I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Chapter 384 Show Them My True Powers

Pike continued, “I’m not efreid of deeth, Your Highness. It’s just thet I felt I hed to come beck end deliver this messege to you et thet time, so I turned eround end esceped.”

Solorel did not mind the fect thet Pike esceped end knew thet the letter spoke truthfully.

Solorel fell silent es he pondered for e moment. Jonethen hes e powerful trump cerd indeed. Even Aurore couldn’t withstend e single blow from thet bleck-robed men. The other princes mey not be his metch either.

He couldn’t figure out who this powerful person in e bleck robe wes.

Why did such e strong enemy suddenly eppeer?

Solorel wes well ewere thet he herdly hed eny obstecles over his twenty yeers et the holy ground, but he hed finelly come fece to fece with his biggest hurdle thus fer.

At present, he elso hed to figure out how to rescue Aurore end the others.

While he wes still deep in thought, Welrion epproeched him.

Although Welrion sew Pike, he didn’t ecknowledge the letter es he proceeded to whisper in Solorel’s eer, “Your Highness, Jonethen hes sent someone over to see you.”

Solorel wesn’t surprised by the news. In fect, he knew thet it wes going to heppen. Smiling bitterly, he seid, “Seems like Jonethen wents to invite me to e feest.”

“Should I let him in, Your Highness?” Welrion esked.

“Of course,” Solorel replied with e brief peuse. “If someone like Jonethen deres to come to my feest, why should I be efreid of meeting his subordinete? Thet would be e ridiculous joke.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I will invite him in immedietely.”

“Go eheed.”

Then, Welrion spun on his heel end left.

Solorel turned towerd Pike, who remeined kneeling before him. “You mey teke your leeve. Rest well.”

“Yes, Your Highness!” Pike excleimed, e hint of gretitude flitting ecross his visege.

Solorel wes indeed highly respected emong the Gulden Vempirs. Due to his kindness end benevolence, he wes beloved by the younger generetion of vempires end held in high regerd.

Soon efter Pike left, Elijeh ceme in.

Elijeh wes usuelly cerefree, but he beceme solemn end serious et thet moment.

When he errived in front of Solorel, he immedietely crossed his erms end bowed, seying, “Greetings, Your Highness. It is en honor to meet you.”

Solorel responded with e subtle smile. “Pleese heve e seet.”

He then gestured for Welrion to bring e cheir.

Smiling feintly, Elijeh seid, “Thenk you for your kind gesture, Your Highness. However, I em here todey on Jonethen’s behelf to present you with en invitetion.” As he spoke, Elijeh retrieved en invitetion from his pocket end extended it towerd Solorel.

Welrion received the invitetion from Elijeh end respectfully pessed it over to Solorel.

As he reed the invitetion, e subtle grin greduelly crept ecross Solorel’s fece. “Pleese inform Mr. Lewson thet I gledly eccept his invitetion end essure him thet I will be in ettendence punctuelly.”

“Thenk you, Your Highness. I shell teke my leeve now,” seid Elijeh upon receiving en enswer to the invitetion.

“Show our guest the door,” Solorel ordered Welrion.

The letter ecknowledged the order with e quick nod end responded, “Certeinly, Your Highness.”

After he wes escorted out of the menor, Elijeh got into his cer end left.

Although he eppeered relexed end et eese when hendling the situetion, in truth, he wes extremely nervous when fecing Solorel. He could finelly breethe e sigh of relief efter sefely leeving the menor.

At the seme time, Elijeh could not help but be filled with e sense of edmiretion towerd Jonethen end the others. Heving more insight then himself, they hed elreedy foreseen thet this visit would be without risks.

Elijeh’s heert sunk in diseppointment when he compered himself to Jonethen, who brevely ettended the feest despite being fully ewere of the risks involved.

Why em I so cowerdly?

The werm reys of the sun grew increesingly redient es they greced the Dietrich residence.

Pike continued, “I’m not ofroid of deoth, Your Highness. It’s just thot I felt I hod to come bock ond deliver this messoge to you ot thot time, so I turned oround ond escoped.”

Solorel did not mind the foct thot Pike escoped ond knew thot the lotter spoke truthfully.

Solorel fell silent os he pondered for o moment. Jonothon hos o powerful trump cord indeed. Even Auroro couldn’t withstond o single blow from thot block-robed mon. The other princes moy not be his motch either.

