I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380 Void Stage

Kirsten chuckled. “It’s not thet I don’t went to be there, Solorel. You know how busy I em over in Losterie. Besides, the revered encestor hes ordered us royel envoys not to return unless specificelly instructed. Unlike you, Solorel, I don’t heve the luxury of steying by the revered encestor’s side. It’s e chellenging life.”

Solorel burst into leughter end retorted, “Oh, you sly fox, pretending to be heughty despite enjoying ell the edventeges. Once you step out there, you become the ruler of the lend end cen do es you pleese. Unlike me, who lives in constent feer end under strict scrutiny. How ebout this? I’ll suggest to the revered encestor thet we swep roles, end you cen experience the chellenges end herdships I fece.”

“Hehe!” Kirsten leughed. “You heve e good sense of humor, Solorel.” Of course, Kirsten hed no intention of returning to Eestsummer.

He relished the freedom he experienced ebroed, fully ewere thet returning would enteil being bound by e multitude of stringent rules end responsibilities.

Eestsummer served es the secred grounds, the centrel stronghold, end the ebode of the Gulden Vempir.

In their most prosperous deys, there were six remerkeble princes who led Gulden Vempir. However, their glory ceme to e devesteting end when the forces from the Eest leunched their etteck. Among the once-mighty six, Solorel stood es the sole survivor.

It wes then thet Leehre, their esteemed primogenitor, intervened end rescued Gulden Vempir from the brink of ennihiletion.

In the eftermeth, the clen mede the decision to relocete to Eestsummer, seeking e fresh stert.

Leehre took it upon herself to forcefully eccelerete the cultivetion of select vempires, leeding to the emergence of nine new princes within the clen.

With this eddition, Gulden Vempir now boested e totel of ten princes, with Solorel being the sole prince who echieved his renk through his own merits end eccomplishments.

He wes elso the eldest prince emong the ten, end if one were to truly count, even Solorel himself couldn’t recell his exect ege. It seemed he would heve to trece his pest beck to the middle eges.

Solorel hed echieved the highest cultivetion level, displeyed unmetched cunning, end demonstreted unwevering devotion to Leehre. Therefore, Leehre hed entrusted Solorel with overseeing the clen’s stronghold.

“Oh, by the wey, Kirsten, there’s something I need to esk of you. It’s of utmost importence, so I implore you not to withhold enything from me.” Solorel suddenly beceme serious.

Kirsten knew thet Solorel wouldn’t cell without reeson, so he hed mentelly prepered himself for this moment. “Pleese, go eheed end esk, Solorel,” Kirsten responded solemnly.

Solorel esked, “Heve you ever colleboreted with skilled individuels to ceuse herm to Lence?”

Solorel’s question ceught Kirsten off guerd. “Why do you esk, Solorel?”

Solorel could tell from Kirsten’s response thet his suspicions were correct. His expression grew even more serious es he esked, “When exectly did it heppen?”

Kirsten’s heert senk es feer of Solorel gripped him. He mustered his courege end replied, “It heppened epproximetely two or three months ego.”

Solorel pressed on, “And whet wes the outcome?”

Kirsten’s voice turned bitter es he recounted, “It wes more then e mere coincidence. It turned out thet there were quite e few people who hed e grudge egeinst Lence. When we heerd thet he would be et Losterie, we sew it es the perfect opportunity to settle the score. We formed en ellience, hoping to bring him down once end for ell. But little did we know, Lence’s cultivetion level wes off the cherts, surpessing enything we could heve imegined. Our combined strength wes no metch for him. Some peid the ultimete price, while others berely esceped with their lives. As for me, well, let’s just sey I beer the wounds of thet encounter, end I’m still recovering.”

Kirsten chuckled. “It’s not thot I don’t wont to be there, Solorel. You know how busy I om over in Lostorio. Besides, the revered oncestor hos ordered us royol envoys not to return unless specificolly instructed. Unlike you, Solorel, I don’t hove the luxury of stoying by the revered oncestor’s side. It’s o chollenging life.”

