I Am Unstoppable

I Am Unstoppable Chapter 94

I Am Unstoppable Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Inside Mainstay Bar

Jonathan smiled as he was very happy. He could also understand how Jennifer felt.

To be able to live a life without worries and to freely enjoy the material world does sound like a wonderful life to live.

Seeing Jennifer regain her confidence made Jonathan feel that everything he did was worth it.

Then, Jennifer suddenly changed the topic. She asked, “Jonathan, have you thought about it yet?”

Jonathan’s heart immediately sank. He knew what Jennifer was talking about. However, he kept playing dumb and asked, “About what exactly?”

Jennifer gently swayed the glass of red wine in her hand. She looked up at the starry skies outside for a moment before saying, “Remember when you said you needed more time to think about it? Our marriage prospect? You told me you had to think before making your decision.” She then paused for a moment before continuing, “I won’t force you, though. I just want to have an answer. I can wait until you’re finally ready. I don’t care if it takes two, three, or even five years. Well, you could also refuse I guess. I wouldn’t have to wait anymore then.”

Today was one fine day, and drinking a little wine could loosen people up.

Jennifer finally managed to muster the courage to speak her mind. She was in fact a very reserved woman. It took a lot of courage for her to decide to live with Jonathan. It was also because her love for him grew stronger.

Of course, Jennifer also felt that she could never really understand Jonathan, making her feel insecure.

She was not afraid of waiting for him. The only thing she was afraid of was rejection. Thus, as long as Jonathan told her to wait for three years, or even more than that, she would be more than willing to wait for him.

Jennifer had put herself in a pathetic predicament for the sake of Jonathan’s love.

She tried to calm herself down as much as possible after speaking to Jonathan. However, she clenched her fists so tightly that her fingernails dug into her skin. She was also trembling slightly. It was obvious that she was very nervous.

Jonathan never expected that Jennifer would seek an answer from him right then and there. At that moment, he got flustered and could not utter a word. Jennifer, who was in front of him, looked so charming and mature. If I say yes to her right now, I could do whatever I want with her! I know better than to do that, though. Jennifer is a woman who needs a marriage. On the other hand, I’m afraid of the constraints that come with marriage. I’m also the Chosen One. Who knows what will happen in my life in the future? I’ll only hurt Jennifer if I marry her. Of course, the most important reason is that I don’t want to get married in the first place.

Jonathan fell silent.

After a while, Jennifer said, “I know you love living a carefree lifestyle. Even if we get married, you can still live your life exactly like how it is right now. If we have kids, you don’t have to take care of them. All you need to know is that the kids and I will always wait for you to come back home.”

Jonathan could feel Jennifer’s love toward him. He was even touched by her willingness to make compromises. At that moment, he felt that he was going a little too far. However, as soon as he thought about the potential marriage, he immediately felt frustrated. You know very well that I hate that kind of life! Why would you force it upon me?

Jonathan could not bear to hurt Jennifer. He wanted to respond to her but decided not to in the end.

Jennifer turned to look at Jonathan. She stared at him with hopeful eyes.

However, Jonathan continued to keep his silence.

Although Jennifer was starting to have a bad feeling about this, she still couldn’t help but have expectations.

At last, Jonathan took a deep breath and smiled wryly. He asked, “Jen, would you believe it if I told you that you’re the last person I would ever hurt?”

Jennifer nodded and replied, “I’d believe it.”

Jonathan continued, “I told you before that I love you. That never changed, and it won’t change now. The way I feel toward you will never ever change. I don’t need you to give me anything in return in order for me to love you. As long as you live a good life and be happy, it’s enough for me.”

Jennifer suddenly interrupted Jonathan and asked him, “What are you trying to say?”

Jonathan took another deep breath. Since the topic got brought up today, there’s no need for me to keep my thoughts to myself anymore. In reality, he had always felt conflicted.

Jonathan explained to Jennifer, “In the past, you were so disheartened that you simply thought of marrying any random rich guy. I was very worried about you. I didn’t want to see you giving up on yourself, so I wanted to help you open your own bar. You can see other guys, as long as you’re absolutely sure that you love them of course. You made a mistake to be with Wesley once, after all. I don’t want you making the same mistake again. As for me, Jen. Well, we really are worlds apart. For example, I want to run to the ends of the earth. I want to explore mysterious ruins and hunt down wild beasts in the jungles of Smealand. I want to drink with all the tribes there. I also want to live lavishly and travel around the world, drink all kinds of fine wines, and meet beautiful women. This is the life that

I want to lead. On the other hand, what you want is a peaceful life. You want a modest lifestyle and a loving husband. I’m sorry, but I can’t give you any of those.”

Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief after saying all that. He stood up and added, “You only live once, Jen. No one else but you get to dictate your life. Please cherish yourself. Don’t settle for anything lesser for anyone.” He immediately left through the door after giving his advice to Jennifer.

Jonathan drove his AMC Gremlin out of the residential area. He let out a deep breath. It felt like a weight had come off his shoulders after making that decision.

Jen was so enchanting that it was hard to resist her. She pulls one in like quicksand, and now, I’ve finally left the quicksand.