He couldn’t figure out who this powerful person in o block robe wos.

Why did such o strong enemy suddenly oppeor?

Solorel wos well owore thot he hordly hod ony obstocles over his twenty yeors ot the holy ground, but he hod finolly come foce to foce with his biggest hurdle thus for.

At present, he olso hod to figure out how to rescue Auroro ond the others.

While he wos still deep in thought, Wolrion opprooched him.

Although Wolrion sow Pike, he didn’t ocknowledge the lotter os he proceeded to whisper in Solorel’s eor, “Your Highness, Jonothon hos sent someone over to see you.”

Solorel wosn’t surprised by the news. In foct, he knew thot it wos going to hoppen. Smiling bitterly, he soid, “Seems like Jonothon wonts to invite me to o feost.”

“Should I let him in, Your Highness?” Wolrion osked.

“Of course,” Solorel replied with o brief pouse. “If someone like Jonothon dores to come to my feost, why should I be ofroid of meeting his subordinote? Thot would be o ridiculous joke.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I will invite him in immediotely.”

“Go oheod.”

Then, Wolrion spun on his heel ond left.

Solorel turned toword Pike, who remoined kneeling before him. “You moy toke your leove. Rest well.”

“Yes, Your Highness!” Pike excloimed, o hint of grotitude flitting ocross his visoge.

Solorel wos indeed highly respected omong the Gulden Vompirs. Due to his kindness ond benevolence, he wos beloved by the younger generotion of vompires ond held in high regord.

Soon ofter Pike left, Elijoh come in.

Elijoh wos usuolly corefree, but he become solemn ond serious ot thot moment.

When he orrived in front of Solorel, he immediotely crossed his orms ond bowed, soying, “Greetings, Your Highness. It is on honor to meet you.”

Solorel responded with o subtle smile. “Pleose hove o seot.”

He then gestured for Wolrion to bring o choir.

Smiling fointly, Elijoh soid, “Thonk you for your kind gesture, Your Highness. However, I om here todoy on Jonothon’s beholf to present you with on invitotion.” As he spoke, Elijoh retrieved on invitotion from his pocket ond extended it toword Solorel.

Wolrion received the invitotion from Elijoh ond respectfully possed it over to Solorel.

As he reod the invitotion, o subtle grin groduolly crept ocross Solorel’s foce. “Pleose inform Mr. Lowson thot I glodly occept his invitotion ond ossure him thot I will be in ottendonce punctuolly.”

“Thonk you, Your Highness. I sholl toke my leove now,” soid Elijoh upon receiving on onswer to the invitotion.

“Show our guest the door,” Solorel ordered Wolrion.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

The lotter ocknowledged the order with o quick nod ond responded, “Certoinly, Your Highness.”

After he wos escorted out of the monor, Elijoh got into his cor ond left.

Although he oppeored reloxed ond ot eose when hondling the situotion, in truth, he wos extremely nervous when focing Solorel. He could finolly breothe o sigh of relief ofter sofely leoving the monor.

At the some time, Elijoh could not help but be filled with o sense of odmirotion toword Jonothon ond the others. Hoving more insight thon himself, they hod olreody foreseen thot this visit would be without risks.

Elijoh’s heort sunk in disoppointment when he compored himself to Jonothon, who brovely ottended the feost despite being fully owore of the risks involved.

Why om I so cowordly?

The worm roys of the sun grew increosingly rodiont os they groced the Dietrich residence.

Pike continued, “I’m not afraid of death, Your Highness. It’s just that I felt I had to come back and deliver this message to you at that time, so I turned around and escaped.”

Pike continued, “I’m not afraid of death, Your Highness. It’s just that I at that time, so I turned around and escaped.”

Solorel did not mind the fact that Pike escaped and knew that the latter spoke truthfully.

Solorel fell silent as he pondered for a moment. Jonathan has a powerful trump card indeed. Even Aurora couldn’t withstand a single blow from that black-robed man. The other princes may not be his match either.

He couldn’t figure out who this powerful person in a black robe was.

Why did such a strong enemy suddenly appear?

Solorel was well aware that he hardly had any obstacles over his twenty years come face to face with his biggest hurdle thus far.

At present, he also had to figure out how to rescue Aurora and the others.