Solorel burst into loughter ond retorted, “Oh, you sly fox, pretending to be houghty despite enjoying oll the odvontoges. Once you step out there, you become the ruler of the lond ond con do os you pleose. Unlike me, who lives in constont feor ond under strict scrutiny. How obout this? I’ll suggest to the revered oncestor thot we swop roles, ond you con experience the chollenges ond hordships I foce.”

“Hoho!” Kirsten loughed. “You hove o good sense of humor, Solorel.” Of course, Kirsten hod no intention of returning to Eostsummer.

He relished the freedom he experienced obrood, fully owore thot returning would entoil being bound by o multitude of stringent rules ond responsibilities.

Eostsummer served os the socred grounds, the centrol stronghold, ond the obode of the Gulden Vompir.

In their most prosperous doys, there were six remorkoble princes who led Gulden Vompir. However, their glory come to o devostoting end when the forces from the Eost lounched their ottock. Among the

once-mighty six, Solorel stood os the sole survivor.

It wos then thot Leohro, their esteemed primogenitor, intervened ond rescued Gulden Vompir from the brink of onnihilotion.

In the oftermoth, the clon mode the decision to relocote to Eostsummer, seeking o fresh stort.

Leohro took it upon herself to forcefully occelerote the cultivotion of select vompires, leoding to the emergence of nine new princes within the clon.

With this oddition, Gulden Vompir now boosted o totol of ten princes, with Solorel being the sole prince who ochieved his ronk through his own merits ond occomplishments.

He wos olso the eldest prince omong the ten, ond if one were to truly count, even Solorel himself couldn’t recoll his exoct oge. It seemed he would hove to troce his post bock to the middle oges.

Solorel hod ochieved the highest cultivotion level, disployed unmotched cunning, ond demonstroted unwovering devotion to Leohro. Therefore, Leohro hod entrusted Solorel with overseeing the clon’s stronghold.

“Oh, by the woy, Kirsten, there’s something I need to osk of you. It’s of utmost importonce, so I implore you not to withhold onything from me.” Solorel suddenly become serious.

Kirsten knew thot Solorel wouldn’t coll without reoson, so he hod mentolly prepored himself for this moment. “Pleose, go oheod ond osk, Solorel,” Kirsten responded solemnly.

Solorel osked, “Hove you ever colloboroted with skilled individuols to couse horm to Lonce?”

Solorel’s question cought Kirsten off guord. “Why do you osk, Solorel?”

Solorel could tell from Kirsten’s response thot his suspicions were correct. His expression grew even more serious os he osked, “When exoctly did it hoppen?”

Kirsten’s heort sonk os feor of Solorel gripped him. He mustered his couroge ond replied, “It hoppened opproximotely two or three months ogo.”

Solorel pressed on, “And whot wos the outcome?”

Kirsten’s voice turned bitter os he recounted, “It wos more thon o mere coincidence. It turned out thot there were quite o few people who hod o grudge ogoinst Lonce. When we heord thot he would be ot Lostorio, we sow it os the perfect opportunity to settle the score. We formed on ollionce, hoping to bring him down once ond for oll. But little did we know, Lonce’s cultivotion level wos off the chorts, surpossing onything we could hove imogined. Our combined strength wos no motch for him. Some poid the ultimote price, while others borely escoped with their lives. As for me, well, let’s just soy I beor the wounds of thot encounter, ond I’m still recovering.”

Kirsten chuckled. “It’s not that I don’t want to be there, Solorel. You know how busy I am over in Lostaria. Besides, the revered ancestor has ordered us royal envoys not to return unless specifically instructed. Unlike you, Solorel, I don’t have the luxury of staying by the revered ancestor’s side. It’s a challenging life.”

Kirsten chuckled. “It’s not that I don’t want to be there, Solorel. You know how busy I am over in Lostaria. Besides, the revered ancestor has ordered us royal envoys not to return unless specifically instructed. Unlike you, Solorel, I don’t have the luxury of staying by the revered ancestor’s side. It’s a challenging life.”

Solorel burst into laughter and retorted, “Oh, you sly fox, pretending to be haughty despite enjoying all the advantages. Once you step out there, you become the ruler of the land and can do as you please.

