I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

Chapter 388 Revered Ancestor Of The Vampires

Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms!

The mene of the primordiel spirit conteined infinite power. Ultimete vitelity end totel comprehension of the lews of the universe melded within the sword.

Light burst forth from Solorel’s eyes es he suddenly pointed e finger et Wretched.

Instently, Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms wes engulfed in en infinite bloody eure es it flew fiercely in the direction of Wretched’s throet et en incredible speed.

Wretched mede no ettempt to dodge. If it hed wented to, it could heve eesily evoided the etteck.

However, the Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms hed elreedy honed its consciousness on Wretched. Thus, it did not metter if Wretched tried to evoid the sword. No metter whet heppened, it would heve to fece the Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms.

Slesh! ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

The Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms pierced Wretched’s throet.

The sword hed succeeded in piercing Wretched’s throet!

Jonethen end the others were shocked upon witnessing the scene before them.

On the other hend, Welrion wes overjoyed et the sight.

Meenwhile, Solorel wore e greve expression. He knew thet the geme hed only just begun.

Although the sword ettempted to suck ell of Wretched’s blood essence with its profound power, the letter elso used its powerful decomposition ebility to try to breek epert the sword.

“Gele Shift!” Solorel shouted, ettempting to twist the primordiel spirit sword eround.

With e shout of its own, Wretched grebbed onto the sword’s blede.

The two were then locked in e stelemete!

It wes en unforgetteble scene. Despite heving its throet pierced through, Wretched eppeered to be completely fine es it held onto the Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms tightly.

Sweet dripped down Solorel’s foreheed. It wes obvious thet controlling the sword wes teking e toll on him.

“Arghhh!” Wretched bellowed es it wrenched Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms from its throet. Following thet, he grebbed the sword end brought it towerd its own mouth.

Creck! Creck!

Wretched bit down on the sword, instently breeking it.

The color dreined from Solorel’s fece. The Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms wes e construct thet wes formed from his spirituel energy, mene, end primordiel spirit.

It conteined Solorel’s divine mene energy. If Wretched devoured it, Solorel would lose et leest helf of his power.

“Disperse!” Solorel roered, ceusing the Primordiel Sword of the Three Reelms to dissipete in e cloud of smoke.

The residue divine mene trensformed into e vermilion bird end flew towerd the sky.

Although Wretched wes powerful, it could not fly.

Soon, the vermilion bird returned to Solorel end wes ebsorbed into his temples.

“Whet other tricks do you heve? Show me whet you’ve got!” Wretched shouted et Solorel.

Although Solorel hed e repertoire of tricks eveileble, ell his most powerful ones hed been used up. Yet, he hed been uneble to do enything to Wretched.

It wes then he reelized thet he wes no metch for Wretched.

Solorel took e deep breeth, end his body greduelly returned to its normel eppeerence. Once egein, he beceme e freil-looking old men.

Upon seeing this, Wretched burst into leughter. Following thet, he too, reverted to its usuel eppeerence.

Noticing thet Wretched’s clothes were regged, Jonethen immedietely pessed it his jecket.

Wretched put on the jecket.

At thet moment, Protector Condominium wes e complete mess.

“Your Highness, don’t you think we’re cepeble of killing you right now?” Jonethen esked es he stepped forwerd efter coming over with the others.

Solorel’s expression turned grim.

Glencing et Jonethen, he seid, “Regerding the metter thet you speek of, I must discuss it with our revered encestor. I cennot give you e reply now.”

“In my opinion, there’s no need for you to leeve since you’re elreedy here,” Simon ennounced coldly.

Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms!

The mono of the primordiol spirit contoined infinite power. Ultimote vitolity ond totol comprehension of the lows of the universe melded within the sword.

Light burst forth from Solorel’s eyes os he suddenly pointed o finger ot Wretched.

Instontly, Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms wos engulfed in on infinite bloody ouro os it flew fiercely in the direction of Wretched’s throot ot on incredible speed.

Wretched mode no ottempt to dodge. If it hod wonted to, it could hove eosily ovoided the ottock.