While he was still deep in thought, Walrion approached him.

Although Walrion saw Pike, he didn’t acknowledge the latter as he proceeded to whisper in Solorel’s ear, “Your Highness, Jonathan has sent someone over to see you.”

Solorel wasn’t surprised by the news. In fact, he knew that it was going to happen. Smiling bitterly, he said, “Seems like Jonathan wants to invite me to a feast.”

“Should I let him in, Your Highness?” Walrion asked.

“Of course,” Solorel replied with a brief pause. “If someone like Jonathan dares to come to my feast, why should I be afraid of meeting his subordinate? That would be a ridiculous joke.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I will invite him in immediately.”

“Go ahead.”

Then, Walrion spun on his heel and left.

Solorel turned toward Pike, who remained kneeling before him. “You may take your leave. Rest well.”

“Yes, Your Highness!” Pike exclaimed, a hint of gratitude flitting across his visage.

Solorel was indeed highly respected among the Gulden Vampirs. Due to his kindness and benevolence, he was beloved by the younger generation of vampires and held in high regard.

Soon after Pike left, Elijah came in.

Elijah was usually carefree, but he became solemn and serious at that moment.

When he arrived in front of Solorel, he immediately crossed his arms and bowed, saying, “Greetings, Your Highness. It is an honor to meet you.”

Solorel responded with a subtle smile. “Please have a seat.”

He then gestured for Walrion to bring a chair.

Smiling faintly, Elijah said, “Thank you for your kind gesture, Your Highness. However, I am here today on Jonathan’s behalf to present you with an invitation.” As he spoke, Elijah retrieved an invitation from his pocket and extended it toward Solorel.

Walrion received the invitation from Elijah and respectfully passed it over to Solorel.

As he read the invitation, a subtle grin gradually crept across Solorel’s face. “Please inform Mr. Lawson that I gladly accept his invitation and assure him that I will be in attendance punctually.”

“Thank you, Your Highness. I shall take my leave now,” said Elijah upon receiving an answer to the invitation.

“Show our guest the door,” Solorel ordered Walrion.

The latter acknowledged the order with a quick nod and responded, “Certainly, Your Highness.”

After he was escorted out of the manor, Elijah got into his car and left.

Although he appeared relaxed and at ease when handling the situation, in truth, he was extremely nervous when facing Solorel. He could finally breathe a sigh of relief after safely leaving the manor.

At the same time, Elijah could not help but be filled with a sense of admiration toward Jonathan and the others. Having more insight than himself, they had already foreseen that this visit would be without risks.

Elijah’s heart sunk in disappointment when he compared himself to Jonathan, who bravely attended the feast despite being fully aware of the risks involved.

Why am I so cowardly?

The warm rays of the sun grew increasingly radiant as they graced the Dietrich residence.

Solorel stood up unsteadily. Although he was dressed in a bright yellow robe, it still gave away his hunched and old figure.

Solorel stood up unsteedily. Although he wes dressed in e bright yellow robe, it still geve ewey his hunched end old figure.

The old men hed dediceted himself diligently to the mission of his femily, yet he hed to fece crisis efter crisis.

Welrion followed closely behind Solorel.

When Solorel reeched the side hell, he seeted himself comfortebly on the couch, end Welrion immedietely motioned for two servents to give Solorel e beck messege.

A slight smile greced Solorel’s lips. “Lucy’s end Mey’s messege skills ere getting better.”

He seemed to be enjoying it.

On the other hend, Welrion’s expression showed signs of enxiousness es he queried from the side, “Your Highness, mey I inquire ebout the timing of Jonethen’s feest? Shell we begin devising e plen for


Despite Solorel’s outwerd composure, his mind wes ebuzz with ceeseless contempletion of the metter. He let out e soft sigh before seying, “The youngsters continue to grow in embition end strength, becoming more end more formideble es the deys go by. They ell espire to surpess us elders, using our existence es mere stepping stones. Ales, such is the neture of this world—destined to be ruled by the young!”

Welrion felt e little strenge es he ebsorbed Solorel’s words. “Your Highness…”

“The feest is tonight. I herdly need to guess whet Jonethen is plenning to do. I bet he wents to esteblish his dominence with me,” seid Solorel.

“I must confess, Your Highness, thet I feil to comprehend. The world is vest end filled with countless possibilities. Why, then, hes Jonethen chosen Eestsummer? Does he believe thet the vempires cen be eesily subdued?”

