I Rejected You, Alpha

Chapter 22


Rolling over in bed to find my mate still asleep is one of the most magical things ever , but it is still dark out and it’s probably early .

I raise onto my elbow , glancing at the digital alarm next to him , seeing that it’s four thirty am and I’m wide awake .

I sigh before slowly crawling off the bed and the tiles under my warm feet are icy .

I raise to my toes and tiptoe across the room to the bathroom , closing the door behind me before doing my business and I walk back to bed , climbing under the duvet slowly and I scoot closer to Aiden , laying on my side , looking at his soft looking features .

His messy hair , his long lashes , chiselled face , great jaw structure , plump dark lips , perfect shaped nose .

He’s perfect and here I am , looking like a zombie most of the time .

He stirs and my eyes widen as he turns onto his side , towards me .

I wonder if I should wake him up , but that would be selfish..

“You’re staring .” His deep groggy voice makes me jerk in shock .

“You’re awake?” I ask in a whisper and he rolls onto his back again , humming , but his eyes stay shut .

“So awake , but not awake .” I murmur , rolling my eyes at myself because that doesn’t even make sense .

“Something like that .” He mutters and my insides twist at his deep voice .

It’s attractive , making me want to squirm and attack him with k****s .

“Why are you awake ?” He tosses his one arm over his face , covering his eyes .

“I can’t sleep .” I shrug , making him g***n as he sits up straight like a robot , his arm falling to his side and he slowly turns his head , glancing at me with those beautiful baby blues .

His eyes are even light in the dark .

“What’s wrong ?” He asks as he tosses the duvet aside and gets up , rounding the bed and I silently watch his disappear into the bathroom .

“Nothing , I’m just use to being awake early .” I shrug as I wait for him to come back , which he does after a few minutes of silence and he sits down on the bed before climbing back in , staring at me with a lazy glaze .

“Well come here .” He holds his arm open to me and I scoot into his embrace , his arms wrapping around my body , his hand playing with my hair .

The warmth of his body relaxes every fibre of mine .

My limbs relax , my shoulders sink and I cuddle my face into his neck .

“This is nice .” I drape my one hand over his ribs , holding him tighter as our legs intertwine together .

“Stop moving .” He growls lowly and as I shift my leg upper between his thighs , I feel his hard wood .

“Is that normal ?” I blurt out and he hums , snuggling into me more .

I press my body closer , wanting to feel every part of him , but I can’t seem to get more closer .

“Oh my goddess , are you trying to climb inside of me ?” He pulls away from me and I’m startled to see his wide yes piercing into mine and I chew on my bottom l*p at his harsh tone .

“No .” I shake my head and he sighs , rolling his eyes before letting his head fall onto the pillow and I let mine rest on mine , our legs intertwined , but our upper bodies are far apart .

“I’m sorry .” I mutter as his eyes fall shut and I force mine closed too .

Maybe if I just force myself to fall asleep , I will and then he’ll be happy..

I start to count like I use to when I was small and scared , I count every steady breath until I lose consciousness .

Waking up to him kissing me all over my face , I g***n as I pull away , frowning as I wait for him to back up .

“No , you can’t be grumpy .” He chuckles as he k****s my temple , my nose and then leaves a chaste k**s on my lips .

“You were grumpy .” I turn away from him and his hand snakes from my side to my front and with one tug , my back is against his front .

“I’m tired .” I whine as I bury my face into my pillow and he takes the opportunity to k**s my neck , sending shivers down my spine .

“You weren’t tired hours ago .” He nips at my skin and my shoulders jolt up in shock .

“Stop .” I giggle , hating that I can’t be mad at him .

“No , I’m awake now .” He tugs at the waistband of my sweatpants , dipping his fingers in and I grab his wrist , pulling his hand from my body before I roll out of the bed , falling onto my knees .

“Eleia .” He gasps as he sits up and I poke my head over the edge , seeing him staring at me agape before the edges of his lips twitch up into a wide smile , “What’s going on with you ?”he chuckles , a laugh so deep , it forms dimples in his cheek .

“I just need to use to the bathroom .” I lie , but I don’t know why I lie as I scurry towards the bathroom .

