I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 77


I watch as the crowd outside get less and less over the next three days, the guards escorting them away, some shooting next to them to scare them off, but they don’t really flinch because they know they have rights. These wolves are fearless, they are people who have nothing to lose and everything to gain, which I don’t see what the point is in all of this.

We did a DNA test, how could I have made this up?

A knock on my door drags me away from gazing out of the window and I let the curtain fall shut again and turn, “Come in.” I hug myself, glancing sideways at Felix playing with his toys. We’ve been cooped up in here because I refuse to see Roman and Penelope unless they take me home, which they said they won’t do because I need their protection, which is true I guess.

Penelope walks through the door, her dress that reaches her calfs are filled with black and white cubicles, it hugs her body perfectly and I try my best to ignore the urge to compliment her.

“Can we talk?” she asks, “Can I go home?”

She sighs, rolling her eyes as if she’s the miserable one here, “You know that’s not possible…” she genuinely sounds like she actually cares for me, yet she doesn’t actually, because if she did…she would let me be with my mate.

“You know this is called kidnapping.” My l*p twitches up into a snarl, “It’s more like involuntary holding.” she shrugs, smiling at me like she’s actually my friend.

“Call it what you want…It’s the same thing, it’s the same crime…” I step forward, snarling at her, not caring that she’s the queen.

“What would you have us do? Lock you up like a prisoner?” She c***s her head at me, thinking that she can win this, but I just studied every law our world has and she has no valid reason to lock me away.

“Sure, if you can find a suitable law that I have broken, which I have not.”

“Listen, I do understand that you are upset…but this is for your own good. How will it look like if you flee home? It would look like you were caught lying and ran, that would mean your future, your children’s futures will be gone, all because you couldn’t follow a simple command.” she closes the distance between us, but it’s not threatening…It’s something else.

“If anything happens to him, you can forget about ever meeting me because you’ll never see me again.” I breathe out and her eyes widen, but she tries to hide it with a tilt of her head, “He’ll be fine Eleia, don’t go thinking of the bad.” she shakes her head and unexpected tears fill my eyes.

I turn away from her, looking up at the ceiling as I try and blink the unshed tears away.

“Eleia, it’s been only a few weeks, but we do care for you…We do love you deeply and your mom…she’d be proud of you.” I turn, looking at her, “I know.” Is all I say before the awkward silence crawls into the room, sucking all of the air out.

“Please consider joining us for dinner.”

I was about to say no when Felix jumped up and grabbed ahold of my leg, “Can we? I’m hungry!” he whines with those big beautiful eyes.


I watch as the crowd outside get less and less over the next three days, the guards escorting them away, some shooting next to them to scare them off, but they don’t really flinch because they know they have rights. These wolves are fearless, they are people who have nothing to lose and everything to gain, which I don’t see what the point is in all of this.

I don’t think even if I explained to him we’ll be eating in our room will make him happy.

I don’t think even if I explained to him we’ll be eating in our room will make him happy.

He’s been running around late at night with pent up energy. My hand drags over his hair, “Sure.” I smile down at him and I glance up at Penelope, “See you in an hour then.” she smiles before leaving and even though I would love to just rush out of here for some fresh air, all I have is a window I can’t open because it will attract their attention.

“Do you want to go and run around the castle?”

“Yes!” Felix beams without hesitating and he puts his shoes on.

I still tie the knots on his sneakers for him and I would do it forever if I could, but some day he will learn and outgrow my love, if that’s possible.

I can’t imagine him being any bigger than he is right now.

He grabs my hand, “Come on.” he tugs me and I giggle as we walk outside and he just starts running, “Felix, wait!” I begin to run after him, my heart racing when a lot of people are suddenly around and I lose sight of him as we run down the stairs, “Felix, I’m serious. Stop!” I bellow and people make way for me.

He just keeps on going down the stairs, turning and running down even further.

By now I know we’re heading towards the dungeon, where it’s dark and creepy and I hear him shriek. I run faster, trying not to fall and I freeze when I notice the dark long hall, but he’s not here.

