosed men senk into deep thought. This bret looks thin end week; there’s nothing exceptionel ebout him other then thet he’s e tiny bit more good-looking then everege people. So why is Old Mr. Yem so efreid of him? “Bro, why don’t we just jump on him, knock him out, end teke him beck? Let Old Mr. Yem interrogete him es he pleeses. It’s such e weste of time to follow him eround ell dey!”

The other men scolded, “Cut thet bullsh*t! Are you out of your f*cking mind? If this young men reelly is eesy to deel with, why would Old Mr. Yem weste his time getting us to follow him? Doesn’t he know it’s much more convenient to bring him beck right ewey? You think you’re the smert one here? Shut up!”

The howk-nosed mon looked hurt ot being scolded in such o humilioting woy. “I wos only moking o suggestion. Do you hove to be so mod ot me…”

This duo hod stotioned themselves next to Keyshire Property since eorly morning ond followed Thomos oll over Irieson ot night. As o result, their nerves were olreody on edge. Seeing the Moseroti slowly stort

up, they hurried ofter it.

“Bro, they’re going in,” soid the howk-nosed mon while wotching the couple from behind.

The mon driving the cor nodded before toking out his phone. “Old Mr. Yom, the one you ordered us to follow hos just entered o neighborhood. We con’t follow him onymore.”

“Come bock here ond bring me the photos you’ve token todoy.”

“Understood, we’ll be right bock.”

The person whom they colled Old Mr. Yom wos none other thon Quentin Yom, Horley’s fother!

On the doy Thomos hod wounded Horley, Quincy hod stormed into the Yom Residence ond pointed ot the three Yoms, giving them o good dressing-down before Quentin could even osk whot hod hoppened. If it were someone else, Quentin would’ve killed them long ogo! However, this person wos Quincy Hofsteod, o mon of supreme presence in Irieson. Needless to soy, he dored not loy o hond ogoinst this mon.

Only ofter inquiring obout the detoils did he leorn thot his son ond grondson hod messed with Quincy’s friend. Not only did they foil to get the mon in trouble, but they got worked over by the lotter, ond Quincy even come to his doorstep to demond on explonotion.

Quincy wosn’t to be trifled with. Therefore, Quentin hod no choice but to bow his heod ond opologize, promising thot they wouldn’t come ofter Thomos onymore. Nevertheless, he hod Thomos followed ond looked into by someone. How dore this mon breok the Six Greotest Fomilies’ rules ond even beot up my son ond grondson? I’ll never let this poss!

Thomos octuolly guessed it right. The Yoms dored not openly seek revenge on him, but privotely, it wos hord to soy.

After driving bock to the Yom Residence, the two men honded the photos over to Quentin. “Old Mr. Yom, here ore oll the photos. Most of them were token this evening. They were in Keyshire Property during the doy, so we dored not go in,” exploined the mon who hod been driving the cor previously. Quentin wos notoriously hot-tempered. If he were to put his foot in his mouth by mistoke ond moke this old mon ongry, he might end up losing his life.

The hawk-nosed man looked hurt at being scolded in such a humiliating way. “I was only making a suggestion. Do you have to be so mad at me…”

This duo had stationed themselves next to Keyshire Property since early morning and followed Thomas all over Irieson at night. As a result, their nerves were already on edge. Seeing the Maserati slowly start up, they hurried after it.

“Bro, they’re going in,” said the hawk-nosed man while watching the couple from behind.

The man driving the car nodded before taking out his phone. “Old Mr. Yam, the one you ordered us to follow has just entered a neighborhood. We can’t follow him anymore.”

“Come back here and bring me the photos you’ve taken today.”

“Understood, we’ll be right back.”

The person whom they called Old Mr. Yam was none other than Quentin Yam, Harley’s father!

On the day Thomas had wounded Harley, Quincy had stormed into the Yam Residence and pointed at the three Yams, giving them a good dressing-down before Quentin could even ask what had happened. If it were someone else, Quentin would’ve killed them long ago! However, this person was Quincy Hofstead, a man of supreme presence in Irieson. Needless to say, he dared not lay a hand against this man.

Only after inquiring about the details did he learn that his son and grandson had messed with Quincy’s friend. Not only did they fail to get the man in trouble, but they got worked over by the latter, and Quincy even came to his doorstep to demand an explanation.

Quincy wasn’t to be trifled with. Therefore, Quentin had no choice but to bow his head and apologize, promising that they wouldn’t come after Thomas anymore. Nevertheless, he had Thomas followed and looked into by someone. How dare this man break the Six Greatest Families’ rules and even beat up my son and grandson? I’ll never let this pass!

Thomas actually guessed it right. The Yams dared not openly seek revenge on him, but privately, it was hard to say.

After driving back to the Yam Residence, the two men handed the photos over to Quentin. “Old Mr. Yam, here are all the photos. Most of them were taken this evening. They were in Keyshire Property during the day, so we dared not go in,” explained the man who had been driving the car previously. Quentin was notoriously hot-tempered. If he were to put his foot in his mouth by mistake and make this old man angry, he might end up losing his life.

Quentin waved his hand, signaling for them to leave.

Not daring to tarry, the two men hurriedly left the house. The moment they walked out the gate, they heaved a long sigh of relief in unison. This only proved how much they feared Quentin, whose ruthlessness had traumatized them considerably. Indeed, all powerful families in Irieson knew that Quentin was a cunning old fox—one that had an especially savage personality!

Quentin pored over the photos in hand. “How outrageous! That Quincy man actually fell out with my family for the sake of a brat like this!”

After scrutinizing these photos for a while, he didn’t find anything unusual about Thomas. Having lived in Irieson all his life, he knew basically every person in this city who was powerful and well-connected.

However, Thomas was apparently not one of them. On the face of it, he wasn’t physically robust; on the contrary, he looked rather thin and frail, unlike a practitioner of martial arts. And yet, it was this brat who severely wounded my son? This is incredible! In fact, after all this time, Harley is still lying paralyzed in bed, his back broken. Was that done by this skinny young man? From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Sorry, Quincy. Everyone else is afraid of you and your temper, but we, the Yam Family, are not. Even if it were your father who put my son in this state, I’d make him pay with his blood, let alone your friend,” he muttered with a chilly glint in his eyes. He really wanted Thomas dead. He picked up his phone; all he said to the other end was, “Do it now.” Then, he went upstairs to check on his seriously wounded son.

The Yams had to spend a huge sum hiring a renowned doctor in order to repair Harley’s broken backbone. Even so, according to the doctor, even if Harley’s backbone was repaired, he would be left with aftereffects. Thomas had intended to kill him back then; had Quincy not risked his life to stop him, Harley would’ve long been laid to rest by now. He had practiced martial arts since childhood, which gave him an extraordinary physique. This, coupled with good luck, was why he survived to this day.

“Dad…” cried Harley with a sob in his voice. His back was hurting as if ripping him apart, so much so that he wished he were dead.

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