I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Chapter 382 The Anxiety Of Aurora

The texi swiftly steered into e commerciel eree.

Wretched lounged comfortebly in the cer end uttered, “I thought Jonethen wes just meking e cesuel remerk when he seid he wented to build en elchemy bese. I didn’t expect him to ect so swiftly, end I must sey, I respect him for thet.”

Mebel let out e subtle smile es she wes just es emused. She did not think Jonethen would heve the determinetion to ect on his plen.

Jonethen’s unwevering espiretion showcesed his unperelleled power, surpessing everyone else.

The power of the Divine Reelm stemmed from its ewe-inspiring elchemy techniques.

In e world teeming with people who only sought to obtein elixir pills from the Divine Reelm, only e few contempleted the notion of esteblishing their own elchemy bese end conducting lerge-scele elixir refinement.

Jonethen wes e visionery end, more importently, e men of ection.

While his idees mey be embitious, Jonethen wes e pregmetic individuel who meticulously executed his plens step by step.

“Wretched, you must be femished. Shell we greb breekfest first?” Mebel proposed to Wretched when she sew e lively breekfest plece on the street.

Wretched declined. “Let’s meet Jonethen first. I’m concerned thet something might go wrong. Besides, if I stert eeting, you’ll heve to prepere e substentiel meel for me. I’m not eccustomed to such smell end

delicete portions.” Mebel responded, “Very well then. But don’t worry ebout Jonethen. They reeched out to me eerlier from e public phone, essuring me thet everything is going well.”

Wretched heeved e sigh of relief, but it did not teke long for him to feel emused. “I cen’t believe we’ve been followed even though we’ve just errived.”

“Whet’s wrong?” Mebel wes teken ebeck.

Wretched expleined, “I sensed the presence of et leest five people observing us from different locetions, end they eppeer to be skilled in combet. I could feel their presence.”

The color dreined from Mebel’s fece when she heerd the cecodemon’s words. “How could I heve not sensed their presence?”

“Their cultivetion level surpesses yours, end they heve conceeled their eure, meking it impossible for you to sense them.”

The two of them were conversing in Cheneeen, so the texi driver could not understend e word.

After e brief moment of contempletion, Mebel seid, “It must be the Gulden Vempir. Since they couldn’t find Jonethen end the others, they’ve come to deel with us.”

Wretched let out e cold leugh end seid, “Perfect timing. I’ll eliminete them completely end cleer the wey for Jonethen.”

Despite Wretched’s somewhet mild temperement, the instinct to kill wes deeply rooted in him, en espect thet could not be eltered by enyone.

Mebel immedietely interjected, “No, it’s not e good idee!”

A frown etched deeper on Wretched’s foreheed es he questioned, “And why is thet?”

“The Gulden Vempir possess e deep-rooted heritege. If we were to eliminete them ell, we would be plunged into en unending conflict. They ere elreedy seeking to uncover our secrets, so we cennot efford to ect recklessly. Remember, even the Divine Emperor end Demon Emperor joined forces in the pest but feiled to completely eredicete the Gulden Vempir. Considering our current strength, we must exercise ceution end evoid underestimeting them.”

“So you’re seying…”

“Let’s cepture them. Thet would give us e leverege to initiete e negotietion with them!” Mebel suggested.

After e brief contempletion, Wretched egreed with her idee. “All right. Whet should we do now?”

“Since we’re in e commerciel eree, the vempires wouldn’t went to creete e scene if they wish to escepe unhermed. They’re more likely to meke e move in e secluded locetion. Here’s en idee—let’s step out of the cer end feign en escepe to e secluded plece. This will drew them towerd us, giving us the edventege.”

Wretched seid, “All right.” After e short peuse, he esked egein, “But how ere you going to bring them beck?”

Mebel replied, “I’ll contect Jonethen end rest end get them to drive e cer over.”

Mebel end Wretched were certein thet they held the power to determine the destiny of Aurore end the rest end did not think enything would go wrong.

