I Am Unstoppable

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

Jonathan and Jennifer stayed quiet.

Just then, Amber tugged at Jonathan, murmuring, “Bianca is under control now, so we're not in danger anymore, right?”

Taken aback by her question, Jonathan paused briefly before answering, “Aaron is of concern to us as well. He ganged up with Bianca to poison you. It seems like this old man is quite irrational too. Regardless of that, things have become easier now that Bianca is under control.”

Amber asked, “So does that mean you no longer have to marry the daughter of the Harrington family?”

Jonathan was at a loss for words. The current situation is in utter chaos. Now that Logan is captured, and I've also helped Mabel get rid of Ezekiel, I'm sure Jeremy will not let this slide. Without protection, I'll surely be dead if I come across Jeremy later on.

Jonathan felt completely lost, and things seemed to get increasingly complicated the more he thought about it.

Meanwhile, Amber gazed at Jonathan with glinting eyes, waiting for his response eagerly.

Jonathan merely sighed and answered, “Amber, my marriage will never affect our friendship in any way. I'll always see you as my best friend, comrade, and soulmate.”

The twinkle in Amber's eyes dimmed. “So you're still getting married to a stranger.” She paused briefly before continuing, “I'm just... I know what you're like. I just don't want to see you torturing yourself.”

“Well, I don't have much of a choice, do I?”

Those words concluded Jonathan's current circumstances.

One hour later, they received news from Mabel. Bianca was not captured, as she had escaped beforehand.

It was as if she had vanished into thin air, and it was impossible to find her.

Jonathan was not surprised to hear about it. He already had a notion that things would not be as smooth sailing.

After their dinner at Vipod Residence, Mabel called again. This time, he called Jonathan instead of reporting to Arthur like earlier.

Over the phone, Mabel informed, “I'm picking you up now.”

Loath to remain at Vipod Residence, Jonathan replied, “Okay!”

He felt uneasy, mainly because the four women were all there, making the atmosphere rather awkward. Besides, Arthur was a man of commanding presence.

Therefore, Jonathan felt more at ease at Mabel's house.

Half an hour later, Mabel arrived. After dropping in for a chat with Arthur, she left with Jonathan.

Before leaving, Mabel reassured again, “Old Mr. Johnson, Jonathan and I are dealing with this matter.

Don't worry about it. We'll definitely give you a satisfactory answer.”

Nodding, Arthur replied, “Okay. Go ahead.”

After exiting Vipod Residence, Jonathan stretched his body in the passenger seat while Mabel drove.

At night, Yaleview was lit up by an endless row of bright neon signs on the majestic bridge faraway, and its air was filled with frost.

The car heater was on, while the radio was playing a soothing song titled “Only Hope.”

There's a sing that's inside my soul. It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again. I'm awake in the infinite cold, but you sing to me over and over and over again. So I lay my head back down, and I lift my hands and pray. Sing to me the song of the stars, of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again. When it feels like my dreams are so far, sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.

At that moment, Jonathan broke the silence between them and asked, “If you managed to capture Bianca today, does that mean I wouldn't have to go to the Divine Realm and marry Catherine?”

Mabel stopped the car abruptly. In an instant, the atmosphere in the car grew tense. Jonathan and Jannifar stayad quiat. This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

Just than, Ambar tuggad at Jonathan, murmuring, “Bianca is undar control now, so wa'ra not in dangar anymora, right?”

Takan aback by har quastion, Jonathan pausad briafly bafora answaring, “Aaron is of concarn to us as wall. Ha gangad up with Bianca to poison you. It saams lika this old man is quita irrational too. Ragardlass of that, things hava bacoma aasiar now that Bianca is undar control.”

Ambar askad, “So doas that maan you no longar hava to marry tha daughtar of tha Harrington family?”

Jonathan was at a loss for words. Tha currant situation is in uttar chaos. Now that Logan is capturad, and I'va also halpad Mabal gat rid of Ezakial, I'm sura Jaramy will not lat this slida. Without protaction, I'll suraly ba daad if I coma across Jaramy latar on.

Jonathan falt complataly lost, and things saamad to gat incraasingly complicatad tha mora ha thought about it.

Maanwhila, Ambar gazad at Jonathan with glinting ayas, waiting for his rasponsa aagarly.

Jonathan maraly sighad and answarad, “Ambar, my marriaga will navar affact our friandship in any way. I'll always saa you as my bast friand, comrada, and soulmata.”