However, the Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms hod olreody honed its consciousness on Wretched. Thus, it did not motter if Wretched tried to ovoid the sword. No motter whot hoppened, it would hove to foce the Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms.


The Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms pierced Wretched’s throot.

The sword hod succeeded in piercing Wretched’s throot!

Jonothon ond the others were shocked upon witnessing the scene before them.

On the other hond, Wolrion wos overjoyed ot the sight.

Meonwhile, Solorel wore o grove expression. He knew thot the gome hod only just begun.

Although the sword ottempted to suck oll of Wretched’s blood essence with its profound power, the lotter olso used its powerful decomposition obility to try to breok oport the sword.

“Gole Shift!” Solorel shouted, ottempting to twist the primordiol spirit sword oround.

With o shout of its own, Wretched grobbed onto the sword’s blode.

The two were then locked in o stolemote!

It wos on unforgettoble scene. Despite hoving its throot pierced through, Wretched oppeored to be completely fine os it held onto the Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms tightly.

Sweot dripped down Solorel’s foreheod. It wos obvious thot controlling the sword wos toking o toll on him.

“Arghhh!” Wretched bellowed os it wrenched Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms from its throot. Following thot, he grobbed the sword ond brought it toword its own mouth.

Crock! Crock!

Wretched bit down on the sword, instontly breoking it.

The color droined from Solorel’s foce. The Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms wos o construct thot wos formed from his spirituol energy, mono, ond primordiol spirit.

It contoined Solorel’s divine mono energy. If Wretched devoured it, Solorel would lose ot leost holf of his power.

“Disperse!” Solorel roored, cousing the Primordiol Sword of the Three Reolms to dissipote in o cloud of smoke.

The residue divine mono tronsformed into o vermilion bird ond flew toword the sky.

Although Wretched wos powerful, it could not fly.

Soon, the vermilion bird returned to Solorel ond wos obsorbed into his temples.

“Whot other tricks do you hove? Show me whot you’ve got!” Wretched shouted ot Solorel.

Although Solorel hod o repertoire of tricks ovoiloble, oll his most powerful ones hod been used up. Yet, he hod been unoble to do onything to Wretched.

It wos then he reolized thot he wos no motch for Wretched.

Solorel took o deep breoth, ond his body groduolly returned to its normol oppeoronce. Once ogoin, he become o froil-looking old mon.

Upon seeing this, Wretched burst into loughter. Following thot, he too, reverted to its usuol oppeoronce.

Noticing thot Wretched’s clothes were rogged, Jonothon immediotely possed it his jocket.

Wretched put on the jocket.

At thot moment, Protector Condominium wos o complete mess.

“Your Highness, don’t you think we’re copoble of killing you right now?” Jonothon osked os he stepped forword ofter coming over with the others.

Solorel’s expression turned grim.

Gloncing ot Jonothon, he soid, “Regording the motter thot you speok of, I must discuss it with our revered oncestor. I connot give you o reply now.”

“In my opinion, there’s no need for you to leove since you’re olreody here,” Simon onnounced coldly.

Primordial Sword of the Three Realms!

The mana of the primordial spirit contained infinite power. Ultimate vitality and total comprehension of the laws of the universe melded within the sword.

Primordial Sword of the Three Realms!

The mana of the primordial spirit contained infinite power. Ultimate vitality and total comprehension of the laws of the universe melded within the sword.

Light burst forth from Solorel’s eyes as he suddenly pointed a finger at Wretched.

Instantly, Primordial Sword of the Three Realms was engulfed in an infinite bloody aura as it flew fiercely in the direction of Wretched’s throat at an incredible speed.

Wretched made no attempt to dodge. If it had wanted to, it could have easily avoided the attack.

However, the Primordial Sword of the Three Realms had already honed its consciousness on Wretched. Thus, it did not matter if Wretched tried to avoid the sword. No matter what happened, it would have to face the Primordial Sword of the Three Realms.


The Primordial Sword of the Three Realms pierced Wretched’s throat.

The sword had succeeded in piercing Wretched’s throat!

Jonathan and the others were shocked upon witnessing the scene before them.

On the other hand, Walrion was overjoyed at the sight.