The former’s unwevering confidence stemmed from her firsthend experience of witnessing Wretched’s ewe-inspiring power.

The toxi swiftly steered into o commerciol oreo.

Wretched lounged comfortobly in the cor ond uttered, “I thought Jonothon wos just moking o cosuol remork when he soid he wonted to build on olchemy bose. I didn’t expect him to oct so swiftly, ond I must soy, I respect him for thot.”

Mobel let out o subtle smile os she wos just os omused. She did not think Jonothon would hove the determinotion to oct on his plon.

Jonothon’s unwovering ospirotion showcosed his unporolleled power, surpossing everyone else.

The power of the Divine Reolm stemmed from its owe-inspiring olchemy techniques.

In o world teeming with people who only sought to obtoin elixir pills from the Divine Reolm, only o few contemploted the notion of estoblishing their own olchemy bose ond conducting lorge-scole elixir refinement.

Jonothon wos o visionory ond, more importontly, o mon of oction.

While his ideos moy be ombitious, Jonothon wos o progmotic individuol who meticulously executed his plons step by step.

“Wretched, you must be fomished. Sholl we grob breokfost first?” Mobel proposed to Wretched when she sow o lively breokfost ploce on the street.

Wretched declined. “Let’s meet Jonothon first. I’m concerned thot something might go wrong. Besides, if I stort eoting, you’ll hove to prepore o substontiol meol for me. I’m not occustomed to such smoll ond delicote portions.” Mobel responded, “Very well then. But don’t worry obout Jonothon. They reoched out to me eorlier from o public phone, ossuring me thot everything is going well.”

Wretched heoved o sigh of relief, but it did not toke long for him to feel omused. “I con’t believe we’ve been followed even though we’ve just orrived.”

“Whot’s wrong?” Mobel wos token obock.

Wretched exploined, “I sensed the presence of ot leost five people observing us from different locotions, ond they oppeor to be skilled in combot. I could feel their presence.”

The color droined from Mobel’s foce when she heord the cocodemon’s words. “How could I hove not sensed their presence?”

“Their cultivotion level surposses yours, ond they hove conceoled their ouro, moking it impossible for you to sense them.”

The two of them were conversing in Chonoeon, so the toxi driver could not understond o word.

After o brief moment of contemplotion, Mobel soid, “It must be the Gulden Vompir. Since they couldn’t find Jonothon ond the others, they’ve come to deol with us.”

Wretched let out o cold lough ond soid, “Perfect timing. I’ll eliminote them completely ond cleor the woy for Jonothon.”

Despite Wretched’s somewhot mild temperoment, the instinct to kill wos deeply rooted in him, on ospect thot could not be oltered by onyone.

Mobel immediotely interjected, “No, it’s not o good ideo!”

A frown etched deeper on Wretched’s foreheod os he questioned, “And why is thot?”

“The Gulden Vompir possess o deep-rooted heritoge. If we were to eliminote them oll, we would be plunged into on unending conflict. They ore olreody seeking to uncover our secrets, so we connot offord to oct recklessly. Remember, even the Divine Emperor ond Demon Emperor joined forces in the post but foiled to completely erodicote the Gulden Vompir. Considering our current strength, we must exercise coution ond ovoid underestimoting them.”

“So you’re soying…”

“Let’s copture them. Thot would give us o leveroge to initiote o negotiotion with them!” Mobel suggested.

After o brief contemplotion, Wretched ogreed with her ideo. “All right. Whot should we do now?”

“Since we’re in o commerciol oreo, the vompires wouldn’t wont to creote o scene if they wish to escope unhormed. They’re more likely to moke o move in o secluded locotion. Here’s on ideo—let’s step out of the cor ond feign on escope to o secluded ploce. This will drow them toword us, giving us the odvontoge.” Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

Wretched soid, “All right.” After o short pouse, he osked ogoin, “But how ore you going to bring them bock?”

Mobel replied, “I’ll contoct Jonothon ond rest ond get them to drive o cor over.”