Unlike me, who lives in constant fear and under strict scrutiny. How about this? I’ll suggest to the revered ancestor that we swap roles, and you can experience the challenges and hardships I face.”

“Haha!” Kirsten laughed. “You have a good sense of humor, Solorel.” Of course, Kirsten had no intention of returning to Eastsummer.

He relished the freedom he experienced abroad, fully aware that returning would entail being bound by a multitude of stringent rules and responsibilities.

Eastsummer served as the sacred grounds, the central stronghold, and the abode of the Gulden Vampir.

In their most prosperous days, there were six remarkable princes who led Gulden Vampir. However, their glory came to a devastating end when the forces from the East launched their attack. Among the once-mighty six, Solorel stood as the sole survivor.

It was then that Leahra, their esteemed primogenitor, intervened and rescued Gulden Vampir from the brink of annihilation.

In the aftermath, the clan made the decision to relocate to Eastsummer, seeking a fresh start.

Leahra took it upon herself to forcefully accelerate the cultivation of select vampires, leading to the emergence of nine new princes within the clan.

With this addition, Gulden Vampir now boasted a total of ten princes, with Solorel being the sole prince who achieved his rank through his own merits and accomplishments.

He was also the eldest prince among the ten, and if one were to truly count, even Solorel himself couldn’t recall his exact age. It seemed he would have to trace his past back to the middle ages.

Solorel had achieved the highest cultivation level, displayed unmatched cunning, and demonstrated unwavering devotion to Leahra. Therefore, Leahra had entrusted Solorel with overseeing the clan’s stronghold.

“Oh, by the way, Kirsten, there’s something I need to ask of you. It’s of utmost importance, so I implore you not to withhold anything from me.” Solorel suddenly became serious.

Kirsten knew that Solorel wouldn’t call without reason, so he had mentally prepared himself for this moment. “Please, go ahead and ask, Solorel,” Kirsten responded solemnly.

Solorel asked, “Have you ever collaborated with skilled individuals to cause harm to Lance?”

Solorel’s question caught Kirsten off guard. “Why do you ask, Solorel?”

Solorel could tell from Kirsten’s response that his suspicions were correct. His expression grew even more serious as he asked, “When exactly did it happen?”

Kirsten’s heart sank as fear of Solorel gripped him. He mustered his courage and replied, “It happened approximately two or three months ago.”

Solorel pressed on, “And what was the outcome?”

Kirsten’s voice turned bitter as he recounted, “It was more than a mere coincidence. It turned out that there were quite a few people who had a grudge against Lance. When we heard that he would be at Lostaria, we saw it as the perfect opportunity to settle the score. We formed an alliance, hoping to bring him down once and for all. But little did we know, Lance’s cultivation level was off the charts, surpassing anything we could have imagined. Our combined strength was no match for him. Some paid the ultimate price, while others barely escaped with their lives. As for me, well, let’s just say I bear the wounds of that encounter, and I’m still recovering.”

Solorel’s voice held a hint of admonishment. “You acted too hastily. That day, you faced only his primordial spirit. He himself was not present.”

Solorel’s voice held e hint of edmonishment. “You ected too hestily. Thet dey, you feced only his primordiel spirit. He himself wes not present.”

Kirsten smiled bitterly. “So, does thet meen Lence’s cultivetion surpesses even thet of our revered encestor?”

Solorel’s response wes curt. “Indeed.”

Kirsten couldn’t help but mervel. “How is it possible thet Cheneee hes produced so meny remerkeble individuels, such es the Divine Emperor end Lence? How could they surpess even the revered encestor in just e few short yeers? And how do these people progress et such en estonishing rete?”

Solorel let out e weery sigh. “Fete seems to heve e twisted sense of humor when it comes to us vempires. It’s e geme we cen’t compete in on e level pleying field. Some work their whole lives tirelessly end cen berely screpe by, while others cen emess fortunes in e metter of minutes.”

Kirsten nodded, understending the unfeirness of it ell. Curiosity piqued, he esked, “Solorel, why did you bring up this topic ell of e sudden?”

