I'm Richer Than My Billionaire ex-husband

Chapter 547 Caleb's Gratitude

Chapter 547 Caleb's Gratitude

Previously, as long as Andre thought of the harm the Collins family had done to Alina, he wished Alina to be far away from that family.

But now, when he saw how calm Alina was, he ached.

Because he knew better than anyone else that it was impossible between Alina and Chester, and then it was impossible for anyone else to be with her for the rest of her life.

She will be alone for the rest of her life.

"In that case, it's good." For a long time, Andre said.

He could not understand why Alina was so calm when she knew that Chester and Annie were engaged to be married.

But now watching her be able to force herself to smile and say 'it's fine' even in the face of such news was, in fact, it was so hard for her.

But at this time, she, surprisingly, did it.

"I'll pick you up for lunch at noon." Many words were turned into nothing in the calmness of Alina.

Alina nodded.

Andre explained something more to Alina before he came out of her office.

Brandon was waiting outside.

When he saw Brandon, Andre subconsciously glanced at the office door which had been closed and said, "Pay more attention today."

He knew that Alina was not as calm as she appeared to be, and that inside she already was undergoing shock.

Brandon nodded, "Don't worry."

Andre left.

Alina was alone in the office, her world completely quiet.

The sound of a lighter rang out, followed by a blue flame rushing out, she lit a cigarette and took a heavy drag.

The smell of smoke was stimulating.

She wasn't really used to the smell of cigarettes, but when she was upset, she would smoke.

But she had quit smoking since Chester had returned to her, and now that it was visible that some of the shock in her heart burned again.

Caleb had stayed in the International Hotel last night, but he never went to look for Alina.

Apparently, even now, he still doesn't know how to face her when he sees the news of Chester's engagement.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Caleb closed his eyes.

The phone in his hand smashed heavily on the marble coffee table.

Tomas was alarmed.

Caleb, "What's going on?"

When he left Werland Villa, he was still so adamant that he would not hurt Alina and that Caleb would not stand a chance.

Yet only a few dozen hours had passed, and such a radical change had occurred between him and Alina?

Tomas, "Madam was not in a good state when he left from the Collins Castle."

So something must have happened to Chester and Vanessa, otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

All that stuff that was reported was true.

Caleb, "So, he put it all on her?"

The tone of his voice was unable to suppress the anger in it.

Looking at Chester's current situation, he can tell that all those things reported out of are true.

Although it has now been suppressed, this has still set off huge waves in Chester's world.

Although in Alina's world, he hadn't been a good person at one time, but now he was watching the harm Chester had done to her, he felt heartbroken. Tomas felt the dangerous aura emanating from Caleb's body and chill ran down his spine, "This matter was manipulated by Miss Hughes behind the scenes." Caleb, "..."

So, he just blame everything on Alina?

Caleb, who had already gone through so much before, was now facing this matter with the opposite attitude of Chester.

It was probably because during those years, Vanessa's heart had always been biased towards Chester, right? So from that time onwards, his feelings for the Collins family faded little by little. Therefore, when something like this happens now, Caleb's heart has little reaction.

For a morning, Alina' was muddled with the news of Chester and Annie's engagement, which had swept even the whole of Shirling.

At noon, Andre didn't show up, apparently the fallout from the incident was so great that he wouldn't allow it to roll around in Shirling.

It was Caleb, instead, who appeared.

When Brandon saw Caleb, he bent over respectfully. When Caleb saw this man who had betrayed him in the past, he did not have the expected outburst of anger, pausing as he passed by Brandon.

Brandon's heart was in his throat.

After all, having once followed Caleb around for so many years as well, he knows how ruthless this man's methods really are.

"No one who has ever betrayed me has ever come to a good end. You are an exception."

Hearing this dangerous tone, Brandon could only feel cold sweat break out on his spine.

His strong, powerful palm on his shoulder weighed a thousand pounds.

Caleb patted Brandon's shoulder and said, "I thank you for saving her."

Thankfully, she was still alive in the midst of such a big change in her life, so this gratitude he gave to Brandon was genuine.

Brandon breathed a sigh of relief.

On his forehead dense sweat had broken out.

Caleb went inside.

At the moment, the office is full of the smell of cigarettes, and when he sees the cigarette butts that are already almost halfway in the tank, a deep look flashes across his eyes. Stepping forward, he jerked the lighter out of her hand.

And Alina, who was lost in thought, only then realised that Caleb had arrived, and seeing him, had a moment of frozen concentration.

"What brings you here?" It seemed there had been very little interaction between them since she had divorced him.

Even the last time he was critically ill and went back to Ingford, she spent very little time there.

Once, entangled so hysterically, to see each other again. It was as if it was as long as if it was a lifetime ago, so long that it was strange to Alina.

Caleb sat on her sofa, picked up the water she had drunk and took two sips. Alina was numb and bewildered, obviously not reacting.

"Is that why she wanted to kill you all those years ago?" He spoke, in a calm tone.

Alina, "..."

Is this incident not enough? The most honourable wife of the Collins family had an affair with another man within marriage, and even the child was not Mr. Collins'.

What would such a thing mean to Vanessa? Naturally, she would not allow it to be ruined, so she would not trust anyone.

Even if Alina was deeply in love with Chester at that time, the sight of Alina's face reminded Vanessa unconsciously of the scene where her scandalous deeds were made public. "Does it hurt?" Caleb looked over at her, his tone gentle and tinged with complexity.

Alina's thin lips are pursed.

Caleb, "He's figured it out and will understand you."

"You understand?"

"I understand."

Alina, "..."

Inner emotions collapsed, she turned around and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window.

Her insides ached as she watched the traffic under the high rise.

"You know what your mother was like?"

"She could drive you crazy back then, it's normal that you would be so defensive." As he said this, Caleb's tone remained calm.

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