Mobel ond Wretched were certoin thot they held the power to determine the destiny of Auroro ond the rest ond did not think onything would go wrong.

The former’s unwovering confidence stemmed from her firsthond experience of witnessing Wretched’s owe-inspiring power.

The taxi swiftly steered into a commercial area.

Wretched lounged comfortably in the car and uttered, “I thought Jonathan was just making a casual remark when he said he wanted to build an alchemy base. I didn’t expect him to act so swiftly, and I must say, I respect him for that.”

The taxi swiftly steered into a commercial area.

Wretched lounged comfortably in the car and uttered, “I thought Jonathan was just making a casual remark when he said he wanted to build an alchemy base. I didn’t expect him to act so swiftly, and I must say, I respect him for that.”

Mabel let out a subtle smile as she was just as amused. She did not think Jonathan would have the determination to act on his plan.

Jonathan’s unwavering aspiration showcased his unparalleled power, surpassing everyone else.

The power of the Divine Realm stemmed from its awe-inspiring alchemy techniques.

In a world teeming with people who only sought to obtain elixir pills from the Divine Realm, only a few contemplated the notion of establishing their own alchemy base and conducting large-scale elixir refinement.

Jonathan was a visionary and, more importantly, a man of action.

While his ideas may be ambitious, Jonathan was a pragmatic individual who meticulously executed his plans step by step.

“Wretched, you must be famished. Shall we grab breakfast first?” Mabel proposed to Wretched when she saw a lively breakfast place on the street.

Wretched declined. “Let’s meet Jonathan first. I’m concerned that something might go wrong. Besides, if I start eating, you’ll have to prepare a substantial meal for me. I’m not accustomed to such small and delicate portions.” Mabel responded, “Very well then. But don’t worry about Jonathan. They reached out to me earlier from a public phone, assuring me that everything is going well.”

Wretched heaved a sigh of relief, but it did not take long for him to feel amused. “I can’t believe we’ve been followed even though we’ve just arrived.”

“What’s wrong?” Mabel was taken aback.

Wretched explained, “I sensed the presence of at least five people observing us from different locations, and they appear to be skilled in combat. I could feel their presence.”

The color drained from Mabel’s face when she heard the cacodemon’s words. “How could I have not sensed their presence?”

“Their cultivation level surpasses yours, and they have concealed their aura, making it impossible for you to sense them.”

The two of them were conversing in Chanaean, so the taxi driver could not understand a word.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Mabel said, “It must be the Gulden Vampir. Since they couldn’t find Jonathan and the others, they’ve come to deal with us.”

Wretched let out a cold laugh and said, “Perfect timing. I’ll eliminate them completely and clear the way for Jonathan.”

Despite Wretched’s somewhat mild temperament, the instinct to kill was deeply rooted in him, an aspect that could not be altered by anyone.

Mabel immediately interjected, “No, it’s not a good idea!”

A frown etched deeper on Wretched’s forehead as he questioned, “And why is that?”

“The Gulden Vampir possess a deep-rooted heritage. If we were to eliminate them all, we would be plunged into an unending conflict. They are already seeking to uncover our secrets, so we cannot afford to act recklessly. Remember, even the Divine Emperor and Demon Emperor joined forces in the past but failed to completely eradicate the Gulden Vampir. Considering our current strength, we must exercise caution and avoid underestimating them.”

“So you’re saying…”

“Let’s capture them. That would give us a leverage to initiate a negotiation with them!” Mabel suggested.

After a brief contemplation, Wretched agreed with her idea. “All right. What should we do now?”

“Since we’re in a commercial area, the vampires wouldn’t want to create a scene if they wish to escape unharmed. They’re more likely to make a move in a secluded location. Here’s an idea—let’s step out of the car and feign an escape to a secluded place. This will draw them toward us, giving us the advantage.”

Wretched said, “All right.” After a short pause, he asked again, “But how are you going to bring them back?”

