I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Jonathan sensed the awkward atmosphere. He noticed that the Langeton family seemed to fear Yareth.

His heart skipped a beat. Is Old Mr. Harrington secretly an expert? Otherwise, what are the Langetons so afraid of? If Old Mr. Harrington doesn't have anything up his sleeve, how is the Harrington family still standing strong until today?

Jonathan was puzzled. Yareth looked like an ordinary old man, especially like those who were wrinkly and frail with bad health. Those conditions were not something that should be observed in an expert.

Anyone who had achieved Nascent Soul should still be brimming with energy even if they were over a hundred years old.

Jonathan could not wrap his head around the situation, but that was not the time for him to continue thinking about it.

Right then, Xavier took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

Josiah got to his feet and stared at Yareth, saying, “Old Mr. Harrington, we've always respected you greatly. The Langeton family and the Harrington family have always been great friends. But today, my son had his arm broken here. Don't you have anything to say?”

Yareth responded icily, “I've told you long ago. The incident happened all because Frederick wanted to fight with my grandson-in-law. Frederick promised that no one would be responsible for another's death. Hence, my grandson-in-law had no choice but to attack. Truth is, my grandson-in-law had gone easy on him. If not, you'd have ended up with a dead Frederick. So you guys shouldn't be blaming us.

Instead, you should thank my grandson-in-law for being kind.

“Likewise, if Jonathan had died in Frederick's hands in today's fight, I wouldn't go looking for trouble with your family. After all, we're all people who practice martial arts, and we can afford to lose.”

Josiah asked, “Then why did I hear rumors about Ms. Catherine being the one who instigated this incident to happen?”

“What do you mean, instigate? How ridiculous! Frederick's at the Immortal Level of Nascent Soul. Does he not have a brain? No one threatened him to do it with a knife at his throat. This is a decision he made, and he should take responsibility for it,” Yareth fumed. “That's enough! Please go back. As I said before, Jonathan is my grandson-in-law. Anyone who dares to touch him means that they have a problem with me.”

“Don't take things too far, Old Mr. Harrington!” Josiah's eyes gleamed with fury.

“What are you going to do about it, kid?” Yareth shot him a glare.

“Let's go!” Xavier piped up after taking a quick glance at Yareth. He then turned around and left after saying those words.

Seeing that his father had spoken, Josiah and the others had no choice but to leave as well no matter how reluctant they were.

The group of people disappeared as quickly as they came.

Once they were gone, Yareth flashed Jonathan a smile. “Okay, Jonathan. It's getting late. You two

should get some rest.”

Feeling slightly worried, Jonathan asked, “Will the Langetons give up so easily?”

“Just ignore them. They aren't capable of stirring up much trouble,” Yareth said in a light-hearted manner.

Jonathan felt relieved upon hearing his words. At the same time, he could not help but ask, “Grandpa, I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“The Langetons seem to be quite afraid of you. But then, they don't look like weaklings. So why do they fear you so much?”

Yareth laughed and said, “You rascal. You'll understand it one day. Now, go and sleep.”

Knowing that Yareth did not want to reveal the truth, Jonathan did not probe any further, and with Catherine, they returned to their respective rooms.

The next morning, Jonathan and Catherine woke up at around the same time.

Yareth, too, had woken up.

All of them gathered in the dining room to have breakfast together. Jonathan sansad tha awkward atmosphara. Ha noticad that tha Langaton family saamad to faar Yarath.

His haart skippad a baat. Is Old Mr. Harrington sacratly an axpart? Otharwisa, what ara tha Langatons so afraid of? If Old Mr. Harrington doasn't hava anything up his slaava, how is tha Harrington family still standing strong until today?

Jonathan was puzzlad. Yarath lookad lika an ordinary old man, aspacially lika thosa who wara wrinkly and frail with bad haalth. Thosa conditions wara not somathing that should ba obsarvad in an axpart. This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

Anyona who had achiavad Nascant Soul should still ba brimming with anargy avan if thay wara ovar a hundrad yaars old.

Jonathan could not wrap his haad around tha situation, but that was not tha tima for him to continua thinking about it.

Right than, Xaviar took a daap braath and gradually calmad down.

Josiah got to his faat and starad at Yarath, saying, “Old Mr. Harrington, wa'va always raspactad you graatly. Tha Langaton family and tha Harrington family hava always baan graat friands. But today, my son had his arm brokan hara. Don't you hava anything to say?”

