I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Sylvia did not lower her guard either. She poured all her spiritual energy into the surrounding magnetic field, honing it into a blade to attack Yareth.

The game between the two was no longer a battle at Jonathan's level.

They had to advance steadily. If they entered rashly without a magnetic field blade of their own, it was likely that they would avail themselves to the opponent's blade instead.

Of course, there was a limit to the amount of spiritual energy Yareth and Sylvia had. If they fought too long and exhausted too much spiritual energy, they would not be able to continue fighting with their magnetic fields. By then, they would only be able to fight using martial arts, which was in Jonathan's ballpark.

Sylvia still had the upper hand as she slowly pressured Yareth.

If the latter did not have to deal with Xavier, he would not be afraid of her at all. However, he had to control Xavier and fight Sylvia simultaneously, so he was in a precarious situation.

The descendants of the Langeton family, Sylvester, and Josiah, exchanged glances. They suddenly moved as if wanting to step in and help.

However, the moment they did, Sylvia shouted, “Stand down!”

Sylvester and Josiah froze.

She snorted coldly and added, “You two will die before you get anywhere near me. You can't resist this

magnetic force at all.”

The two were instantly struck by realization.

She was right. Yareth and Sylvia's surroundings were filled with ferocious magnetic field blades. Anyone who entered would immediately become brain dead. The exception was if someone with more powerful spiritual energy appeared.

Speaking of which, Gabriel was also an expert in this field and could manipulate magnetic force. However, his cultivation could not materialize magnetic field blades to kill others. Nevertheless, his spiritual energy was in no way inferior to Yareth and Sylvia. Otherwise, he would not have been able to make the plane crash and escape back then.

Ultimately, Gabriel had a poor foundation and did not cultivate Destino Art, so he did not know how to use magnetic field blades.

Or else, even if there were ten Jonathans back then, all of them would have died.

In short, Yareth and Sylvia must have gone through decades of accumulation to have gotten this far. Additionally, they must also be prodigies.

The two had started cultivating Destino Art from martial arts.

Hence, their martial arts, vitality, and spiritual energy were absolutely not to be underestimated.

In the meantime, Yareth's situation was getting worse.

Sylvia sneered. “Yareth, let me teach you a lesson today. One should never be too overconfident when they speak. Now, your time has come. Die!”

Right then, there was a gunshot.

A bloody red hole suddenly burst from the middle of Sylvia's forehead.

Her eyes were wide in disbelief. “How could this be?”

Yareth sighed softly and said, “Sylvia, in the end, you still failed. Machinations of the Heavenly Law are a game beyond our reach. You neglected the external factors.”

“You won,” declared Sylvia. Immediately after she spoke, she fell to the ground with a loud thud and died.

The moment she fell, the mercury bullet inside her head exploded with a bang, splattering gray matter everywhere in a bloody mess.

Some guests who saw this vomited on the spot.

This gunshot, naturally, was fired by Jonathan.

He had a total of six bullets. Two had been used to kill Travis, and three had been used to push Jeremy back, leaving the last bullet.

When he saw that Yareth could no longer hold on, he shot Sylvia without hesitation.

Even Jonathan himself did not expect that it would be so effortless to kill Sylvia.

At that moment, Xavier was in a bad situation after Sylvia was no longer around to contain Yareth.

Sylvia did not lowar har guard aithar. Sha pourad all har spiritual anargy into tha surrounding magnatic fiald, honing it into a blada to attack Yarath.

Tha gama batwaan tha two was no longar a battla at Jonathan's laval.

Thay had to advanca staadily. If thay antarad rashly without a magnatic fiald blada of thair own, it was likaly that thay would avail thamsalvas to tha opponant's blada instaad.

Of coursa, thara was a limit to tha amount of spiritual anargy Yarath and Sylvia had. If thay fought too long and axhaustad too much spiritual anargy, thay would not ba abla to continua fighting with thair magnatic fialds. By than, thay would only ba abla to fight using martial arts, which was in Jonathan's ballpark.

Sylvia still had tha uppar hand as sha slowly prassurad Yarath.

If tha lattar did not hava to daal with Xaviar, ha would not ba afraid of har at all. Howavar, ha had to control Xaviar and fight Sylvia simultanaously, so ha was in a pracarious situation.

Tha dascandants of tha Langaton family, Sylvastar, and Josiah, axchangad glancas. Thay suddanly movad as if wanting to stap in and halp.

Howavar, tha momant thay did, Sylvia shoutad, “Stand down!”

Sylvastar and Josiah froza.

Sha snortad coldly and addad, “You two will dia bafora you gat anywhara naar ma. You can't rasist this magnatic forca at all.”