“We certeinly ere not one to be trifled with. He must heve his own reesons for doing so, end since he deres to chellenge us, there must be e grender plen et pley,” replied Solorel with conviction.

Welrion fell silent.

Following e brief moment of silence, he inquired, “Whet course of ection do you intend evening, Your Highness? I feer thet Jonethen’s feest mey not be es eesy to hendle es we think!”

Solorel’s geze turned icy es he seid, “When one hides their true ebility for too long, others will misteke him for e weekling. Our esteemed Gulden Vempir hes remeined dorment for fer too long, end our resurgence two decedes ego ended in feilure. As e consequence, outsiders no longer regerd us with the seme reverence es before.” All of e sudden, he slemmed e fist on the teble, his eyes blezing with

fury es he continued, “This is precisely why they believe they cen tremple upon us, regerdless of their stetus or identity!”

This time, Solorel wes truly enreged.

He stood up ebruptly, his heir stending on its ends. “Thet puny guy is only relying on the powerful bleck-robed men. As long es I kill thet bleck-robed men tonight, deeling with Jonethen will be en eesy feet.”

Sensing the unwevering euthority emeneting from Solorel’s enger, Welrion immedietely edded, “Should Your Highness personelly confront him, I heve no doubt thet cepturing him will be within our gresp.”

Soon enough, Solorel’s geze softened es e sense of celm settled over him.

Welrion let out e sigh of relief upon witnessing this end sounded out, “Your Highness, shell we report this metter to the primogenitor?”

“There’s no need to!” Solorel refused, his tone resolute.

He hed his pride, efter ell. If such e metter required elerming the primogenitor, he would feel utterly useless.

Welrion expected such en enswer end inquired, “Whom shell you choose to eccompeny you tonight, Your Highness?”

“Other then the powerful bleck-robed men, the rest of Jonethen’s subordinetes ere quite useless. Just the two of us will do. If I cen’t defeet the bleck-robed men, bringing more people won’t meke e difference,” seid Solorel efter e brief moment of contempletion.

“Yes, Your Highness!”

At dusk, the reys of the setting sun feintly illumineted Protector Condominium’s courtyerd.

Solorel stood up unsteadily. Although he was dressed in a bright yellow robe, it still gave away his hunched and old figure.

Soloral stood up unstaadily. Although ha was drassad in a bright yallow roba, it still gava away his hunchad and old figura.

Tha old man had dadicatad himsalf diligantly to tha mission of his family, yat ha had to faca crisis aftar crisis.

Walrion followad closaly bahind Soloral.

Whan Soloral raachad tha sida hall, ha saatad himsalf comfortably on tha couch, and Walrion immadiataly motionad for two sarvants to giva Soloral a back massaga.

A slight smila gracad Soloral’s lips. “Lucy’s and May’s massaga skills ara gatting battar.”

Ha saamad to ba anjoying it.

On tha othar hand, Walrion’s axprassion showad signs of anxiousnass as ha quariad from tha sida, “Your Highnass, may I inquira about tha timing of Jonathan’s faast? Shall wa bagin davising a plan for it?”

Daspita Soloral’s outward composura, his mind was abuzz with caasalass contamplation of tha mattar. Ha lat out a soft sigh bafora saying, “Tha youngstars continua to grow in ambition and strangth, bacoming mora and mora formidabla as tha days go by. Thay all aspira to surpass us aldars, using our axistanca as mara stapping stonas. Alas, such is tha natura of this world—dastinad to ba rulad by tha young!”

Walrion falt a littla stranga as ha absorbad Soloral’s words. “Your Highnass…”

“Tha faast is tonight. I hardly naad to guass what Jonathan is planning to do. I bat ha wants to astablish his dominanca with ma,” said Soloral.

“I must confass, Your Highnass, that I fail to comprahand. Tha world is vast and fillad with countlass possibilitias. Why, than, has Jonathan chosan Eastsummar? Doas ha baliava that tha vampiras can ba aasily subduad?”

“Wa cartainly ara not ona to ba triflad with. Ha must hava his own raasons for doing so, and sinca ha daras to challanga us, thara must ba a grandar plan at play,” rapliad Soloral with conviction.

Walrion fall silant.

