I Love You At The Right Time

Chapter Eat first or shuffle when shuffled first? 2

This happiness, I want to participate.

Rowan cannot fail to understand what Claudia wants to say.

The heavy eyes looked at her half-loudly, and Rowan’s thin lips aroused, revealing an enigmatic smile: “Where did you learn this trick? Your ability to please people is getting more and more perfect.”

“Gee! Don’t you like to hear a sweet word with you occasionally?” Claudia Hem.

Rowan was suddenly angry.

He almost, almost took it seriously.

Sure enough, when will the fox tell the truth?

That was her last Baojia.

Looking back, Rowan motioned to the staff outside the stadium.

The staff immediately stepped forward, “Mr. Rowan.”

Put the reins in the hands of the staff and Rowan turned and left.

“Shit! Rowan! Rowan, where are you going? You come back to me!”

As soon as he left, Claudia began to be dishonest, and the little shepherd boy was also a little impatient.

Stop, Rowan didn’t look back, a cold voice hit: “don’t you want to learn to ride a horse? Continue, I am tired.”


“Miss Mu, you can rest assured that it is safe.” The staff smiled and soothed.

He is experienced, but his self-esteem is really frustrated by Claudia’s obvious disgust.

Claudia pursed his lips and suddenly regretted why he had molested him just now.


Sitting on the rest chair beside the racecourse, Rowan drank water, but his eyes were tightly nailed to the racecourse, on the slim back.

While leading the horse, the staff told Claudia some precautions and basic skills.

As Claudia was nervous, he had to separate his attention and write it down. Soon he began to sweat on his forehead.

But she didn’t want to give up too early to be looked down upon by Rowan.

In this way, the two men are each stronger.

After three or four laps, Claudia gradually felt that he was getting along well with the little shepherd boy. The little shepherd boy could not ride except Rowan, but he did not expect to sell her face.

“Can I try it on my own?”

Dare, Claudia asked.

The staff member smiled and said, “Miss Mu, don’t worry.”

This is what it means to be unable.

It’s a pity that she suddenly wanted to feel the feeling of galloping on horseback and the cool breeze blowing on her face.

“How is it?”

Just fantasizing, Rowan’s heavy male voice sounded.

He didn’t know when he was coming.

The staff reported back: “Miss Mu has good understanding and learns very fast.”Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Rowan only laughed at the compliments in this.

Taking the reins again, Rowan looked up at Claudia and suddenly turned over to mount the horse.

Because of his movements, the little shepherd boy moved forward two steps. Claudia shouted, but fell into a warm and familiar embrace.

Rowan’s arm passed through her waist and clenched the reins, embedding her in her chest.

Claudia leaned against it and could clearly hear his steady heartbeat. Following the heartbeat, his heartbeat slowly returned to its normal frequency.

“Afraid?” He approached her ear and asked her in a mute voice.

Claudia shook his head and turned to him with a bright smile. “What are you afraid of?”

What are you afraid of when you are here?

He kissed her on the lip and carried her.

The little shepherd boy also ran well with the weight of the two men.

Claudia really felt the chopsticks on horseback this time. It was an unspeakable feeling.

Their bodies are tightly attached to each other in a tacit understanding, as if they were one.

She closed her eyes and felt at ease on the ground.

After spending a day at the racecourse, Claudia felt his back ache when he got into the car. All that happiness just now was exhausted.

Even when Rowan said she would bring her back next week, she pretended not to answer.

Knowing that she was hot for three minutes, Rowan did not struggle with the matter either. “Are you hungry?”

Claudia nodded and said, “Buy a order and go back to make it for you?”

Obviously, I felt that Mr. Rowan’s mood was much better in an instant. Claudia shook his head and lost his smile. Sometimes, would he be too easily satisfied?

There is a supermarket near her small apartment. Mr. Rowan drove to it but did not want to get off.

Claudia asked him the reason. His thin lips opened gently and he spoke slowly, “There are many people.”

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