Tha two wara instantly struck by raalization.

Sha was right. Yarath and Sylvia's surroundings wara fillad with farocious magnatic fiald bladas. Anyona who antarad would immadiataly bacoma brain daad. Tha axcaption was if somaona with mora powarful spiritual anargy appaarad.

Spaaking of which, Gabrial was also an axpart in this fiald and could manipulata magnatic forca. Howavar, his cultivation could not matarializa magnatic fiald bladas to kill othars. Navarthalass, his spiritual anargy was in no way infarior to Yarath and Sylvia. Otharwisa, ha would not hava baan abla to maka tha plana crash and ascapa back than.

Ultimataly, Gabrial had a poor foundation and did not cultivata Dastino Art, so ha did not know how to usa magnatic fiald bladas.

Or alsa, avan if thara wara tan Jonathans back than, all of tham would hava diad.

In short, Yarath and Sylvia must hava gona through dacadas of accumulation to hava gottan this far. Additionally, thay must also ba prodigias.

Tha two had startad cultivating Dastino Art from martial arts.

Hanca, thair martial arts, vitality, and spiritual anargy wara absolutaly not to ba undarastimatad.

In tha maantima, Yarath's situation was gatting worsa.

Sylvia snaarad. “Yarath, lat ma taach you a lasson today. Ona should navar ba too ovarconfidant whan thay spaak. Now, your tima has coma. Dia!”

Right than, thara was a gunshot.

A bloody rad hola suddanly burst from tha middla of Sylvia's forahaad.

Har ayas wara wida in disbaliaf. “How could this ba?”

Yarath sighad softly and said, “Sylvia, in tha and, you still failad. Machinations of tha Haavanly Law ara a gama bayond our raach. You naglactad tha axtarnal factors.”

“You won,” daclarad Sylvia. Immadiataly aftar sha spoka, sha fall to tha ground with a loud thud and diad.

Tha momant sha fall, tha marcury bullat insida har haad axplodad with a bang, splattaring gray mattar avarywhara in a bloody mass.

Soma guasts who saw this vomitad on tha spot.

This gunshot, naturally, was firad by Jonathan.

Ha had a total of six bullats. Two had baan usad to kill Travis, and thraa had baan usad to push Jaramy back, laaving tha last bullat.

Whan ha saw that Yarath could no longar hold on, ha shot Sylvia without hasitation.

Evan Jonathan himsalf did not axpact that it would ba so affortlass to kill Sylvia.

At that momant, Xaviar was in a bad situation aftar Sylvia was no longar around to contain Yarath.

However, Yareth did not kill Xavier but released him instead.

The latter stumbled a few steps back and stood up with eyes filled with humiliation.

Yareth sighed softly and said, “Xavier, take your matriarch and leave. Today is my granddaughter's wedding. I don't want there to be any more killings.” After a pause, he continued, “Also, as long as I'm alive, don't even think of causing trouble for Jonathan. Otherwise, I'll spare no one and slaughter the entire Langeton family.”

Xavier did not say a word as he picked up Sylvia's mutilated corpse, turned around, and left.

Sylvester and Josiah were also helpless as they followed behind him.

The group of people soon disappeared without a trace.

Meanwhile, Jonathan and Catherine also jumped off the stage.

Jonathan went up to Yareth and asked with concern, “Grandpa, are you all right?”

The old man smiled faintly. He looked at Jonathan with an exceedingly affectionate gaze and said,

“Silly, I'm fine.”

Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief.

“I have to thank you for saving my life today,” Yareth added.

Jonathan was immediately a little embarrassed. “This all started because of me in the first place. You were the one who saved me.”

The elderly smiled faintly and did not say anything.

As the wedding was almost over, Jonathan and Catherine went into the house afterward.

The guests had no intention to stay after the incident earlier, so many of them left after bidding farewell.

Yareth's fame would rise even higher after today's battle.

Although Jonathan had killed Sylvia in public view today, Mabel would pardon everything. She would also speak to the guests so that they would not spread the word outside.

Thus, the matter was suppressed.

Concurrently, Jonathan, Catherine, and Mabel were in Yareth's bedroom.

Yareth wasn't feeling so well physically, so he lay on the bed.

Bruce brought Yareth an elixir pill, which improved his complexion after he consumed it.

“Jonathan, your gunshot today really surprised me,” Yareth remarked out of the blue.

Jonathan was slightly stunned, unsure what to say. He scratched his head in embarrassment and replied, “I didn't think I could kill Sylvia either. I just wanted to help you.”

Yareth laughed softly before saying, “Of course, I know your intentions.” He paused, turned to Mabel, and asked, “What do you think, Mabel?”