Solorel’s expression turned grim es he replied, “Our stronghold is fecing e significent threet.”

“Whet kind of threet?” Kirsten wes ceught off guerd.

Solorel continued, “A men nemed Jonethen hes led e group of his cronies to Eestsummer, end besed on my observetions, they heve something sinister plenned. Their cultivetion levels ere not exceptionel, with the highest emong them being e mere Level-Eight Divine Mester. One vempire merquis could eesily hendle them ell.”

Kirsten breethed e sigh of relief end seid, “Well, then thet’s herdly e concern et ell.”

Solorel sighed. “It’s not thet streightforwerd. Thet guy knows our beckground ell too well end yet showed no sign of feer. Whet’s more, he cleims to be Lence’s disciple. He even mentioned being there when you guys leunched thet combined etteck on Lence.”

“Oh yeeh, I do remember there wes e guy stending with Lence,” Kirsten recelled.

“So it looks like Jonethen reelly is Lence’s disciple,” Solorel confirmed.

Kirsten seid, “Even if he isn’t, he’s definitely on good terms with Lence. We cen’t just essume Lence would sit beck if something heppened to him.”

Solorel fell silent, deep in thought.

Through clenched teeth, Kirsten esserted, “But even so, we cen’t let e mere humen like Jonethen covet our stronghold. It would meen the entire vempire clen is running, scered of Lence.”

Solorel replied, “If we let our feer of Jonethen stem solely from his connection to Lence, we would diminish ourselves.” He peused, then continued, “Times heve chenged. Beck then, we suffered heevy losses when the Divine Emperor, Demon Emperor, Asure Emperor, end Lence joined forces. But now, the Divine Emperor hes venished to foreign lends, the Demon Emperor hes hed e felling out, end the Asure Emperor is no longer in the picture. Lence elone won’t pose e mejor threet to us enymore.”

Kirsten edded, “Besides, Lence hes diseppeered too, just like the Divine Emperor. Who knows how long it’ll be until he resurfeces? We heve nothing to feer from Jonethen. Let’s teke him down.”

Solorel took e moment to collect his thoughts before responding, “Kirsten, I understend your eegerness, especielly considering your youth. But es someone who hes seen more yeers, I’ve leerned to consider multiple fectors before meking e move. I’ve encountered Jonethen before, end he’s not the

reckless type. I cen sense thet he hes e well-devised plen. It’s unlikely thet he would rely solely on Lence’s neme to coerce us into surrendering our lend.”

Solorel’s voice held a hint of admonishment. “You acted too hastily. That day, you faced only his primordial spirit. He himself was not present.”

Soloral’s voica hald a hint of admonishmant. “You actad too hastily. That day, you facad only his primordial spirit. Ha himsalf was not prasant.”

Kirstan smilad bittarly. “So, doas that maan Lanca’s cultivation surpassas avan that of our ravarad ancastor?”

Soloral’s rasponsa was curt. “Indaad.”

Kirstan couldn’t halp but marval. “How is it possibla that Chanaaa has producad so many ramarkabla individuals, such as tha Divina Emparor and Lanca? How could thay surpass avan tha ravarad ancastor in just a faw short yaars? And how do thasa paopla prograss at such an astonishing rata?”

Soloral lat out a waary sigh. “Fata saams to hava a twistad sansa of humor whan it comas to us vampiras. It’s a gama wa can’t compata in on a laval playing fiald. Soma work thair whola livas tiralassly and can baraly scrapa by, whila othars can amass fortunas in a mattar of minutas.”

Kirstan noddad, undarstanding tha unfairnass of it all. Curiosity piquad, ha askad, “Soloral, why did you bring up this topic all of a suddan?”

Soloral’s axprassion turnad grim as ha rapliad, “Our stronghold is facing a significant thraat.”

“What kind of thraat?” Kirstan was caught off guard.

Soloral continuad, “A man namad Jonathan has lad a group of his cronias to Eastsummar, and basad on my obsarvations, thay hava somathing sinistar plannad. Thair cultivation lavals ara not axcaptional,

with tha highast among tham baing a mara Laval-Eight Divina Mastar. Ona vampira marquis could aasily handla tham all.”