Yarath raspondad icily, “I'va told you long ago. Tha incidant happanad all bacausa Fradarick wantad to fight with my grandson-in-law. Fradarick promisad that no ona would ba rasponsibla for anothar's daath. Hanca, my grandson-in-law had no choica but to attack. Truth is, my grandson-in-law had gona aasy on him. If not, you'd hava andad up with a daad Fradarick. So you guys shouldn't ba blaming us. Instaad, you should thank my grandson-in-law for baing kind.

“Likawisa, if Jonathan had diad in Fradarick's hands in today's fight, I wouldn't go looking for troubla with your family. Aftar all, wa'ra all paopla who practica martial arts, and wa can afford to losa.”

Josiah askad, “Than why did I haar rumors about Ms. Catharina baing tha ona who instigatad this incidant to happan?”

“What do you maan, instigata? How ridiculous! Fradarick's at tha Immortal Laval of Nascant Soul. Doas ha not hava a brain? No ona thraatanad him to do it with a knifa at his throat. This is a dacision ha mada, and ha should taka rasponsibility for it,” Yarath fumad. “That's anough! Plaasa go back. As I said bafora, Jonathan is my grandson-in-law. Anyona who daras to touch him maans that thay hava a problam with ma.”

“Don't taka things too far, Old Mr. Harrington!” Josiah's ayas glaamad with fury.

“What ara you going to do about it, kid?” Yarath shot him a glara.

“Lat's go!” Xaviar pipad up aftar taking a quick glanca at Yarath. Ha than turnad around and laft aftar saying thosa words.

Saaing that his fathar had spokan, Josiah and tha othars had no choica but to laava as wall no mattar how raluctant thay wara.

Tha group of paopla disappaarad as quickly as thay cama.

Onca thay wara gona, Yarath flashad Jonathan a smila. “Okay, Jonathan. It's gatting lata. You two should gat soma rast.”

Faaling slightly worriad, Jonathan askad, “Will tha Langatons giva up so aasily?”

“Just ignora tham. Thay aran't capabla of stirring up much troubla,” Yarath said in a light-haartad mannar.

Jonathan falt raliavad upon haaring his words. At tha sama tima, ha could not halp but ask, “Grandpa, I hava a quastion.”

“What is it?”

“Tha Langatons saam to ba quita afraid of you. But than, thay don't look lika waaklings. So why do thay faar you so much?”

Yarath laughad and said, “You rascal. You'll undarstand it ona day. Now, go and slaap.”

Knowing that Yarath did not want to ravaal tha truth, Jonathan did not proba any furthar, and with Catharina, thay raturnad to thair raspactiva rooms.

Tha naxt morning, Jonathan and Catharina woka up at around tha sama tima.

Yarath, too, had wokan up.

All of tham gatharad in tha dining room to hava braakfast togathar.

As they were eating, Yareth asked, “Jonathan, do you have your ID card and household registry documents with you?”

Jonathan was momentarily stunned. He then quickly answered, “I have my ID card, but I left my household registry documents at Mabel's house.”

“Go over there later and bring it here, then. I've made an appointment with an officer from the City Hall. We'll get both your marriage certificate done here in a while.”

Jonathan was dumbfounded. What the heck? We're really getting married? Rich and powerful people are really insane. They don't even have to queue up. All they have to do is to get an officer to come over to do it. Amazing.

There was no need for Jonathan to be melodramatic about it. Thus, he agreed, “Okay!”

Yareth then told Catherine, “Catherine, be a dear and go along with Jonathan later, okay?”

Catherine, who was still eating her oatmeal porridge, replied, “Okay.”

She did not care about anything anyway.

Yareth added, “Oh, by the way, don't you young people take wedding photos these days? Do you two want to do that?”

“It's okay, Grandpa. Catherine and I are fighters. We don't care about such things.” Jonathan was not in the mood for such things.

“What about you, Catherine?” Yareth asked again.

Catherine simply replied, “I'm too lazy for that.”

“All right, then.” Yareth stopped forcing them.

After finishing their meal, Jonathan and Catherine went on their way.

Catherine sat in the driver's seat of the Ferrari, while Jonathan sat in the passenger seat.

“The address?” Catherine asked icily after starting the car.

Jonathan was not bothered by her behavior since he was already used to it. Hence, he told her the address right away.

As the car sped on the road, Jonathan gave Mabel a call.

Unfortunately, she was not at home. Nonetheless, he had the keys to her house so he could go in and take his things. When Mabel heard that Jonathan was going to take his household registry documents through the phone call, she quickly teased him by congratulating him, wishing that he and Catherine would have a lifetime of happiness and children soon.