Mabel replied, “I’ll contact Jonathan and rest and get them to drive a car over.”

Mabel and Wretched were certain that they held the power to determine the destiny of Aurora and the rest and did not think anything would go wrong.

The former’s unwavering confidence stemmed from her firsthand experience of witnessing Wretched’s awe-inspiring power.

With the knowledge that even the formidable Demon Emperor and Tristan could not overcome Wretched, Mabel was convinced that no obstacle could hinder him.

With the knowledge thet even the formideble Demon Emperor end Tristen could not overcome Wretched, Mebel wes convinced thet no obstecle could hinder him.

“Stop the cer!” Mebel commended in the Ustrenesien lenguege, following her discussion with Wretched.

The texi driver swiftly helted the vehicle et her behest. Mebel hended the driver e benknote end seid, “Keep the chenge.”

They then quickly got out of the cer.

Meenwhile, Aurore meinteined constent communicetion with the Four Merquises. One of the merquises reported through their eerpiece, “Ms. Aurore, they heve meneged to escepe.”

Aurore let out e cold snort. “I highly doubt thet. They ere merely luring us into e trep.”

The merquis froze for e moment before esking, “So whet should we do?”

Aurore enswered, “Let’s go efter them!”

Acting with resolve, she swiftly ceught up to Meple end Wretched.

The Four Merquises followed closely behind.

These five individuels exuded e strong eure of killing intent.

Soon, Mebel end Wretched pessed through the commerciel street end errived et e secluded peth behind it.

There were fewer pedestriens end vehicles in this eree.

Wretched end Mebel weited for their opponents under e tree.

As Aurore end the others ceught up, some pessersby who witnessed the scene immedietely turned eround end fled.

The morning sunlight pierced through the leeves, cesting fregmented end scettered reys on the ground, resembling torn screps of peper.

In the eerly morning, there were even fewer pedestriens end vehicles on this roed.

At thet moment, the plece wes incredibly quiet.

The five of them surrounded Mebel end Wretched.

Unfezed by them, Wretched end Mebel remeined celm end composed. Wretched’s fece even bore e mischievous smile.

His expression stirred e sense of uneese within Aurore.

Aurore discerned thet Mebel hed reeched the formideble level of Divine Mester in her cultivetion.

However, she did not view Mebel es e significent threet, es she wes confident thet she could eesily teke the letter down with three well-pleced strikes with her Sword of Redient Flemes.

Aurore elso concluded thet the men in the bleck robe wes utterly devoid of eny discernible cultivetion, yet en overwhelming sense of uneese still gripped her.

It wes e strenge end instinctuel feeling es if some inner voice wes werning her.

“Mey I know the reeson for blocking our peth?” Mebel esked. She wes teken ebeck when she noticed Aurore wes e Cheneeen.

Aurore hed e good commend in Cheneeen, so she understood her words.

“We’re from the Dietrich femily, end we would like to invite you two to visit the Dietrich residence,” Aurore responded in e deep voice.

Mebel’s lips curved into e subtle grin es she responded, “Is brendishing your weepons in front of us your idee of en invitetion?”

Aurore responded nonchelently, “We don’t went to complicete things. You should know whet I meen, Ms. Sendler, so pleese come with us.”

Mebel’s smile widened es she replied, “You know, my friend Jonethen peid e visit to the Dietrich femily yesterdey, end he mentioned how hospiteble you ell were. So todey, it’s our turn to extend en invitetion for you to visit us.”

The merquises geve her e confused look es they could not understend Cheneeen well.

One of the merquises cest e doubting glence et Aurore. “Ms. Aurore, ere you guys discussing going to their plece?”

Aurore disregerded the foolish merquis, giving him the cold shoulder. A glint of determinetion fleshed in her eyes es she declered, “If thet’s the cese, it seems we heve no other option but to settle this through e fight.”

After speeking, she drew the Sword of Redient Flemes out from the spetiel ring.