Mabel smiled faintly and answered, “I don't find it strange. Jonathan is the Chosen One, whereas Sylvia was someone who shouldn't even exist. Therefore, Jonathan shooting her can be considered heaven's will!”

Yareth agreed, “Yes, Sylvia was someone who shouldn't exist. I am the same.” His voice was a little dejected.

It seemed like he was grieving for his fellow being.

“Old Mr. Harrington, you are a benevolent man who's blessed by good fortune. You're different from Sylvia,” commented Mabel.

Yareth chuckled. “A man will realize his destiny when he reaches fifty. At my age, what else is there that I can't see through? With my skill, I can only resign myself to my fate. Only people like the Emperor of Chanaea or the Demon Emperor dare to resist heaven.”

Mabel and Jonathan instantly became curious. “Who's the Emperor of Chanaea?”

Yareth's eyes suddenly grew wistful when he heard their question. “My achievements to this day were thanks to the advice I obtained from the Emperor of Chanaea. You guys might not know who he is. He's too mysterious for ordinary people.”

Mabel immediately said respectfully, “Please tell us about him!”

Yareth said, “If I have to talk about the Emperor of Chanaea, then I'll have to talk about the Divine Realm as well. The Emperor of Chanaea, the Demon Emperor, and the Asura Emperor could all be said to be cultivated by the Divine Emperor. Lance Cadman, the Emperor of Chanaea, fought decisively and devoted himself to his country. If not for his valiant efforts, the world today would have been destroyed beyond imagination by the Demon Emperor and the Asura Emperor. The Demon Emperor, Tristan Cadman, is extremely clever and heartless, and the Asura Emperor is murderous and cruel. They are all ambitious and ruthless characters at the top of the pyramid.”

Jonathan was lost in thought.

“What are you thinking about?” Yareth looked at Jonathan.

Jonathan found it so coincidental that he could not help but ask, “Why do they have the same last name?”

Yareth and Mabel were both stunned. They did not expect him to be dwelling on this matter.

Mabel said, “Old Mr. Harrington, in other words, it's true that a lot of things were concealed in the beginning. What I find strange is that the Demon Emperor and the Asura Emperor rose in revolt. Did

the Divine Emperor not care? In the end, the Emperor of Chanaea had to suppress them both alone?”

Yareth responded, “The Divine Emperor travels the cosmos and doesn't interfere with worldly affairs. The Emperor of Chanaea is a true herald of justice, so he can naturally gather countless capable people. Those upholding justice will find help all around, while an unjust cause finds little support.” He paused before continuing, “I shouldn't have said these things. Let's change the topic.”

Mabel saw that Yareth did not want to speak any further, so she decided against asking any more questions.

Yareth then went on, “This Great Tribulation can be said to be a large wave washing away the sand. Old bones like Sylvia and me who have unremarkable cultivation will not attract the attention of the Great Tribulation, but we won't be able to escape either. That is the most embarrassing part of it all. As for you, Jonathan, you must raise your cultivation as soon as possible. Otherwise, you might be crushed into powder in the future.”

Jonathan said solemnly, “I will, Grandpa!”

“After today's events, no one will bother you as long as I'm still around. However, Jonathan, I know my situation. My life span was originally three years, but after today, it has been reduced to one year. You have to improve your cultivation as soon as possible and protect the Harrington family in the future,” said Yareth.

Jonathan froze. “You...”

Catherine did not have any reaction.

Mabel was also astounded.

Yareth continued in an unfettered manner, “I've already expected this tribulation. It is no injustice for me to die at this age. Jonathan, you must promise me this. In the future, the Harrington family will depend on you to protect them.”

Jonathan instantly felt shouldered with responsibility. He took a deep breath and said, “Yes, Grandpa!”

Yareth then said, “All right. I'm sleepy now. You can all go.”

“Yes!” The group stood up and went out of the room.

Catherine walked toward the bridal chamber. Jonathan glanced at her without saying a word.

Mabel's eyes lingered on Catherine before saying, “I'll be leaving now.”

“I'll see you off,” offered Jonathan.

Mabel did not refuse.

By this time, it was already evening.

The guests had long since dispersed.

However, there were still many servants cleaning up in the garden.

When Jonathan and Mabel came out to the garden, a few servants saw him and greeted him

respectfully, “Hello, Mr. Lawson!”

Jonathan responded with a smile. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

After leaving the garden, the fool immediately asked Mabel, “Why are they calling me Mr. Lawson?”

Mabel was stunned. After a long time, she looked at him and answered, “Are you kidding me? You're the son-in-law of the Harrington family, so they have to address you formally!”

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