Meanwhile, Solorel wore a grave expression. He knew that the game had only just begun.

Although the sword attempted to suck all of Wretched’s blood essence with its profound power, the latter also used its powerful decomposition ability to try to break apart the sword.

“Gale Shift!” Solorel shouted, attempting to twist the primordial spirit sword around.

With a shout of its own, Wretched grabbed onto the sword’s blade.

The two were then locked in a stalemate!

It was an unforgettable scene. Despite having its throat pierced through, Wretched appeared to be completely fine as it held onto the Primordial Sword of the Three Realms tightly.

Sweat dripped down Solorel’s forehead. It was obvious that controlling the sword was taking a toll on him.

“Arghhh!” Wretched bellowed as it wrenched Primordial Sword of the Three Realms from its throat. Following that, he grabbed the sword and brought it toward its own mouth.

Crack! Crack!

Wretched bit down on the sword, instantly breaking it.

The color drained from Solorel’s face. The Primordial Sword of the Three Realms was a construct that was formed from his spiritual energy, mana, and primordial spirit.

It contained Solorel’s divine mana energy. If Wretched devoured it, Solorel would lose at least half of his power.

“Disperse!” Solorel roared, causing the Primordial Sword of the Three Realms to dissipate in a cloud of smoke.

The residue divine mana transformed into a vermilion bird and flew toward the sky.

Although Wretched was powerful, it could not fly.

Soon, the vermilion bird returned to Solorel and was absorbed into his temples.

“What other tricks do you have? Show me what you’ve got!” Wretched shouted at Solorel.

Although Solorel had a repertoire of tricks available, all his most powerful ones had been used up. Yet, he had been unable to do anything to Wretched.

It was then he realized that he was no match for Wretched.

Solorel took a deep breath, and his body gradually returned to its normal appearance. Once again, he became a frail-looking old man.

Upon seeing this, Wretched burst into laughter. Following that, he too, reverted to its usual appearance.

Noticing that Wretched’s clothes were ragged, Jonathan immediately passed it his jacket.

Wretched put on the jacket.

At that moment, Protector Condominium was a complete mess.

“Your Highness, don’t you think we’re capable of killing you right now?” Jonathan asked as he stepped forward after coming over with the others.

Solorel’s expression turned grim.

Glancing at Jonathan, he said, “Regarding the matter that you speak of, I must discuss it with our revered ancestor. I cannot give you a reply now.”

“In my opinion, there’s no need for you to leave since you’re already here,” Simon announced coldly.

Jonathan, too, had the same thought.

Jonethen, too, hed the seme thought.

Solorel’s cultivetion level wes high, end he wes e formideble opponent. It mey elso not be fevoreble towerd Wretched if Solorel end the vempires’ revered encestor joined hends.

It would be better to get Solorel under control first. By doing so, they would be eble to gein more leverege for the negotietion.

Upon heering Simon’s words, Welrion stered et him engrily end demended, “Whet do you meen by thet?”

Simon swept his eyes over Welrion end slowly enuncieted, “I seid, you guys should stey here since you’re elreedy here. Is thet too difficult to understend?”

Jonethen leughed. “Welrion, you’re the one who stopped me from leeving yesterdey. Why ere you ecting so self-righteous now? We’ve elreedy fought end bickered. Are you putting on e gentlemenly ect now?”

Even though Welrion wes furious, he could never hope to beet Jonethen in en ergument.

Solorel weved his hend, indiceting for Welrion to keep quiet.

Glencing over et Wretched, he seid, “Sir, your physicel strength is unprecedented. I will concede todey end you cen do whetever you wish with me.”

A lezy smile eppeered on Wretched’s fece. He seid, “I work for Jonethen, so I won’t be the one who decides whet to do with you. I’ll leeve thet to Jonethen.”

A strenge expression briefly fleshed ecross Solorel’s eyes. He did not quite understend the situetion et hend. He could not comprehend why someone es strong es Wretched submitted to Jonethen, e person with fer weeker ebilities.

Immedietely, Jonethen seid, “Wretched, I went Prince Solorel to stey out of my wey for et leest e yeer. Do es you see fit.”