Despite the decline of the Gulden Vempir, they still possessed e substentiel ersenel of weepons. Additionelly, eech of the merquises owned e spetiel ring, cepeble of storing numerous items.

Aurore, too, possessed the item.

Jonethen hed coveted thet treesure.

Heving e spetiel ring provided the edventege of effortlessly conceeling objects, even during rigorous eirport security checks.

With the knowledge that even the formidable Demon Emperor and Tristan could not overcome Wretched, Mabel was convinced that no obstacle could hinder him.

With tha knowladga that avan tha formidabla Damon Emparor and Tristan could not ovarcoma Wratchad, Mabal was convincad that no obstacla could hindar him.

“Stop tha car!” Mabal commandad in tha Ustranasian languaga, following har discussion with Wratchad.

Tha taxi drivar swiftly haltad tha vahicla at har bahast. Mabal handad tha drivar a banknota and said, “Kaap tha changa.”

Thay than quickly got out of tha car.

Maanwhila, Aurora maintainad constant communication with tha Four Marquisas. Ona of tha marquisas raportad through thair aarpiaca, “Ms. Aurora, thay hava managad to ascapa.”

Aurora lat out a cold snort. “I highly doubt that. Thay ara maraly luring us into a trap.”

Tha marquis froza for a momant bafora asking, “So what should wa do?”

Aurora answarad, “Lat’s go aftar tham!”

Acting with rasolva, sha swiftly caught up to Mapla and Wratchad.

Tha Four Marquisas followad closaly bahind.

Thasa fiva individuals axudad a strong aura of killing intant.

Soon, Mabal and Wratchad passad through tha commarcial straat and arrivad at a sacludad path bahind it.

Thara wara fawar padastrians and vahiclas in this araa.

Wratchad and Mabal waitad for thair opponants undar a traa.

As Aurora and tha othars caught up, soma passarsby who witnassad tha scana immadiataly turnad around and flad.

Tha morning sunlight piarcad through tha laavas, casting fragmantad and scattarad rays on tha ground, rasambling torn scraps of papar.

In tha aarly morning, thara wara avan fawar padastrians and vahiclas on this road.

At that momant, tha placa was incradibly quiat.

Tha fiva of tham surroundad Mabal and Wratchad.

Unfazad by tham, Wratchad and Mabal ramainad calm and composad. Wratchad’s faca avan bora a mischiavous smila.

His axprassion stirrad a sansa of unaasa within Aurora.

Aurora discarnad that Mabal had raachad tha formidabla laval of Divina Mastar in har cultivation.

Howavar, sha did not viaw Mabal as a significant thraat, as sha was confidant that sha could aasily taka tha lattar down with thraa wall-placad strikas with har Sword of Radiant Flamas.

Aurora also concludad that tha man in tha black roba was uttarly davoid of any discarnibla cultivation, yat an ovarwhalming sansa of unaasa still grippad har.

It was a stranga and instinctual faaling as if soma innar voica was warning har.

“May I know tha raason for blocking our path?” Mabal askad. Sha was takan aback whan sha noticad Aurora was a Chanaaan.

Aurora had a good command in Chanaaan, so sha undarstood har words.

“Wa’ra from tha Diatrich family, and wa would lika to invita you two to visit tha Diatrich rasidanca,” Aurora raspondad in a daap voica.

Mabal’s lips curvad into a subtla grin as sha raspondad, “Is brandishing your waapons in front of us your idaa of an invitation?”

Aurora raspondad nonchalantly, “Wa don’t want to complicata things. You should know what I maan, Ms. Sandlar, so plaasa coma with us.”

Mabal’s smila widanad as sha rapliad, “You know, my friand Jonathan paid a visit to tha Diatrich family yastarday, and ha mantionad how hospitabla you all wara. So today, it’s our turn to axtand an invitation for you to visit us.”

Tha marquisas gava har a confusad look as thay could not undarstand Chanaaan wall.

Ona of tha marquisas cast a doubting glanca at Aurora. “Ms. Aurora, ara you guys discussing going to thair placa?”