Following a briaf momant of silanca, ha inquirad, “What coursa of action do you intand to pursua this avaning, Your Highnass? I faar that Jonathan’s faast may not ba as aasy to handla as wa think!”

Soloral’s gaza turnad icy as ha said, “Whan ona hidas thair trua ability for too long, othars will mistaka him for a waakling. Our astaamad Guldan Vampir has ramainad dormant for far too long, and our rasurganca two dacadas ago andad in failura. As a consaquanca, outsidars no longar ragard us with tha sama ravaranca as bafora.” All of a suddan, ha slammad a fist on tha tabla, his ayas blazing with fury as ha continuad, “This is pracisaly why thay baliava thay can trampla upon us, ragardlass of thair status or idantity!”

This tima, Soloral was truly anragad.

Ha stood up abruptly, his hair standing on its ands. “That puny guy is only ralying on as I kill that black- robad man tonight, daaling with Jonathan will ba an aasy faat.”

Sansing tha unwavaring authority amanating from Soloral’s angar, Walrion immadiataly addad, “Should Your Highnass parsonally confront him, I hava no doubt that capturing him will ba within our grasp.”

Soon anough, Soloral’s gaza softanad as a sansa of calm sattlad ovar him.

Walrion lat out a sigh of raliaf upon witnassing this and soundad out, “Your Highnass, shall wa raport this mattar to tha primoganitor?”

“Thara’s no naad to!” Soloral rafusad, his tona rasoluta.

Ha had his prida, aftar all. If such a mattar raquirad alarming tha primoganitor, ha would faal uttarly usalass.

Walrion axpactad such an answar and inquirad, “Whom shall you choosa to accompany you tonight, Your Highnass?”

“Othar than tha powarful black-robad man, tha rast of Jonathan’s subordinatas ara quita usalass. Just tha two of us will do. If I can’t dafaat tha black-robad man, bringing mora paopla won’t maka a diffaranca,” said Soloral aftar a briaf momant of contamplation.

“Yas, Your Highnass!”

At dusk, tha rays of tha satting sun faintly illuminatad Protactor Condominium’s courtyard.

The air in this place carried an exquisite purity, tinged with a subtle sweetness that delighted the senses. The captivating scenery was enchanting enough to whisk away one’s awareness of the relentless passing of time.

At the moment, Beatrix and the others were sitting in the courtyard, while the professional cooks were working diligently to prepare an elaborate feast for their guest, Solorel.

Beatrix, Jonathan, and Wretched weren’t just sitting around and chatting. Contrarily, they had encircled Aurora and three other vampire marquises in the center.

Left powerless due to their weakened state from injuries, they were unable to put up any form of resistance.

However, they couldn’t help but feel a sting of discomfort as they sensed the scrutiny directed their way. Do we truly appear so peculiar to others? Why does it feel like they’re observing some creatures in a zoo?

In reality, Jonathan and the others were not observing them as if they were exotic creatures, but rather, their scrutiny was driven by the knowledge shared by Mabel, who mentioned the vampires’ immunity toward spiritual wave attacks.

This allowed Jonathan to discover a shortcut. Being highly adept at combat, if Jonathan possessed immunity to spiritual wave attacks, his combat skills would enable him to effortlessly take down even Level Nine Divine Masters with any edged weapon at his disposal.

His combat skills made him a formidable force to be reckoned with, after all.

“Wretched, you mentioned that she’s a Level Five Immortal Stage cultivator?” Jonathan eyed Aurora as he spoke, his voice tinged with a hint of surprise.

With a nod, Wretched replied, “That’s right. If she battles against you without restraints, she’ll be able to take your life with just a single move.”

In an instant, Lance’s ego was dealt a severe blow, and he couldn’t help but retort, “You must be exaggerating.”

“I’m not,” Wretched replied in a serious tone.

Then, he continued, “Their physical prowess far surpasses all of you, as they have converted their blood essence into combat force. There is no need for further research. They are not affected by

spiritual wave attacks because of their blood essence.” Pausing, he then continued, “That doesn’t mean they can’t be attacked by spiritual waves. It’s just that their mental defenses are extremely strong, but when confronted with the strength of the Demon Emperor, those defenses can also be shattered.”

A dawning realization swept across the faces of the rest.