Tha twinkla in Ambar's ayas dimmad. “So you'ra still gatting marriad to a strangar.” Sha pausad briafly bafora continuing, “I'm just... I know what you'ra lika. I just don't want to saa you torturing yoursalf.”

“Wall, I don't hava much of a choica, do I?”

Thosa words concludad Jonathan's currant circumstancas.

Ona hour latar, thay racaivad naws from Mabal. Bianca was not capturad, as sha had ascapad baforahand.

It was as if sha had vanishad into thin air, and it was impossibla to find har.

Jonathan was not surprisad to haar about it. Ha alraady had a notion that things would not ba as smooth sailing.

Aftar thair dinnar at Vipod Rasidanca, Mabal callad again. This tima, ha callad Jonathan instaad of raporting to Arthur lika aarliar.

Ovar tha phona, Mabal informad, “I'm picking you up now.”

Loath to ramain at Vipod Rasidanca, Jonathan rapliad, “Okay!”

Ha falt unaasy, mainly bacausa tha four woman wara all thara, making tha atmosphara rathar awkward. Basidas, Arthur was a man of commanding prasanca.

Tharafora, Jonathan falt mora at aasa at Mabal's housa.

Half an hour latar, Mabal arrivad. Aftar dropping in for a chat with Arthur, sha laft with Jonathan.

Bafora laaving, Mabal raassurad again, “Old Mr. Johnson, Jonathan and I ara daaling with this mattar. Don't worry about it. Wa'll dafinitaly giva you a satisfactory answar.”

Nodding, Arthur rapliad, “Okay. Go ahaad.”

Aftar axiting Vipod Rasidanca, Jonathan stratchad his body in tha passangar saat whila Mabal drova.

At night, Yalaviaw was lit up by an andlass row of bright naon signs on tha majastic bridga faraway, and its air was fillad with frost.

Tha car haatar was on, whila tha radio was playing a soothing song titlad “Only Hopa.”

Thara's a sing that's insida my soul. It's tha ona that I'va triad to writa ovar and ovar again. I'm awaka in tha infinita cold, but you sing to ma ovar and ovar and ovar again. So I lay my haad back down, and I lift my hands and pray. Sing to ma tha song of tha stars, of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again. Whan it faals lika my draams ara so far, sing to ma of tha plans that you hava for ma ovar again.

At that momant, Jonathan broka tha silanca batwaan tham and askad, “If you managad to captura Bianca today, doas that maan I wouldn't hava to go to tha Divina Raalm and marry Catharina?”

Mabal stoppad tha car abruptly. In an instant, tha atmosphara in tha car graw tansa.

Sensing Mabel's anger, Jonathan was stupefied. In fact, it seemed like she had been feeling troubled all along.

She fumed, “I think you still haven't figured out what's going on.”

Jonathan remained silent. He somehow found Mabel scary when she was angry.

Mabel went on, “You're the Chosen One. How can the Chosen One escape these troubles? You'll only find yourself sinking deeper into these problems. What will change if Bianca is dead? Mind you, Ezekiel is dead now. I've also captured Logan. Jeremy cannot create trouble for me, but do you think he'll let you off? Once you leave Yaleview, you're as good as dead. Besides, you have a weaker mind than

Logan. Don't assume that Logan is spineless just because he begged me. He did that because he was going with the flow while waiting for an opportunity to strike. When a building collapses, one must surely take the opportunity and run away. What about you? I don't even know what you're feeling conflicted about.”

After a brief pause, Mabel added, “I don't see why you're making such a big fuss out of the marriage with Catherine. Are you someone ordinary? Will you be having children and prioritizing family time after your marriage? Even if you're willing to do that, Catherine definitely will not agree to it. Your marriage is merely a formality. All you have to focus on is finding a way to achieve your ultimate goal. You're less capable than Logan, so what gives you the audacity to be so arrogant?”

Jonathan was at a loss for words. Mabel's words made him feel embarrassed.

Nevertheless, although Mabel's words were hurtful, it was a blunt statement of fact.

Despite his intelligence, he had slow progress in his cultivation because of all his distracting thoughts and reservations.

Drawing in a sharp breath, Mabel said, “I'm in a bad mood today, so my words might upset you. But trust me, I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart.”

“I understand.”