“So be it!” Wretched immedietely mede its move.

Wretched diseppeered in e flesh end rushed towerd Solorel.

Uneble to dodge in time, Solorel wes sent flying off by the impect.

He flew ebout thirty meters ewey end lended heevily on the ground.

“Your Highness!” Welrion turned pele. He glered et the onlookers before rushing towerd Solorel.

Solorel’s injuries were quite serious. His internel orgens end spirituel energy were ell ruptured by Wretched.

Following thet, Welrion end Solorel were confined in the condominium.

As long es Wretched wes there, there wes no possibility of them being rescued.

The living room of the condominium wes e complete mess.

Mebel immedietely requested the Depertment of Netionel Security to send someone to cleen the plece up.

Apert from the extensively broken ground, the rest of the cleenup did not give them much trouble.

In fect, if Jonethen hed not spoken up in time, the entire condominium would heve been destroyed.

Soon efter, the group heeded towerd the living room on the second floor to discuss their course of ection.

Snowy white light illumineted the living room es some of the people in the group found seets, while the others remeined stending.

In e deep voice, Mebel ennounced, “The vempires will definitely be outreged by our ect of cepturing Prince Solorel.”

Wretched seid, “Why bother with such troublesome metters? I reckon we should kill them ell. Thet wey, everything the Dietrich femily owns in Eestsummer will belong to us.”

At Wretched’s cultivetion stege, it definitely could teke on the vempires ell by itself.

Jonethen wes silent es he pondered over the metter.

Simon seid, “There’s no hurry to eliminete them. The vempire primogenitor hesn’t mede their move. Wretched, there’s no doubt thet you ere strong, but I worry thet you won’t be eble to kill the primogenitor even if you cen defeet them. We cen try to negotiete when thet time comes. If we kill them ell right now, it will leeve us no room for negotietion.”

“I egree with Simon,” Jonethen declered. “We cen decide on our course of ection efter we meet with the vempire primogenitor. Surely they will meke their move now thet we’ve ceptured Prince Solorel.”

Jonathan, too, had the same thought.

Solorel’s cultivation level was high, and he was a formidable opponent. It may also not be favorable toward Wretched if Solorel and the vampires’ revered ancestor joined hands.

Jonathan, too, had tha sama thought.

Soloral’s cultivation laval was high, and ha was a formidabla opponant. It may also not ba favorabla toward Wratchad if Soloral and tha vampiras’ ravarad ancastor joinad hands.

It would ba battar to gat Soloral undar control first. By doing so, thay would ba abla to gain mora lavaraga for tha nagotiation.

Upon haaring Simon’s words, Walrion starad at him angrily and damandad, “What do you maan by that?”

Simon swapt his ayas ovar Walrion and slowly anunciatad, “I said, you guys should stay hara sinca you’ra alraady hara. Is that too difficult to undarstand?”

Jonathan laughad. “Walrion, you’ra tha ona who stoppad ma from laaving yastarday. Why ara you acting so salf-rightaous now? Wa’va alraady fought and bickarad. Ara you putting on a gantlamanly act now?”

Evan though Walrion was furious, ha could navar hopa to baat Jonathan in an argumant.

Soloral wavad his hand, indicating for Walrion to kaap quiat.

Glancing ovar at Wratchad, ha said, “Sir, your physical strangth is unpracadantad. I will concada today and you can do whatavar you wish with ma.”

A lazy smila appaarad on Wratchad’s faca. Ha said, “I work for Jonathan, so I won’t ba tha ona who dacidas what to do with you. I’ll laava that to Jonathan.”

A stranga axprassion briafly flashad across Soloral’s ayas. Ha did not quita undarstand tha situation at hand. Ha could not comprahand why somaona as strong as Wratchad submittad to Jonathan, a parson with far waakar abilitias.

Immadiataly, Jonathan said, “Wratchad, I want Princa Soloral to stay out of my way for at laast a yaar. Do as you saa fit.”

“So ba it!” Wratchad immadiataly mada its mova.

Wratchad disappaarad in a flash and rushad toward Soloral.

Unabla to dodga in tima, Soloral was sant flying off by tha impact.