“Felix, where are you?” I grit out, annoyed that he didn’t listen to me.

“Felix…” I call again, “This isn’t funny..” I look around the dusty cabinets and jolt to the side when a silhouette jump in front of me, relief falls over me when I notice his little face. He laughs as I lean against the cold stone wall, “That was not funny, come here.” I grit out and he sighs, “I just wanted to have some fun.” he pouts and I grab his hand before moving up the stairs.

“Well that isn’t fun, it was scary and we are not allowed down there.” I seethe as I pull him back to the room.

Once we’re inside, I immediately sit down, holding my bump .

“Are you okay mommy?” he asks and all I want to do is yell at him, to give him a spank and lay in bed in cry, but that will not help me, it won’t fix my rapid beating heart, it won’t fix the problems running through my mind.

Instead of lashing out, I inhale a deep breath and count to five before letting it back out, “I’m fine.”

I lay down, “Just , do some jumping jacks while we wait for dinner.” I sigh as my hands run over my belly.

Everything scares me…losing this baby scares me…my body wants the food, but I don’t . I don’t feel like eating and I need Aiden…

I pick up my phone and dial Rosie’s number, hoping she isn’t too mad at me for just ghosting her for a few weeks.

“Eleia.” she beams, answering the phone on the third ring.

“Hi.” I sigh, hating that Aiden had left his phone here. I have no way of contacting him right now…our mind link is out of reach and I wish I could open a portal right in front of me and climb through it to be in his arms.

“I’m so sorry.” I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose as my eyes squint shut. I am a terrible friend…I should have done things better… I should have texted or call..

“For what? I want to hear everything. I can’t believe it’s true!” she squeals. My eyebrows furrow together, “You aren’t mad at me?” I lay with my one arm above my head. “What? Why would I be mad?” , “I didn’t even call.” I sigh, feeling extremely guilty.

“You’re busy, I understand. I could have called too but I didn’t. We have lives.” she shrugs it off, “Oh…” , well when she puts it like that, I guess it does make sense…we’re both busy.

“Well everything is semi good here, the people are just wary about if I am the real…princess.” Goddess, it sounds so weird to say that..

“It sounds weird to hear you call yourself a princess.” she snorts and I roll my eyes while smiling.

She gets me.

“I know, how have things been at home?”This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Good, Stefan and I have it under control and Aiden has been patrolling since he came back with the guards…he didn’t say why but only that it’s what he needed to do.”

Why didn’t he tell them?

“Oh, so he isn’t home? He left his phone here and I haven’t spoken to him…” I shouldn’t be worried, but I am…He sees this as areal threat, but I don’t think they’ll be going to our pack…they know I’m here.

“He’s at home in the mornings, I’ll give him my phone tomorrow to call you.”

“Thanks, you’re the best.”

Rosie and I spoke until someone came to call me to dinner and I explained that I would call her back or later in the night if she were still awake or in the morning again before I talk to Aiden.

I sit down next to Roman and he has yet to say anything else except hello and ask how I was doing, but I prefer it that way because I don’t feel like speaking to them.

“I was thinking that I could take Felix for the day tomorrow to play.” Penelope smiles and I glare at her, “Where? We can’t go outside.”

“We’re sorting that out.” Roman clears his voice, “Are you though? The people leave at night and they come back during the day…It doesn’t seem like you have control of your people.” I sigh as I pick at my food, but I force myself to eat just enough to be healthy enough to carry this child.

“The people out there aren’t from this pack…” I notice how his grip on the silverware tightens, “Then why not kick them off your land?”, “Because they have the right to be here, we are open to problems and this one just seems consistent.” his l*p twitches up into a snarl and I glance down at my food. This is hard on him…I am making life hard for him.

“I’m sorry, but if I leave…”, “No.” he interrupts me, “But…”, “I said no Eleia, your safety is important and you’ll be safe here.” his hand slams onto the table, the things on the table shaking.

“Fine.” I scoff, ignoring them both for the entire time until dinner was over and I stand and left without saying a word.

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