I Will Escape

chapter 57

chapter 57

As I go and lay on the bed I feel relaxed more than I have been for days. Even knowing the Alpha will

be up to get his pleasure. With him not having his way with me for days I know he’s not going to let me

be. I guess he will be ready now that everything is cleaned up. He’s ready to see if I’m going to stay in


Jazz , “I’m okay now I think that I just needed a different scenery.”

Jazz agrees, “That is understandable with what has just happened to you.”

Sabrina, “If you think this is too much to handle you need to just come clean.”

Make it like your memories are coming back to you just maybe little by little. Jazz, “I need him to think

that I’m lost and he is in control of me.” Then, maybe all of it will be easier for me to figure out our fate.

I hear a sound, so I lay under the covers and close my eyes to pretend I’m sleeping. The door opens I

can hear the footsteps walking towards the bed. I lay still not making a sound. I hear drawers open-

and-shut and then I’m thinking the Alpha gets in beside me to go to sleep.

I sigh, relief comes over me hoping he isn’t going to try to fuck me. Probably seeing the way, he left me

is why he doesn’t want to touch me. This seems so odd I don’t understand, but at the same time I’m

happy as all hell. Closing my eyes I begin to fall asleep.

As I’m starting to wake up, I’m not sure if its morning or night. I have no idea what the hell my sleep

schedule is. I’m alone there is nobody in the room with me, which I’m not going to complain it’s nice to

be alone. I enjoy the silence it never last for to long there is always chaos.

I get up I’m unsure what the hell I should do since I’m stuck in this room. I’d hate for the Alpha to beat

the shit out of me again for no good fucking reason. He’s just giving himself an excuse to do as he

pleases with me. I decide to go and get in the bath, so my body can just soak in the hot water. I can’t

believe how amazing it feels, my body is still sore from being tied up.

I hear nothing while I’m sitting there just soaking my body in the warmth of the water. The shower

curtain flies open. I jump and go to cover my body not realizing who it is at first, I see it’s only the


I say, “Hello Alpha I didn’t hear you come in.”

“I’m glad that you are finally up, how did you sleep Sabrina?” he asks.

“Great thank you, I reply.”

He says, “I will put clothes out for you when you are finished, get dressed and come join me for some


Yes Alpha, “I will finish up right now and I’ll be down thank you Alpha.”

As I am getting out the bathtub, I think I’m surprised by the Alpha today. He didn’t have any kind of

reaction of me getting in the bath. I find the pile of clothes that he picked out for me, and I get changed.

As soon as I open the door to walk down I can hear talking. I listen in quietly to better understand what

they are saying.”

“So what do you think?” Is she pretending, or do you think she is actually not remembering most of

what has happened here?”

The Alpha answers the other voice I think.

I am not quite sure yet but the test I have given her she has passed where she would be a little

memory loss. She is acting scared of me where she was never before.

“Jazz!” “Do you hear that our plan is actually working?” I can’t believe it I thought, I was failing, but I am

actually convincing him.

Jazz sounds happy, I told you just be patient Sabrina and at all would work out.

When I hit the staircase and proceed to walk down they hear me and automatically stops talking. I see

who he was talking to which of course was the Beta.

The Alpha greets me, “it’s nice to see you Sabrina I am happy that you got dressed so quickly,” “Are

you ready for lunch.? I try hiding my excitement, “ Yes I am starving thank you so much for having me

for lunch.” As we are walking out to the dining table I see Allison.

I say hello to her, and she nods her head back. I am not sure if I ever heard her speak, but she is

probably too afraid to say something wrong. Because truth be told you can never say anything right for

these men.

As the Alpha and the Beta sit down the Alpha announces that they are going to try to go for a run

today. Then the Alpha looks at me and says “Well Sabrina that is if you are able to shift into your wolf

this time.”

“We are going to try this once again.”

I look at him and nod acting determined to do what he asking of me.

“I will do the best that I can and try my hardest so I can do as you please.” “That is my good girl

Sabrina, as long as you keep showing me respect. Your consequences won’t be a part of your daily


As I am rolling my eyes in the back of my head, I mean hypothetically of course. I can’t stand the

words that come out of his mouth he makes me want to scream.

I try to suck everything in, and not react to his comments because truth be told my reactions will blow

my cover. As lunch is being served it smells so good. I don’t know what it is but I know it’s going to be


Once all the plates are served to all of us the Alpha then says “alright let’s eat! “I’m ready for our

adventure today.”

I agreed with Alpha “I can’t wait either for the adventure it will be the perfect day.”

I laughed to myself truth is I really don’t give a fuck what today will bring. It sure as hell won’t be my This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.


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