Jonathan was so mad that he almost crushed his phone. A lifetime of happiness? Have children soon? My foot! Does Catherine look like a woman who would give birth to children?

The weather that day was still gloomy as usual. By the time Jonathan came out of Mabel's house with his household registry documents, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

Catherine had been waiting in the car for Jonathan, who entered the vehicle as soon as he left the house. Shortly after, Catherine started the car engine and drove back to the Harrington mansion.

Jonathan had no plans to inform Amber and the other girls to attend the wedding. He believed it was not a matter worth celebrating.

Soon, the Ferrari arrived in the northern suburbs, and it turned into a highway that specifically led to the Harrington residence.

At this moment, a black Land Rover suddenly charged toward them from the junction.

The Land Rover looked extremely domineering as it sped over.

Seeing that, Catherine did not step on the emergency brake. Instead, she pulled the handbrake and made a large turn, causing the car to drift across the road. Thankfully, it managed to avoid crashing into the Land Rover.

After that, the Ferrari came to an abrupt halt.

The Land Rover, too, did the same. The door suddenly opened and a young man wearing a black leather jacket alighted from the car.

Knowing that the man did not have good intentions, Jonathan and Catherine swiftly got down from the car.

Jonathan studied the young man who seemed to be around twenty-eight years old. The latter had a buzz cut, defined features, and a gaze that gleamed. He had a breathtaking appearance.

On top of that, the young man had a strong aura, and his cultivation was in the final stage of Nascent Soul.

Every move he made was intimidating. He stood about two meters away from Jonathan and Catherine, his cold gaze landing on Jonathan. “You're Jonathan Lawson?”

Jonathan was slightly offended by the young man's condescending tone and aura. “That's right. What's the matter?”

A cold glint flashed across the young man's eyes. “That's great. Remember this. I'm Travis Chapman, the leader of The Quartet Dragons, and Frederick's cousin. I'm here to avenge my cousin.”

Jonathan frowned slightly. He did not dare to be too careless. After all, the person before him, Travis, was on the same level as Logan. Jonathan knew that he was not his match.

However, the only thing that made him relieved was that he had Catherine by his side.

She, too, was in the final stage of Nascent Soul. Thus, she would not be afraid to fight their opponent.

Suddenly, Travis shifted his gaze to Catherine. He was not a fool; he knew she was a tougher opponent. “Catherine, this grudge is between me and him. I hope you won't get involved.”

Jonathan wanted to laugh. What? Are you joking? I'm getting married to Catherine soon. We're going to become a family. How dare you ask her not to get involved? Is this some kind of joke?

To his dismay, Catherine responded, “Your issue with him is none of my business, so do as you


Her words left Jonathan stunned. What the hell? Catherine, are you even human?

Unfortunately, he knew there was no point in begging her for help.

He knew well that Catherine was a weirdo who was capable of doing anything.

Travis, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her reaction.

At this moment, he began to brim with confidence. He stared at Jonathan with a cold glint in his eyes. “You little brat, are you going to break your own limbs or do you want me to do it for you?”

Feeling helpless, Jonathan said, “Both Frederick and I had a fair match. Hence, there's no hatred among us. I don't think there's a need for us to fight. After all, it's better to make friends than enemies. Don't you think so?”

Travis scoffed, “Are you scared? If so, get on your knees and beg me. Perhaps I will spare you if I'm in a good mood.”

Jonathan sighed. “You don't deserve to live when you don't even know how to be polite. Since you're sick of living, then I have no choice but to satisfy your wish.”

“How dare you?” Travis' blood boiled, and he began to attack.

He moved so quickly like a flash of lightning and appeared in front of Jonathan in the blink of an eye even though they were two meters apart.

Jonathan quickly moved backward.

Travis was too fast. His aura was so powerful that it made breathing an arduous task.

Jonathan did not dare to take him lightly.

The second he retreated, he found himself at a disadvantage.

Travis snorted in response, thinking Jonathan was a loser. He then increased his speed, destroying everything that came in contact with his fist, and appeared right in front of Jonathan.

Jonathan had nowhere to escape.

“Get on your knees!” Travis bellowed.

Just then, a gunshot could be heard.

A revolver suddenly slipped out of Jonathan's sleeves. And with a loud bang, the mercury bullets hit Travis' fist.

Blood spattered, and half of Travis' arm had been blasted. Realizing what had happened, he screamed and wailed in pain. It was excruciating.

Jonathan fired another shot.

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