Jonathan accelerated his car and drove on the road at high speeds. By then, it was already midnight. Speeding on a late-night drive gave Jonathan a sense of thrill.

In the blink of an eye, Jonathan arrived at Bar Street.

He parked his car in front of a bar. He then entered the bar, which was named “Mainstay Bar.”

Mainstay Bar was still doing good despite losing quite a lot of customers to the horror-themed bar. The large foot traffic in Bar Street allowed the bar to keep its business going.

The neon lights flashed nonstop as both men and women danced wildly together on the dance floor.

The deafening heavy metal music allowed the people to scream to their hearts’ content. It was the perfect place for people to let out all their pent-up stress and frustrations.

Jonathan made his way over to the bar counter and ordered a cold beer with lime.

Although it was already October, the weather in Horington was still scorching hot. When Jonathan took a big gulp of the cold beer, he instantly felt cool and refreshed. His eyes wandered around the bar, looking for someone that could satisfy his needs.

It was what Jonathan used to do in all the bars he frequented. But after staying in Horington over the past few months, he mellowed down considerably. It was all because of Jennifer.

Soon enough, Jonathan’s eyes landed upon a beautiful young woman sitting on the left side of the bar counter. She was drinking all by herself and seemed very unhappy.

The beautiful young woman was wearing a tight-fitting black skirt. She exuded elegance with the handbag she carried and the jewelry she wore. It was obvious that she was rich.

Jonathan felt that the beautiful young woman’s figure was similar to Jennifer’s. He immediately got excited, so he grabbed his glass of beer and approached her.

Jonathan sat down next to her. He looked at her and saw that she was drinking a glass of Remy Martin all by herself.

Her face was a little red. She was probably tipsy already.

Jonathan’s eyes landed on the cleavage on her fair chest. He started to feel hot and heavy.

They’re so big. This pretty girl must be very good in bed.

Dirty thoughts had popped up in Jonathan’s mind. He smiled at the beautiful young woman and stated, “There are three types of people who go to bars. The first type is young men and women who are cool and trendy. The second type is lonely white-collar female workers. Finally, the last type is married women with unfaithful husbands that go to bars to seek out one-night stands as revenge. Pretty lady, which type are you?”

The beautiful young woman raised her head and looked at Jonathan. She was wearing red lipstick on her lips, which made her look seductive. When she glanced at Jonathan, she looked a little surprised. She probably did not think that the person who struck up a conversation with her would be such a well-dressed young man. “What type do you think I am?” asked the beautiful young woman who looked approachable.

Jonathan replied, “My name is Jonathan Lawson. What should I call you, pretty lady?”

The beautiful young woman answered, “Yvonne! Yvonne Sanders!” She then paused for a moment before asking, “You haven’t answered my question yet. Which type do you think I am?”

Jonathan took a sip of his beer. He then smiled and responded, “Well, you’re not the first type. You’re sophisticated and elegant. You don’t seem like the kind of person who follows trends. Instead, you’re a trendsetter yourself. I don’t think you’re the second type, either. You’re definitely not a white-collar worker. You also have a ring on your finger, so you’re a married woman.”

“So you think I’m the third type, then?” Yvonne asked with a smile. NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Jonathan rubbed his nose and smiled wryly. He responded, “Honestly, I made it all up. There are plenty of reasons why people get sad. Relationships are just one of many factors. Regardless, I personally don’t think you should be out here drinking any longer.”

“And why’s that?” Yvonne asked.

Jonathan replied, “Because you’re a beautiful woman, and there are a lot of bad people in this bar. Regardless of whether you’re here for a one-night stand or not, it would certainly be an insult to you if you got drunk and slept with some random guy.”

“What you just said was very interesting.” Yvonne smiled. Her smile soon faded as a hint of loneliness flashed across her eyes. “Maybe I wanted to get a random guy to sleep with me just to disgust my

arrogant husband.”

Jonathan took another sip of his beer. He understood why Yvonne came to get drunk. It’s honestly quite a cliché story. Then again, we all live in the same boring reality. It’s inevitable that people have shared experiences.

“You should come with me. Let’s go to a room together, shall we?” Yvonne suddenly placed her hands on Jonathan’s shoulders and leaned against him. She felt warm and had a distinct scent on her body. Jonathan could smell the scent of alcohol coming from Yvonne’s when she spoke.

He smiled at her and responded, “No, thanks.”

Yvonne was dumbfounded. She curiously asked, “Why? You approached me and tried to pick me up. Isn’t that a clear sign that you want to sleep with me?”

Jonathan laughed. He replied, “Because I’m not interested.”

Yvonne finally understood what Jonathan meant. She then laughed and stated, “You’re a very interesting guy. Come with me. Let me satisfy you tonight.”

Jonathan was tempted to accept Yvonne’s offer. However, for unknown reasons, thoughts of Jennifer kept flashing across his mind. She must be very sad and lonely back home.

When Jonathan thought about Jennifer, his desires instantly vanished.

However, he did not refuse Yvonne. Instead, he paid for her drink and proceeded to get out of Mainstay Bar with her.

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