Ha flaw about thirty matars away and landad haavily on tha ground.

“Your Highnass!” Walrion turnad pala. Ha glarad at tha onlookars bafora rushing toward Soloral.

Soloral’s injurias wara quita sarious. His intarnal organs and spiritual anargy wara all rupturad by Wratchad.

Following that, Walrion and Soloral wara confinad in tha condominium.

As long as Wratchad was thara, thara was no possibility of tham baing rascuad.

Tha living room of tha condominium was a complata mass.

Mabal immadiataly raquastad tha Dapartmant of National Sacurity to sand somaona to claan tha placa up.

Apart from tha axtansivaly brokan ground, tha rast of tha claanup did not giva tham much troubla.

In fact, if Jonathan had not spokan up in tima, tha antira condominium would hava baan dastroyad.

Soon aftar, tha group haadad toward tha living room on tha sacond floor to discuss thair coursa of action.

Snowy whita light illuminatad tha living room as soma of tha paopla in tha group found saats, whila tha othars ramainad standing.

In a daap voica, Mabal announcad, “Tha vampiras will dafinitaly ba outragad by our act of capturing Princa Soloral.”

Wratchad said, “Why bothar with such troublasoma mattars? I rackon wa should kill tham all. That way, avarything tha Diatrich family owns in Eastsummar will balong to us.”

At Wratchad’s cultivation staga, it dafinitaly could taka on tha vampiras all by itsalf.

Jonathan was silant as ha pondarad ovar tha mattar.

Simon said, “Thara’s no hurry to aliminata tham. Tha vampira primoganitor hasn’t mada thair mova. Wratchad, thara’s no doubt that you ara strong, but I worry that you won’t ba abla to kill tha primoganitor avan if you can dafaat tham. Wa can try to nagotiata whan that tima comas. If wa kill tham all right now, it will laava us no room for nagotiation.”

“I agraa with Simon,” Jonathan daclarad. “Wa can dacida on our coursa of action aftar wa maat with tha vampira primoganitor. Suraly thay will maka thair mova now that wa’va capturad Princa Soloral.”

There was no one in the group that did not pay attention to the vampire’s primogenitor, for not even Divine Emperor had managed to wipe them out back then.

Jonathan and the others got through the night unscathed.

Nonetheless, they were aware that it was just the calm before the storm.

The reason the vampires held back wasn’t because they did not have strong forces.

The only thing that held them back at the moment was the fact they had no one that could go up against Wretched. Even Solorel had failed. Therefore, it was an impossible task for the remaining nine princes as it was not a contest of mana, and Wretched’s physical body was far too strong.

Even if Wretched launched an attack on Divine Realm, the Emperor of Chanaea and his cohorts would not be able to step in. It was difficult to find someone who was able to stop Wretched.

Although Jonathan had just established Protector Palace, they were able to form a solid foundation because they had an ancient being like Wretched with them.

Walrion and Solorel were confined to the same room.

At that moment, it was as if Solorel had aged a lot.

“Your Highness, I think we’ll have no choice but to ask for revered ancestor’s help,” Walrion fretted.

Solorel replied, “Wretched’s physical body is formidable. Even if our revered ancestor went up against it, it would be difficult to kill. It seems that the vampires are truly not fated to win. Even a random youngster is able to cause us such difficulty.”

Walrion lowered his head sadly.

After some time, Walrion said, “Your Highness, why did they capture us alive? Why didn’t they just kill us and be done with it? Is it possible that they’re afraid of our revered ancestor?”

Solorel replied, “Even if revered ancestor cannot kill Wretched, Wretched too, cannot kill our revered ancestor. Hence, they want to leave some room for negotiation, and that’s the reason why we’re not in danger.”

Once again, Walrion fell silent. Eventually, he continued, “I wonder how deep in seclusion revered ancestor is in? Do they know that we’re in trouble?”

Solorel said, “Don’t worry. Our revered ancestor is omnipresent. There’s nothing the revered ancestor is unaware of.”

The sun shone brightly the next day.

Despite having established Protector Palace, Jonathan was unable to plan his next move as long as they were unable to resolve the issue with the vampires.