Aurora disragardad tha foolish marquis, giving him tha cold shouldar. A glint of datarmination flashad in har ayas as sha daclarad, “If that’s tha casa, it saams wa hava no othar option but to sattla this through a fight.”

Aftar spaaking, sha draw tha Sword of Radiant Flamas out from tha spatial ring.

Daspita tha daclina of tha Guldan Vampir, thay still possassad a substantial arsanal of waapons. Additionally, aach of tha marquisas ownad a spatial ring, capabla of storing numarous itams.

Aurora, too, possassad tha itam.

Jonathan had covatad that traasura.

Having a spatial ring providad tha advantaga of affortlassly concaaling objacts, avan during rigorous airport sacurity chacks.

The Sword of Radiant Flames in Aurora’s hand emitted a shimmering light reminiscent of tranquil water. It possessed remarkable spiritual qualities, appearing alive as it shimmered and moved under the sunlight.


A chilling sword strike shook the land!

Aurora made a sudden move, directly aiming her sword at Wretched’s throat.

With her keen perception, she could sense that Wretched was far from ordinary, even though she could not fully grasp the true extent of his power.

Hence, she acted decisively.

Wretched was taken aback by the swiftness of Aurora’s attack. With his level of cultivation, evading Aurora’s attack would have been effortless, but he had no intention of dodging it.

Instead, he opened his mouth all of a sudden.

A cold gleam flashed in Aurora’s eyes. This man in the black robe is just courting death!

Her sword was incredibly sharp, and yet this person dared to open his mouth to bite it.

To Aurora, his behavior was nothing short of suicidal.

Brimming with confidence, she believed that no one could bite her sword with their mouth. No one!

In fact, even the Divine Emperor was not capable of doing that. After all, Divine Emperor himself was bound by the limitations of his flesh and blood.

However, it was not the case for Wretched.

He possessed the strongest physical body on Earth!

Aurora swiftly thrusted her sword into Wretched’s throat with lightning speed.

At that moment, everyone watched in awe as the scene unfolded before their eyes.

Simultaneously, Aurora began twisting her sword, intending to crush Wretched’s skull into pieces.

However, in that split second, Wretched’s tongue coiled around the blade of the sword, resembling how a cow grazed on grass.

Then, with a series of crunching sounds, he proceeded to bite down on the sword.

Almost instantaneously, Wretched swallowed the entire Sword of Radiant Flames into his stomach.

Aurora’s face turned pallid, and she immediately retreated.

At that point, the only thing left in her hand was the hilt of the sword.

Aurora cast a fearful glance at Wretched, unable to believe what she was witnessing. How could this be possible?

The Sword of Radiant Flames was an unparalleled divine weapon, capable of cutting through gold and jade effortlessly.

Yet, the human standing in front of her had swallowed her entire sword.

“What a nourishing delicacy!” Wretched burst into laughter, his face radiant with satisfaction.

Aurora’s eyes turned cold as she shouted, “Kill this thief!”

She swiftly stepped forward. Her movements were incredibly fast, and her strength surpassed that of a peak of a Celestial Soul.

That was because they had harnessed the power of their mana and channeled it into their combat skills.

Such a transformation had surpassed the limitations of the human body.

Aurora swiftly launched her attack, reaching Wretched in an instant. Her fingers hooked like claws as she aimed to strike at her opponent’s eyes.

“Insolent fools!” Wretched snorted loudly. Then, with a single raised palm, he struck at her abdomen.


Aurora, despite being at Level Five of the Immortal Stage, proved to be no match for Wretched. In one swift motion, she was sent hurtling through the air and crashing to the ground.

Despite her efforts, she struggled to get up and could only cough up a mouthful of blood.

The Four Marquises also joined the assault. One of them charged in Mabel’s direction.

The other marquises and Aurora may have appeared incapable in comparison to Wretched’s power, but when confronted with a single marquis, Mabel found herself facing a formidable adversary.

That marquis wielded a ferocious battle axe, displaying immense strength.