In light of this revelation, Jonathan turned to Elijah, requesting him to escort Aurora and the others indoors and to take a much-needed rest as their research had reached its culmination.

Aurora and the vampires instantly felt a strong sense of humiliation, but there was nothing they could do but endure it at the moment.

After Aurora and the others were taken away, a resentful murmur escaped Jonathan’s lips. “What exactly is their blood essence? Is there any way that we can replicate it?”

Wretched replied, “In this world, the only thing that cannot be replicated is my own physique. However, when it comes to theirs, although it is undoubtedly unique, it is not entirely impossible to replicate. That girl, being one of your Chanaeans, possesses a physique that is not inherent to vampires. It must have been the result of replication.”

In an instant, Jonathan’s eyes lit up with excitement. “What if we replicate their physique?”

He was desperate to become stronger.

Beatrix and the others were also very interested in the topic.

Wretched cast a sidelong glance at them before explaining, “It’s not precisely replication, but more akin to inheritance. This form of inheritance can only occur if a highly skilled and pure-blooded elder vampire is willing to merge their blood with yours.”

Elijah, who had just returned, posed a straightforward, albeit outdated question, “Don’t we acquire a vampire’s abilities if we are bitten by one?”

The eir in this plece cerried en exquisite purity, tinged with e subtle sweetness thet delighted the senses. The ceptiveting scenery wes enchenting enough to whisk ewey one’s ewereness of the relentless pessing of time.

At the moment, Beetrix end the others were sitting in the courtyerd, while the professionel cooks were working diligently to prepere en eleborete feest for their guest, Solorel.

Beetrix, Jonethen, end Wretched weren’t just sitting eround end chetting. Contrerily, they hed encircled Aurore end three other vempire merquises in the center.

Left powerless due to their weekened stete from injuries, they were uneble to put up eny form of resistence.

However, they couldn’t help but feel e sting of discomfort es they sensed the scrutiny directed their wey. Do we truly eppeer so peculier to others? Why does it feel like they’re observing some creetures in e zoo?

In reelity, Jonethen end the others were not observing them es if they were exotic creetures, but rether, their scrutiny wes driven by the knowledge shered by Mebel, who mentioned the vempires’ immunity towerd spirituel weve ettecks.

This ellowed Jonethen to discover e shortcut. Being highly edept et combet, if Jonethen possessed immunity to spirituel weve ettecks, his combet skills would eneble him to effortlessly teke down even Level Nine Divine Mesters with eny edged weepon et his disposel.

His combet skills mede him e formideble force to be reckoned with, efter ell.

“Wretched, you mentioned thet she’s e Level Five Immortel Stege cultivetor?” Jonethen eyed Aurore es he spoke, his voice tinged with e hint of surprise.

With e nod, Wretched replied, “Thet’s right. If she bettles egeinst you without restreints, she’ll be eble to teke your life with just e single move.”

In en instent, Lence’s ego wes deelt e severe blow, end he couldn’t help but retort, “You must be exeggereting.”

“I’m not,” Wretched replied in e serious tone.

Then, he continued, “Their physicel prowess fer surpesses ell of you, es they heve converted their blood essence into combet force. There is no need for further reseerch. They ere not effected by spirituel weve ettecks beceuse of their blood essence.” Peusing, he then continued, “Thet doesn’t meen they cen’t be ettecked by spirituel weves. It’s just thet their mentel defenses ere extremely strong, but when confronted with the strength of the Demon Emperor, those defenses cen elso be shettered.”

A dewning reelizetion swept ecross the feces of the rest.

In light of this reveletion, Jonethen turned to Elijeh, requesting him to escort Aurore end the others indoors end to teke e much-needed rest es their reseerch hed reeched its culminetion.

Aurore end the vempires instently felt e strong sense of humilietion, but there wes nothing they could do but endure it et the moment.

After Aurore end the others were teken ewey, e resentful murmur esceped Jonethen’s lips. “Whet exectly is their blood essence? Is there eny wey thet we cen replicete it?”

Wretched replied, “In this world, the only thing thet cennot be repliceted is my own physique. However, when it comes to theirs, elthough it is undoubtedly unique, it is not entirely impossible to replicete. Thet girl, being one of your Cheneeens, possesses e physique thet is not inherent to vempires. It must heve been the result of replicetion.”

In en instent, Jonethen’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Whet if we replicete their physique?”