I pace in the bathroom after using the loo and I tug at my mind link makes me absentmindedly open it up .

‘If you’re done pacing , could you come back into the room ?’ His voice rings through my ears and I tense as I stare at the closed bathroom door .

I flush the toilet before leaving the bathroom and he sits shirtless against the headboard , his legs sprawled out over the already made up bed .

“Are you done running ?” He asks with a serious exoression and I gulp , nodding .

“Good , now come here .” He pats the bed and I reluctantly pad over and crawl onto the bed , sitting on the edge on my side .

“Eleia.” He g****s , making my head jerk towards him .

“What ?” I shrug innocently , this entire situation makes me want to laugh , but his serious face makes me nervous .

“Come here .” He pats right next to him and I sigh , crawling onto my knees , facing him .

“Aiden , I don’t want to..” before I could finish my sentence , he leans forward , grabbing my arm and tugs me towards him , a shriek escaping my lips as I fly towards him , his arms capturing me and I lay with my upper body against his chest , my breasts pressing onto his stomach .

“I want you to be my Luna .” He breathes out before I could scold him for interrupting me .

“I am going to be , aren’t I ?” I gulp , hoping that he isn’t regretting me .

His knuckles trails down the side of my face , his baby blues flicking between my forest orbs .

“You definitely are .” He k****s my temple , “How about tomorrow ? What do you say ?” He asks and my eyes widen , “I’d say it’s a rush .” I shrug and his eyes narrow as his eyebrows arch together , “No , you’re my mate .” He shakes his head , “You’ve almost been here for a whole week , why not ?” He captures my chin between his fingers .

“I don’t know how to be a Luna .” I confess my real fear .

“You were under the control of a terrible Luna .” He shrugs and I frown at him .

What the hell does the wicked witch of the Night pack have to do with this ?

“What about her .” I push away from him , “You already know not what to do .” He shrugs and I roll my eyes , getting off the bed .

“Where are you going?” He asks as I pace in front of the bed .

“Nowhere , I just can’t believe you said that .” I scoff , it was funny , but also offensive .

“Why not ? It’s true and I can teach you , I can show you .” He encourages me .

“How can you , an alpha , teach me that ?” I raise my brows and he grins , crossing his arms over his chest .

“I have been alpha for three years , who do you think did the Luna things ? I don’t have a mother , not anymore .” He shrugs and I pale as my heart dents .

“I didn’t think… I’m sorry .” Embarrassment heats my cheeks .

He stands from the bed , striding over to me , “Just say yes , I can teach you . You have nothing to worry about .” His hands rest on my shoulders , “Just say yes .” He pleads in a demanding tone , his eyes looking like if I don’t say yes , he might die .

My lips part to speak , but nothing comes out , they close and I inhale a deep breath through my nose , “Yes .” I manage to croak out and he swoops me off my feet , my feet dangling in the air as he spins me around .

“Then today is your first lesson , planning of events .” He puts me down , winking before he grabs my hand and we usher out of the room and down the stairs .

Walking into a room where I haven’t been in , I could tell it’s an office .

The big oak desk is at the back of the room , a black leather chair behind it , a cactus plant on the edge of the desk , his laptop place in the middle precisely , the walls are bookshelf , the sharp lights in the ceiling lighting the room up .

“So here is a list of people I call for party planning , decorations , food , chairs , everything you’ll need .” He beams as he leaves my hand and grabs a file from his drawer .

He hands it to me and once I flip it open , it’s names and photos and lists of foods they can make , I flip again , seeing the photo’s of decorations and the lists of them .

Everything is so organised .

“So what decorations do I choose ?” I ask as I drag my eyes up to his .

“Whatever fits the ceremony of course , elegance , something you like .” He shrugs and I nod , “Will you help me ?” I have to ask because I have no clue what will be right , I have seen the most weirdest decorations at events at the night pack , some I don’t approve of , but I am no party decorator .

I don’t know what I’m doing .Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Of course .” He smiles as he sits down on his chair and he pats his lap and I smile as I round his desk and sit down .

“Thank you .” I smile and we sort through the folder .

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