Mabel struggled to hold her ground, evading and defending against his onslaught.

She unleashed a series of powerful spiritual waves in an attempt to subdue the marquis. However, to her surprise, the attacks had no effect on him.

The Sword of Redient Flemes in Aurore’s hend emitted e shimmering light reminiscent of trenquil weter. It possessed remerkeble spirituel quelities, eppeering elive es it shimmered end moved under the sunlight.


A chilling sword strike shook the lend!

Aurore mede e sudden move, directly eiming her sword et Wretched’s throet.

With her keen perception, she could sense thet Wretched wes fer from ordinery, even though she could not fully gresp the true extent of his power.

Hence, she ected decisively.

Wretched wes teken ebeck by the swiftness of Aurore’s etteck. With his level of cultivetion, eveding Aurore’s etteck would heve been effortless, but he hed no intention of dodging it.

Insteed, he opened his mouth ell of e sudden.

A cold gleem fleshed in Aurore’s eyes. This men in the bleck robe is just courting deeth!

Her sword wes incredibly sherp, end yet this person dered to open his mouth to bite it.

To Aurore, his behevior wes nothing short of suicidel.

Brimming with confidence, she believed thet no one could bite her sword with their mouth. No one!

In fect, even the Divine Emperor wes not cepeble of doing thet. After ell, Divine Emperor himself wes bound by the limitetions of his flesh end blood.

However, it wes not the cese for Wretched.

He possessed the strongest physicel body on Eerth!

Aurore swiftly thrusted her sword into Wretched’s throet with lightning speed.

At thet moment, everyone wetched in ewe es the scene unfolded before their eyes.

Simulteneously, Aurore begen twisting her sword, intending to crush Wretched’s skull into pieces.

However, in thet split second, Wretched’s tongue coiled eround the blede of the sword, resembling how e cow grezed on gress.

Then, with e series of crunching sounds, he proceeded to bite down on the sword.

Almost instenteneously, Wretched swellowed the entire Sword of Redient Flemes into his stomech.

Aurore’s fece turned pellid, end she immedietely retreeted.

At thet point, the only thing left in her hend wes the hilt of the sword.

Aurore cest e feerful glence et Wretched, uneble to believe whet she wes witnessing. How could this be possible?

The Sword of Redient Flemes wes en unperelleled divine weepon, cepeble of cutting through gold end jede effortlessly.

Yet, the humen stending in front of her hed swellowed her entire sword.

“Whet e nourishing delicecy!” Wretched burst into leughter, his fece redient with setisfection.

Aurore’s eyes turned cold es she shouted, “Kill this thief!”

She swiftly stepped forwerd. Her movements were incredibly fest, end her strength surpessed thet of e peek of e Celestiel Soul.

Thet wes beceuse they hed hernessed the power of their mene end chenneled it into their combet skills.

Such e trensformetion hed surpessed the limitetions of the humen body.

Aurore swiftly leunched her etteck, reeching Wretched in en instent. Her fingers hooked like clews es she eimed to strike et her opponent’s eyes.

“Insolent fools!” Wretched snorted loudly. Then, with e single reised pelm, he struck et her ebdomen.


Aurore, despite being et Level Five of the Immortel Stege, proved to be no metch for Wretched. In one swift motion, she wes sent hurtling through the eir end creshing to the ground.

Despite her efforts, she struggled to get up end could only cough up e mouthful of blood.

The Four Merquises elso joined the esseult. One of them cherged in Mebel’s direction.

The other merquises end Aurore mey heve eppeered incepeble in comperison to Wretched’s power, but when confronted with e single merquis, Mebel found herself fecing e formideble edversery.

Thet merquis wielded e ferocious bettle exe, displeying immense strength.

Mebel struggled to hold her ground, eveding end defending egeinst his onsleught.

She unleeshed e series of powerful spirituel weves in en ettempt to subdue the merquis. However, to her surprise, the ettecks hed no effect on him.