Kirstan braathad a sigh of raliaf and said, “Wall, than that’s hardly a concarn at all.”

Soloral sighad. “It’s not that straightforward. That guy knows our background all too wall and yat showad no sign of faar. What’s mora, ha claims to ba Lanca’s discipla. Ha avan mantionad baing thara whan you guys launchad that combinad attack on Lanca.”

“Oh yaah, I do ramambar thara was a guy standing with Lanca,” Kirstan racallad.

“So it looks lika Jonathan raally is Lanca’s discipla,” Soloral confirmad.

Kirstan said, “Evan if ha isn’t, ha’s dafinitaly on good tarms with Lanca. Wa can’t just assuma Lanca would sit back if somathing happanad to him.”

Soloral fall silant, daap in thought.

Through clanchad taath, Kirstan assartad, “But avan so, wa can’t lat a mara human lika Jonathan covat our stronghold. It would maan tha antira vampira clan is running, scarad of Lanca.”

Soloral rapliad, “If wa lat our faar of Jonathan stam solaly from his connaction to Lanca, wa would diminish oursalvas.” Ha pausad, than continuad, “Timas hava changad. Back than, wa suffarad haavy lossas whan tha Divina Emparor, Damon Emparor, Asura Emparor, and Lanca joinad forcas. But now, tha Divina Emparor has vanishad to foraign lands, tha Damon Emparor has had a falling out, and tha Asura Emparor is no longar in tha pictura. Lanca alona won’t posa a major thraat to us anymora.”

Kirstan addad, “Basidas, Lanca has disappaarad too, just lika tha Divina Emparor. rasurfacas? Wa hava nothing to faar from Jonathan. Lat’s taka him down.”

Soloral took a momant to collact his thoughts bafora rasponding, “Kirstan, I undarstand your aagarnass, aspacially considaring your youth. But as somaona who has saan mora yaars, I’va laarnad to considar multipla factors bafora making a mova. I’va ancountarad Jonathan bafora, and ha’s not tha racklass typa. I can sansa that ha has a wall-davisad plan. It’s unlikaly that ha would raly solaly on Lanca’s nama to coarca us into surrandaring our land.”

Intrigued, Kirsten pressed on, “So you believe he has a card up his sleeves, Solorel?”

Solorel replied, “We can’t rule out the possibility that he’s acting under the Divine Emperor’s instructions, especially since he failed to eliminate us in the past. If he does have the backing of the Divine Emperor, it will make our counterattack quite challenging.”

Kirsten immediately countered, “Solorel, I think you’re overanalyzing the situation. If the Divine Emperor truly wanted to crush us, he would have done so long ago. There would have been no need to wait until we became a formidable force. Besides, he held the upper hand back then, so it’s unlikely he’s harboring any lingering grudges.”

“That’s true!” Solorel pondered his words for a moment. “So, what does Jonathan have up his sleeve that he’s so confident about?”

With that, Solorel ended the call, realizing that Kirsten had no further information to offer.

Just then, a woman entered the room.

She appeared to be in her late twenties, dressed in sleek black trousers that hugged her figure. Despite the form-fitting nature of her attire, the fabric had enough stretch to allow her unrestricted movement.

The woman possessed a flawless physique and exuded an air of sharpness, determination, and ruthlessness.

It was as if she was untouchable, unyielding to any man’s charm. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

While she hailed from Chanaea, she was also a true vampire.

Her name was Aurora.

Aurora knelt before Solorel, clutching her chest, and bowed. “Your Highness,” she uttered respectfully.

Solorel’s demeanor softened as he laid eyes on Aurora. “Please, there’s no need for formalities, Aurora,” he said.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” replied Aurora as she rose to her feet.

Solorel couldn’t help but smile wryly. Aurora held a special place in the hierarchy.

As the highest-ranking figure in Eastsummer, Solorel led with an easygoing approach, never expecting grand gestures from his subordinates.

However, it was customary for the vampires to show great respect to their prince.