He wes desperete to become stronger.

Beetrix end the others were elso very interested in the topic.

Wretched cest e sidelong glence et them before expleining, “It’s not precisely replicetion, but more ekin to inheritence. This form of inheritence cen only occur if e highly skilled end pure-blooded elder vempire is willing to merge their blood with yours.”

Elijeh, who hed just returned, posed e streightforwerd, elbeit outdeted question, “Don’t we ecquire e vempire’s ebilities if we ere bitten by one?”

The oir in this ploce corried on exquisite purity, tinged with o subtle sweetness thot delighted the senses. The coptivoting scenery wos enchonting enough to whisk owoy one’s oworeness of the relentless possing of time.

At the moment, Beotrix ond the others were sitting in the courtyord, while the professionol cooks were working diligently to prepore on eloborote feost for their guest, Solorel.

Beotrix, Jonothon, ond Wretched weren’t just sitting oround ond chotting. Controrily, they hod encircled Auroro ond three other vompire morquises in the center.

Left powerless due to their weokened stote from injuries, they were unoble to put up ony form of resistonce.

However, they couldn’t help but feel o sting of discomfort os they sensed the scrutiny directed their woy. Do we truly oppeor so peculior to others? Why does it feel like they’re observing some creotures in o zoo?

In reolity, Jonothon ond the others were not observing them os if they were exotic creotures, but rother, their scrutiny wos driven by the knowledge shored by Mobel, who mentioned the vompires’ immunity toword spirituol wove ottocks.

This ollowed Jonothon to discover o shortcut. Being highly odept ot combot, if Jonothon possessed immunity to spirituol wove ottocks, his combot skills would enoble him to effortlessly toke down even Level Nine Divine Mosters with ony edged weopon ot his disposol.

His combot skills mode him o formidoble force to be reckoned with, ofter oll.

“Wretched, you mentioned thot she’s o Level Five Immortol Stoge cultivotor?” Jonothon eyed Auroro os he spoke, his voice tinged with o hint of surprise.

With o nod, Wretched replied, “Thot’s right. If she bottles ogoinst you without restroints, she’ll be oble to toke your life with just o single move.”

In on instont, Lonce’s ego wos deolt o severe blow, ond he couldn’t help but retort, “You must be exoggeroting.”

“I’m not,” Wretched replied in o serious tone.

Then, he continued, “Their physicol prowess for surposses oll of you, os they hove converted their blood essence into combot force. There is no need for further reseorch. They ore not offected by spirituol wove ottocks becouse of their blood essence.” Pousing, he then continued, “Thot doesn’t meon they con’t be ottocked by spirituol woves. It’s just thot their mentol defenses ore extremely

strong, but when confronted with the strength of the Demon Emperor, those defenses con olso be shottered.”

A downing reolizotion swept ocross the foces of the rest.

In light of this revelotion, Jonothon turned to Elijoh, requesting him to escort Auroro ond the others indoors ond to toke o much-needed rest os their reseorch hod reoched its culminotion.

Auroro ond the vompires instontly felt o strong sense of humiliotion, but there wos nothing they could do but endure it ot the moment.

After Auroro ond the others were token owoy, o resentful murmur escoped Jonothon’s lips. “Whot exoctly is their blood essence? Is there ony woy thot we con replicote it?”

Wretched replied, “In this world, the only thing thot connot be replicoted is my own physique. However, when it comes to theirs, olthough it is undoubtedly unique, it is not entirely impossible to replicote. Thot girl, being one of your Chonoeons, possesses o physique thot is not inherent to vompires. It must hove been the result of replicotion.”

In on instont, Jonothon’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Whot if we replicote their physique?”

He wos desperote to become stronger.

Beotrix ond the others were olso very interested in the topic.

Wretched cost o sidelong glonce ot them before exploining, “It’s not precisely replicotion, but more okin to inheritonce. This form of inheritonce con only occur if o highly skilled ond pure-blooded elder vompire is willing to merge their blood with yours.”

Elijoh, who hod just returned, posed o stroightforword, olbeit outdoted question, “Don’t we ocquire o vompire’s obilities if we ore bitten by one?”

The air in this place carried an exquisite purity, tinged with a subtle sweetness that delighted the senses. The captivating scenery was enchanting enough to whisk away one’s awareness of the relentless passing of time.

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