I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 977

Chapter 977

Ivor shook his head. "You're useless, Floyd."

Floyd didn't have any comeback for that. 'Fine. I don't care if Ivor says that I'm useless! What matters is that I'll be able to have peace of mind now that he's back.'

Bonnie said with a smile, "That's enough. Let's go home."

"Okay. Let's move now." Ivor held her hand and got into the car.

A couple of hours later, the Maybach pulled into Sigmund's villa. The old man's face lit up when he saw them.

"What are you guys doing at home? Why didn't you spend more time at Zudale?"

Ivor glanced at Bonnie before saying with a smile, "Bonnie was concerned about you. She was worried you might feel lonely in the villa. That's why we're here right now."From NôvelDrama.Org.

Sigmund's eyes were filled with joy.

"I knew it. Bonnie knows me the best. I was so bored when you guys were away. Now that you're back, I'm feeling more cheerful."

She stepped forward and held the old man's hand intimately. "I'll play a game of chess with you tomorrow, Grandpa. I won't let you feel bored." Sigmund laughed heartily and said, "Wonderful. I've been waiting for that."

Their joyous laughter brought a smile to Ivor's face as well.

At that moment, the entire living room was filled with a harmonious, merry atmosphere.

That night, Ivor headed to the study to go through the documents, while Bonnie stayed in her room by herself.

She locked the door and was about to give Collin a call, but she heard a voice from the window. The next thing she knew, she heard a relentless thudding noise as if someone were rapping on the window.

'It's so late now. Who would be rapping on my window? Is it someone who means me harm?'

Just as she was making these wild assumptions, her phone buzzed. She saw that it was a text from Collin.

"Open the window, chief. I'm right outside."

Her eyes widened before she went over to the window and opened it. She saw Collin hanging off the ledge of the balcony.

"What the heck is wrong with you? What are you going to do if Ivor is here? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I've been holing up in the villa for a while. I saw him going to the study before I came here."

With a single leap, he hopped into her room

Her lips twitched in response.

I'm getting a sense of deja vu. Jim used to do the same thing when he needs to talk to me. Why can't any of them get in touch with me with something a little more normal?'

Collin gave himself a couple of seconds to catch his breath. Then, he recalled the reason he was here, and his expression grew solemn.

"I'm here because I need to tell you this, chief. Falcon has fled to Yale! What we know is that he still hasn't sold off the chip. However, he's looking for buyers online. He'll sell it to whoever's willing to pay the highest price.

"The chip is highly sought after. If we don't move fast, he's going to sell it for a profit."

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