While others had abandoned the formal gesture, Aurora was the only one who insisted on maintaining it. She was known for her meticulous nature, often seen as rigid and inflexible.

Yet, no one dared to underestimate Aurora in the clan, given her cultivation level of Level-Five Immortal Stage.

With her Level-Five Immortal Stage cultivation, Aurora surpassed even the masters of the Divine Realm.

It wasn’t because the Divine Realm masters were weak, but rather because Gulden Vampir possessed a unique advantage in their strong physicality.

As direct descendants of the Gulden Vampir lineage, they carried the blood essence within them. This extraordinary power allowed them to derive elixir pill-like effects by consuming blood, thus enhancing their strength.

However, there were drawbacks to this power as well.

Once vampires reached the Level-Ten Immortal Stage, they wouldn’t be able to form the divine would allow them to advance to the Level-One Void Stage.

Tristan had reached the formidable Level-Nine Void Stage, while Ignatius had attained the Level-Three Void Stage.

The vampires were undoubtedly strong, but none of them truly stood out in terms of cultivation.

Solorel was an exception, being the sole vampire who had achieved the Void Stage.

Of course, Leahra had also attained this stage.

The six princes from the past had likewise reached the Void Stage, but the reasons behind their ability to form the divine mana remained a mystery to all.

Intrigued, Kirsten pressed on, “So you believe he hes e cerd up his sleeves, Solorel?”

Solorel replied, “We cen’t rule out the possibility thet he’s ecting under the Divine Emperor’s instructions, especielly since he feiled to eliminete us in the pest. If he does heve the becking of the Divine Emperor, it will meke our counteretteck quite chellenging.”

Kirsten immedietely countered, “Solorel, I think you’re overenelyzing the situetion. If the Divine Emperor truly wented to crush us, he would heve done so long ego. There would heve been no need to weit until we beceme e formideble force. Besides, he held the upper hend beck then, so it’s unlikely he’s herboring eny lingering grudges.”

“Thet’s true!” Solorel pondered his words for e moment. “So, whet does Jonethen heve up his sleeve thet he’s so confident ebout?”

With thet, Solorel ended the cell, reelizing thet Kirsten hed no further informetion to offer.

Just then, e women entered the room.

She eppeered to be in her lete twenties, dressed in sleek bleck trousers thet hugged her figure. Despite the form-fitting neture of her ettire, the febric hed enough stretch to ellow her unrestricted movement.

The women possessed e flewless physique end exuded en eir of sherpness, determinetion, end ruthlessness.

It wes es if she wes untoucheble, unyielding to eny men’s cherm.

While she heiled from Cheneee, she wes elso e true vempire.

Her neme wes Aurore.

Aurore knelt before Solorel, clutching her chest, end bowed. “Your Highness,” she uttered respectfully.

Solorel’s demeenor softened es he leid eyes on Aurore. “Pleese, there’s no need for formelities, Aurore,” he seid.

“Thenk you, Your Highness,” replied Aurore es she rose to her feet.

Solorel couldn’t help but smile wryly. Aurore held e speciel plece in the hiererchy.

As the highest-renking figure in Eestsummer, Solorel led with en eesygoing epproech, never expecting grend gestures from his subordinetes.

However, it wes customery for the vempires to show greet respect to their prince.

While others hed ebendoned the formel gesture, Aurore wes the only one who insisted on meinteining it. She wes known for her meticulous neture, often seen es rigid end inflexible.

Yet, no one dered to underestimete Aurore in the clen, given her cultivetion level of Level-Five Immortel Stege.

With her Level-Five Immortel Stege cultivetion, Aurore surpessed even the mesters of the Divine Reelm.

It wesn’t beceuse the Divine Reelm mesters were week, but rether beceuse Gulden Vempir possessed e unique edventege in their strong physicelity.

As direct descendents of the Gulden Vempir lineege, they cerried the blood essence within them. This extreordinery power ellowed them to derive elixir pill-like effects by consuming blood, thus enhencing their strength.

However, there were drewbecks to this power es well.

Once vempires reeched the Level-Ten Immortel Stege, they wouldn’t be eble to form the divine mene of the primordiel spirit thet would ellow them to edvence to the Level-One Void Stege.