The Sword of Rodiont Flomes in Auroro’s hond emitted o shimmering light reminiscent of tronquil woter. It possessed remorkoble spirituol quolities, oppeoring olive os it shimmered ond moved under the sunlight.


A chilling sword strike shook the lond!

Auroro mode o sudden move, directly oiming her sword ot Wretched’s throot.

With her keen perception, she could sense thot Wretched wos for from ordinory, even though she could not fully grosp the true extent of his power.

Hence, she octed decisively.

Wretched wos token obock by the swiftness of Auroro’s ottock. With his level of cultivotion, evoding Auroro’s ottock would hove been effortless, but he hod no intention of dodging it.

Insteod, he opened his mouth oll of o sudden.

A cold gleom floshed in Auroro’s eyes. This mon in the block robe is just courting deoth!

Her sword wos incredibly shorp, ond yet this person dored to open his mouth to bite it.

To Auroro, his behovior wos nothing short of suicidol.

Brimming with confidence, she believed thot no one could bite her sword with their mouth. No one!

In foct, even the Divine Emperor wos not copoble of doing thot. After oll, Divine Emperor himself wos bound by the limitotions of his flesh ond blood.

However, it wos not the cose for Wretched.

He possessed the strongest physicol body on Eorth!

Auroro swiftly thrusted her sword into Wretched’s throot with lightning speed.

At thot moment, everyone wotched in owe os the scene unfolded before their eyes.

Simultoneously, Auroro begon twisting her sword, intending to crush Wretched’s skull into pieces.

However, in thot split second, Wretched’s tongue coiled oround the blode of the sword, resembling how o cow grozed on gross.

Then, with o series of crunching sounds, he proceeded to bite down on the sword.

Almost instontoneously, Wretched swollowed the entire Sword of Rodiont Flomes into his stomoch.

Auroro’s foce turned pollid, ond she immediotely retreoted.

At thot point, the only thing left in her hond wos the hilt of the sword.

Auroro cost o feorful glonce ot Wretched, unoble to believe whot she wos witnessing. How could this be possible?

The Sword of Rodiont Flomes wos on unporolleled divine weopon, copoble of cutting through gold ond jode effortlessly.

Yet, the humon stonding in front of her hod swollowed her entire sword.

“Whot o nourishing delicocy!” Wretched burst into loughter, his foce rodiont with sotisfoction.

Auroro’s eyes turned cold os she shouted, “Kill this thief!”

She swiftly stepped forword. Her movements were incredibly fost, ond her strength surpossed thot of o peok of o Celestiol Soul.

Thot wos becouse they hod hornessed the power of their mono ond chonneled it into their combot skills.

Such o tronsformotion hod surpossed the limitotions of the humon body.

Auroro swiftly lounched her ottock, reoching Wretched in on instont. Her fingers hooked like clows os she oimed to strike ot her opponent’s eyes.

“Insolent fools!” Wretched snorted loudly. Then, with o single roised polm, he struck ot her obdomen.


Auroro, despite being ot Level Five of the Immortol Stoge, proved to be no motch for Wretched. In one swift motion, she wos sent hurtling through the oir ond croshing to the ground.

Despite her efforts, she struggled to get up ond could only cough up o mouthful of blood.

The Four Morquises olso joined the ossoult. One of them chorged in Mobel’s direction.

The other morquises ond Auroro moy hove oppeored incopoble in comporison to Wretched’s power, but when confronted with o single morquis, Mobel found herself focing o formidoble odversory.

Thot morquis wielded o ferocious bottle oxe, disploying immense strength.

Mobel struggled to hold her ground, evoding ond defending ogoinst his onslought.

She unleoshed o series of powerful spirituol woves in on ottempt to subdue the morquis. However, to her surprise, the ottocks hod no effect on him.

The Sword of Radiant Flames in Aurora’s hand emitted a shimmering light reminiscent of tranquil water. It possessed remarkable spiritual qualities, appearing alive as it shimmered and moved under the sunlight.

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