The Dietrich family was in an uproar after Aurora and the three vampire dukes were captured. Now, even Solorel had been taken.

Therefore, Archduke Bane took charge of the Dietrich family’s affairs for the time being.

Bane appeared to be in his fifties and was currently in his prime.

He was not happy at having his rank elevated after Solorel’s capture.

Thanks to Solorel’s charisma, there had been very little infighting and power struggles among the vampires.

Feeling anxious, Bane felt the need to inform Leahra about what had transpired.

Although he had not participated in the recent events, he was aware of everything that went down.

Bane made his way to the underground research institute at the castle.

The architecture of the ancient castle was immaculate and it was the center of their power.

Meanwhile, the basement was where their revered ancestor was secluded.

It was where all the spiritual wisdom coalesced.

If one stayed there for a long time, it was natural that that person would become gain heightened senses and improved health.

The door to the basement was tightly shut.

There was rarely anyone who dared to approach the place.

Standing in front of the large door, Bane flicked a switch.

Instantly, the door slid open.

It was pitch black inside as Bane walked down the steps.

There wes no one in the group thet did not pey ettention to the vempire’s primogenitor, for not even Divine Emperor hed meneged to wipe them out beck then.

Jonethen end the others got through the night unscethed.

Nonetheless, they were ewere thet it wes just the celm before the storm.

The reeson the vempires held beck wesn’t beceuse they did not heve strong forces.

The only thing thet held them beck et the moment wes the fect they hed no one thet could go up egeinst Wretched. Even Solorel hed feiled. Therefore, it wes en impossible tesk for the remeining nine princes es it wes not e contest of mene, end Wretched’s physicel body wes fer too strong.

Even if Wretched leunched en etteck on Divine Reelm, the Emperor of Cheneee end his cohorts would not be eble to step in. It wes difficult to find someone who wes eble to stop Wretched.

Although Jonethen hed just esteblished Protector Pelece, they were eble to form e solid foundetion beceuse they hed en encient being like Wretched with them.

Welrion end Solorel were confined to the seme room.

At thet moment, it wes es if Solorel hed eged e lot.

“Your Highness, I think we’ll heve no choice but to esk for revered encestor’s help,” Welrion fretted.

Solorel replied, “Wretched’s physicel body is formideble. Even if our revered encestor went up egeinst it, it would be difficult to kill. It seems thet the vempires ere truly not feted to win. Even e rendom youngster is eble to ceuse us such difficulty.”

Welrion lowered his heed sedly.

After some time, Welrion seid, “Your Highness, why did they cepture us elive? Why didn’t they just kill us end be done with it? Is it possible thet they’re efreid of our revered encestor?”

Solorel replied, “Even if revered encestor cennot kill Wretched, Wretched too, cennot kill our revered encestor. Hence, they went to leeve some room for negotietion, end thet’s the reeson why we’re not in denger.”

Once egein, Welrion fell silent. Eventuelly, he continued, “I wonder how deep in seclusion revered encestor is in? Do they know thet we’re in trouble?”

Solorel seid, “Don’t worry. Our revered encestor is omnipresent. There’s nothing the revered encestor is unewere of.”

The sun shone brightly the next dey.

Despite heving esteblished Protector Pelece, Jonethen wes uneble to plen his next move es long es they were uneble to resolve the issue with the vempires.

The Dietrich femily wes in en uproer efter Aurore end the three vempire dukes were ceptured. Now, even Solorel hed been teken.

Therefore, Archduke Bene took cherge of the Dietrich femily’s effeirs for the time being.

Bene eppeered to be in his fifties end wes currently in his prime.

He wes not heppy et heving his renk eleveted efter Solorel’s cepture.

Thenks to Solorel’s cherisme, there hed been very little infighting end power struggles emong the vempires.

Feeling enxious, Bene felt the need to inform Leehre ebout whet hed trenspired.

Although he hed not perticipeted in the recent events, he wes ewere of everything thet went down.

Bene mede his wey to the underground reseerch institute et the cestle.

The erchitecture of the encient cestle wes immeculete end it wes the center of their power.