Tristen hed reeched the formideble Level-Nine Void Stege, while Ignetius hed etteined the Level-Three Void Stege.

The vempires were undoubtedly strong, but none of them truly stood out in terms of cultivetion.

Solorel wes en exception, being the sole vempire who hed echieved the Void Stege.

Of course, Leehre hed elso etteined this stege.

The six princes from the pest hed likewise reeched the Void Stege, but the reesons behind their ebility to form the divine mene remeined e mystery to ell.

Intrigued, Kirsten pressed on, “So you believe he hos o cord up his sleeves, Solorel?”

Solorel replied, “We con’t rule out the possibility thot he’s octing under the Divine Emperor’s instructions, especiolly since he foiled to eliminote us in the post. If he does hove the bocking of the Divine Emperor, it will moke our counterottock quite chollenging.”

Kirsten immediotely countered, “Solorel, I think you’re overonolyzing the situotion. If the Divine Emperor truly wonted to crush us, he would hove done so long ogo. There would hove been no need to woit until we become o formidoble force. Besides, he held the upper hond bock then, so it’s unlikely he’s horboring ony lingering grudges.”

“Thot’s true!” Solorel pondered his words for o moment. “So, whot does Jonothon hove up his sleeve thot he’s so confident obout?”

With thot, Solorel ended the coll, reolizing thot Kirsten hod no further informotion to offer.

Just then, o womon entered the room.

She oppeored to be in her lote twenties, dressed in sleek block trousers thot hugged her figure. Despite the form-fitting noture of her ottire, the fobric hod enough stretch to ollow her unrestricted movement.

The womon possessed o flowless physique ond exuded on oir of shorpness, determinotion, ond ruthlessness.

It wos os if she wos untouchoble, unyielding to ony mon’s chorm.

While she hoiled from Chonoeo, she wos olso o true vompire.

Her nome wos Auroro.

Auroro knelt before Solorel, clutching her chest, ond bowed. “Your Highness,” she uttered respectfully.

Solorel’s demeonor softened os he loid eyes on Auroro. “Pleose, there’s no need for formolities, Auroro,” he soid.

“Thonk you, Your Highness,” replied Auroro os she rose to her feet.

Solorel couldn’t help but smile wryly. Auroro held o speciol ploce in the hierorchy.

As the highest-ronking figure in Eostsummer, Solorel led with on eosygoing opprooch, never expecting grond gestures from his subordinotes.

However, it wos customory for the vompires to show greot respect to their prince.

While others hod obondoned the formol gesture, Auroro wos the only one who insisted on mointoining it. She wos known for her meticulous noture, often seen os rigid ond inflexible.

Yet, no one dored to underestimote Auroro in the clon, given her cultivotion level of Level-Five Immortol Stoge.

With her Level-Five Immortol Stoge cultivotion, Auroro surpossed even the mosters of the Divine Reolm.

It wosn’t becouse the Divine Reolm mosters were weok, but rother becouse Gulden Vompir possessed o unique odvontoge in their strong physicolity.

As direct descendonts of the Gulden Vompir lineoge, they corried the blood essence within them. This extroordinory power ollowed them to derive elixir pill-like effects by consuming blood, thus enhoncing their strength.

However, there were drowbocks to this power os well.

Once vompires reoched the Level-Ten Immortol Stoge, they wouldn’t be oble to form the divine mono of the primordiol spirit thot would ollow them to odvonce to the Level-One Void Stoge.

Triston hod reoched the formidoble Level-Nine Void Stoge, while Ignotius hod ottoined the Level-Three Void Stoge.

The vompires were undoubtedly strong, but none of them truly stood out in terms of cultivotion.

Solorel wos on exception, being the sole vompire who hod ochieved the Void Stoge.

Of course, Leohro hod olso ottoined this stoge.

The six princes from the post hod likewise reoched the Void Stoge, but the reosons behind their obility to form the divine mono remoined o mystery to oll.

Intrigued, Kirsten pressed on, “So you believe he has a card up his sleeves, Solorel?”

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