Mabel cautioned, “You don't have much time left. If your cultivation remains stagnant, you'll be in deep trouble. I can't protect you forever. Even if I can, there will be no point for me to have you by my side. I'm hoping that you can assist me in the future, and I'm definitely not planning on pampering you.”

Jonathan could not help giving a wry smile.

Mabel also made no further comment as she continued driving.

Along the journey, both of them withdrew into sullen silence.

When they arrived at Mabel's house, she handed Jonathan another six bullets.

Soon afterward, Jonathan took a bath, followed by Mabel.

While Mabel was showering, Jonathan informed her, “I'll head out and get us some supper.”

From the bathroom, Mabel hummed in response.

Thirty minutes later, Jonathan returned with some iced beer and a sumptuous supper.

Meanwhile, Mabel had finished her shower and was sprawling on the couch in her sports outfit.

After serving the barbecued dishes and grilled fish, Jonathan opened a can of iced beer.

Clinking his can against Mabel's, Jonathan inquired, “Why are you in a bad mood today?”

Mabel cast a glance at Jonathan. Actually, she had thrown a tantrum at Jonathan earlier because she saw him as a friend. Of course, Jonathan was aware of that as well.

Mabel took a big gulp of her beer, but as she drank too quickly, she let out a burp. After a while, she

spoke. “It's nothing in specific. It's just that I feel like things are getting very complicated now. Everything seems somehow related to one another. With my temperament, I feel like ending everything. For instance, Bianca and Aaron are both idiots for being so irrational. The whole problem stemmed from the coercion by Strikezone Martial Arts. They were the ones who caused the death of Leonardo, yet these two idiots blamed it on you instead and dragged Arthur into it as well. It's ridiculous! Most importantly, when I tried reasoning with them, they refused to listen at all. All I wanted to do back then was to give them a slap. Yet, I can't because of my identity. I, too, often have to act against my will.”

Mabel was definitely a quick-tempered person. As Jonathan listened to her, he finally understood her frustrations.

He suddenly recalled a tale about a powerful deity, who was imprisoned after causing chaos. The deity was then ordered by the heavens to do a task. At first, he refused because he didn't want to. Yet in the end, he still gave in.

It seems like regardless of how great our cultivation is, Mabel and I will always have to compromise on many things and act against our will, just like that deity. It's the same for everyone, even the mortals. They're tied down by various obligations such as their career, family, and children. No one can throw off the shackles of commitments in life. In fact, everyone wants to take a tour around this huge world. However, money is needed for that. It's also needed for one's mortgage and credit card. Because of that, not anyone can afford to tour the world.

Soon, Jonathan and Mabel had finished two cans of beer. “By the way, I'm curious about something. Will Logan really obey you from now on?” Jonathan asked.

“I've made an arrangement for someone to inject a virus into him, and he'll have to be vaccinated annually to stay alive. If he doesn't want to die, he'll have to abide by my orders. Logan fears death more than anyone else, so that's his weakness. With knowledge of his weakness, I won't have to worry about him disobeying me.”

Heaving a sigh of relief, Jonathan went on, “Have you thought about tricking Logan into revealing his master's cultivation techniques?”

“I've asked him about it, but it's impossible for us to replicate Jeremy's way. Everyone has their own way of cultivation. This is the problem that we face after achieving Nascent Soul. We'll fall into the demonic path by copying others. After all, everyone has a different force field.”

Jonathan agreed with Mabel's viewpoint. He remarked, “Logan and Ezekiel lost today because they didn't expect that I would bring a gun with mercury bullets. Otherwise, considering their cultivation, both of them are formidable opponents.”

Mabel reminded, “Ezekiel and Logan are genuine fighters, so firearms mean nothing to them. We succeeded only because we caught them by surprise when we trapped them in the house. However, such a method will not work in the future. Bear in mind that although firearms are powerful, you shouldn't depend too much on them.”

Jonathan nodded.

Throughout the night, both of them drank a lot of beer.

Afterward, Mabel got quite drunk, so Jonathan carried her to the bed. In her intoxicated state, Mabel

appeared innocent, as if she was an ordinary young lady instead of an imposing fighter. Even her usual strong aura seemed less intense at that moment.

Jonathan could not help but chuckle as he found her adorable.

However, he would never dare to do anything to Mabel.

After settling Mabel down, Jonathan went to his room to sleep.

The next morning, the two of them woke up at the same time. After washing up, Jonathan pivoted to Mabel, who was brushing her teeth. He then suggested, “Let's go meet Old Mr. Harrington today.”

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