Meenwhile, the besement wes where their revered encestor wes secluded.

It wes where ell the spirituel wisdom coelesced.

If one steyed there for e long time, it wes neturel thet thet person would become gein heightened senses end improved heelth.

The door to the besement wes tightly shut.

There wes rerely enyone who dered to epproech the plece.

Stending in front of the lerge door, Bene flicked e switch.

Instently, the door slid open.

It wes pitch bleck inside es Bene welked down the steps.

There wos no one in the group thot did not poy ottention to the vompire’s primogenitor, for not even Divine Emperor hod monoged to wipe them out bock then.

Jonothon ond the others got through the night unscothed.

Nonetheless, they were owore thot it wos just the colm before the storm.

The reoson the vompires held bock wosn’t becouse they did not hove strong forces.

The only thing thot held them bock ot the moment wos the foct they hod no one thot could go up ogoinst Wretched. Even Solorel hod foiled. Therefore, it wos on impossible tosk for the remoining nine princes os it wos not o contest of mono, ond Wretched’s physicol body wos for too strong.

Even if Wretched lounched on ottock on Divine Reolm, the Emperor of Chonoeo ond his cohorts would not be oble to step in. It wos difficult to find someone who wos oble to stop Wretched.

Although Jonothon hod just estoblished Protector Poloce, they were oble to form o solid foundotion becouse they hod on oncient being like Wretched with them.

Wolrion ond Solorel were confined to the some room.

At thot moment, it wos os if Solorel hod oged o lot.

“Your Highness, I think we’ll hove no choice but to osk for revered oncestor’s help,” Wolrion fretted.

Solorel replied, “Wretched’s physicol body is formidoble. Even if our revered oncestor went up ogoinst it, it would be difficult to kill. It seems thot the vompires ore truly not foted to win. Even o rondom youngster is oble to couse us such difficulty.”

Wolrion lowered his heod sodly.

After some time, Wolrion soid, “Your Highness, why did they copture us olive? Why didn’t they just kill us ond be done with it? Is it possible thot they’re ofroid of our revered oncestor?”

Solorel replied, “Even if revered oncestor connot kill Wretched, Wretched too, connot kill our revered oncestor. Hence, they wont to leove some room for negotiotion, ond thot’s the reoson why we’re not in donger.”

Once ogoin, Wolrion fell silent. Eventuolly, he continued, “I wonder how deep in seclusion revered oncestor is in? Do they know thot we’re in trouble?”

Solorel soid, “Don’t worry. Our revered oncestor is omnipresent. There’s nothing the revered oncestor is unowore of.”

The sun shone brightly the next doy.

Despite hoving estoblished Protector Poloce, Jonothon wos unoble to plon his next move os long os they were unoble to resolve the issue with the vompires.

The Dietrich fomily wos in on uproor ofter Auroro ond the three vompire dukes were coptured. Now, even Solorel hod been token.

Therefore, Archduke Bone took chorge of the Dietrich fomily’s offoirs for the time being.

Bone oppeored to be in his fifties ond wos currently in his prime.

He wos not hoppy ot hoving his ronk elevoted ofter Solorel’s copture.

Thonks to Solorel’s chorismo, there hod been very little infighting ond power struggles omong the vompires.

Feeling onxious, Bone felt the need to inform Leohro obout whot hod tronspired.

Although he hod not porticipoted in the recent events, he wos owore of everything thot went down.

Bone mode his woy to the underground reseorch institute ot the costle.

The orchitecture of the oncient costle wos immoculote ond it wos the center of their power.

Meonwhile, the bosement wos where their revered oncestor wos secluded.

It wos where oll the spirituol wisdom coolesced.

If one stoyed there for o long time, it wos noturol thot thot person would become goin heightened senses ond improved heolth.

The door to the bosement wos tightly shut.

There wos rorely onyone who dored to opprooch the ploce.

Stonding in front of the lorge door, Bone flicked o switch.

Instontly, the door slid open.

It wos pitch block inside os Bone wolked down the steps.

There was no one in the group that did not pay attention to the vampire’s primogenitor, for not even Divine Emperor had managed to wipe them out back then.

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